338 research outputs found


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    Wambar village have more potential, it can be used as ecotourism attraction. The potential in Wambar village still have unconsciousness peoples problem with the potential in there. The purpose of this research is for identified the potential in Wambar village as ecotourism attraction on development based of community ecotourism in there. By using the method of descriptive analysis qualitative and the method of SWOT analysis. Based on results of two descriptive analysis qualitative, in their accordance with the purpose of this research where is the potential in Wambar village the district of central east Fakfak, based on the highest potential of descriptive analysis qualitative they have natural beauty attraction, but their having a uniqueness in language and custom which is capable to becomes an opportunity of community based ecotourism attraction. In the hope of can keep the potential environmental conservation and still keep in conserving the potential of Wambar village cultures and also provides for tourists attraction, to able to increase the activity of other tourism, increase to income of peoples in there and the activity for new economic peoples in Wambar village the district of central east Fakfak. Keywords : Village potential, peoples based ecotourism


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    Kampung Wambar memiliki berbagai potensi, potensi tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai daya tarik ekowisata. Dengan potensi yang ada di Kampung Wambar masih memiliki permasalahan ketidak sadaran masyarakat akan potensi yang ada di Kampung Wambar. Penelitian ini di maksudkan dengan tujuan mengidentifikasi potensi Kampung Wambar sebagai daya tarik ekowisata dalam pengembangan ekowisata berbasis masyarakat di Kampung Wambar. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan metode analisis SWOT. Berdasarkan hasil dua analisis deskriptif kualitatif di ketahui bahwa, di Kampung Wambar sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian ini dimana melihat potensi yang di miliki kampung wambar distrik Fakfak Timur Tengah , berdasarkan analisis deskriptif kualitatif Potensi yang paling tinggi adalah daya tarik keindahan alam, namun kampung wambar memiliki keunikan dalam bahasa dan adat istiadat yang mampu menjadi Peluang untuk daya tarik ekowisata berbasis masyarakat. Dengan harapan dapat tetap menjaga potensi keasrian alam serta dapat tetap menjaga dan melestrarikan potensi budaya dari Kampung Wambar, dan juga memberikan daya tarik bagi wisatawan, mampu meningkatkan kegiatan wisata lain, meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat Kampung dan kegiatan ekonomi baru bagi masyarkat Kampung Wambar Distrik Fakfak Timur Tengah, Kata kunci : Potensi Desa, Ekowisata Berbasis Masyarakat

    Pengenalan Huruf Abjad Pada Anak Usia Dini Dengan Gangguan Tunagrahita Ringan Melalui Pembelajaran Visuomotor

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    Penelitian berikut mempunyai tujuan untuk melakukan analisis permasalahan yang ada pada anak usia dini dengan gangguan tunagrahita ringan yaitu dalam hal kesulitan mengenal huruf abjad. Kajian literatur diunakan dalam metode penelitian ini mulai dari karya tulis ilmiah, hasil dari penelitian, buku maupun data hasil observasi yang dijadikan sebagai sumber data utama. Hasil dari penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa pengenalan huruf abjad adalah suatu gabungan dari visual dan motorik pada anak tunagrahita dengan menggunakan pembelajaran visuomotor. Pengenalan huruf abjad menggunakan pembelajaran dalam bentuk visuomotor dimulai dari pengenalan nama dan ejaan huruf, dilanjutkan dengan gambar dari huruf tersebut, kemudian anak praktek menuliskan huruf sehingga dapat menstimulasi kemampuan fisik motoriknya.Kata Kunci: Tunagrahita ringan; pengenalan huruf abjad; visuomotorThis study aims to solve problems that exist in children with mild mental retardation, namely in terms of difficulty recognizing letters of the alphabet. Literature studies are used in this research method starting from scientific works, research results, books and sources of observations which are used as data sources. The results of study can explain that introduction letters of alphabet is a combination of visual and motor in mentally retarded children using visuomotor learning. The introduction letters of alphabet using visuomotor learning starts with introduction names and spelling of letters, followed by pictures of these letters, and child writes these letters in the utilization of his motor skillsKeywords: Mild mental retardation, Recognition letters of alphabet, Visuomoto


