32 research outputs found

    Outbreak of tropical rat mite (Ornithonyssus bacoti) dermatitis in a home for disabled persons

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    Five mentally handicapped individuals living in a home for disabled persons in Southern Germany were seen in our outpatient department with pruritic, red papules predominantly located in groups on the upper extremities, neck, upper trunk and face. Over several weeks 40 inhabitants and 5 caretakers were affected by the same rash. Inspection of their home and the sheds nearby disclosed infestation with rat populations and mites. Finally the diagnosis of tropical rat mite dermatitis was made by the identification of the arthropod Ornithonyssus bacoti or so-called tropical rat mite. The patients were treated with topical corticosteroids and antihistamines. After elimination of the rats and disinfection of the rooms by a professional exterminator no new cases of rat mite dermatitis occurred. The tropical rat mite is an external parasite occurring on rats, mice, gerbils, hamsters and various other small mammals. When the principal animal host is not available, human beings can become the victim of mite infestation. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Base

    Mechanomyographic amplitude and frequency responses during dynamic muscle actions: a comprehensive review

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    The purpose of this review is to examine the literature that has investigated mechanomyographic (MMG) amplitude and frequency responses during dynamic muscle actions. To date, the majority of MMG research has focused on isometric muscle actions. Recent studies, however, have examined the MMG time and/or frequency domain responses during various types of dynamic activities, including dynamic constant external resistance (DCER) and isokinetic muscle actions, as well as cycle ergometry. Despite the potential influences of factors such as changes in muscle length and the thickness of the tissue between the muscle and the MMG sensor, there is convincing evidence that during dynamic muscle actions, the MMG signal provides valid information regarding muscle function. This argument is supported by consistencies in the MMG literature, such as the close relationship between MMG amplitude and power output and a linear increase in MMG amplitude with concentric torque production. There are still many issues, however, that have yet to be resolved, and the literature base for MMG during both dynamic and isometric muscle actions is far from complete. Thus, it is important to investigate the unique applications of MMG amplitude and frequency responses with different experimental designs/methodologies to continually reassess the uses/limitations of MMG

    The influence of intra-daily activities and settings upon weekday violent crime in public space in Manchester, UK

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    People ebb and flow across the city. The spatial and temporal patterning of crime is, in part, reflective of this mobility, of the scale of the population present in any given setting at a particular time. It is also a function of capacity of this population to perform an active role as an offender, victim or guardian in any specific crime type, itself shaped by the time-variant activities undertaken in, and the qualities of, particular settings. To this end, this paper explores the intra-daily influence of activities and settings upon the weekday spatial and temporal patterning of violent crime in public spaces. This task is achieved through integrating a transient population dataset with travel survey, point-of-interest and recorded crime data in a study of Great Manchester (UK). The research deploys a negative binomial regression model controlling for spatial lag effects. It finds strong and independent, but time-variant, associations between leisure activities, leisure settings and the spatial and temporal patterning of violent crime in public space. The paper concludes by discussing the theoretical and empirical implications of these findings

    A comparison of methods for temporal analysis of aoristic crime

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    Objectives: To test the accuracy of various methods previously proposed (and one new method) to estimate offence times where the actual time of the event is not known. Methods: For 303 thefts of pedal cycles from railway stations, the actual offence time was determined from closed-circuit television and the resulting temporal distribution compared against commonly-used estimated distributions using circular statistics and analysis of residuals. Results: Aoristic analysis and allocation of a random time to each offence allow accurate estimation of peak offence times. Commonly-used deterministic methods were found to be inaccurate and to produce misleading results. Conclusions: It is important that analysts use the most accurate methods for temporal distribution approximation to ensure any resource decisions made on the basis of peak times are reliable

    Safety and Efficacy of PrivigenA (R), a Novel 10% Liquid Immunoglobulin Preparation for Intravenous Use, in Patients with Primary Immunodeficiencies

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    The present study was designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a novel, 10% liquid formulation of intravenous immunoglobulin, stabilized with 250 mmol/L l-proline (PrivigenA (R)), in patients with primary immunodeficiency disease. Eighty adults and children diagnosed with common variable immunodeficiency or X-linked agammaglobulinemia received intravenous PrivigenA (R) infusions (200-888 mg/kg) at 3- or 4-week intervals over a 12-month period, according to their previously established maintenance dose. The primary endpoint was the annual rate of acute serious bacterial infections. There were six episodes of acute serious bacterial infections, corresponding to an annual rate of 0.08; the annual rate for all infections was 3.55. Mean serum IgG trough levels were between 8.84 and 10.27 g/L. A total of 1,038 infusions were administered, most of them at the maximum rate permitted (8.0 mg kg(-1) min(-1)). Temporally associated adverse events, possibly or probably related to study drug, occurred in 9% of infusions, either during or within 72 h after infusion end. PrivigenA (R) is well tolerated and effective for the treatment of primary immunodeficiency