124 research outputs found

    Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris race 1 is the main causal agent of black rot of Brassicas in Southern Mozambique

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    Severe outbreaks of bacterial black rot caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) were observed in Brassica production fields of Southern Mozambique. The causal agent of the disease in the Mahotas and Chòkwé districts was identified and characterised. In total, 83 Xanthomonas-like strains were isolated from seed samples and leaves of cabbage and tronchuda cole with typical symptoms of the disease. Forty-six out of the 83 strains were found to be putative Xcc in at least one of the tests used: Classical biochemical assays, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with monoclonal antibodies, Biolog identification system, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with specific primers and pathogenicity tests. The ELISA tests were positive for 43 strains. Biolog identified 43 strains as Xanthomonas, but only 32 as Xcc. PCR tests with primers targeting a fragment of the hrpF gene were positive for all 46 strains tested. Three strains were not pathogenic or weakly pathogenic and all other strains caused typical black rot symptoms in brassicas. Race type differentiation tests revealed the Xcc strains from Mozambique as members of race 1. The prevalence of this pathogenic race of the Xcc pathogen in Mozambique should be considered when black rot resistant cultivars are evaluated or introduced into the production regions of this country

    PT-supersymmetric partner of a short-range square well

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    In a box of size LL, a spatially antisymmetric square-well potential of a purely imaginary strength ig{\rm i}g and size l<Ll < L is interpreted as an initial element of the SUSY hierarchy of solvable Hamiltonians, the energies of which are all real for g<gc(l)g < g_c(l). The first partner potential is constructed in closed form and discussed.Comment: 8 pages, no figure, presented at PHHQP3, Istanbul, June 20-22, 2005, to be published in Czech. J. Phy

    View-based Owicki-Gries reasoning for persistent x86-TSO

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    The rise of persistent memory is disrupting computing to its core. Our work aims to help programmers navigate this brave new world by providing a program logic for reasoning about x86 code that uses low-level operations such as memory accesses and fences, as well as persistency primitives such as flushes. Our logic, Pierogi, benefits from a simple underlying operational semantics based on views, is able to handle optimised flush operations, and is mechanised in the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant. We detail the proof rules of Pierogi and prove them sound. We also show how Pierogi can be used to reason about a range of challenging single- and multi-threaded persistent program

    Loss of correlation between HIV viral load and CD4+ T-cell counts in HIV/HTLV-1 co-infection in treatment naive Mozambican patients

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    Seven hundred and four HIV-1/2-positive, antiretroviral therapy (ART) naĂŻve patients were screened for HTLV-1 infection. Antibodies to HTLV-1 were found in 32/704 (4.5%) of the patients. Each co-infected individual was matched with two HIV mono-infected patients according to World Health Organization clinical stage, age +/-5 years and gender. Key clinical and laboratory characteristics were compared between the two groups. Mono-infected and co-infected patients displayed similar clinical characteristics. However, co-infected patients had higher absolute CD4+ T-cell counts (P = 0.001), higher percentage CD4+ T-cell counts (P < 0.001) and higher CD4/CD8 ratios (P < 0.001). Although HIV plasma RNA viral loads were inversely correlated with CD4+ T-cell-counts in mono-infected patients (P < 0.0001), a correlation was not found in co-infected individuals (P = 0.11). Patients with untreated HIV and HTLV-1 co-infection show a dissociation between immunological and HIV virological markers. Current recommendations for initiating ART and chemoprophylaxis against opportunistic infections in resource-poor settings rely on more readily available CD4+ T-cell counts without viral load parameters. These guidelines are not appropriate for co-infected individuals in whom high CD4+ T-cell counts persist despite high HIV viral load states. Thus, for co-infected patients, even in resource-poor settings, HIV viral loads are likely to contribute information crucial for the appropriate timing of ART introduction

    O impacto do apoio social e da necessidade de recuperação na relação entre off-task conversation e bem-estar subjetivo

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    O presente estudo visa investigar a relação entre off-task conversation, apoio social de colegas e supervisores, necessidade de recuperação e bem-estar subjetivo. Foi desenvolvida uma escala de off-task conversation, a qual foi, juntamente com outros instrumentos, utilizada num questionário. Foram recolhidos dados (N = 161) desse questionário, analisados com recurso à PROCESS macro. Os resultados mostram que o valor do efeito indireto é significativo e positivo. Confirma-se a hipótese inicial que o apoio social de colegas e supervisores e a necessidade de recuperação medeiam sequencialmente a relação entre off-task conversation e bem-estar subjetivo. Deste modo, quanto mais altos forem os valores de off-task conversation, maior é a perceção de apoio social de colegas e supervisores; quanto maior for o apoio social de colegas e supervisores, menor é a necessidade de recuperação e, quanto menor for a necessidade de recuperação, maior é o bem-estar subjetivo (com a vida). Conclui-se, assim, que a off-task conversation surge como um elemento importante para a prestação de apoio e suporte no contexto profissional, sendo que as interações informais acabam por ter um grande peso, ainda que de forma indireta, no bem-estar dos sujeitos.The present study aims to investigate the relationship between off-task conversation, social support from colleagues and supervisors, need for recuperation and subjective well-being. An off-task conversation scale was developed and, together with the other instruments, it was used in a survey. The data from the survey (N = 161) was analysed using the PROCESS macro. Findings show that the indirect effect value is significative and positive. The initial hypothesis that social support from colleagues and supervisors and the need for recovery sequentially mediate the relationship between off-task conversation and subjective well-being is confirmed. Thus, the higher the values of off-task conversation, the higher the perceived social support from colleagues and supervisors; the higher the social support from colleagues and supervisors, the lower the need for recovery; and the lower the need for recovery, the higher the subjective well-being. Therefore, it is possible to draw the conclusion that off-task conversation emerges as an important element to provide support in the professional context and that informal interactions end up having a great weight, even if indirectly, on the subjects’ well-being

