16 research outputs found


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    Background: With the advent of HIV, the risk of Tuberculosis (TB) has increased. The trend in the number of cases of TB in Oyo state over the past five years has not been documented. Hence, this study reviewed the number of cases of TB and determined some of its associated factors. Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on TB surveillance data reported between January 1st 2011 and December 31st 2014. Data were obtained from the integrated disease surveillance and response (IDSR) of Oyo state ministry of health, Nigeria. Number of TB cases, age, local government areas (LGA), month and year of reporting was extracted. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, negative binomial and the Poisson regression models. Model fit was assessed using the AIC and the -2LogL. Results: The incidence of TB was highest in 2013 (23 per 10000 population) in Ibarapa East LGA. The risk of Tuberculosis was 62.8% higher in 2014 (IRR=1.628; 95%CI=1.281, 2.068) and also 17% higher in 2012 (IRR=1.170; 95%CI=1.010, 1.356). Also, the risk of TB was highest in Ibarapa East LGA (IRR=2.576; 95%CI=1.945, 3.412) and lowest in Ogbomoso South LGA (IRR=0.229; 95%CI=0.069, 0.764). Adolescents and adults also had higher risk of TB compared to children. Conclusion: The frequency of Tuberculosis declined overtime and older adults had a higher risk. The low frequency of TB in the state may be an indication and good evidence of concerted control measures. Efforts should be put in place to further bring down the number of cases especially in the identified hotspots

    Effectiveness of artemisinin-based combination therapy used in the context of home management of malaria: A report from three study sites in sub-Saharan Africa

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    BACKGROUND: The use of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) at the community level has been advocated as a means to increase access to effective antimalarial medicines by high risk groups living in underserved areas, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. This strategy has been shown to be feasible and acceptable to the community. However, the parasitological effectiveness of ACT when dispensed by community medicine distributors (CMDs) within the context of home management of malaria (HMM) and used unsupervised by caregivers at home has not been evaluated. METHODS: In a sub-set of villages participating in a large-scale study on feasibility and acceptability of ACT use in areas of high malaria transmission in Ghana, Nigeria and Uganda, thick blood smears and blood spotted filter paper were prepared from finger prick blood samples collected from febrile children between six and 59 months of age reporting to trained CMDs for microscopy and PCR analysis. Presumptive antimalarial treatment with ACT (artesunate-amodiaquine in Ghana, artemether-lumefantrine in Nigeria and Uganda) was then initiated. Repeat finger prick blood samples were obtained 28 days later for children who were parasitaemic at baseline. For children who were parasitaemic at follow-up, PCR analyses were undertaken to distinguish recrudescence from re-infection. The extent to which ACTs had been correctly administered was assessed through separate household interviews with caregivers having had a child with fever in the previous two weeks. RESULTS: Over a period of 12 months, a total of 1,740 children presenting with fever were enrolled across the study sites. Patent parasitaemia at baseline was present in 1,189 children (68.3%) and varied from 60.1% in Uganda to 71.1% in Ghana. A total of 606 children (51% of infected children) reported for a repeat test 28 days after treatment. The crude parasitological failure rate varied from 3.7% in Uganda (C.I. 1.2%-6.2%) to 41.8% in Nigeria (C.I. 35%-49%). The PCR adjusted parasitological cure rate was greater than 90% in all sites, varying from 90.9% in Nigeria (C.I. 86%-95%) to 97.2% in Uganda (C.I. 95%-99%). Reported adherence to correct treatment in terms of dose and duration varied from 81% in Uganda (C.I. 67%-95%) to 97% in Ghana (C.I. 95%-99%) with an average of 94% (C.I. 91%-97%). CONCLUSION: While follow-up rates were low, this study provides encouraging data on parasitological outcomes of children treated with ACT in the context of HMM and adds to the evidence base for HMM as a public health strategy as well as for scaling-up implementation of HMM with ACTs

