108 research outputs found

    A new era of spectroscopy: SINFONI, NIR integral field spectroscopy at the diffraction limit of an 8m telescope

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    SINFONI, the SINgle Faint Object Near-infrared Investigation, is an instrument for the Very Large Telescope (VLT), which will start its operation mid 2002 and allow for the first time near infrared (NIR) integral field spectroscopy at the diffraction limit of an 8-m telescope. SINFONI is the combination of two state-of-the art instruments, the integral field spectrometer SPIFFI, built by the Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik (MPE), and the adaptive optics (AO) system MACAO, built by the European Southern Observatory (ESO). It will allow a unique type of observations by delivering simultaneously high spatial resolution (pixel sizes 0.025arcsec to 0.25arcsec) and a moderate spectral resolution (R~2000 to R~4500), where the higher spectral resolution mode will allow for software OH suppression. This opens new prospects for astronomy.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, to appear in SPIE proceedings "Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2000". More recent sensitivity estimates are available at http://www.mpe.mpg.de/www_ir/ir_instruments/sinfoni/spiffi.ht

    Imaging the Universe in 3D with the VLT: The Next Generation Field Spectrometer SPIFFI

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    We present SPIFFI, the integral field spectrometer for the VLT. This instrument allows simultaneous observation of infrared spectra in more than 1000 image points of a two dimensional field. With its set of four gratings and a pixel scale that can be varied by a factor of ten, SPIFFI provides high flexibility, and at the same time offers the unique possibility of diffraction limited imaging spectroscopy at an 8m-class telescope, when fed by the adaptive optics system MACAO. We outline the scientific drivers for building such an instrument, the concept of image slicing, the optical design, and the implementation of SPIFFI

    SINFONI - Integral Field Spectroscopy at 50 milli-arcsecond resolution with the ESO VLT

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    SINFONI is an adaptive optics assisted near-infrared integral field spectrometer for the ESO VLT. The Adaptive Optics Module (built by the ESO Adaptive Optics Group) is a 60-elements curvature-sensor based system, designed for operations with natural or sodium laser guide stars. The near-infrared integral field spectrometer SPIFFI (built by the Infrared Group of MPE) provides simultaneous spectroscopy of 32 x 32 spatial pixels, and a spectral resolving power of up to 3300. The adaptive optics module is in the phase of integration; the spectrometer is presently tested in the laboratory. We provide an overview of the project, with particular emphasis on the problems encountered in designing and building an adaptive optics assisted spectrometer.Comment: This paper was published in Proc. SPIE, 4841, pp. 1548-1561 (2003), and is made available as an electronic reprint with permission of SPIE. Copyright notice added to first page of articl

    Ice sheet–free West Antarctica during peak early Oligocene glaciation

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    One of Earth’s most fundamental climate shifts – the greenhouse-icehouse transition 34 Ma ago – initiated Antarctic ice-sheet build-up, influencing global climate until today. However, the extent of the ice sheet during the Early Oligocene Glacial Maximum (~33.7–33.2 Ma) that immediately followed this transition, a critical knowledge gap for assessing feedbacks between permanently glaciated areas and early Cenozoic global climate reorganization, is uncertain. Here, we present shallow-marine drilling data constraining earliest Oligocene environmental conditions on West Antarctica’s Pacific margin – a key region for understanding Antarctic ice sheet-evolution. These data indicate a cool-temperate environment, with mild ocean and air temperatures preventing West Antarctic Ice Sheet formation. Climate-ice sheet modeling corroborates a highly asymmetric Antarctic ice sheet, thereby revealing its differential regional response to past and future climatic change

    Gljivice kao sastavni dio bioaerosola u nastambama za muzne krave i nesilice konzumnih jaja

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    The air of animal dwellings can contain great amounts of bioaerosol composed of dust, bacteria, fungi, and endotoxins. The composition may depend on animal species, building construction, animal accommodation, and microclimate parameters, to name just a few factors. Pathogens contained may be a serious threat to animal and human health. The aim of our study was to analyse the fungi aerosol content in a stable housing dairy cows and in a coop for laying hens over the three autumn months of 2007. The air was sampled on Petri dishes with Sabouraud glucose agar. After laboratory treatment, we identifi ed the most common fungi. Their count in the stable ranged from 3.98x103 CFU m-3 to 5.11x104 CFU m-3 and in the coop from 6.89 x104 CFU m-3 to 1.13x105 CFU m-3. The difference between the two animal dwellings was statistically different at the level of p<0.05. In both dwellings, the most common were the fungi Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp., and yeasts, followed by Cladosporium sp., Fusarium sp., Mucor sp., Scopulariopsis sp., Alternaria sp., and Rhizopus sp. Our results are entirely in line with values reported in literature and are at the lower end of the range. They call for further investigation that would eventually lead to setting air quality standards for animal dwellings and to developing reliable monitoring systems in order to ensure safe food and safe environment.U zraku nastambi za držanje životinja stvaraju se znatne količine bioaerosola. Njega čine prašina, bakterije, gljivice, endotoksini i plinovi. Brojnost im ovisi o građevinsko-tehničkim značajkama nastambi, naseljenosti životinjama, načinu držanja, temperaturno-vlažnim odnosima u staji i aktivnostima oko hranjenja, mužnje, skupljanja jaja i drugih poslova. Ove čestice, ako su patogene, mogu biti ozbiljna prijetnja za zdravlje ljudi. Mjerenja su obavljana u staji muznih krava te u objektu za nesilice, 2007. godine, tijekom tri jesenja mjeseca. Zrak je uzorkovan na Petrijeve zdjelice sa Sabouraudovim glukoznim agarom, uređajem MAS 100. Nakon obrade u laboratoriju, prema osnovnim i mikromorfološkim osobinama poraslih kolonija identifi cirani su najčešće zastupljeni rodovi gljivica. Srednja vrijednost broja gljivica u zraku staje za muzne krave kretala se od 3,98x103 CFU m-3 do 5,11x104 CFU m-3. Broj gljivica u zraku objekta za nesilice kretao se od 6,89x104 CFU m-3 do 1,13x105 CFU m-3. Ove vrijednosti statistički su se značajno razlikovale na razini p<0,05. U obje pretraživane nastambe najčešće su bili zastupljeni rodovi Aspergillus, Penicillium i kvasnice. U manjem postotku utvrđene su gljivice iz rodova Cladosporium sp., Fusarium sp., Mucor sp., Scopulariopsis sp., Alternaria sp. i Rhizopus sp. Rezultati ovih istraživanja o kvantitativnom i kvalitativnom sastavu gljivica u zraku pretraženih nastambi potpuno su u skladu s vrijednostima zabilježenim u literaturi te se nalaze na donjim granicama opisanih raspona. Utvrđeni broj i rodovi gljivica ukazuju na nužnost daljnjih istraživanja te potrebu postavljanja standardnih vrijednosti glede kvalitete zraka u nastambama za životinje, kao i razvoj vjerodostojnog sustava praćenja navedenih čimbenika, s ciljem stvaranja sigurne hrane i sigurnog okoliša

