22 research outputs found

    Pollination, fertilization and fruit formation in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)

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    The aim of the investigations was to determine the regularity of pollination and fertilization as dependent on the phenotype of flower in eggplant. The experiment was conducted in 2005 and 2006 at the Agricultural University in Kraków, Poland. The object of the investigations was eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) 'Epic F1', grown in the open field. Flower phenotype (long-, medium- or short-styled), fruit setting and the number of seeds per fruit were recorded on experimental plants during the flowering period. The number of pollen tubes in the middle of the style and the number on fertilized ovules in ovaries were evaluated for all types of flowers. The course of pollination was different in particular types of eggplant flowers. Differences concerned only the number of pollen tubes and fertilized ovules of short, medium- and long-styled flowers and the number of seeds in the fruit. There was not observed any incompatibility in the growth on pollen tubes in the styles of all types of eggplant flowers. Stereomicroscopy observations of cross sections of the ovaries do not show differences in the formation and position of the ovules on the placenta. Short-styled flowers were characterized by significantly lower pollination and fruit set efficiency and they produced fruits with a significantly lower number of seeds. The low number of pollen tubes, fertilized ovules and seeds can be a straight consequence of the morphology of short-styled flowers: small-sized stigmas and spatial separation of anther pores and stigmas, which makes pollination diffi cult

    Mobile Agents for Detecting Network Attacks Using Timing Covert Channels

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    This article addresses the problem of network attacks using steganographic techniques based on the manipulation of time relationships between IP packets. In the study, an efficient method to detect such attacks is presented. The proposed algorithm is based on the Change Observation Theory, and employs two types of agents: base and flying ones. The agents observe the time parameters of the network traffic, using proposed meta-histograms and trained machine learning algorithms, in the node where they were installed. The results of experiments using various machine learning algorithm are presented and discussed. The study showed that the Random Forest and MLP classifiers achieved the best detection results, yielding an area under the ROC curve (AUC) above 0.85 for the evaluation data. We showed a proof-of-concept for an attack detection method that combined the classification algorithm, the proposed anomaly metrics and the mobile agents. We claim that due to a unique feature of self-regulation, realized by destroying unnecessary agents, the proposed method can establish a new type of multi-agent intrusion detection system that can be applied to a wider group of IT systems

    Pregnant surgeon — assessment of potential harm to the woman and her unborn child

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    Although most countries developed regulations concerning pregnant women at work, they are not strictly adjusted for every profession. In the European countries directives prevent pregnant women from working during night shifts, but apart from a vague paragraph about avoiding hazardous agents, there are no guidelines specific for pregnant surgeons. The aim of the study was to analyse the risks and consequences of working in the operating theatre during pregnancy. An in-depth analysis of available literature, laws and regulations concerning health and safety of pregnant surgeons was performed. Not only they are surgeons exposed to radiation and infectious agents like any other physicians, but they also face the risk of strenuous physical activity affecting their pregnancy. The unpredictability of this occupation, prolonged hours and stress associated with work can all affect the future mother and her child. The available research on potential risks for pregnant women performing surgical activities named such consequences as premature birth, miscarriage, foetal growth retardation, hypertensive disorders and infertility. There are no unanimous guidelines for pregnant surgeons on how long and to which extent they should work. The key is to maintain a balance between limiting the likelihood of pregnancy complications and respecting women’s voluntary wish to continue professional development

    Wpływ radiochemioterapii na odległą jakość życia chorych leczonych operacyjnie z powodu raka żołądka

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    WSTĘP: Poprawa wyników leczenia raka żołądka (RŻ) szczególnie w następstwie coraz szerzej stosowanego leczenia skojarzonego sprawia, że coraz ważniejszym aspektem oceny odległych wyników leczenia jest zależna od terapii jakość życia Celem pracy jest porównanie odległej HRQoL chorych poddanych leczeniu uzupełniającemu w formie chemioradioterapii (CRT) według schematu MacDonalda, poprzedzonej wykonaniem gastrektomii. MATERIAŁ I METODY: W latach 2009–2012 w NIO-PIB w Warszawie 154 chorych, w tym 55 (35,7%) kobiet i 99(64,3%) mężczyzn, po gastrektomii (TG) z powodu RŻ, leczono uzupełniająco według schematu MacDonalda. Do badania włączono wszystkich (39) chorych wolnych od nowotworu w okresie obserwacji, którzy wyrazili na to zgodę. Grupę kontrolną (36 chorych) stanowili chorzy poddani wyłącznie leczeniu operacyjnemu w analogicznym zakresie. Jakość życia oceniano na podstawie kwestionariuszy EORTC: formularza ogólnego QLQ C-30. v.3.0 oraz modułu QLQ STO 22. WYNIKI: Wśród parametrów ocenianych w grupie badanej znamiennie gorsze oceny jakości życia dotyczyły jakości codziennego funkcjonowania FS (p = 0,007), wydolności fizycznej PF2 (p = 0,032) oraz statusu materialnego FI (p = 0,04). Nie wykazano różnic statystycznych w ocenie jakości życia przy pomocy kwestionariusza QLQ STO 22. PODSUMOWANIE: U osób wolnych od choroby nowotworowej żołądka CRT znamiennie obniża jakość życia w zakresie codziennego funkcjonowania, wydolności fizycznej oraz statusu materialnego. Odległa, zależna od stanu zdrowia jakość życia została uznana za dobrą

