4,132 research outputs found

    Solar sail formation flying for deep-space remote sensing

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    In this paper we consider how 'near' term solar sails can be used in formation above the ecliptic plane to provide platforms for accurate and continuous remote sensing of the polar regions of the Earth. The dynamics of the solar sail elliptical restricted three-body problem (ERTBP) are exploited for formation flying by identifying a family of periodic orbits above the ecliptic plane. Moreover, we find a family of 1 year periodic orbits where each orbit corresponds to a unique solar sail orientation using a numerical continuation method. It is found through a number of example numerical simulations that this family of orbits can be used for solar sail formation flying. Furthermore, it is illustrated numerically that Solar Sails can provide stable formation keeping platforms that are robust to injection errors. In addition practical trajectories that pass close to the Earth and wind onto these periodic orbits above the ecliptic are identified

    Development, fabrication and test of a high purity silica heat shield

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    A highly reflective hyperpure ( 25 ppm ion impurities) slip cast fused silica heat shield material developed for planetary entry probes was successfully scaled up. Process development activities for slip casting large parts included green strength improvements, casting slip preparation, aggregate casting, strength, reflectance, and subscale fabrication. Successful fabrication of a one-half scale Saturn probe (shape and size) heat shield was accomplished while maintaining the silica high purity and reflectance through the scale-up process. However, stress analysis of this original aggregate slip cast material indicated a small margin of safety (MS. = +4%) using a factor of safety of 1.25. An alternate hyperpure material formulation to increase the strength and toughness for a greater safety margin was evaluated. The alternate material incorporates short hyperpure silica fibers into the casting slip. The best formulation evaluated has a 50% by weight fiber addition resulting in an 80% increase in flexural strength and a 170% increase in toughness over the original aggregate slip cast materials with comparable reflectance

    Using Wave-Packet Interferometry to Monitor the External Vibrational Control of Electronic Excitation Transfer

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    We investigate the control of electronic energy transfer in molecular dimers through the preparation of specific vibrational coherences prior to electronic excitation, and its observation by nonlinear wave-packet interferometry. Laser-driven coherent nuclear motion can affect the instantaneous resonance between site-excited electronic states and thereby influence short-time electronic excitation transfer (EET). We first illustrate this control mechanism with calculations on a dimer whose constituent monomers undergo harmonic vibrations. We then consider the use of nonlinear wave-packet interferometry (nl-WPI) experiments to monitor the nuclear dynamics accompanying EET in general dimer complexes following impulsive vibrational excitation by a sub-resonant control pulse (or control pulse sequence). In measurements of this kind, two pairs of polarized phase-related femtosecond pulses following the control pulse generate superpositions of coherent nuclear wave packets in optically accessible electronic states. Interference contributions to the time- and frequency-integrated fluorescence signal due to overlaps among the superposed wave packets provide amplitude-level information on the nuclear and electronic dynamics. We derive the basic expression for a control-pulse-dependent nl-WPI signal. The electronic transition moments of the constituent monomers are assumed to have a fixed relative orientation, while the overall orientation of the complex is distributed isotropically. We include the limiting case of coincident arrival by pulses within each phase-related pair in which control-influenced nl-WPI reduces to a fluorescence-detected pump-probe difference experiment. Numerical calculations of pump-probe signals based on these theoretical expressions are presented in the following paper

    Deep Radio Imaging of Globular Clusters and the Cluster Pulsar Population

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    We have obtained deep multifrequency radio observations of seven globular clusters using the Very Large Array and the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Five of these, NGC 6440, NGC 6539, NGC 6544, NGC 6624 and Terzan 5 had previously been detected in a shallower survey for steep spectrum radio sources in globular clusters (Fruchter and Goss 1990). The sixth, the rich globular cluster, Liller 1, had heretofore been undetected in the radio, and the seventh, 47 Tucanae, was not included in our original survey. High resolution 6 and 20 cm images of three of the clusters, NGC 6440, NGC 6539, NGC 6624 reveal only point sources coincident with pulsars which have been discovered subsequent to our first imaging survey. 21 and 18 cm images reveal several point sources within a few core-radii of the center of 47 Tuc. Two of these are identified pulsars, and a third, which is both variable and has a steep spectrum, is also most likely a pulsar previously identified by a pulsed survey. However, the 6, 20 and 90 cm images of NGC 6544, Liller 1 and Terzan 5 display strong steep-spectrum emission which cannot be associated with known pulsars. The image of the rich cluster Terzan 5 displays numerous point sources within 30′′30'', or 4 core radii of the cluster center. The density of these objects rises rapidly toward the core, where an elongated region of emission is found. The brightest individual sources, as well as the extended emission, possess the steep spectra expected of pulsars. Furthermore, the flux distribution of the sources agrees well with the standard pulsar luminosity function. The total luminosity and number of objects observed suggest that Terzan 5 contains more pulsars than any other Galactic globular cluster.Comment: 33 pages, 6 Postscript figures; Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; abstract abridged. PDF version also available at http://nemesis.stsci.edu/~fruchter/fg99/fg99.pd

    Some Exact Results on the Potts Model Partition Function in a Magnetic Field

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    We consider the Potts model in a magnetic field on an arbitrary graph GG. Using a formula of F. Y. Wu for the partition function ZZ of this model as a sum over spanning subgraphs of GG, we prove some properties of ZZ concerning factorization, monotonicity, and zeros. A generalization of the Tutte polynomial is presented that corresponds to this partition function. In this context we formulate and discuss two weighted graph-coloring problems. We also give a general structural result for ZZ for cyclic strip graphs.Comment: 5 pages, late

    Modeling the Images of Relativistic Jets Lensed by Galaxies with Different Mass Surface Density Distributions

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    The images of relativistic jets from extragalactic sources produced by gravitational lensing by galaxies with different mass surface density distributions are modeled. In particular, the following models of the gravitational lens mass distribution are considered: a singular isothermal ellipsoid, an isothermal ellipsoid with a core, two- and three-component models with a galactic disk, halo, and bulge. The modeled images are compared both between themselves and with available observations. Different sets of parameters are shown to exist for the gravitationally lensed system B0218+357 in multicomponent models. These sets allow the observed geometry of the system and the intensity ratio of the compact core images to be obtained, but they lead to a significant variety in the Hubble constant determined from the modeling results.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, will be published in the Astronomy Letters, 2011, v.37, N4, pp. 233-24

    Spectral Analysis of Protein-Protein Interactions in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Within a case study on the protein-protein interaction network (PIN) of Drosophila melanogaster we investigate the relation between the network's spectral properties and its structural features such as the prevalence of specific subgraphs or duplicate nodes as a result of its evolutionary history. The discrete part of the spectral density shows fingerprints of the PIN's topological features including a preference for loop structures. Duplicate nodes are another prominent feature of PINs and we discuss their representation in the PIN's spectrum as well as their biological implications.Comment: 9 pages RevTeX including 8 figure

    Apollo experience report guidance and control systems: Primary guidance, navigation, and control system development

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    The primary guidance, navigation, and control systems for both the lunar module and the command module are described. Development of the Apollo primary guidance systems is traced from adaptation of the Polaris Mark II system through evolution from Block I to Block II configurations; the discussion includes design concepts used, test and qualification programs performed, and major problems encountered. The major subsystems (inertial, computer, and optical) are covered. Separate sections on the inertial components (gyroscopes and accelerometers) are presented because these components represent a major contribution to the success of the primary guidance, navigation, and control system
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