181 research outputs found

    Aeroelastic modeling of rotor blades with spanwise variable elastic axis offset: Classic issues revisited and new formulations

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    In response to a systematic methodology assessment program directed to the aeroelastic stability of hingeless helicopter rotor blades, improved basic aeroelastic reformulations and new formulations relating to structural sweep were achieved. Correlational results are presented showing the substantially improved performance of the G400 aeroelastic analysis incorporating these new formulations. The formulations pertain partly to sundry solutions to classic problem areas, relating to dynamic inflow with vortex-ring state operation and basic blade kinematics, but mostly to improved physical modeling of elastic axis offset (structural sweep) in the presence of nonlinear structural twist. Specific issues addressed are an alternate modeling of the delta EI torsional excitation due to compound bending using a force integration approach, and the detailed kinematic representation of an elastically deflected point mass of a beam with both structural sweep and nonlinear twist

    Świadomość językowa mieszkańców Górnego Śląska przesiedlonych z dawnych województw południowo-wschodnich Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej

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    The paper considers attitudes towards varieties of Polish on the example of people born in the former southeastern provinces of the Second Republic of Poland and forced to emigrate after the Second World War to Upper Silesia. These people are a language community that represents the dual identity of culture and language. Their first identity was formed on the Polish-Ukrainian borderland during the childhood and adolescence period. However, these people are part of the Upper Silesian speech community. They are strongly professionally and privately bound to the region. The paper is based on interviews with 33 people conducted at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. All of interviewers had secondary or higher education. The analysis refers to the opinions of respondents about the role of language in their own lives and in the activities of the displaced persons community. This work examines the social evaluation of variants and feelings that the language invokes, in particular, the Polish spoken in the former southeastern borderland compared to the Silesian dialect. It may be concluded that elements of the pre-war dialect of the city of Lviv constituted for these people an indicator of belonging to the community whereas the Silesian dialect was treated with reserve.Tematem artykułu są postawy wobec zróżnicowania polszczyzny charakterystyczne dla osób urodzonych w dawnych województwach południowo-wschodnich Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej, które w ramach tzw. repatriacji po drugiej wojnie światowej osiedliły się na Górnym Śląsku. Reprezentują one podwójną tożsamość językowo-kulturową. Po pierwsze jest to tożsamość językowo-kulturowa pogranicza polsko-ukraińskiego, ukształtowana w okresie dzieciństwa lub wczesnej młodości. Z drugiej strony ludzie ci stanowią część górnośląskiej wspólnoty komunikacyjnej. Są związani z regionem zawodowo, rodzinnie i towarzysko. Artykuł oparty jest na wywiadach zebranych na przełomie XX i XXI w. w Gliwicach, Katowicach, Zabrzu i Bytomiu. Analiza odnosi się do opinii respondentów dotyczących roli języka w ich życiu oraz wiedzy na temat polszczyzny kresowej, a także zmian, jakie zaszły w okresie powojennym. Opracowanie omawia problem społecznego wartościowania wariantów polszczyzny, a także emocji i odczuć, jakie wywołuje język, zwłaszcza polszczyzna mówiona dawnych Kresów południowo-wschodnich w zestawieniu z dialektem śląskim

    Dynamic analysis of multi-degree-of-freedom systems using phasing matrices

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    A mathematical technique is presented for improved analysis of a wide class of dynamic and aeroelastic systems characterized by several degrees-of-freedom. The technique enables greater utilization of the usual eigensolution obtained from the system dynamic equations by systematizing the identification of destabilizing and/or stiffening forces. Included, as illustrative examples of the use of the technique, are analyses of a helicopter rotor blade for bending-torsion divergence and flutter and for pitch-lag/flap instability

    Comparison of blade loads of fixed and free yawing wind turbine

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    The self regulating composite bearingless wind turbine utilizes an automatic pitch control concept and a completely unrestrained yawing degree of freedom. Aerodynamic moments caused by skewed flow provide the control to align the wind turbine with the wind. Model tests demonstrated the feasibility of the concept and analytical studies showed the free system to experience lower blade loads compared to the fixed system

