19 research outputs found

    Review on resins used for embedding samples expressing fluorescent protein.

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    <p>Review on resins used for embedding samples expressing fluorescent protein.</p

    Different formulation of GMA and its fluorescence preservation.

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    a<p>For each group, mean value of fluorescence preservation of 6 neurons is calculated.</p

    Comparison of fluorescence preservation and penetration ability of four resins.

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    a<p>the pH of four resins is tested with pH meter.</p>b<p>Fluorescence preservation of a neuron = fluorescence intensity of neuron after embedding/fluorescence intensity of neuron before embedding * 100%. For each resin, at least fluorescence preservation of 6 neurons are analyzed and then averaged.</p

    Fluorescence intensity of neurons is improved with optimized GMA resin.

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    <p>Brain sections imaged with two-photon microscopy using the same parameter settings before (a, b) and after embedding (a 1, b 1). Scale bar, 20 µm. Each image is a max-projection of the image stacks of the brain slice (thickness: 20 µm).</p

    A case study on safety measures at median openings on four-lane trunk roads in China

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    This paper describes the safety improvements that were made to an 11km long section of Class-I highway in Hexian county in the province of Anhui (chainage K45 to chainage K56) and summarizes the results of tests used to evaluate the likely changes in risk. Class-I highways mainly function as arterial highways with high design speeds (e.g. 80km/h, 100km/h) but have at-grade intersections and access points (that is, they are not accessed controlled). They typically have two lanes in each direction with a median. Following the occurrence of two deaths and four injuries on the road section during a four month period, conditions on the road were examined, including conducting a ChinaRAP assessment, and improvements were rapidly made. The improvements included speed management, adjustment of median openings, installation of protected turn lanes and delineation. In the 12 months after the improvements were made, no fatal or serious crashes occurred. Evaluations also show that there have been reductions in speed, improvements in the ChinaRAP risk scores and good acceptance of the changes by the local community

    Morphology of pyramidal neurons (hippocampus) is well preserved after being embedded in optimized GMA resin.

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    <p>A brain section from a Thy1-eYFP-H mouse imaged with two-photon microscopy before (a) and after embedding (b). (c) Merged images from (a) and (b). Scale bar, 20 µm. Each image is a max-projection of the image stacks of the brain slice (thickness: 60 µm).</p

    Effect of Functionalized Graphene Oxide with Organophosphorus Oligomer on the Thermal and Mechanical Properties and Fire Safety of Polystyrene

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    A novel organophosphorus oligomer was synthesized to functionalize graphene oxide. Subsequently, the functionalized graphene oxide (FGO) was incorporated into polystyrene (PS) to enhance the integration properties of the matrix. The effect of FGO on the thermal properties, fire safety, and mechanical properties of PS nanocomposites was investigated. The results showed that the introduction of FGO significantly increased the maximum decomposition temperature (<i>T</i><sub>max</sub>) (25 °C increase), reduced the total heat release (20.8% reduction), and peak heat release rate (38.2% reduction) of PS. In addition, the thermogravimetric analysis/infrared spectrometry analysis results indicated that the amount of organic volatiles and toxic carbon monoxide of PS was remarkably reduced. The physical barrier effect of FGO and the synergistic effects between the organophosphorus oligomer and FGO were the main causations for these properties improvements. Homogeneous dispersion of FGO into the polymer matrix improved the mechanical properties of FGO/PS nanocomposites, as demonstrated by tensile tests results

    Preparation of Large-Size Reduced Graphene Oxide-Wrapped Ammonium Polyphosphate and Its Enhancement of the Mechanical and Flame Retardant Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethane

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    A facile and novel approach is provided to improve the dispersion of large-size reduced graphene oxide (LRGO) in a polymer matrix through attachment on the surface of ammonium polyphosphate (APP) in the medium of (3-aminopropyl) triethoxysilane (APTS). Here, a series of LRGO-wrapped APP (named LRAPP) were first prepared and successfully characterized and then blended into thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). The introduction of LRGO increased the interfacial adhesion between the APP and polymer, thus achieving remarkable enhancement in mechanical and flame retardant properties. Especially TPU/LRAPP1, where APP is encapsulated by 1% LRGO, can obtain a huge increase in tensile strength and elongation at break (189.7% and 24.6%, respectively) compared to those of TPU/APP. In addition, LRAPP0.5 encapsulated by only 0.5% of LRGO could effectively restrain the melt–dripping phenomenon in TPU composites and acquired the lowest peak heat release rate value of 170.6 kW/m<sup>2</sup>. This novel strategy aims to broaden extensive application of large-size graphene