580 research outputs found

    Customer Value Perception towards Use of Mobile Banking Applications

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    Mobile banking (m-banking) is one of the most widely used applications and innovative banking services in the past decade. However, the adoption rate of m-banking in developing countries is low and still has potential for growth. We explored factors and value perceptions of clients toward the use of m-banking applications. A conceptual model is presented using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Uses and Gratification Theory (UGT). The tested variables are Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Social Integrative, Personal Integrative and Hedonic Benefits. 278 valid survey responses were collected from Iranian and Turkish clients. Multiple regression analysis indicated that Perceived Usefulness and Social Integrative Benefit are the key drivers in both Iran and Turkey, but Hedonic Benefit is only significant in Iran. The results contribute to literature by integrating UGT and TAM and to participate as it enables banks to better design services and to improve customer experience

    Mencoba Untuk Tumbuh

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    Merupakan karya seni rupa berupa seni lukis, dengan judul Mencoba Untuk Tumbuh karya dari Toriq Bidar Dardir


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    Pendidikan adalah salah satu komponen yang sangat penting dalam menciptakan sumber daya manusia (SDM) untuk menangani kemajuan dari waktu ke waktu. Pada materi IPS kelas IV sekolah dasar BAB 4 tentang keanekaragaman suku bangsa dan budaya menjelaskan adat dan budaya di berbagai provinsi di Indonesia. Pada era sekarang, siswa sering menggunakan alat media yang canggih salah satunya yaitu melalui alat media smartphone. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan media aplikasi edukasi “Play Indonesia Culture Mobile (PICM) berbasis android pada materi IPS kelas IV sekolah dasar serta untuk mengetahui kualitas media dari segi kevalidan dan kepraktisan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah model Borg and Gall yang terdiri dari 5 tahap, yakni penelitian dan pengumpulan informasi (research and collecting), perencanaan (planning), pengembangan bentuk produk (Develop Preliminary Form of Product), percobaan uji coba lapangan (Preliminary Field Testing), dan revisi produk (Main Product Revision). Subjek yang terlibat pada penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 4 siswa dan dilakukan pada uji coba skala kecil. Instrumen pe ngumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah lembar angkat dan lembar validasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa skor validasi media adalah sebesar 91,67% yang tergolong “sangat valid”. Sedangkan skor validasi materi didapati hasil sebesar 80% yang tergolong “sangat valid”. Lebih lanjut, perolehan angket guru adalah sebesar 90% sedangkan pada angket siswa diperoleh hasil sebesar 87,5% yang menunjukkan kategori sangat praktis pada kedua angket. Berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli materi, ahli media dan uji coba penggunaan media, dapat diketahui bahwa media PICM untuk keterampilan menghafal letak dan bentuk rumah adat di Indonesia kelas IV sekolah dasar tergolong sangat praktis dan sangat valid untuk diterapkan pada kegiatan belajar mengajar. Kata Kunci: pengembangan, media PICM, menghafal letak dan bentuk rumah adat di Indonesia

    Сверхвысокочастотный пастеризатор жидких продуктов

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    Запропоновано конструкцію та розглянуто режими роботи пристрою пастеризації рідини. Встановлені необхідні концентрації енергії в зоні взаємодії рідини з електромагнітним полем.Constriction devices for pasteurization of the liquid foods are proposed. Concentration energy that is necessary in region interaction of liquid with electromagnetic field are determined.Предложена конструкция и рассмотрена работа устройства пастеризации жидкостей. Установлены необходимые концентрации энергии в зоне взаимодействия жидкости с электромагнитным полем

    3D Numerical Modelling of Convective Heat Transfer through Two-sided Vertical Channel Symmetrically Filled with Metal Foams

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    A computational fluid dynamics analysis of forced convective heat transfer has been conducted numerically on the hydrodynamic and heat transfer of airflow through vertical channel. The effects of airflow Reynolds number, metal foam porosity and thermal conductivity on the overall Nusselt number, pressure drop, maximum temperature and temperature distribution were considered. The novelty of the present study is the use of metal foams in a two-sided vertical channel and the quantification of the heat transfer enhancement compared to an empty channel for different foam material. Based on the generated results, it is observed that the heat transfer rate from the heated plate is the same for aluminium foam (porosity of 0.948) and copper foam (porosity of 0.877) against equal velocity range and heat flux conditions. Furthermore, it is noted that increasing the airflow velocity reduces the maximum temperature; however, the decrement is not linear. Results obtained from the proposed model were successfully compared with experimental data found in the literature for rectangular metal foam heat exchangers

    A Survey over the Dentists’ and Endodntists’ Approaches towards the Management of Endodontic Emergencies in Mashhad, Iran

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    Introduction: Pain or swelling caused by various stages of inflammation/infection of the pulp/periradicular area is called endodontic emergencies. Determining the most effective method of emergency treatment is a challenging issue in endodontics. The goal of this study was to determine and compare the level of knowledge in general dentists and Endodontists about endodontic emergency treatment plan in Mashhad, Iran in 2012-2013. Methods and Materials: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, 152 questionnaires were distributed among 120 general dentists and 32 Endodontists of Mashhad. The questionnaire contained two separate parts. The first part included demographic information and in the second part different treatment protocols were suggested for 12 various conditions of pulp/periapical emergencies, and the participants were asked to choose the correct option(s). To determine the relationship between qualitative variables, the chi-square analysis was used. The level of significance was set at 0.05. Results: There were significant differences between treatment plans presented by general dentists and Endodontists about endodontic emergencies, especially in cases of necrotic pulp and subsequent swelling. Conclusion: Level of knowledge of dentists about the indications of incision and drainage, intra-canal medicament, root filing beyond the apical foramen and antibiotic prescription was not enough. These findings highlight the importance of refreshing courses for general dentists to improve their competency in the management of endodontic emergencies.Keywords: Emergency; Endodontics; Endodontists; Flare Up; General Dentists; Level of Knowledg

    Надвисокочастотний пастеризатор рідких продуктів

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    Constriction devices for pasteurization of the liquid foods are proposed. Concentration energy that is necessary in region interaction of liquid with electromagnetic field are determined.Предложена конструкция и рассмотрена работа устройства пастеризации жидкостей. Установлены необходимые концентрации энергии в зоне взаимодействия жидкости с электромагнитным полем.Запропоновано конструкцію та розглянуто режими роботи пристрою пастеризації рідини. Встановлені необхідні концентрації енергії в зоні взаємодії рідини з електромагнітним полем