    Intermittent preventive treatment with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine is effective in preventing maternal and placental malaria in Ibadan, south-western Nigeria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Intermittent preventive treatment with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (IPT-SP) is currently the recommended regimen for prevention of malaria in pregnancy in endemic areas. This study sets out to evaluate the effectiveness of IPT-SP in the prevention of maternal and placental malaria in parturient mothers in Ibadan, Nigeria, where the risk of malaria is present all year round.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>During a larger study evaluating the epidemiology of congenital malaria, the effect of malaria prophylaxis was examined in 983 parturient mothers. Five hundred and ninety eight mothers (60.8%) received IPT-SP, 214 (21.8%) received pyrimethamine (PYR) and 171 (17.4%) did not take any chemoprophylactic agent (NC).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The prevalence of maternal parasitaemia in the IPT-SP, PYR and NC groups was 10.4%, 15.9% and 17% respectively (p = 0.021). The prevalence of placental parasitaemia was 10.5% in the IPT-SP, 16.8% PYR and 17% NC groups, respectively (p = 0.015). The prevalence of maternal anaemia (haematocrit <30%) was 5.7% vs. 8.9% vs. 13.4% among the IPT-SP, PYR and NC groups respectively (p < 0.0001) while that of pre-term delivery (GA <37 weeks) was 10.5%, 19.2% and 25.3% among IPT-SP, PYR and NC groups respectively (p < 0.0001). Babies born to mothers in the IPT-SP, PYR and NC groups had mean birth weights of 3204 ± 487.16, 3075 ± 513.24 and 3074 ± 505.92 respectively (ρ < 0.0001). There was a trend towards a lower proportion of low birth weight babies in the IPT-SP group (p = 0.095).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>IPT-SP is effective in preventing maternal and placental malaria as well as improving pregnancy outcomes among parturient women in Ibadan, Nigeria. The implementation of the recently adopted IPT-SP strategy should be pursued with vigour as it holds great promise for reducing the burden of malaria in pregnancy in Nigeria.</p

    Feasibility and acceptability of artemisinin-based combination therapy for the home management of malaria in four African sites

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    BACKGROUND: The Home Management of Malaria (HMM) strategy was developed using chloroquine, a now obsolete drug, which has been replaced by artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) in health facility settings. Incorporation of ACT in HMM would greatly expand access to effective antimalarial therapy by the populations living in underserved areas in malaria endemic countries. The feasibility and acceptability of incorporating ACT in HMM needs to be evaluated. METHODS: A multi-country study was performed in four district-size sites in Ghana (two sites), Nigeria and Uganda, with populations ranging between 38,000 and 60,000. Community medicine distributors (CMDs) were trained in each village to dispense pre-packaged ACT to febrile children aged 6-59 months, after exclusion of danger signs. A community mobilization campaign accompanied the programme. Artesunate-amodiaquine (AA) was used in Ghana and artemether-lumefantrine (AL) in Nigeria and Uganda. Harmonized qualitative and quantitative data collection methods were used to evaluate CMD performance, caregiver adherence and treatment coverage of febrile children with ACTs obtained from CMDs. RESULTS: Some 20,000 fever episodes in young children were treated with ACT by CMDs across the four study sites. Cross-sectional surveys identified 2,190 children with fever in the two preceding weeks, of whom 1,289 (59%) were reported to have received ACT from a CMD. Coverage varied from 52% in Nigeria to 75% in Ho District, Ghana. Coverage rates did not appear to vary greatly with the age of the child or with the educational level of the caregiver. A very high proportion of children were reported to have received the first dose on the day of onset or the next day in all four sites (range 86-97%, average 90%). The proportion of children correctly treated in terms of dose and duration was also high (range 74-97%, average 85%). Overall, the proportion of febrile children who received prompt treatment and the correct dose for the assigned duration of treatment ranged from 71% to 87% (average 77%). Almost all caregivers perceived ACT to be effective, and no severe adverse events were reported. CONCLUSION: ACTs can be successfully integrated into the HMM strategy

