118 research outputs found

    Вступ до теорії мімічних масок: значення афективно-когнітивних взаємозв’язків. (Introduction to the theory of facial masks: the importance of affective-cognitive interactions.)

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    Сучасна психологія все більше схиляється до думки, що когнітивні та емоційні процеси знаходяться у тісному взаємозв'язку. У статті показаний їх взаємовплив у рамках запропонованої теорії мімічних масок, для якої вони мають першочергове значення. Мімічна експресія розглядається як результат усталення мімічних проявів певних емоцій під впливом когнітивних структур, що провокують ці емоції. Обґрунтовуються деякі теоретико-методологічні засади теорії мімічних масок з позицій системного підходу. Дається огляд процесів, які сприяють їх оформленню. (Contemporary psychology inclines to acknowledge cognitive and affective processes highly dependent on each other. This review shows their interference within the newly proposed mimic masks theory. Slow facial movements as facial expression are considered as a result of fixed expression of emotions arisen under the influence of cognitive structures that caused such emotions. Some methodological and theoretic principles are justifiedfrom the position of the system approach. A review ofprocesses that contribute to the shaping of mimic masks is given as well.

    Slow facial signs and their psychodiagnostic value

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    Визначення наукової основи психодіагностики через постійні вирази обличчя є проблемою, якій присвячено це дослідження. Метою дослідження є аналіз зв'язків між повільними сигналами обличчя (ПСО) та емоційними рисами особистості з урахуванням віку та статі у вибірці східних українців (201 учасник). Щоб виявити ПСО були зняті фотографії нейтральних облич учасників. Рівень рис оцінювався за допомогою Опитувальника тривожності Спілбергера, шкали тривожності Тейлор, тесту ворожості Басса-Дарки, опитувальника соціальної фрустрації Вассермана, шкали нейротизму Вассермана, особистісного диференціалу, проективних тестів «Намалюй людину» та «Намалюй людину під дощем». Для виявлення значень ПСО з фотографій була застосована Система кодування обличчя (Ekman, Friesen, & Hager). Було виявлено, що більша частина виявлених ПСО відноситься до гніву (12) та суму (11). Найменша кількість виявлених ПСО належить до огиди / презирства (5), страху (4) та щастя (4). З віком на обличчі людей зростає кількість ПСО, що передають сум (найвищий ступінь), гнів (трохи менше), страх (менше) і щастя (найрідше). Відсутні суттєві відмінності у прояві ПСО між чоловіками та жінками. Виявлено значні кореляції відповідних ПСО з тестовими показниками тривожності, депресії та агресивності (у її аспектах почуття провини та образи). Ключові слова: вирази обличчя, повільні сигнали обличчя, емоційні риси, тривожність, депресія, агресивність, щастя.The current study is devoted to the identification of the scientific basis of permanent facial expression as a psychodiagnotic measure. The aim of the research is to investigate relationships between slow facial signs (SFS) and emotional personality traits with taking into account age and gender on the sample of Eastern Ukrainians (201 participants). To that end, we measured participants’ personality traits levels and photographed their neutral faces in order to identify any SFS on the photographs of their faces. The test battery included the Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory, Taylor manifest anxiety scale, Buss-Durkey hostility inventory, Vasserman social frustration questionnaire, Vasserman neuroticism scale, Personal differential inventory, “Draw-A-Person” and “Draw-A-Person-In-The-Rain” projective tests. We applied Facial Action Coding System (Ekman, Friesen, & Hager) to identify and interprete SFS on the photographs. We found that the most part of revealed SFS relates to anger (12) and sadness (11). The fewest number of revealed SFS relates to disgust / contempt (5), fear (4) and happiness (4). The elder a person becomes the more increasing number of SFS of sadness (highest rates), anger (lower rates), fear (still lower) and happiness (lowest rates) is expected in one’s face. There are no significant differences in manifesting SFS between men and women. We found significant correlations between relevant SFS and traits anxiety, depression, and agressiveness (in its guilt and resentment aspects)