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    The high level of Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) among prospective student teachers in their TPACK profile has significant implications. This indicates that these students possessed a strong understanding of how to effectively integrate ttechnology into their teaching practices, specifically in relation to the content they were teaching. This proficiency in TCK enables them to utilize technological tools and resources in a purposeful and pedagogically sound manner, enhancing the overall quality of instruction in the classroom. As a result, these prospective teachers are better equipped to meet the demands of the digital age and provide meaningful and engaging learning experiences for their future students. However, it is important for them to continue developing their pedagogical and content knowledge along with their technological skills to ensure a comprehensive and well-rounded TPACK profile

    Nilai–nilai nasionalisme dalam tafsir An-Nur karya M. Hasbi Ash-Shidieqy

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    Nasionalisme merupakan unsur penting dalam mempertahankan keutuhan suatu negara, karena landasan dasar nasionalisme adalah dari rasa persahabatan, senasib dan seperjuangan dalam melawan penjajahan. Dasar-dasar nasionalisme tidak terdapat di dalam Al-Qurˊan secara langsung, namun ada banyak ayat yang menjadi unsur-unsur nasionalisme. Tafsir An-Nūr yang merupakan diantara karya tafsir ulama’ asli dari Indonesia ditulis oleh M. Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy. Sehingga perlu ada adanya kajian tafsir Al-Qurˊan yang berkaitan dengan Nilai-Nilai Nasionalisme dalam tafsir An-Nūr karya M. Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy. Pokok permasalahan pada kajian penelitian yang telah dilakukan yaitu: bagaimana nilai-nilai nasionalisme dalam tafsir An-Nūr ? dan Bagaimana relevansi nasionalisme pada tafsir An-Nūr dalam kehidupan berbangsa ? Penelitian menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan atau library research berdasarkan pada tema yang ditentukan (mauḍu‘i/tematik) atau descriptive research berupa konsep nasionalisme dalam tafsir An-Nūr. Menganalisis data menggunakan cara mendiskripsikan data pada penelitian (content analysis). Nilai-nilai nasionalisme pada tafsir An-Nūr, yaitu berupa: konsep nasionalisme dijelaskan pada Al-Qurˊan, meskipun tidak dinyatakan secara langsung, yaitu berupa do’a yang dilakukan nabi Ibrahim AS. pada negara yang sangat beliau cintai adalah Makkah Mukarrahmah. Nasionalisme pada firman Allah dapat diambil dari konsep dari kata syu’ub, qaum dan ummah, yang mengandung makna dengan tanah air. Nasionalisme sebagai paham kecintaan terhadap tanah air bukan persatuan pada umat, namun dari macam-macam adat, suku, keragaman agama, berbagai bahasa, kebudayaan dan perbedaan dalam setiap wilayah bisa bersatu dalam tatanan kenegaraan. Al-Qurˊan memaknai konsep nasionalisme dengan dengan banyak definisi, diantaranya: sikap dengan memberikan prestasi bagi negerinya, memiliki spirit kejiwaan serta kesatuan bagi bangsanya dengan tidak menganggap rendah negara selain tanah airnya. Sikap kebangsaan dan kenegaraan diimplementasikan melalui sikap saling menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan, berperikeadilan yaitu bersikap adil, menyebarkan dan sikap yang baik, melestarikan alam sekitar, ikut serta dalam mempertahankan keamanan negara serta memiliki sikap mau berjuang untuk negeranya, yang terdapat dalam wahyu ilahi. Mengimplementasikan sikap-sikap tersebut sebagai bentuk rasa cinta tanah air (nasionalisme) dengan mewujudkan maksud dan tujuan negara dalam suatu bangsa yang bersatu menciptakan kemakmuran, keharmonisan, keamanan serta kesejahteran sehingga menjadi negeri yang tangguh

