52 research outputs found

    How the Workplace Influences Teachers’ Creativity: A Two-Wave Study on Workplace Bullying, Organisational Bullying Risk Factors and Creativity

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    Based on affective events theory, the present two-wave study investigated the predictive role of organisational features and exposure to workplace bullying in generating decreased creativity. Although several inhibitors of creativity at work have been identified, few longitudinal studies have aimed to determine whether affective events such as workplace bullying impact employees’ creativity. In the present two-wave, time-lagged panel design study (N = 261), teachers. completed the Negative Activities Questionnaire, the Risk Assessment of Workplace Bullying Questionnaire and the Creative Behavior Questionnaire twice, with a six-month interval between waves. The results indicate that specific negative workplace conditions – that is, workplace bullying risk factors – in the first wave were related to exposure to workplace bullying in the first and second waves and also led to a decrease in individual creativity in the second wave. Moreover, exposure to workplace bullying in the first wave predicted a drop in two creativity facets, self-realisation and ego strength, in the second wave. However, when organisational factors were included in the model, exposure to bullying no longer predicted a decrease in creative aspects. It is suggested that to promote teachers’ creativity, it is essential to prevent workplace bullying by building a constructive social climate and fostering proper leadership practices.Based on affective events theory, the present two-wave study investigated the predictive role of organisational features and exposure to workplace bullying in generating decreased creativity. Although several inhibitors of creativity at work have been identified, few longitudinal studies have aimed to determine whether affective events such as workplace bullying impact employees’ creativity. In the present two-wave, time-lagged panel design study (N = 261), teachers. completed the Negative Activities Questionnaire, the Risk Assessment of Workplace Bullying Questionnaire and the Creative Behavior Questionnaire twice, with a six-month interval between waves. The results indicate that specific negative workplace conditions – that is, workplace bullying risk factors – in the first wave were related to exposure to workplace bullying in the first and second waves and also led to a decrease in individual creativity in the second wave. Moreover, exposure to workplace bullying in the first wave predicted a drop in two creativity facets, self-realisation and ego strength, in the second wave. However, when organisational factors were included in the model, exposure to bullying no longer predicted a decrease in creative aspects. It is suggested that to promote teachers’ creativity, it is essential to prevent workplace bullying by building a constructive social climate and fostering proper leadership practices

    Guzy ośrodkowego układu nerwowego u dzieci - trudności diagnostyczne

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    Nowotwory ośrodkowego układu nerwowego (OUN) są najczęstszymi guzami litymi u dzieci. Dzieli się je na guzy mózgu i guzy rdzenia kręgowego. Symptomatologia kliniczna zależy od lokalizacji guza i jego budowy histologicznej. Czas trwania objawów wiąże się też z wiekiem dziecka i umiejętnością postrzegania przez rodziców i lekarza pierwszego kontaktu wczesnych sygnałów guza OUN. Rokowanie u dzieci z rozpoznaniem guzów OUN jest gorsze niż w przypadku większości pozostałych nowotworów dziecięcych. Wczesna diagnoza i doszczętny lub subtotalny zabieg neurochirurgiczny poprawiają rokowanie. Forum Medycyny Rodzinnej 2011, tom 5, nr 1, 69-7

    Analysis of factors affecting the quality of life of those suffering from Crohn's disease

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    Introduction. Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease of unknown etiology. Its chronic nature, as well as symptoms of intestinal and overall significantly impedes the daily functioning of patients. Alternately occurring periods of exacerbation and remission are the cause of reduced quality of life of patients. Understanding the factors that caused the decrease in the quality of life, it allows us to understand the behavior and the situation of the patient and the ability to cope with stress caused by the disease. Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to analyze the factors affecting the quality of life of people with Crohn’s disease. Material and methods. The study group consisted of 50 people diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. Respondents were treated at the Department of General Surgery and Colorectal Medical University of Lodz and Gastroenterological Clinic at the University Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Lodz. Quality of Life Survey was carried out by a diagnostic survey using a research tool SF-36v2 and surveys of its own design. Results. Analysis of the results demonstrated that the quality of life of patients with Crohn’s disease was reduced, especially during exacerbations. Evaluation of the quality of life of respondents in physical terms was slightly higher than in the mental aspect. Higher education subjects and the lack of need for surgical treatment significantly improves the quality of life. Conclusions. The occurrence of chronic disease reduces the quality of life of respondents. Elderly patients are better able to adapt to the difficult situation caused by the disease. The quality of life of women and men is at a similar level and patients in remission of the disease have a better quality of life of patients during exacerbations

    Przezskórne zamknięcie uszka lewego przedsionka jako leczenie z wyboru u pacjentów z migotaniem przedsionków oraz przeciwwskazaniami do leczenia przeciwkrzepliwego — przypadek kliniczny