    Surveillance of HIV Drug Resistance in Children Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy: A Pilot Study of the World Health Organization's Generic Protocol in Maputo, Mozambique

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    Between 2007 and 2008, the Mozambique Ministry of Health conducted an assessment of human immunodeficiency virus drug resistance (HIVDR) using World Health Organization (WHO) methods in a cohort of children initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) at the main pediatric ART referral center in Mozambique. It was shown that prior to ART initiation 5.4% of children had HIVDR that was associated with nevirapine perinatal exposure (P < .001). Twelve months after ART initiation, 77% had viral load suppression (<1000 copies/mL), exceeding the WHO target of ≥70%; 10.3% had HIVDR at 12 months. Baseline HIVDR (P = .04), maternal prevention of mother-to-child transmission (P = .02), and estimated days of missed medication (P = .03) predicted HIVDR at 12 months. As efforts to eliminate pediatric AIDS are intensified, implementation of ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor regimens in children with prevention of mother-to-child transmission exposure may reduce risk of virological failure in our settin

    Creativity, Readiness for Changes and Tolerance for Ambiguity

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    Under the conditions of precarious situation, caused by the global pandemic and unprecedented restrictions, aimed at countering it, productivity of specialists in various fields of work is reducing significantly. This is particularly true of activities, conducted through direct communication between concerned parties. In order to counter instability, workers have to develop creativity, readiness for changes and tolerance for ambiguity. The goal of research is to establish correlations between the type of professional activity and creativity, readiness for changes and tolerance for ambiguity. The respondents of the study were 260 people of working age –the staff of event, tourism, restaurant business, trade, IT spheres. The research procedure included organizational, target-oriented, empirical, final stages. Time limits of the study – April – July 2020. For psychodiagnostics the article uses the Torrance test of creative thinking, diagnostics of personal creativity by Tunik, the methodology “personal readiness for changes”, the scale of individual’s tolerance for ambiguity by McLain. The study found clear correlations between the indicators of creativity, readiness for changes and tolerance for ambiguity. The original model of a creative specialist (endowed with originality, adaptability, optimism and common sense) in the conditions of changes and uncertainty was formed in the research.The results of psychodiagnostics showed the highest indicators of creativity among IT workers, readiness for changes–among the staff of IT and event spheres, tolerance for ambiguity–among retail workers. In the conditions of pandemic destruction, the workers of the tourism industry were the least creative, while the workers of the event sphere turned out to be unprepared for changes and the workers of the event and tourism industries –intolerant for ambiguity. The results of the study can be used to develop correctional programs to increase the staff’s creativity, readiness for changes, tolerance for ambiguity. It is the development and implementation of effective psycho-correctional programs for the use of real communication and digital tools that are the prospect of further scientific research on the ways to solve the problem. </p

    Interaction of 4 allotropic modifications of carbon nanoparticles with living tissues

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    Environmental pollution and technological progress lead to carbon nanoparticles that pose a serious health risk. They are present in soot, dust, and printing toner and can also be formed during grinding and cutting. Human neutrophils are able to sequester foreign material by formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), a process that can cause a strong inflammatory response. In the current work we compared proinflammatory properties of different carbon-based nanostructures: nanodiamonds, graphene oxide, fullere­nes C60 and carbon dots. We tested adjuvant properties of carbon nanoparticles in a murine immunization model by investigating humoral (specific IgG and IgM antibodies) and cellular (delayed type hypersensitivity) immune responses. The ability of NETs to sequester nanoparticles was analyzed in a mouse air pouch model and neutrophil activation was verified by in vivo tracking of near-infrared labeled nanodiamonds and ex vivo fluorescent assays using human blood-derived neutrophils. All carbon nanoparticles exhibited proinflammatory adjuvant-like properties by stimulating production of specific IgG but not IgM antibodies (humoral immune response). The adjuvant-like response decreased in this order: from nanodiamonds, graphene oxide, fullerenes C60 to carbon dots. None of the studied carbon nanoparticles triggered a delayed type hypersensitivity reaction (cellular immune response). Nanodiamonds and fullerenes C60 were sequestrated in the body by NETs, as confirmed in the air pouch model and by in vivo fluorescent tracking of near-infrared labeled nanodiamonds
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