    Habitat - idea, sztuka, filozofia

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationZE WSTĘPU: Architektura a habitat. Wyzwaniem na dziś nie jest chyba tylko kształt architektonicznych ikon, ale to jak w najbliższej przyszłości projektanci, architekci i urbaniści mają sobie radzić z problemami demograficznymi, socjalnymi i ekonomicznymi. Zapewne habitat będzie się zmieniał i przybierał coraz to inne formy, które zharmonizowane zostaną jako proekologiczny organizm współgrający z wszystkimi samowystarczającymi systemami. Znaczącą jednak funkcję pełnić będzie zawsze sztuka budowania miejsc i nieodłączną w tym znaczeniu formą i funkcją. Łącząc piękno, piękno życia i przeżywania, piękno naturalne i stworzone przez człowieka, będziemy mieli zawsze moralny obowiązek ochrony i pomnażania tego piękna. Ta wielka kompozycja o nieograniczonej liczbie możliwości i wariantów będzie udziałem Nowego Człowieka solidarnie budującego i przeżywającego Nową Postać Świata

    The Effect of Titanium Organic Complex on Pollination Process and Fruit Development of Apple cv. Topaz

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    Optimal weather conditions are necessary for the proper course of the flowering process and high activity of pollinators, which is the most important factor affecting pollination. Because weather conditions do not always favour effective pollination and because pollinators’ activities are decreasing, the application of compound stimulating pollination and fertilization may be a good perspective for increasing yield. Titanium is considered a beneficial element for plants. Preliminary studies have indicated the positive effect of titanium organic complex on pollen adhesion to the stigma and pollen germination on the stigma of tomato and cucumber. Therefore, a 2-year experiment was designed to determine the effect of titanium organic complex application on the pollination process and fruit development of apple cv. Topaz (Malus domestica Borkh.) The experiment demonstrated the positive effect of titanium organic complex on fertilization of ovules because of effective pollination, seed setting, and fruit development of apple. Application of titanium organic complex improved pollen adhesion to the stigma and pollen germination on the stigma. In addition, titanium organic complex increased the number of pollen tubes growing through the pistil style, which resulted in fertilization that was more effective, as confirmed by the higher number of seeds set in fruits. Higher numbers of seeds set in fruits positively affected their weight and size. Therefore, fruit harvested from trees to which titanium organic complex was applied were characterized by greater weight, length, and diameter compared to fruits obtained from the trees to which titanium organic complex was not applied

    Effect of Genetically Diverse Pollen on Pollination, Pollen Tube Overgrow, Fruit Set and Morphology of Kiwiberry (Actinidia arguta)

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    Successful pollination and fertilization are crucial processes for obtaining a high yield, especially for dioecious plants such as A. arguta. Determination of pollen tube growth on stigma and fruit development parameters, which were investigated in this study, can enable the evaluation of male–female compatibility—one of the factors of successful pollination. Pollen quality and grain size were analysed for two years on six male cultivars of A. arguta and one of A. chinensis var. deliciosa. Results showed high pollen quality, both with parameters above 80%. Pollen germination in vivo showed differences in pollen–stigma interactions. The highest positive interactions were observed for all female cultivar crosses with male ‘Nostino’ and ‘Rubi’ and the lowest one for A. chinensis var. deliciosa ‘Tomuri’. However, fruit set and average fruit weight were equally high in most of the combinations (fruit set above 75% for the majority of combinations). Some differences were noticed in the average seed number per fruit and weight. All tested male cultivars were able to fertilize tested female cultivars, but taking into account other characteristics such as pollen efficiency, some male cultivars seemed to be more proper for commercial orchards. Using A. chinensis var. deliciosa pollen seems to be unreasonable in tested conditions

    Effect of Leaf Area Size on the Main Composition in Grape Must of Three Varieties of Vitis vinifera L. in an Organic Vineyard

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    The concentrations of sugars and acids are very important for the quality and the stability of wines. In addition, the proportion of the two main acids, i.e., tartaric acid and malic acid, is a significant factor for wine taste and stability. Over a period of three seasons in an organic vineyard, the influence of leaf area on the concentration of total soluble solids (TSS), pH, titratable acidity (TA), the concentration of tartaric acid and malic acid, and their mutual proportions were monitored. Vines of three varieties (‘Rhine Riesling’, ‘Pinot Gris’, ‘Sauvignon Blanc’) were treated using three different treatments (proportion of leaves removed 0%, 40%, and 70%). All varieties exhibited positive correlations between leaf area and TSS. In terms of relationships between TA and leaf area, ‘Sauvignon Blanc’ was the most sensitive variety. The highest differences between the individual variants were found for this variety. The tartaric to malic acid ratio displayed a significant seasonal effect, which was mostly more important than leaf area reduction. The size of the leaf area mainly affected the accumulation of sugars in the grapes, while content and ratio of acids was not affected so significantly. Therefore, leaf area regulation is one of the ways to optimize the composition of grapes in organic vineyards