715 research outputs found

    Quarks in the Skyrme-'t Hooft-Witten Model

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    The three-flavor Skyrme-'t Hooft-Witten model is interpreted in terms of a quark-like substructure, leading to a new model of explicitly confined color-free ``quarks'' reminiscent of Gell-Mann's original pre-color quarks, but with unexpected and significant differences.Comment: Latex, 6 pages, no figure

    SU3 isoscalar factors

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    A summary of the properties of the Wigner Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and isoscalar factors for the group SU3 in the SU2⊗\otimesU1 decomposition is presented. The outer degeneracy problem is discussed in detail with a proof of a conjecture (Braunschweig's) which has been the basis of previous work on the SU3 coupling coefficients. Recursion relations obeyed by the SU3 isoscalar factors are produced, along with an algorithm which allows numerical determination of the factors from the recursion relations. The algorithm produces isoscalar factors which share all the symmetry properties under permutation of states and conjugation which are familiar from the SU2 case. The full set of symmetry properties for the SU3 Wigner-Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and isoscalar factors are displayed.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX (earlier version incomplete

    Three Dimensional Quantum Geometry and Deformed Poincare Symmetry

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    We study a three dimensional non-commutative space emerging in the context of three dimensional Euclidean quantum gravity. Our starting point is the assumption that the isometry group is deformed to the Drinfeld double D(SU(2)). We generalize to the deformed case the construction of the flat Euclidean space as the quotient of its isometry group ISU(2) by SU(2). We show that the algebra of functions becomes the non-commutative algebra of SU(2) distributions endowed with the convolution product. This construction gives the action of ISU(2) on the algebra and allows the determination of plane waves and coordinate functions. In particular, we show that: (i) plane waves have bounded momenta; (ii) to a given momentum are associated several SU(2) elements leading to an effective description of an element in the algebra in terms of several physical scalar fields; (iii) their product leads to a deformed addition rule of momenta consistent with the bound on the spectrum. We generalize to the non-commutative setting the local action for a scalar field. Finally, we obtain, using harmonic analysis, another useful description of the algebra as the direct sum of the algebra of matrices. The algebra of matrices inherits the action of ISU(2): rotations leave the order of the matrices invariant whereas translations change the order in a way we explicitly determine.Comment: latex, 37 page

    Influence of Coulomb distortion on polarization observables in elastic electromagnetic lepton hadron scattering at low energies

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    The formal expression for the most general polarization observable in elastic electromagnetic lepton hadron scattering at low energies is derived for the nonrelativistic regime. For the explicit evaluation the influence of Coulomb distortion on various polarization observables is calculated in a distorted wave Born approximation. Besides the hyperfine interaction also the spin-orbit interactions of lepton and hadron are included. For like charges the Coulomb repulsion reduces strongly the size of polarization observables compared to the plane wave Born approximation whereas for opposite charges the Coulomb attraction leads to a substantial increase of these observables for hadron lab kinetic energies below about 20 keV.Comment: 32 pages, 26 figures. Typos corrected, notation slightly changed, figures redrawn, one figure and references added. A condensed version is in press in Physical Review

    Collective spontaneous emission in a q-deformed Dicke model

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    The q-deformation of a single quantized radiation mode interacting with a collection of two level atoms is introduced, analysing its effects on the cooperative behavior of the system.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX file, 2 figures available from authors, accepted for publication in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    The q-harmonic oscillators, q-coherent states and the q-symplecton

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    The recently introduced notion of a quantum group is discussed conceptually and then related to deformed harmonic oscillators ('q-harmonic oscillators'). Two developments in applying q-harmonic oscillators are reviewed: q-coherent states and the q-symplecton

    Uncertainty Relation in Quantum Mechanics with Quantum Group Symmetry

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    We study the commutation relations, uncertainty relations and spectra of position and momentum operators within the framework of quantum group % symmetric Heisenberg algebras and their (Bargmann-) Fock representations. As an effect of the underlying noncommutative geometry, a length and a momentum scale appear, leading to the existence of minimal nonzero uncertainties in the positions and momenta. The usual quantum mechanical behaviour is recovered as a limiting case for not too small and not too large distances and momenta.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, preprint DAMTP/93-6

    Color Non-Singlet Spectroscopy

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    Study of the spectrum and structure of color non-singlet combinations of quarks and antiquarks, neutralized by a non-dynamical compensating color source, may provide an interesting way to address questions about QCD that cannot be addressed by experiment at the present time. These states can be simulated in lattice QCD and the results can be used to improve phenomenological models of hadrons. Here these ideas are applied to color triplet states of qqqq and qq bar q.Comment: References added and typos correcte

    Representation Theory Approach to the Polynomial Solutions of q - Difference Equations : U_q(sl(3)) and Beyond,

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    A new approach to the theory of polynomial solutions of q - difference equations is proposed. The approach is based on the representation theory of simple Lie algebras and their q - deformations and is presented here for U_q(sl(n)). First a q - difference realization of U_q(sl(n)) in terms of n(n-1)/2 commuting variables and depending on n-1 complex representation parameters r_i, is constructed. From this realization lowest weight modules (LWM) are obtained which are studied in detail for the case n=3 (the well known n=2 case is also recovered). All reducible LWM are found and the polynomial bases of their invariant irreducible subrepresentations are explicitly given. This also gives a classification of the quasi-exactly solvable operators in the present setting. The invariant subspaces are obtained as solutions of certain invariant q - difference equations, i.e., these are kernels of invariant q - difference operators, which are also explicitly given. Such operators were not used until now in the theory of polynomial solutions. Finally the states in all subrepresentations are depicted graphically via the so called Newton diagrams.Comment: uuencoded Z-compressed .tar file containing two ps files

    Quantum state swapping via qubit network with Hubbard interaction

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    We study the quantum state transfer (QST) in a class of qubit network with on-site interaction, which is described by the generalized Hubbard model with engineered couplings. It is proved that the system of two electrons with opposite spins in this quantum network of NN sites can be rigorously reduced into NN one dimensional engineered single Bloch electron models with central potential barrier. With this observation we find that such system can perform a perfect QST, the quantum swapping between two distant electrons with opposite spins. Numerical results show such QST and the resonant-tunnelling for the optimal on-site interaction strengths.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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