    Analytic investigation of helicopter rotor blade appended aeroelastic devices

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    Analytic evaluations of four different passive aeroelastic devices appended to helicopter rotor blades are presented. The devices consist of a passive tuned tab, a control coupled tab, an all-flying tip and a harmonic dilational airfoil tip. Each device was conceived for improving either aerodynamic performance or reducing vibratory control loads or hub shears. The evaluation was performed using a comprehensive rotor aeroelastic analysis (the G400PA code with appropriate modifications), together with data for a realistic helicopter rotor blade (the UH-60A Blackhawk), in high speed flight (90 m/s, 175 kts). The results of this study show that significant performance (L/(D sub e)) gains can be achieved with the all-flying free tip. Results from the harmonic dilational airfoil tip show the potential for moderate improvements in L/(D sub e). Finally, the results for the passive tuned tab and the control coupled tab, as configured for this study, show these devices to be impractical. Sections are included which describe the operation of each device, the required G400PA modifications, and the detailed results obtained for each device

    Aeroelastic analysis for helicopter rotor blades with time-variable, non-linear structural twist and multiple structural redundancy: Mathematical derivation and program user's manual

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    The differential equations of motion for the lateral and torsional deformations of a nonlinearly twisted rotor blade in steady flight conditions together with those additional aeroelastic features germane to composite bearingless rotors are derived. The differential equations are formulated in terms of uncoupled (zero pitch and twist) vibratory modes with exact coupling effects due to finite, time variable blade pitch and, to second order, twist. Also presented are derivations of the fully coupled inertia and aerodynamic load distributions, automatic pitch change coupling effects, structural redundancy characteristics of the composite bearingless rotor flexbeam - torque tube system in bending and torsion, and a description of the linearized equations appropriate for eigensolution analyses. Three appendixes are included presenting material appropriate to the digital computer program implementation of the analysis, program G400

    Aeroelastic analysis for helicopter rotors with blade appended pendulum vibration absorbers. Mathematical derivations and program user's manual

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    Mathematical development is presented for the expanded capabilities of the United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) G400 Rotor Aeroelastic Analysis. This expanded analysis, G400PA, simulates the dynamics of teetered rotors, blade pendulum vibration absorbers and the higher harmonic excitations resulting from prescribed vibratory hub motions and higher harmonic blade pitch control. Formulations are also presented for calculating the rotor impedance matrix appropriate to these higher harmonic blade excitations. This impedance matrix and the associated vibratory hub loads are intended as the rotor blade characteristics elements for use in the Simplified Coupled Rotor/Fuselage Vibration Analysis (SIMVIB). Sections are included presenting updates to the development of the original G400 theory, and material appropriate to the user of the G400PA computer program. This material includes: (1) a general descriptionof the tructuring of the G400PA FORTRAN coding, (2) a detaild description of the required input data and other useful information for successfully running the program, and (3) a detailed description of the output results

    A comparative assessment of vibration control capabilities of a L-shaped Gurney flap

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    This work presents the capabilities of a novel L-shaped trailing-edge Gurney flap as a device for vibration reduction. The primary effect of this L-tab is represented by a modification of the reference aerofoil mean line shape through by two counter-rotating vortical structures created at the trailing edge. The comparison of the aerodynamic loads generated by the novel L-tab Gurney flap and a classical trailing-edge flap allows to estimate the ranges of reduced frequency where the L-tab is expected to perform better than a trailing edge flap and vice versa. Linear aerostructural models for a typical section representative of a helicopter blade equipped with a partial-span L-tab or a trailing-edge flap are built, and a higher harmonic control algorithm is applied. Performance are compared between the two devices to reduce separately the N/rev harmonics of the blade root rotating frame vertical force, flapping and feathering moments. The attainment of similar results with classical trailing-edge device is a further confirmation of the potential feasibility of this novel L-tab as an effective alternative means for vibration reduction on rotor blades

    Investigation of a bearingless helicopter rotor concept having a composite primary structure

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    Experimental and analytical investigations were conducted to evaluate a bearingless helicopter rotor concept (CBR) made possible through the use of the specialized nonisotropic properties of composite materials. The investigation was focused on four principal areas which were expected to answer important questions regarding the feasibility of this concept. First, an examination of material properties was made to establish moduli, ultimate strength, and fatigue characteristics of unidirectional graphite/epoxy, the composite material selected for this application. The results confirmed the high bending modulus and strengths and low shear modulus expected of this material, and demonstrated fatigue properties in torsion which make this material ideally suited for the CBR application. Second, a dynamically scaled model was fabricated and tested in the low speed wind tunnel to explore the aeroelastic characteristics of the CBR and to explore various concepts relative to the method of blade pitch control. Two basic control configurations were tested, one in which pitch flap coupling could occur and another which eliminated all coupling. It was found that both systems could be operated successfully at simulated speeds of 180 knots; however, the configuration with coupling present revealed a potential for undesirable aeroelastic response. The uncoupled configuration behaved generally as a conventional hingeless rotor and was stable for all conditions tested