41 research outputs found

    India: welcome Johar!

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    A World Bank-funded loan project has been developed in the Indian state of Jharkhand to enhance and diversify household incomes for targeted beneficiaries through fish culture. Jharkhand is one of Indiaā€™s poorest states. Its poverty rate is the highest in the country after Chhattisgarhā€™s, with 37 per cent of the population below the poverty line. The average rate of decline in poverty in Jharkhand up to 2012 was 0.9 per cent per yearā€”much slower than in the rest of Indiaā€™s rate of 4.8 per cent per year. A female literacy rate of 55 per cent is much lower than the rest of Indiaā€™s rate of 65 per cent. Malnourishment is a serious problem; 47 per cent of the children under five years are stunted, about 42 per cent are underweight and 16 per cent are wasted. More than 70 per cent of women and about 67 per cent of adolescent girls in the state are anaemic. Most households lack basic access to water and sanitation

    Design and Analysis of Standalone PV System

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    Most of the energy sources originate from tried and conventional sources like fossil fuels, for example, coal, natural gasses and crude oil. Then comes the hydro power systems. These powers are frequently termed as non-renewable energy sources. But generation of hydro power requires water storage systems. As the conventional energy sources are present in limited amount generation of renewable energy sources like solar, tidal etc. is a great necessity of these days. In this project we have modelled the standalone voltage source inverter first by using a DC source as input power and then instead of using direct DC source, a PV system is connected as input source and the output of the inverter is studied and analyzed. The unregulated DC output supply of the PV array is mainly because of changes in weather conditions. The maximum power is tracked with respect to irradiance levels and temperature by the help of DC-DC converter. The AC output voltage and frequency are regulated. Sinusoid pulse width modulation (SPWM) technique is implemented for voltage control for inverter and it is a closed loop control. For the design of inverter, its state space model is formulated and effects of various parameters like load resistance, controller gain and time constant is analyze

    Measuring Research Excellence with Two Journals in Social Sciences: A Scientometric Sketch

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    In view to measure the scientific temper of publication output and to examine the citation pattern in the area of social sciences, 1000 papers drawn from Science Direct Database from the period 2006-2010 for the present piece of study is experienced. In order to serve this purpose the focus has been centered on the analysis of trend of publications, citation and ranking patterns, and global publication profiles in the faculty of the study, and extensively, an attempt has been made to explore the strengths and weakness of different productive countries, affiliated organizations, and the most productive researchers, considering the quantum of their respective research publications. The core findings indicate that, the momentum in quantum of publication output and the participation of number of researchers in research and development has already been accelerated generally in social sciences, specifically, in Political Science at a vertical direction. USA has been proved as a most productive country with 52.6 and 44.8 per cent papers among 27 and 24 participative countries in both journals such as: ā€˜CPCSā€™ and ā€˜ESā€™. Besides, the period 2006-2010 has identified as one of the most productive time zones having highest 62.8 and 57.5 percent papers contribution to each journal respectively. Additionally, it is noticed that, the single author publications are dominant in 1st journal ā€˜CPCSā€™, while a highest number of papers in 2nd journal ā€˜ESā€™ are found to be co-authored which is dominating over single authorship pattern. Nevertheless, the most participative institutions in publication in both journals are significantly representing to the highly productive country ā€˜USAā€™ is graced to be worthiest, as the study unfolds

    Measuring Research Excellence with Two Journals in Social Sciences: A Scientometric Sketch