    Problems of installation water protective zones and coastal protective stripes

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    The issue of establishing the boundaries of water protection and coastal stripes in Ukraine were examined in the article. The purpose of the study is to present the practical results of the formation the boundary delimiter of coastal protection stripes, based on scientific and methodological approaches to the development of land management projects for the establishment of coastal protection stripes and modern technologies in the area of geographic information system. Theoretical principles of establishing the boundaries of water protective zones and coastal protective stripes on water resources are analyzed. Regulatory basic documents on the subject of use in the establishment of water protection zones and coastal protection stripes have been explored. It is noted that the size of water protective zones and coastal protective stripes can be set in accordance with the provisions of the Land Code of Ukraine, and according to the especial projects in land management. It is suggested the procedure for establishing coastal and water protective zones is based on determining the hydrographic characteristics of water sites and morphological parameters of coastal areas using remote sensing data and geoinformation system and includes six steps: 1. Determination of morphometric parameters of water sites. 2. Obtaining relief data and its application 3.Determining the steepness of the slopes. 4. Construction of catchment areas and determination of surface effluent directions. 5. Creation of a buffer zone around water sites (construction of a protective stripe and a water protective zone). 6. Combining layers of informative maps for the final definition of boundaries. The use of the methodology is presented on a specific example, namely the pond in the village Gremyache, Rivne region. Methodology will provide a technical background for establishing and decision-making on the size of water protective zones and coastal protection stripes around water objects. One more aspect of the problem, solved by the methodology proposed in the article, involves informative supporting of decisions in a sphere of controlling water fund lands at the regional level as part of the planning measures for sustainable regions development and protection of water objects. Keywords: water protective zone, coastal protection belt, land management project, Earth remote sensing data of the Earth and geographic information system data, boundaries of the water protective zone and coastal protective strip

    Seroprevalence of Influenza A Virus in Dromedaries in North-Western Nigeria

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    Although influenza A virus is endemic in wild waterfowl, domestic poultry, swine, humans, bats, cetaceans, dogs, and horses, there is a paucity of data on the potential role of camels in zoonotic transmission of the virus. To estimate the seroprevalence of the influenza A virus in camel populations, four local government areas of Nigeria that share an international border with the Niger Republic were selected. Blood samples from 184 one-hump camels (dromedaries) were collected and tested for influenza IgG antigen by ELISA. Each camel’s demographic variable, such as age, gender, location, production system, and usage, was recorded. The overall seroprevalence rate of influenza virus IgG in this study was 10.33% (95%CI: 6.33–15.66%). In the bivariate model, there was no significant difference in gender, age, site location and production system, except for usage. There was a significantly lower seroprevalence rate among camels used for labour (odds ratio (OR) = 0.34, 95% CI: 0.10–0.97) than those used for meat consumption; however, not after adjusting for other variables in the model. Increase surveillance through early detection, prediction, and risk assessment of pathogens in animal reservoirs and environmental contamination as One Health strategies to reduce potential human spillover is recommended. Molecular epidemiology studies could better elucidate the role of camels in the dynamics of disease transmission pathways

    Structural performance of precast foamed concrete sandwich panel subjected to axial load

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    In this paper, experimental and simple analytical studies on the structural behavior of Precast Foamed Concrete Sandwich Panel (PFCSP) were reported. Full-scale tests on six PFCSP panels varying in thickness were performed under axial load applications. Axial load-bearing capacity, load-deflection profiles, load-strain relationships, slenderness ratio, load-displacement, load-deformation, typical modes of failure and cracking patterns under constantly increasing axial loads were discussed. Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis (FEA) using LUSAS software to investigate the structural behavior of PFCSP was contacted. The computed ultimate strength values using American Concrete Institute equation (ACI318) and other empirical formulas developed by pervious researchers which applicable to predict the ultimate strength capacity of sandwich panels were compared with the experimental test results and FEA data obtained; therefore, very conservative values resulted, a significant agreement with the FEA data that presented a high degree of accuracy with experiments and an increase in slenderness function

