22 research outputs found

    O estudo da linguagem chinesa de estrangeiros como parte do turismo linguístico e nas universidades da China

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    In this article, the authors consider the problems of the growing popularity of learning the Chinese language which is nowadays becoming more and more demanded and actual in the spheres of world trading businesses, culture and science. For successful and effective mastering Chinese, it is recommended to learn it, as well as other foreign languages by using the method of immersion in the native speakers’ country. Thus, for people willing to learn Chinese there are two alternative variants. In the first case, one studies it as a part of linguistic tourism combining recreation and education and this kind of programs is focused on tastes and financial possibilities of tourists. In the second case, the studies are organized in the state universities and colleges of PRC and considered as education. Even if the specialty chosen is not connected with linguistics, preparation for major subject studies is the Chinese language course lasting for 1-2 years. The authors point out that it is possible for state university and college students’ to win scholarships and grants in case of a successful school performance which can cover partially or completely their education-related costs in PRC. For realizing these possibilities, the state organizations established by the Chinese government take such actions as founding the Confucius Institutes, intended for popularization of the Chinese language worldwide, and special information agencies and consortiums, providing guidance to high-school graduates in their choice of Chinese universities and colleges for getting education.En este artículo, los autores consideran los problemas de la creciente popularidad del aprendizaje del idioma chino, que cada vez es más demandado y real en las esferas de los negocios, la cultura y la ciencia a nivel mundial. Para obtener un dominio chino exitoso y eficaz, se recomienda aprenderlo, así como otros idiomas extranjeros, mediante el método de inmersión en el país de los hablantes nativos. Por lo tanto, para las personas dispuestas a aprender chino, existen dos variantes alternativas. En el primer caso, se estudia como parte del turismo lingüístico que combina recreación y educación, y este tipo de programas se centra en los gustos y las posibilidades financieras de los turistas. En el segundo caso, los estudios se organizan en las universidades y facultades estatales de la República Popular China y se consideran como educación. Incluso si la especialidad elegida no está relacionada con la lingüística, la preparación para los principales estudios de asignaturas es el curso de chino que dura de 1 a 2 años. Los autores señalan que es posible que los estudiantes universitarios y universitarios estatales ganen becas y subvenciones en caso de un rendimiento escolar exitoso que pueda cubrir parcial o totalmente sus costos relacionados con la educación en China. Para hacer realidad estas posibilidades, las organizaciones estatales establecidas por el gobierno chino toman medidas como fundar los Institutos Confucio, destinados a la popularización del idioma chino en todo el mundo, y agencias y consorcios de información especial, que proporcionan orientación a los graduados de secundaria en su elección de universidades chinas y universidades para obtener educación.Neste artigo, os autores consideram os problemas da crescente popularidade da aprendizagem da língua chinesa, que é cada vez mais exigida e real nas esferas de negócios, cultura e ciência em todo o mundo. Para obter um domínio chinês bem-sucedido e eficaz, recomenda-se aprendê-lo, assim como outras línguas estrangeiras, através do método de imersão em idioma nativo no país. Portanto, para pessoas dispostas a aprender chinês, existem duas variantes alternativas. No primeiro caso, ele é estudado como parte do turismo linguístico que combina recreação e educação, e esse tipo de programas se concentra nos gostos e possibilidades financeiras dos turistas. No segundo caso, os estudos são organizados nas universidades e faculdades estaduais da República Popular da China e são considerados como educação. Mesmo que a especialidade escolhida não esteja relacionada à lingüística, a preparação para os principais estudos temáticos é o curso de chinês que dura de 1 a 2 anos. Os autores observam que é possível para estudantes universitários e universitários estaduais ganhar bolsas de estudo e bolsas no caso de um desempenho escolar bem-sucedido que possa cobrir parcialmente ou totalmente seus custos relacionados à educação na China. Para tornar essas possibilidades realmente organizações estatais estabelecidas pelo governo chinês tome medidas como fundadores Institutos Confúcio, que visam popularizar a língua chinesa em todo o mundo, e agências e consórcios de informação especial, que fornecem orientação para os graduados do ensino médio na sua escolha de universidades chinesas. e universidades para obter educação

    Changes in the reflex excitability of the soleus spinal center in humans performing various motor tasks

