864 research outputs found

    Public School Choice And Integration: Evidence from Durham, North Carolina

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    Using evidence from Durham, North Carolina, we examine the impact of school choice programs on racial and class-based segregation across schools. Theoretical considerations suggest that how choice programs affect segregation will depend not only on the family preferences emphasized in the sociology literature but also on the linkages between student composition, school quality and student achievement emphasized in the economics literature. Reasonable assumptions about the distribution of preferences over race, class, and school characteristics suggest that the segregating choices of students from advantaged backgrounds are likely to outweigh any integrating choices by disadvantaged students. The results of our empirical analysis are consistent with these theoretical considerations. Using information on the actual schools students attend and on the schools in their assigned attendance zones, we find that schools in Durham are more segregated by race and class as a result of school choice programs than they would be if all students attended their geographically assigned schools. In addition, we find that the effects of choice on segregation by class are larger than the effects on segregation by race

    From Sea to Shining Sea: A New Approach to Interpreting the Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvements Act

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    The Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvements Act (FTAIA) was passed in 1982 to govern the application of the Sherman Act to antitrust violations that occurred abroad. While the statute received little attention in its early years, public and private plaintiffs have recently begun to collect large fines and penalties under its jurisdiction. As the number of parties subject to these judgments has continued to grow, the increasing focus on the FTAIA has caused uneven development of the statute: while certain aspects of the FTAIA were defined and refined by judicial interpretation, other language in the statute remained underdeveloped. This Comment proposes a new interpretation of the Âżdirect, substantial, and reasonably foreseeable effectÂż requirement of the FTAIA. This new interpretation provides courts with the means to interpret a section of the FTAIA by balancing previous judicial attempts at deciphering the statute with the intent of the members of Congress who drafted it

    The challenge of perioperative pain management in opioid-tolerant patients

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    The increasing number of opioid users among chronic pain patients, and opioid abusers among the general population, makes perioperative pain management challenging for health care professionals. Anesthesiologists, surgeons, and nurses should be familiar with some pharmacological phenomena which are typical of opioid users and abusers, such as tolerance, physical dependence, hyperalgesia, and addiction. Inadequate pain management is very common in these patients, due to common prejudices and fears. The target of preoperative evaluation is to identify comorbidities and risk factors and recognize signs and symptoms of opioid abuse and opioid withdrawal. Clinicians are encouraged to plan perioperative pain medications and to refer these patients to psychiatrists and addiction specialists for their evaluation. The aim of this review was to give practical suggestions for perioperative management of surgical opioid-tolerant patients, together with schemes of opioid conversion for chronic pain patients assuming oral or transdermal opioids, and patients under maintenance programs with methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone

    Data Collection for Traffic and Drivers’ Behaviour Studies: A Large-scale Survey

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    AbstractStudies of driving behaviour are of great help for different tasks in transportation engineering. These include data collection both for statistical analysis and for identification of driving models and estimation of modelling parameters (calibration). The data and models may be applied to different areas: i) road safety analysis; ii) microscopic models for traffic simulation, forecast and control; iii) control logics aimed at ADAS (Advanced Driving Assistance Systems). In this paper we present a large survey based on the naturalistic (on-the-road) observation of driving behaviour with a view to obtaining microscopic data for single vehicles on long road segments and for long time periods. Data are collected by means of an instrumented vehicle (IV), equipped with GPS, radar, cameras and other sensors. The behaviour of more than 100 drivers was observed by using the IV in active mode, that is by observing the kinematics imposed on the vehicle by the driver, as well as the kinematics with respect to neighbouring vehicles. Sensors were also mounted backwards on the IV, allowing the behaviour of the driver behind to be observed in passive mode. As the vehicle behind changes, the next is observed and within a short period of time the behaviour of several drivers can be examined, without the observed driver being aware. The paper presents the experiment by describing the road context, aims and experimental procedure. Statistics and initial insights are also presented based on the large amount of data collected (more than 8000km of observed trajectories and 120hours of driving in active mode). As an example of how to use the data directly, apart from calibration of driving behaviour models, indexes based on aggregate measures of safety are computed, presented and discussed

    GRP78 Mediates Cell Growth and Invasiveness in Endometrial Cancer.