    A large-scale transcontinental river system crossed West Antarctica during the Eocene

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    Extensive ice coverage largely prevents investigations of Antarctica’s unglaciated past. Knowledge about environmental and tectonic development before large-scale glaciation, however, is important for understanding the transition into the modern icehouse world. We report geochronological and sedimentological data from a drill core from the Amundsen Sea shelf, providing insights into tectonic and topographic conditions during the Eocene (~44 to 34 million years ago), shortly before major ice sheet buildup. Our findings reveal the Eocene as a transition period from >40 million years of relative tectonic quiescence toward reactivation of the West Antarctic Rift System, coinciding with incipient volcanism, rise of the Transantarctic Mountains, and renewed sedimentation under temperate climate conditions. The recovered sediments were deposited in a coastal-estuarine swamp environment at the outlet of a >1500-km-long transcontinental river system, draining from the rising Transantarctic Mountains into the Amundsen Sea. Much of West Antarctica hence lied above sea level, but low topographic relief combined with low elevation inhibited widespread ice sheet formation

    MeBo70 Seabed Drilling on a Polar Continental Shelf: Operational Report and Lessons From Drilling in the Amundsen Sea Embayment of West Antarctica

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    A multibarrel seabed drill rig was used for the first time to drill unconsolidated sediments and consolidated sedimentary rocks from an Antarctic shelf with core recoveries between 7% and 76%. We deployed the MARUM-MeBo70 drill device at nine drill sites in the Amundsen Sea Embayment. Three sites were located on the inner shelf of Pine Island Bay from which soft sediments, presumably deposited at high sedimentation rates in isolated small basins, were recovered from drill depths of up to 36 m below seafloor. Six sites were located on the middle shelf of the eastern and western embayment. Drilling at five of these sites recovered consolidated sediments and sedimentary rocks from dipping strata spanning ages from Cretaceous to Miocene. This report describes the initial coring results, the challenges posed by drifting icebergs and sea ice, and technical issues related to deployment of the MeBo70. We also present recommendations for similar future drilling campaigns on polar continental shelves

    Ice sheet–free West Antarctica during peak early Oligocene glaciation

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    One of Earth’s most fundamental climate shifts – the greenhouse-icehouse transition 34 Ma ago – initiated Antarctic ice-sheet build-up, influencing global climate until today. However, the extent of the ice sheet during the Early Oligocene Glacial Maximum (~33.7–33.2 Ma) that immediately followed this transition, a critical knowledge gap for assessing feedbacks between permanently glaciated areas and early Cenozoic global climate reorganization, is uncertain. Here, we present shallow-marine drilling data constraining earliest Oligocene environmental conditions on West Antarctica’s Pacific margin – a key region for understanding Antarctic ice sheet-evolution. These data indicate a cool-temperate environment, with mild ocean and air temperatures preventing West Antarctic Ice Sheet formation. Climate-ice sheet modeling corroborates a highly asymmetric Antarctic ice sheet, thereby revealing its differential regional response to past and future climatic change

    Deep water inflow slowed offshore expansion of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet at the Eocene-Oligocene transition

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    The stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is threatened by the incursion of warm Circumpolar Deepwater which flows southwards via cross-shelf troughs towards the coast there melting ice shelves. However, the onset of this oceanic forcing on the development and evolution of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet remains poorly understood. Here, we use single- and multichannel seismic reflection profiles to investigate the architecture of a sediment body on the shelf of the Amundsen Sea Embayment. We estimate the formation age of this sediment body to be around the Eocene-Oligocene Transition and find that it possesses the geometry and depositional pattern of a plastered sediment drift. We suggest this indicates a southward inflow of deep water which probably supplied heat and, thus, prevented West Antarctic Ice Sheet advance beyond the coast at this time. We conclude that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet has likely experienced a strong oceanic influence on its dynamics since its initial formation