    A qualitative study of the feasibility and community perception on the effectiveness of artemether-lumefantrine use in the context of home management of malaria in south-west Nigeria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Nigeria ACT use at the community level has not been evaluated and the use of antimalarial drugs (commonly chloroquine (CQ)) at home has been shown to be largely incorrect. The treatment regimen of ACT is however more complicated than that of CQ. There is thus a need to determine the feasibility of using ACT at the home level and determine community perception on its use.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A before and after qualitative study using key informant interviews (KII) and focus group discussions (FGDs) was conducted in selected villages in Ona-Ara local government area. At baseline, 14 FGDs and 14 KIIs were conducted. Thereafter, community medicine distributors (CMDs) were trained in each village to dispense artemeter-lumenfantrine (AL) to febrile children aged 6–59 months presumed to have uncomplicated malaria. After one year of drug distribution, nine KIIs and 10 FGDs were conducted. Participants and key informants were mothers and fathers with children under five years, traditional heads of communities, opinion leaders and health workers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>None of the participants have heard of AL prior to study. Participants were favourably disposed to introduction of AL into the community. Mothers/caregivers were said to have used AL in place of the orthodox drugs and herbs reported commonly used prior to study after commencement of AL distribution. The use of CMDs for drug distribution was acceptable to the participants and they were judged to be efficient as they were readily available, distributed correct dose of AL and mobilised the community effectively. AL was perceived to be very effective and no significant adverse event was reported. Major concerns to the sustainability of the program were the negative attitudes of health workers towards discharge of their duties, support to the CMDs and the need to provide CMDs incentives. In addition regular supply of drugs and adequate supervision of CMDs were advised.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings showed that the use of AL at home and community level is feasible with adequate training of community medicine distributors and caregivers. Community members perceived AL to be effective thus fostering acceptability. The negative attitudes of the health workers and issue of incentives to CMDs need to be addressed for successful scaling-up of ACT use at community level.</p

    Survival probability and predictors for woman experience childhood death in Nigeria: “analysis of north–south differentials”

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    Abstract Background Childhood mortality rate is high in Nigeria. There is dearth of information on the comparison of childhood mortality probability and its causal factors in the Northern and Southern Nigeria. This study was designed to fill these gaps. Methods Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey, 2008 data was used. The first part of this study focused on women aged 15–49 who ever given birth to a child (n = 23,404), irrespective of the survival status of the child and the second part utilized all women aged 15–49 (N = 33,385). The outcome variable was experienced childhood mortality. Data was analyzed using Chi-square, logistic regression and Brass logit model. Results Results showed that similar patterns of children’s death were observed in the two regions, but variation existed. Childhood mortality experienced was more pronounced in the North than the South, even when the potential confounding variables were used as control. Levels of education and wealth index showed an inverse relationship with childhood death in the regions (p  0.05), but the difference was significant in the South (p  Conclusion Childhood mortality is higher in the Northern than Southern Nigeria. Improving women’s education, particularly in the North will alleviate childhood mortality in Nigeria.</p

    Pattern of Presentation and Survival of Breast Cancer in a Teaching Hospital in North Western Nigeria

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    Objectives: Developing countries are experiencing demographic and epidemiologic transition and the prevalence of non-communicable diseases especially cancers which is on the increase. Breast cancer is the most common and lethal malignancy in developing countries with varying presentation. This study aims to determine the pattern of presentation and survival of breast cancer patients in North Western Nigeria.Methods:A five-year retrospective review of breast cancer records from 2001-2005 was conducted. Relevant information was retrieved and analyzed using statistical package for social science software. Manchester stage III and IV were classified as advance disease. Survival analysis was carried out with survival defined as the time between the date of commencement of treatment and the date of last follow-up or death.Results: Most of the patients were in the 4th and 5th decades 58 (57.4%) with a mean age of 44.5±13 years. Majority of the patients were females 99 (96.1%). One of the four males had invasive lobular carcinoma while the others presented with invasiveductal carcinoma 3 (75.0%). Most of the patients were premenopausal 62 (62.6%) and were presented late with advanced breast cancer disease 64 (62.1%). The left breast was more affected 64 (62.1%), and the upper outer quadrant was mostly involved 48 (60.7%), followed by the areola, 43(41.7%) either singly or in combination. Invasive ductal carcinoma was detected in 85 (82.5%) cases and was the predominant histological finding. Survival rate beyond 30 months was observed in 24.5% of cases and 100% for advanced and early breast cancer respectively, (p=0.0001). The overall survival rate beyond 36 months was 70.4% and postmenopausal patients (70.6%) had better survival beyond 36 months than premenopausal (68.5%) patients (p=0.05).Conclusion: The overall survival rate was low and patients with early breast cancer had better survival than those with advanced disease. Majority of the patients were young premenopausal women with advanced breast cancer