6 research outputs found

    Results of Studies of Genetic Heterogeneity in Hantavirus RNA-Isolates, Found in the Territory of the Saratov Region

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    With a view to obtain the data on intraspecific diversity of Hantaviruses circulating in the territory of the Saratov Region, carried out has been molecular-genetic testing of the field and clinical material. Using PCR assay, Hantavirus RNA has been detected in 25 samples obtained from small mammals and 15 blood samples of HFRS patients. Sequencing of 14 hantavirus RNA-isolates from rodents and 3 RNA-isolates from clinical material has made it possible to identify their taxonomic appurtenance to Puumala virus. Phylogenetic analysis of RNA-isolates has revealed that all of them are characterized by high degree of homology in between themselves (99.8 %) and substantial distinction from the known Puumala strains, frequently occurring in Russia (3.6-21 %). Therewith, verified has been circulation of Puumala virus in the territory of the Saratov Region using molecular-genetic techniques. Identified genetic differences of Saratov RNA-isolates, in particular, opens a further prospect for allocation of the sites where people can contract HFRS infection

    Life history characteristics of a potential invasive Ponto-Caspian goby, Neogobius fluviatilis in natural lakes from its native range (Black Sea region of Turkey)

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    To fill the gap in and provide baseline knowledge for developing increased understandings of the factors driving the invasiveness of the Ponto-Caspian gobiid Neogobius fluviatilis, their life history traits (as somatic growth and reproduction) were studied in three natural freshwater lakes in its native range. These populations were characterised by slow somatic growth rates, being the slowest reported across all of their native and non-native ranges. Ages were recorded to seven years old. Across the three lakes, there was considerable variability in their sex ratios and reproductive traits (including length at maturity and fecundity at length and age), revealing considerable inter-population variability. These data thus suggest N. fluviatilis has considerable plasticity in the expression of their life history traits, with this plasticity argued as a key factor in facilitating their ability to establish and invade new waters following introductions

    Management of Diagnostic Investigations at the Premises of Specialized Anti-Epidemic Team Mobile Complex at the Time of Running Mass Events

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    Laboratory support of epidemiological surveillance plays a significant role in the provision of sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population at the time of preparations to and carrying out public events. Taking into consideration the increment of load upon the laboratory facilities of the Rospotrebnadzor institutions and general medical-and-prophylactic establishments, there emerges a need to deploy specialized anti-epidemic teams. By the example of management of the laboratory investigations in SAET mobile complex during XXVII World-wide Summer Universiade in Kazan, 2013 and G-20 Summit in Saint-Petersburg, 2013 formulated have been the basic principles of organization and algorithms of diagnostic work at the premises of laboratory facilities of SAET mobile unit deployed in order to provide for sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population at the time of running public events

    Management of the Investigation and Detection of Legionellosis Agent in the Environmental Samples during the Preparation and Holding of the XXII Winter Olympics and XI Paralympics in Sochi

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    Provided are the data on the management and carrying out of the laboratory control over the hot-water supply systems of the sports venues and accommodation areas for the presence of Legionella pneumophila during the XXII Olympics and XI Paralympics in Sochi, 2014. Inspected have been 105 facilities. The samples from 37 of them showed positive. L. pneumophila DNA concentration varies between 2.19·102 and 3.92·107 genome equivalents (g.e.)/l. By means of bacteriological investigation detected have been legionella colonies in the water supply systems of 16 facilities, at one of the items - the loading is over 1·104 colony-forming units/l. Performed has been comparative analysis of the results obtained using PCR assay and bacteriological test. Based on the genotyping of 7 isolated strains serogroup 1 and 2 strains of 2-14 serogroups it is concluded that L. pneumophila strains circulating in the resort town Sochi are genetically heterogeneous