14 research outputs found

    The application of food diversity index for the examination of food security in Iran’s rural areas

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    An examination of household’s nutritional performance is an appropriate tool in the determination of food availability. Three indices have been applied to examine the situation of food security in rural areas: mean adequacy ratio, Berry index and Entropy index. The results indicate that lower income deciles access to food is not acceptable and nutrients available to them are not adequate; in addition food diversity is less for low income groups in comparison to high income groups, which can be attributed to meager income of lower income decile households. Thus, the state should identify the households that need support, and this could be done by referring to the country’s food security plan, and subsidy payment system should be targeted and based on food items that are important in the provision of energy for individuals

    Application of the Malmquist index on surveying of wheat product total factor productivity in the northern provinces of Iran

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    Addressing the productivity issue in WHEAT production as a staple food in the country is important. In this study TOTAL FACTOR PRODUCTIVITY change is investigated in the three NORTHERN PROVINCES and compared to country mean in period of 2000-2010. The results of this study showed that in Golestan province, the TOTAL FACTOR PRODUCTIVITY change is under the influence of technological change and in Mazandaran and Gilan province, the total productivity change is under the influence of technical efficiency. Changes in TFP for the whole country have large fluctuations. These changes are due to changes in technical efficiency and technological change. To increase TOTAL FACTOR PRODUCTIVITY, better use of production inputs, especially, agricultural machinery, and extending loans to farmers are recommended

    The Effect of Socio-Personal Factors on Economic and Managerial Variables in Shahroud Commercial Dairy Farms

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    The purpose of this research was to study the effects of fourpersonal and social variables including the age, literacy,job experience and size of herd on different variables such asimplementing of managerial strategies in transition period,relevant costs of these strategies, average production per headand gross income of milk sale per head. For this purpose allrequired information were collected through questionnairedistribution among the owners of commercial dairy farms ofShahroud district. This questionnaire was included three parts.Relevant information about personal and social indices wasinserted in first part. Second part included of relevant informationabout performance and non-performance of considered managerialstrategies in transition period and third part was aboutrelevant information about production and economic records.Finally all information about 50 herds was obtained andcompared as well. Data analysis was through applying MultipleLinear Regression (MLR) method. Also it was possible tospecify any relation among independent and dependent variablesthrough calculation of Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Finallyit was revealed that social and personal factors have a significanteffect on the implementation of management strategies andother independent factors

    The Effect of Socio-Personal Factors on Economic and Managerial Variables in Shahroud Commercial Dairy Farms

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    The purpose of this research was to study the effects of four personal and social variables including the age, literacy, job experience and size of herd on different variables such as implementing of managerial strategies in transition period, relevant costs of these strategies, average production per head and gross income of milk sale per head. For this purpose all required information were collected through questionnaire distribution among the owners of commercial dairy farms of Shahroud district. This questionnaire was included three parts. Relevant information about personal and social indices was inserted in first part. Second part included of relevant information about performance and non-performance of considered managerial strategies in transition period and third part was about relevant information about production and economic records. Finally all information about 50 herds was obtained and compared as well. Data analysis was through applying Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) method. Also it was possible to specify any relation among independent and dependent variables through calculation of Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Finally it was revealed that social and personal factors have a significant effect on the implementation of management strategies and other independent factors

    Functional annotation of the RNA-seq assembly-unique sequences for genes whose putative function could be determined based on BlastKOALA in the KEGG database.

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    Functional annotation of the RNA-seq assembly-unique sequences for genes whose putative function could be determined based on BlastKOALA in the KEGG database.</p

    Summary of read numbers based on the RNA-Seq data analysis from developing potato tuber stages.

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    Summary of read numbers based on the RNA-Seq data analysis from developing potato tuber stages.</p

    qRT-PCR analysis of some Potato genes at development stages II and III relative to stage I (SI).

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    Espression levels were compared to SI using student t-test. *, ** represent significant at P<0.05, P<0.01 probability level, respectively. ns: indicates non-significant difference relative to SI.</p

    Venn diagrams representing the number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in three developmental stages in potato tubers.

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    Venn diagrams representing the number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in three developmental stages in potato tubers.</p