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    In view to measure the scientific temper of publication output and to examine the citation pattern in the area of social sciences, 1000 papers drawn from Science Direct Database from the period 2006-2010 for the present piece of study is experienced. In order to serve this purpose the focus has been centered on the analysis of trend of publications, citation and ranking patterns, and global publication profiles in the faculty of the study, and extensively, an attempt has been made to explore the strengths and weakness of different productive countries, affiliated organizations, and the most productive researchers, considering the quantum of their respective research publications. The core findings indicate that, the momentum in quantum of publication output and the participation of number of researchers in research and development has already been accelerated generally in social sciences, specifically, in Political Science at a vertical direction. USA has been proved as a most productive country with 52.6 and 44.8 per cent papers among 27 and 24 participative countries in both journals such as: ā€˜CPCSā€™ and ā€˜ESā€™. Besides, the period 2006-2010 has identified as one of the most productive time zones having highest 62.8 and 57.5 percent papers contribution to each journal respectively. Additionally, it is noticed that, the single author publications are dominant in 1st journal ā€˜CPCSā€™, while a highest number of papers in 2nd journal ā€˜ESā€™ are found to be co-authored which is dominating over single authorship pattern. Nevertheless, the most participative institutions in publication in both journals are significantly representing to the highly productive country ā€˜USAā€™ is graced to be worthiest, as the study unfolds

    Evaluation of Chemistry Journals at IIT Kharagpur, India: Use and Citation Analysis

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    The paper evaluates chemistry journals at IIT Kharagpur discover with statistical measures a better way to manage journal collections in the library. It attempts to discover the impact of each journal at the local level. Questionnaire data coupled with citation statistics from SciFinder were used for the evaluation of chemistry journals. A questionnaire was prepared to elicit pertinent data on the use of journals by the respondents. In the second part of the study, the cited references of selected journals for 2005 and 2006 were collected from SciFinder Scholar based on data from the questionnaires. The ISI impact factor for each journal was obtained to find global usage trends. The survey found that 15 (29.41%) journals are used by 50% or more respondents, 14 (27.45%) are used by 10% or less respondents and 02 titles are never used. The research is limited to the jurisdiction of IIT Kharagpur. The population of this study is confined to the faculty and research scholars of Department of Chemistry, IIT Kharagpur.The result of this study will be useful in making decisions for collection development of journals in libraries. The quantitative aspects of the evaluation will be highly useful for acquisitions librarians for proper management of the collection and optimal use of the funds allocated for the purpose. The paper is the outcome of a survey undertaken among the faculty and research scholars of IIT Kharagpur. The research findings are original in nature and can be a basis for further research in this are


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    Krimi exist its importance in Medical science from ages. Starting from Rig Veda to Samhita Krimi is accepted as a causative factor of diseases. Though there is mention of non-pathological Krimi in the texts, but elaboration not done. Whereas, there is wide narration of pathological Krimi found in different Samhita. Description of etiologies, habitat, nomenclature, morphology, and clinical conditions produced due to Krimi is done by different Acharyas. The clinical conditions produced due to Krimi in host may be broadly categorized under GIT ailments, skin ailments and features of Anemia. Regarding management of Krimi, there is sufficient explanation of treatment principles in Samhita. Various research works have been done concerning treatment aspects of Krimi. These clinical studies emphasize the effect of herbal, mineral or herbomineral drug preparations on certain parasite or protozoan. Only few studies have been done in Ayurveda to find out the type of Krimi infection/infestation based on the division of Krimi. Some research workers had tried to correlate the Krimi with few parasites only. The correlation of Krimi with the contemporary infectious microbes may be done by examining the resemblance of their habitat, morphology and effect on host. But it is a difficult task to correlate Krimi with modern due to lack of detail description of individual Krimi. Under the word Krimi all micro organisms like bacteria, virus, parasite, and fungus can be included. In this article effort has been made to describe the concept of Krimi from different Ayurvedic treatises and also to correlate them with similar microbes and parasites based on their habitat and effect on human body

    A Bibliometric Sketch on Environmental Science Literature with special reference to Indiaā€™s Scenario