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    The reflex excitability of the soleus spinal motoneurons was assessed in healthy subjects performing different types of motor tasks: voluntary contraction of the flexor (dorsal flexion) and extensor (plantar flexion) muscles of the foot. The effect of the contraction strength of these muscles was also evaluated. During dorsal flexion of the ipsi-and contralateral feet, changes in the reflex ecitability of the soleus motoneurons were unidirectional: the excitability decreased. The decrease in the reflex excitability was more profound during dorsal flexion with the maximum strength than with the half-maximum strength. During the plantar flexion of the ipsi-and contralateral feet, the excitability of the soleus motoneurons changed in opposite directions: in some subjects it increased, while in the others it decreased. The reflex excitability of the soleus motoneurons changed to a greater extent during dorsal or plantar flexion of the ipsilateral foot. In the case of plantar flexion, the soleus motor center is possibly affected by a broader spectrum of influences than in the case of dorsal flexion, which can explain the variations in the reflex excitability changes during plantar flexion. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2006

    Inhibitory systems of the spinal cord in the control of interactions of functionally coupled muscles

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    Studies on muscle functional coupling mechanisms have detected excitatory and inhibitory reflex systems differing in their organization at the spinal level. The classic notions on inhibitory interactions between antagonists at the motoneuronal and premotoneuronal levels are supplemented with data on excitatory interactions. Mutual excitation of synergist muscles is also not the only possible type of interaction: inhibitory relationships are found in the system of synergists under certain physiological conditions. This organization of the motor centers of antagonists and synergists enhances the possibilities for fine coordination of their activity, inhibition and disinhibition mechanisms playing an important role in this system. Data on the inhibitory systems of the spinal cord, in particular, the inhibitory interactions between functionally coupled muscles, are reviewed. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc. 2007

    Ictal and interictal MEG in pediatric patients with tuberous sclerosis and drug resistant epilepsy

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    Purpose: Drug resistant epilepsy (DRE) is common in patients with tuberous sclerosis (TS). Interictal MEG has been shown as a valuable instrument in the presurgical workup. The goal of our study was to evaluate the role of ictal MEG in epileptogenic tuber selection, especially in patients with multiple irritative zones. Methods: The clinical and MEG data of 23 patients with TS and DRE from two medical/research centers were reviewed. Seven pediatric patients, who had seizures during MEG recording and underwent resection or disconnection surgery, were included into the study. Cortical sources of ictal and interictal epileptiform MEG discharges were compared with epileptogenic zone location in six patients with favorable surgery outcome. Results: In patients who improved substantially after surgery all resected and several other tubers demonstrated epileptiform activity on interictal MEG. Ictal MEG provided crucial information about lobar location of the seizure onset zone (SOZ) in two cases, and in the other four it confirmed the SOZ location derived from the interictal data. In one case, ictal MEG findings were unreliable. In one patient, who did not benefit from surgical treatment, the resected tubers did not overlap with interictal and ictal MEG sources. Conclusion: The combination of interictal and ictal MEG is a valuable tool for identification of the epileptogenic tuber/tubers in presurgical work-up in patients with TS.Peer reviewe

    Modulation of soleus H-reflex during dorsal and plantar flexions in the human ankle joint

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    Recording of the H-reflex was used to study the changes in the reflex excitability of soleus motoneurons during dorsal and plantar flexions of the ipsilateral and contralateral feet performed with different strengths by 15 healthy subjects. The dorsiflexion of the ipsilateral foot was accompanied by the "classic" reciprocal inhibition of the soleus motoneurons, the degree of the inhibition being directly proportional to the strength of the contraction of pretibial muscles and depending on the presence of foot support. The plantar flexion of the ipsilateral foot was accompanied by changes in reflex excitability, which were inversely proportional to the strength of the flexion. This was apparently related to the activation of a mechanism protecting the muscle against excessive contraction. The dorsal and plantar flexions of the contralateral foot were accompanied by similar changes in the reflex excitability of soleus motoneurons, namely, an increase in the case of weak contraction and a decrease in the case of strong contraction. However, the increase in reflex excitability during contralateral dorsiflexion was smaller and its decrease began at a weaker contraction than in the case of contralateral plantar flexion. The changes in the reflex excitability of soleus motoneurons during movements of the contralateral foot, which were also strength-dependent, confirmed the presence of cross-projections that are likely to be part of the generator of the central pattern of lower limb movement coordination. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc. 2006

    Modulation of soleus H-reflex during dorsal and plantar flexions in the human ankle joint