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    The use of anticoagulants in the management of cardiac arrhythmias, such as atrial fibrillation, is associated with increased risk of bleeding, especially gastrointestinal. According to guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology, for patients in whom oral anticoagulation is contraindicated, left atrial appendage closure should be considered. A case of 78-year-old male patient presents both thromboembolic (stroke) and haemorrhagic complications, which were the indications to surgical treatment.Leczenie przeciwkrzepliwe stosowane w zaburzeniach rytmu serca, takich jak migotanie przedsionków wiąże się z ryzykiem istotnego krwawienia, głównie do przewodu pokarmowego. Według zaleceń Europejskiego Towarzystwa Kardiologicznego, u pacjentów z przeciwwskazaniami do doustnej antykoagulacji należy rozważyć zabieg przezskórnego zamknięcia uszka lewego przedsionka. Opisany przypadek 78-letniego mężczyzny to przykład występowania powikłań zakrzepowo-zatorowych (udar mózgu) oraz powikłań krwotocznych, dlatego też pacjenta zakwalifikowano do leczenia zabiegowego

    Zatorowość płucna czy ostry zespół wieńcowy — trudności diagnostyczne

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    Despite the availability of imaging and laboratory tests, pulmonary embolism remains a difficult diagnostic problem. The disease is associated with an increased risk of an early death and for this reason, it requires prompt treatment. There are some ECG changes that are typical for pulmonary embolism, but some of them need to be differentiated with other acute conditions, such as myocardial infarction. This case report presents a patient with symptoms suggesting acute coronary syndrome, finally diagnosed with pulmonary embolism.Zatorowość płucna (PE) to zagadnienie, które mimo dostępności badań obrazowych oraz laboratoryjnych pozostaje trudnym problemem diagnostycznym. Wystąpienie choroby wiąże się ze zwiększonym ryzykiem wczesnego zgonu, dlatego istotne jest wczesne zastosowanie odpowiedniego leczenia. W przebiegu PE pojawiają się typowe zmiany w zapisie elektrokardiograficznym, jednak część z nich budzi wątpliwości diagnostyczne i wymaga różnicowania z innymi stanami ostrymi, takimi jak zawał serca. Przedstawiony przypadek to przykład występowania objawów sugerujących początkowo ostry zespół wieńcowy, jednak dalsza analiza doprowadziła do rozpoznania PE jako przyczyny dolegliwości

    The influence of socio-demographic and clinical factors on the process of acceptance of the disease among patients with ulcerative colitis

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    Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a kind of inflammatory bowel disease involving rectal mucosa, or the rectum with colon, resulting in ulcerations in some cases. It is incurable and varies with periods of exacerbation and remission. The disease affects mainly population of highly-developed European or North American nations. It can relatively rarely be observed in South America, Asia and Africa. It is estimated that morbidity and incidence in those regions is about 10 times lower than in Europe and North America [1,2]. The incidence of UC in Europe is approximately 10 new cases per 100,000 people annually [3]. In Poland, epidemiology assessment is difficult due to a lack of reliable statistics. In Lower Silesia, 840 hospitalizations for UC on average are registered annually [4,5]. In UC pathogenesis, genetic, environmental and immunologic factors play an important role. UC can occur at any age, however, the peak incidence is observed between ages 20 and 40 and over 65 [6]. UC is incurable and accompanies the patient through the rest of his/her life. It varies with periods of exacerbation and remission, which impair everyday activities and lower patient’s quality of life. As a consequence, the patient generally feels bad, which is not only caused by gastrointestinal symptoms but also by emotional and psychological issues [7]. Nowadays, a clear tendency can be observed in medicine to include health and disease-related issues in biopsychosocial context, including social and psychological factors affecting the course of the disease. The assessment of such factors brings up a broader perspective on patient’s health problems [8]. Adjustment to the disease is important in many chronic diseases, which demand a change of the patient’s attitude and taking aspects such as acceptance of one’s disease into consideration [9]. The term ‘acceptance’ denotes adopting an opinion, judgment, belief, behavior, favorable attitude or to give a consent [10]. Accepting one’s disease means adjusting to limitations posed by it and accepting the associated disability. The consequences include accepting the limitations, not being self-sufficient, dependence on others and low self-esteem [11]. In a chronic and difficult therapeutic process, medical staff play the key role, in addition to other patient’s support. Bonding with other patients is an important regulating factor in the emotional sphere, while psychological counseling can turn out beneficial in accepting one’s new difficult life situation. The aim of the study was to evaluate the acceptance of the disease in patients with ulcerative colitis with respect to selected socio-demographic and clinical variables