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    The present paper is prepared with the purpose to assess the publication trends of scholarly articles in the field of Environmental Sciences that are published in 75 Journals indexed under Science Direct Database during the period 2004 to 2010. It examines and presents an analysis of 645 research papers with a focus on Indian scenario. The study takes note scientifically from various angles such as: growth of literature, authorship pattern, degree of collaboration, geographical distribution of publications, distribution by journal, citation pattern, and ranking pattern etc. The study reveals that ā€˜USAā€™ as the most productive country among 67 participative nations and recognized ā€˜Trends in Ecology & Evolutionā€™ (TEE) as highly productive journal amongst 75 journals undertaken for this study. The authors sincerely hope that the study may contribute to the domain of Library and Information Science as well as Environmental Science research in many way

    Quality Assessment of a Traditional Unani Medicine: Kushta-e-Gaodanti

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    Kushta-e-gaodanti was prepared as per the method mentioned in Unani formulary. The raw materials, intermediates obtained during the preparation of kushta and the final product were characterized using modern analytical techniques like Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA). The study shows that the mineral Gaodanti (calcium sulphate dihydrate) is converted into calcium sulphate hemi hydrate on first calcination in earthen pot sealed with the process gil-e-hikmat. Further on calcination this intermediate is transformed to kushta-e-gaodanti which is orthorhombic ƃĀ”-calcium sulphate anhydride. Kushta-e-gaodanti is a fine powder with particle size 7-8 micrometer, calcium content 29.32%, bulk density 0.928, tapped density 1.268, angle of repose 36.67ƂĀ° and the value of CarrĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s index is 47.08. Loss on drying at 110ƂĀ°C and loss on ignition was not more than 0.5 %w/w and 0.05% w/w respectively. Microbial load of the preparation was found negative for the presence of Escherichia coli, Salmonella species and Staphylococcus aureus. Total aerobic count was under acceptance limit. Trace element analysis of bhasma by ICP-OES revealed the presence of some other important metals like arsenic, lead, chromium, cadmium, mercury, tin under acceptable limits at prescribed dose

    Periodical Literature Bibliometric Analysis: A case study of four International Journals

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    Bibliometrics is most popular among the scholars, researchers and academics in the faculty of Library and Information Science research. The current study is a bibliometrics analysis of four international journals such as: 1st ā€œLanguage Sciencesā€ (LS) and 2nd ā€œLinguistics and Educationā€ (L&E), 3rd ā€˜Political Geographyā€™ (PG), and 4th ā€˜Religionā€™ (Rgn).The present paper attempts to evaluate the publications indexed under the database of Science Direct Top 25 hottest Papers journal literature to understand the global approach of research output in four core journals. This is a comprehensive survey work rendering bibliographic records from Science Direct top 25 hottest papers database during 2005-2013, and this paper strenuously tries to give a complete sketch of the evaluation of research outputs. The key findings of the research divulge that, out of a total number of 3300 papers undertaken for the present research work, 900 were taken from 1st three journals and 600 shared by the 4th journal ā€œReligionā€. It is indicated from the study that top 15 authors of all four journals identically contributed 349 (38.77%), 281 (31.22%), 384 (42.66 %) and 239 (39.83 %) papers to their credit which counts more than one third of the whole contribution except 2nd journal. In all journals the greater number 79, 76, 72, and 85 percent papers were produced by single authors, while the collaborated papers were only 21, 24, 28, and 15 percent the study unmasks. Considering the authorsā€™ institutional affiliation it is ascertained that, the authorsā€™ contributed to the journals was affiliated to 153, 152, 169 and 80 unique institutions encompassing intercontinental regions, which again determines maximum number of institutional contributors are involved in 3rd journal, while minimum institutional contributors in 4th journal respectively. Besides, the geographical analysis indicates the involvement of cross national regions in the research practices is well found considerably benchmarking. Moreover, the study evidently shows that the overwhelming and most productive geographical region contributorsā€™ USA shared 208 (23.11%), 354 (39.33%) and 231 (38.5 %) papers in 1st ,2nd and 4th journal with posed 1st rank, while UK achieved 1st rank having contribution 396 (44%) to the 3rd journal respectively. Resultantly, it could be professed here that, the both regions (USA and UK) are considerably granted as leading productive nations and prolific in the realm of global research