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    Abstract Recent studies have indicated that endoplasmic reticulum stress, the unfolded protein response activation and altered GRP78 expression can play an important role in a variety of tumors development and progression. Very recently we reported for the first time that GRP78 is increased in endometrial tumors. However, whether GRP78 could play a role in the growth and/or invasiveness of endometrial cancer cells is still unknown. Here we report that the silencing of GRP78 expression affects both cell growth and invasiveness of Ishikawa and AN3CA cells, analyzed by the (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) and transwell migration assay, respectively. At variance with Ishikawa cells, AN3CA cells showed, besides an endoplasmic reticulum, also a plasma membrane GRP78 localization, evidenced by both immunofluorescence and cell membrane biotinylation experiments. Intriguingly, flow cytometry experiments showed that the treatment with a specific antibody targeting GRP78 C-terminal domain caused apoptosis in AN3CA but not in Ishikawa cells. Induction of apoptosis in AN3CA cells was not mediated by the p53 pathway activation but was rather associated to reduced AKT phosphorylation. Interestingly, immunofluorescence analysis evidenced that endometrioid adenocarcinoma tissues displayed, similarly to AN3CA cells, also a GRP78 plasma membrane localization. These data suggest that GRP78 and its plasma membrane localization, might play a role in endometrial cancer development and progression and might constitute a novel target for the treatment of endometrial cancer

    Advances in paclitaxel combinations for treating cervical cancer

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    Introduction: Cervical cancer is the fourth common cancer in women worldwide. While, in the past, locally advanced stage disease was treated by pelvic radiotherapy, nowadays the National Cancer Institute strongly recommends chemoradiation protocols. Weekly cisplatin was previously the standard of care in this setting; however, the low response rate and the short median progression-free survival (PFS) of patients have led researchers to investigate combinatory regimens. Area covered: This article is based on literature searches up until April 2019, with current trial registers also analyzed. All data available on this topic has been summarized in this narrative review. Expert opinion: In recent years, it has been demonstrated that cisplatin-based doublets, and in particular, cisplatin plus paclitaxel, are superior to cisplatin as a monotherapy in terms of response rate and progression-free survival of patients with advanced cervical cancer. This double regime combined with bevacizumab is also considered the first-line option for metastatic or recurrent disease. Dose-dense paclitaxel in neo-adjuvant chemotherapy combinations is a promising option in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer. Exploration of novel biological therapies and in vitro combinations based on the use of paclitaxel is warranted

    Tracing day-zero and forecasting the COVID-19 outbreak in Lombardy, Italy: A compartmental modelling and numerical optimization approach

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    Introduction Italy became the second epicenter of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic after China, surpassing by far China’s death toll. The disease swept through Lombardy, which remained in lockdown for about two months, starting from the 8th of March. As of that day, the isolation measures taken in Lombardy were extended to the entire country. Here, assuming that effectively there was one case “zero” that introduced the virus to the region, we provide estimates for: (a) the day-zero of the outbreak in Lombardy, Italy; (b) the actual number of asymptomatic infected cases in the total population until March 8; (c) the basic (R0)and the effective reproduction number (Re) based on the estimation of the actual number of infected cases. To demonstrate the efficiency of the model and approach, we also provide a tentative forecast two months ahead of time, i.e. until May 4, the date on which relaxation of the measures commenced, on the basis of the COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports released by Google on March 29. Methods To deal with the uncertainty in the number of the actual asymptomatic infected cases in the total population Volpert et al. (2020), we address a modified compartmental Susceptible/ Exposed/ Infectious Asymptomatic/ Infected Symptomatic/ Recovered/ Dead (SEIIRD) model with two compartments of infectious persons: one modelling the cases in the population that are asymptomatic or experience very mild symptoms and another modelling the infected cases with mild to severe symptoms. The parameters of the model corresponding to the recovery period, the time from the onset of symptoms to death and the time from exposure to the time that an individual starts to be infectious, have been set as reported from clinical studies on COVID-19. For the estimation of the day-zero of the outbreak in Lombardy, as well as of the “effective” per-day transmission rate for which no clinical data are available, we have used the proposed SEIIRD simulator to fit the numbers of new daily cases from February 21 to the 8th of March. This was accomplished by solving a mixed-integer optimization problem. Based on the computed parameters, we also provide an estimation of the basic reproduction number R0 and the evolution of the effective reproduction number Re. To examine the efficiency of the model and approach, we ran the simulator to “forecast” the epidemic two months ahead of time, i.e. from March 8 to May 4. For this purpose, we considered the reduction in mobility in Lombardy as released on March 29 by Google COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports, and the effects of social distancing and of the very strict measures taken by the government on March 20 and March 21, 2020. Results Based on the proposed methodological procedure, we estimated that the expected day-zero was January 14 (min-max rage: January 5 to January 23, interquartile range: January 11 to January 18). The actual cumulative number of asymptomatic infected cases in the total population in Lombardy on March 8 was of the order of 15 times the confirmed cumulative number of infected cases, while the expected value of the basic reproduction number R0 was found to be 4.53 (min-max range: 4.40- 4.65). On May 4, the date on which relaxation of the measures commenced the effective reproduction number was found to be 0.987 (interquartiles: 0.857, 1.133). The model approximated adequately two months ahead of time the evolution of reported cases of infected until May 4, the day on which the phase I of the relaxation of measures was implemented over all of Italy. Furthermore the model predicted that until May 4, around 20% of the population in Lombardy has recovered (interquartile range: *10% to *30%)
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