    Zatorowość płucna czy ostry zespół wieńcowy — trudności diagnostyczne

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    Zatorowość płucna (PE) to zagadnienie, które mimo dostępności badań obrazowych oraz laboratoryjnych pozostaje trudnym problemem diagnostycznym. Wystąpienie choroby wiąże się ze zwiększonym ryzykiem wczesnego zgonu, dlatego istotne jest wczesne zastosowanie odpowiedniego leczenia. W przebiegu PE pojawiają się typowe zmiany w zapisie elektrokardiograficznym, jednak część z nich budzi wątpliwości diagnostyczne i wymaga różnicowania z innymi stanami ostrymi, takimi jak zawał serca. Przedstawiony przypadek to przykład występowania objawów sugerujących początkowo ostry zespół wieńcowy, jednak dalsza analiza doprowadziła do rozpoznania PE jako przyczyny dolegliwości

    Binuclear Rhodium(II) Complexes With Selective Antibacterial Activity

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    Binuclear rhodium(II) complexes [Rh2Cl2(μ-OOCR)2(N-N)2] {R = H, Me; N-N = 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy), 1,10-phenanthroline (phen)} and [Rh2(μ-OOCR)2(N-N)2(H2O)2](RCOO)2 (R = Me, Et;) have been synthesized and their structure and properties have been studied by electronic, IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Antibacterial activity of these complexes against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus has been investigated. The most active antibacterial agents against E. coli were [Rh2Cl2(μ-OOCR)2(N-N)2] and [Rh2(μ-OOCR)2(N-N)2(H2O)2](RCOO)2 {R = H and Me} which were considerably more active than the appropriate nitrogen ligands. The complexes show low activity against S. aureus. The activity of the complexes [Rh2(OOCR)2(N-N)2(H2O)2](OOCR)2 against E. coli decreases in the series: R=H≅CH3>C2H5>C3H7≅C4H9. The reverse order was found in the case of S. aureus

    Factors influencing the strategies of coping with chronic pain in patients with limb ischemia

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    Osoby z chorobą niedokrwienną kończyn dolnych stanowią około 3-10% populacji światowej. Schorzenia przewlekłe, którym towarzyszy występowanie bólu, prowadzą do wyczerpania rezerw mechanizmów obronnych człowieka. Występująca choroba przewlekła wymaga od chorego elastyczności oraz adaptacji. Analiza wpływu jakości życia oraz charakteru dolegliwości bólowych na podejmowane strategie radzenia sobie z bólem przewlekłym u chorych z niedokrwieniem kończyn dolnych. Badanie przeprowadzono wśród chorych hospitalizowanych na Oddziale Chirurgii Naczyniowej oraz w Poradni Chirurgii Naczyń Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie w 2015 r. Objęto nim grupę 105 chorych, którzy odczuwali ból przewlekły. W badaniu zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego, technikę ankietowania, w której wykorzystano narzędzia: kwestionariusz ankiety własnej konstrukcji, kwestionariusz WHOQOL-BREF, skalę bólu VAS oraz Kwestionariusz Strategii Radzenia Sobie z Bólem (CSQ), skalę Fontaine'a. Badania wskazały na występowanie zależności pomiędzy natężeniem bólu, czasem trwania dolegliwości, jakością życia i okolicznościami występowania bólu, a obieranymi przez badanych strategiami radzenia sobie z bólem. Ból przewlekły jest zjawiskiem dynamicznym. Na podejmowane przez chorych strategie w radzeniu sobie z bólem wpływ mają czynniki związane z klinicznym charakterem odczuwanego bólu. Zachodzi konieczność opracowania wytycznych do pracy z chorymi cierpiącymi na ból w przebiegu choroby niedokrwiennej kończyn dolnych.People with ischemic disease of lower limbs constitute a 3-10% of the population. Disorders of a chronic nature, which are accompanied by pain, lead to decreasing body's defense mechanisms. Occurring of chronic disease demands from the patient flexibility and adaptability. Literature describes different models of strategies to cope with chronic pain. Analysis of the impact of quality of life and the nature of pain taken on strategies for coping with chronic pain in patients with limb ischemia. The study was conducted among patients hospitalized in the Department of Vascular Surgery and Vascular Surgery Clinic of the University Hospital in Krakow on 2015. This included a group of 105 patients who experienced chronic pain. The study used the method of diagnostic survey, polling technique, questionnaire survey of own design, questionnaire WHOQOL-BREF, VAS pain scale and questionnaire Strategy for Coping with Pain (CSQ) and Fontaine's scale. The study pointed to presence of the relationship between pain intensity, duration of symptoms, quality of life and the circumstances of pain and strategies chosen by the patents for coping with pain. Based on the results of the analysis it could be concluded that chronic pain is a dynamic phenomenon. Strategies chosen by the patients to cope with pain are influenced by both socio-demographic factors and factors related to the clinical nature of pain. The results show the need to embrace a holistic and multidisciplinary patient care, outlining the right direction therapy and facilitate patient adaptation and select appropriate strategies to cope with chronic pain