1,194 research outputs found

    The Ricardian Dynamics Revisited

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    The Ricardian dynamics describe the substitution of a new marginal method for an outgoing marginal method when demand increases. The process of extension or intensi…cation of cultivation allows for spasmodic changes in prices and rents but is smooth on the physical side. We criticize the notion of extension of cultivation and show the existence of non-Ricardian equilibria, when some good is not produced by a marginal method. The working of the dynamics requires that the incoming method satisfies a productivity condition which is expressed in algebraic terms. A parallel is drawn between Ricardo's views on dynamics and the working of a Lemke algorithm for linear complementarity problems.Dynamics, Lemke, Linear Complementarity Problem, Rent, Ricardo

    Équilibre général et synthèse post-classique

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    La conception néo-ricardienne des prix, telle que formalisée et étudiée par Sraffa, constitue-t-elle une alternative à la théorie marginaliste? C'est ce que présume le « programme post-classique » : la construction sraffienne y apparaît comme un prélude à une critique de la théorie économique, qui est à compléter par une théorie des niveaux d’activité susceptible de s’inspirer de la demande effective keynésienne. La thèse de la rupture ne nous paraît pas convaincante : tant l’hypothèse de comportement rationnel que la fidélité à la conception classique conduisent à associer les prix de production à la constance des rendements et, plus précisément, à un sentier de croissance régulière; les arguments de Sraffa sur la théorie du capital (phénomène de retour des techniques) et sur la conception marginaliste de la production comme « voie à sens unique des facteurs aux biens de consommation » n’atteignent pas la théorie de l’équilibre général. Cette vision moderne du vieux discours marginaliste reconnaît d’ailleurs explicitement que les prix d’équilibre intertemporel se réduisent à des prix de production sous les hypothèses ci-dessus mentionnées.Au-delà des complémentarités apparentes entre les deux discours, cette analyse laisse peu d’espoir à l’établissement d’un lien étroit entre la théorie sraffienne des prix et celle de la demande effective. Si connexion il doit y avoir entre les constructions classique et keynésienne, elle est à chercher en d’autres lieux, comme dans les parties du discours classique qui échappent à la formalisation de Sraffa.Is the neo-Ricardian conception of prices, as formalized and studied by Sraffa, an alternative to the marginalist theory? The "post-classical program" presumes a positive answer: the Sraffian construction then appears as a prelude to a critique of economic theory, which might be complemented by a theory of activity levels inspired by the Keynesian effective demand. It is claimed that Sraffa's arguments on the rupture with the marginalist theory are not convincing: economic rationality and fidelity to the classical conception both require that production prices be associated with constant returns and, more specifically, with a steady growth path; Sraffa's arguments on the capital theory (the reswitching phenomenon) and on the marginalist "one-way avenue from factors to consumption goods" do not apply to the general equilibrium theory. This modern version of the old marginalist discourse explicitly recognizes that intertemporal equilibrium prices coincide with production prices under the above assumptions.Beyond the apparent complementaries between the two approaches, this analysis leaves little hope for a strong connection between the Sraffian theory of prices and the theory of effective demand. A linkage between the classical and the Keynesian constructions could only be made at another level, perhaps in those parts of the classical literature not formalized by Sraffa

    Équilibre général et synthèse post-classique

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    Is the neo-Ricardian conception of prices, as formalized and studied by Sraffa, an alternative to the marginalist theory? The "post-classical program" presumes a positive answer: the Sraffian construction then appears as a prelude to a critique of economic theory, which might be complemented by a theory of activity levels inspired by the Keynesian effective demand. It is claimed that Sraffa's arguments on the rupture with the marginalist theory are not convincing: economic rationality and fidelity to the classical conception both require that production prices be associated with constant returns and, more specifically, with a steady growth path; Sraffa's arguments on the capital theory (the reswitching phenomenon) and on the marginalist "one-way avenue from factors to consumption goods" do not apply to the general equilibrium theory. This modern version of the old marginalist discourse explicitly recognizes that intertemporal equilibrium prices coincide with production prices under the above assumptions. La conception néo-ricardienne des prix, telle que formalisée et étudiée par Sraffa, constitue-t-elle une alternative à la théorie marginaliste? C'est ce que présume le « programme post-classique » : la construction sraffienne y apparaît comme un prélude à une critique de la théorie économique, qui est à compléter par une théorie des niveaux d’activité susceptible de s’inspirer de la demande effective keynésienne. La thèse de la rupture ne nous paraît pas convaincante : tant l’hypothèse de comportement rationnel que la fidélité à la conception classique conduisent à associer les prix de production à la constance des rendements et, plus précisément, à un sentier de croissance régulière; les arguments de Sraffa sur la théorie du capital (phénomène de retour des techniques) et sur la conception marginaliste de la production comme « voie à sens unique des facteurs aux biens de consommation » n’atteignent pas la théorie de l’équilibre général. Cette vision moderne du vieux discours marginaliste reconnaît d’ailleurs explicitement que les prix d’équilibre intertemporel se réduisent à des prix de production sous les hypothèses ci-dessus mentionnées.

    Bone marrow micrometastasis in breast cancer: review of detection methods, prognostic impact and biological issues

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    Immunocytochemical detection of disseminated tumour cells in the bone marrow of patients with primary breast cancer at surgery has been shown to be an independent prognostic factor in single institutional studies and in a large pooled analysis. However, bone marrow sampling and assessment of disseminated tumour cells is not a routine procedure in the clinical management of patients with breast cancer, but will certainly play a role in the near future for risk stratification and monitoring of therapeutic efficacy. Accurate identification of disseminated tumour cells in bone marrow must be based on standardised methodologies and procedures. This review describes these methodologies and the standardised morphological criteria used for disseminated tumour cell detection. The prognostic value of circulating tumour cells detection in peripheral blood is demonstrated in patients with metastatic disease but remains to be substantiated at early stage. The significance of disseminated tumour cells in bone marrow and in the blood for the prediction of response to therapy is briefly summarised. Finally, this review addresses the main biological questions raised by disseminated tumour cells, in particular understanding tumour dormancy and identifying metastatic stem cells

    The length and depth of real algebraic groups

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    Let GG be a connected real algebraic group. An unrefinable chain of GG is a chain of subgroups G=G0>G1>...>Gt=1G=G_0>G_1>...>G_t=1 where each GiG_i is a maximal connected real subgroup of Gi1G_{i-1}. The maximal (respectively, minimal) length of such an unrefinable chain is called the length (respectively, depth) of GG. We give a precise formula for the length of GG, which generalises results of Burness, Liebeck and Shalev on complex algebraic groups and also on compact Lie groups. If GG is simple then we bound the depth of GG above and below, and in many cases we compute the exact value. In particular, the depth of any simple GG is at most 99

    Genome-Wide Gene Expression Profiling of Fertilization Competent Mycelium in Opposite Mating Types in the Heterothallic Fungus Podospora anserina

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    are the major regulators of fertilization, and this study presents a genome-wide view of their target genes and analyzes their target gene regulation. strains. Of the 167 genes identified, 32 genes were selected for deletion, which resulted in the identification of two genes essential for the sexual cycle. Interspecies comparisons of mating-type target genes revealed significant numbers of orthologous pairs, although transcriptional profiles were not conserved between species.This study represents the first comprehensive genome-wide analysis of mating-type direct and indirect target genes in a heterothallic filamentous fungus. Mating-type transcription factors have many more target genes than are found in yeasts and exert a much greater diversity of regulatory actions on target genes, most of which are not directly related to mating