    Massively Parallel RNA Chemical Mapping with a Reduced Bias MAP-seq Protocol

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    Chemical mapping methods probe RNA structure by revealing and leveraging correlations of a nucleotide's structural accessibility or flexibility with its reactivity to various chemical probes. Pioneering work by Lucks and colleagues has expanded this method to probe hundreds of molecules at once on an Illumina sequencing platform, obviating the use of slab gels or capillary electrophoresis on one molecule at a time. Here, we describe optimizations to this method from our lab, resulting in the MAP-seq protocol (Multiplexed Accessibility Probing read out through sequencing), version 1.0. The protocol permits the quantitative probing of thousands of RNAs at once, by several chemical modification reagents, on the time scale of a day using a table-top Illumina machine. This method and a software package MAPseeker (http://simtk.org/home/map_seeker) address several potential sources of bias, by eliminating PCR steps, improving ligation efficiencies of ssDNA adapters, and avoiding problematic heuristics in prior algorithms. We hope that the step-by-step description of MAP-seq 1.0 will help other RNA mapping laboratories to transition from electrophoretic to next-generation sequencing methods and to further reduce the turnaround time and any remaining biases of the protocol.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Menstrual Cycle Length in Women Ages 20-30 years in Makassar

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    Abstract: Menstrual cycle is a naturally occurring mechanism in a reproductive aged woman. The ability of a woman to identify the length of a menstrual cycle is important as a basis to determine the fertile period in the subsequent menstrual cycle. This research aimed to investigate the length of menstrual cycle of women in reproductive age. A regular menstrual cycle occurs in a regular pattern of length which can range from 21 to 35 days in adults. A subsequent cycle which occurs three to five days earlier or longer than the usual pattern would still be considered as normal. Meanwhile, a menstrual cycle which occurs twice in a month or once in more than two months would be considered as irregular cycle. The method implemented was an exploratory method through which menstruation periods of woman in reproductive age were recorded in three consecutive months. The research population was Biology students who are registered in academic year 2017. The participants were students who are registered in Reproduction and Animal Development subject. The data of menstrual period were collected from four study group which consists of 101 students. The result of data analysis on a total of 171 menstrual cycle showed that the average length of participants’ menstrual cycle was 30.08 days. The total of participants showed regular and irregular length of menstrual cycle was 59.41% and 42.57% respectivel

    Occupational health and safety and the National Public Health Institute of South Africa : deliberations from a national consultative meeting

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    On 11 November 2015, the National Department of Health (NDoH) published the National Public Health Institute of South Africa (NAPHISA) Draft Bill 2015 for public comment. The aim of the Draft Bill is: '[t]o provide for the establishment of the National Public Health Institute of South Africa in order to conduct disease and injury surveillance and to provide specialised public health services, public health interventions, training and research directed towards the major health challenges affecting the population of the Republic.'http://www.samj.org.zaam2016School of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH

    Haze in Pluto's atmosphere: Results from SOFIA and ground-based observations of the 2015 June 29 Pluto occultation

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    On UT 29 June 2015, the occultation by Pluto of a bright star (r′ = 11.9) was observed from the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) and several ground-based stations in New Zealand and Australia. Pre-event astrometry allowed for an in-flight update to the SOFIA team with the result that SOFIA was deep within the central flash zone (~22 km from center). Analysis of the combined data leads to the result that Pluto's middle atmosphere is essentially unchanged from 2011 and 2013 (Person et al. 2013; Bosh et al. 2015); there has been no significant expansion or contraction of the atmosphere. Additionally, our multi-wavelength observations allow us to conclude that a haze component in the atmosphere is required to reproduce the light curves obtained. This haze scenario has implications for understanding the photochemistry of Pluto's atmosphere