    Effect of Acid Concentration on the Properties of Microcrystalline Cellulose from Pineapple Crown Leaf

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    Microcrystalline cellulose was first extracted from pineapple crown leaf waste which is used very rarely as an alternative material from agricultural residue and then characterized. Microcrystalline cellulose was extracted from this waste through acid hydrolysis with various concentrations. The effect of acidconcentrations with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) on microcrystalline cellulose properties was investigated to determine its potential application as a material. Pineapple crown leaf was hydrolyzed for 2 hours at 45℃ along with various sulfuric acid concentrations (1, 2, and 3 M). The properties of the cellulose were evaluated by Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transforms infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Among all the hydrolysis conditions carried out, the best hydrolysis condition was 3 M sulfuric acid. At this hydrolysis condition, the microcrystalline cellulose presented a rod-like shape, high crystallinity at 83.16%, and have average crystal size of 17.99 nm. The functional group and morphology analysis showed that the resulted product is maintained cellulose I structure and removal of non-cellulosic constituents and the chemical compositions. As for the thermal analysis, the temperature decreased from 177℃ (2 M sulfuric acid) to 149℃ (3 M sulfuric acid) because of the incorporation of sulfate groups after the hydrolysis process. Therefore, microcrystalline cellulose obtained from pineapple crown leaf waste has great potential as reinforcement in the manufacture of composites.


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    TPK, and TPACK constructs, which prompted researchers to question the peculiarities of these three TPACK domains. Referring to TPACK's weaknesses in terms of precision and heuristic values, they concluded that TPACK may be theoretically effective but provides limited practical benefits for teachers, researchers, and administrators. The high level of Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) among prospective student teachers in their TPACK profile has significant implications. This indicates that these students possessed a strong understanding of how to effectively integrate ttechnology into their teaching practices,  specifically  in  relation  to  the  content  they  were  teaching

    Utilization of Life Skills Training Results In Enhancing Self-Employed Alumni LKP Nuning Kota Cimahi

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    Entrepreneurship is the right choice to improve the life of the economy independently. Whether it's the economy of ourselves personally, even the economy in general in a bigger scope. Cimahi City as one of the cities in Indonesia that has the number of unemployed as many as 2,903 people in 2015. Based on data obtained from the Department of Manpower Cimahi City in 2016, it is known that only about 25.2% alone the amount of unemployment that can be absorbed on the job there is. Based on the conditions in this field, needed an empowerment to overcome the condition. One of the empowerment activities that can be done to overcome this condition through life skills training in the field of bridal makeup organized by Course and Training Institute. But the activity of the alumni of post life skill training training needs to be seen again. Like what the alumni are applying the results of training in entrepreneurship.                This research uses qualitative approach with descriptive method. The subject of this research is alumni of LKP Nuning Kota Cimahi in bridal make up. Data collection techniques in this study using interview techniques, observation, and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that the life skills training process in bridal makeup field consists of preparation process, implementation process, evaluation process, and mentoring process. It can be said that 75% of LKP Nuning alumni in the field of bridal makeup have successfully entrepreneurship independently.                This bridal makeup training really helps the alumni in improving their economic and social position in the community. After the training, the alumni began to pioneer their business independently. Promoting online and offline, improving existence through professional organization activities, as well as setting aside funds for upgrading on her dressing skills. In addition, they begin to encounter the obstacles in it. In general, the obstacles faced are divided into 4 issues namely, capital constraints, business competition obstacles, barriers to trend changes that are too fast, and hambantan management of business management. However, not all alumni succeeded in becoming bridal cosmetic. There are also alumni who return to their original job or remain a housewife.   Keywords: Entrepreneurship Independence, Life Skills, Bridal Makeu