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    Recording of the H-reflex was used to study the changes in the reflex excitability of soleus motoneurons during dorsal and plantar flexions of the ipsilateral and contralateral feet performed with different strengths by 15 healthy subjects. The dorsiflexion of the ipsilateral foot was accompanied by the "classic" reciprocal inhibition of the soleus motoneurons, the degree of the inhibition being directly proportional to the strength of the contraction of pretibial muscles and depending on the presence of foot support. The plantar flexion of the ipsilateral foot was accompanied by changes in reflex excitability, which were inversely proportional to the strength of the flexion. This was apparently related to the activation of a mechanism protecting the muscle against excessive contraction. The dorsal and plantar flexions of the contralateral foot were accompanied by similar changes in the reflex excitability of soleus motoneurons, namely, an increase in the case of weak contraction and a decrease in the case of strong contraction. However, the increase in reflex excitability during contralateral dorsiflexion was smaller and its decrease began at a weaker contraction than in the case of contralateral plantar flexion. The changes in the reflex excitability of soleus motoneurons during movements of the contralateral foot, which were also strength-dependent, confirmed the presence of cross-projections that are likely to be part of the generator of the central pattern of lower limb movement coordination. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc. 2006

    Changes in the reflex excitability of the soleus spinal center in humans performing various motor tasks

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    The reflex excitability of the soleus spinal motoneurons was assessed in healthy subjects performing different types of motor tasks: voluntary contraction of the flexor (dorsal flexion) and extensor (plantar flexion) muscles of the foot. The effect of the contraction strength of these muscles was also evaluated. During dorsal flexion of the ipsi-and contralateral feet, changes in the reflex ecitability of the soleus motoneurons were unidirectional: the excitability decreased. The decrease in the reflex excitability was more profound during dorsal flexion with the maximum strength than with the half-maximum strength. During the plantar flexion of the ipsi-and contralateral feet, the excitability of the soleus motoneurons changed in opposite directions: in some subjects it increased, while in the others it decreased. The reflex excitability of the soleus motoneurons changed to a greater extent during dorsal or plantar flexion of the ipsilateral foot. In the case of plantar flexion, the soleus motor center is possibly affected by a broader spectrum of influences than in the case of dorsal flexion, which can explain the variations in the reflex excitability changes during plantar flexion. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2006

    Modulation of soleus H-reflex during dorsal and plantar flexions in the human ankle joint

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    Recording of the H-reflex was used to study the changes in the reflex excitability of soleus motoneurons during dorsal and plantar flexions of the ipsilateral and contralateral feet performed with different strengths by 15 healthy subjects. The dorsiflexion of the ipsilateral foot was accompanied by the "classic" reciprocal inhibition of the soleus motoneurons, the degree of the inhibition being directly proportional to the strength of the contraction of pretibial muscles and depending on the presence of foot support. The plantar flexion of the ipsilateral foot was accompanied by changes in reflex excitability, which were inversely proportional to the strength of the flexion. This was apparently related to the activation of a mechanism protecting the muscle against excessive contraction. The dorsal and plantar flexions of the contralateral foot were accompanied by similar changes in the reflex excitability of soleus motoneurons, namely, an increase in the case of weak contraction and a decrease in the case of strong contraction. However, the increase in reflex excitability during contralateral dorsiflexion was smaller and its decrease began at a weaker contraction than in the case of contralateral plantar flexion. The changes in the reflex excitability of soleus motoneurons during movements of the contralateral foot, which were also strength-dependent, confirmed the presence of cross-projections that are likely to be part of the generator of the central pattern of lower limb movement coordination. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc. 2006

    Changes in the reflex excitability of the soleus spinal center in humans performing various motor tasks

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    The reflex excitability of the soleus spinal motoneurons was assessed in healthy subjects performing different types of motor tasks: voluntary contraction of the flexor (dorsal flexion) and extensor (plantar flexion) muscles of the foot. The effect of the contraction strength of these muscles was also evaluated. During dorsal flexion of the ipsi-and contralateral feet, changes in the reflex ecitability of the soleus motoneurons were unidirectional: the excitability decreased. The decrease in the reflex excitability was more profound during dorsal flexion with the maximum strength than with the half-maximum strength. During the plantar flexion of the ipsi-and contralateral feet, the excitability of the soleus motoneurons changed in opposite directions: in some subjects it increased, while in the others it decreased. The reflex excitability of the soleus motoneurons changed to a greater extent during dorsal or plantar flexion of the ipsilateral foot. In the case of plantar flexion, the soleus motor center is possibly affected by a broader spectrum of influences than in the case of dorsal flexion, which can explain the variations in the reflex excitability changes during plantar flexion. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2006