34 research outputs found

    Differential Relationship between Physical Activity and Intake of Added Sugar and Nutrient-Dense Foods: A Cross-Sectional Analysis

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    A curvilinear relationship exists between physical activity (PA) and dietary energy intake (EI), which is reduced in moderately active when compared to inactive and highly active individuals, but the impact of PA on eating patterns remains poorly understood. Our goal was to establish the relationship between PA and intake of foods with varying energy and nutrient density. Data from the 2009–2010 United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were used to include a Dietary Screener Questionnaire for estimated intakes of added sugar, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fiber, and dairy. Participants (n = 4766; 49.7% women) were divided into sex-specific quintiles based on their habitual PA. After adjustment for age, body mass index, household income, and education, intakes were compared between PA quartiles, using the lowest activity quintile (Q1) as reference. Women in the second to fourth quintile (Q2-Q4) consumed less added sugar from sugary foods (+2 tsp/day) and from sweetened beverages (+2 tsp/day; all p \u3c 0.05 vs. Q1). In men, added sugar intake was elevated in the highest activity quintile (Q5: +3 ± 1 tsp/day, p = 0.007 vs. Q1). Fruit and vegetable intake increased (women: Q1-Q4 +0.3 ± 0.1 cup eq/day; p \u3c 0.001; men: Q1-Q3 +0.3 ± 0.1 cup eq/day, p = 0.002) and stagnated in higher quintiles. Dairy intake increased with PA only in men (Q5: +0.3 ± 0.1 cup eq/day, p \u3c 0.001 vs. Q1). Results demonstrate a differential relationship between habitual PA and dietary intakes, whereby moderate but not necessarily highest PA levels are associated with reduced added sugar and increased nutrient-dense food consumption. Future research should examine specific mechanisms of food choices at various PA levels to ensure dietary behaviors (i.e., increased sugary food intake) do not negate positive effects of PA

    Keeping The Physical Educator “Connected” An Examination Of Comfort Level, Usage And Professional Development Available For Technology Integration In The Curricular Area Of Physical Education

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    Schools continue to integrate the use of technology, and gymnasiums are not an exception.  The purpose of the study was to determine the comfort level of Physical Education teachers integrating technology in the gymnasium, determine types of professional development provided for technology use, and potential barriers associated with technology usage. A survey of 179 practicing Physical Education teachers located in the Midwest completed an online questionnaire. Results indicated Physical Education teachers were comfortable integrating technology but reported inadequate professional develop on technology device implementation.  These findings suggest Physical Educators are willing to integrate technology but the professional development and resources available to accomplish this is lacking. Future research should examine PETE program offerings, and additional PD opportunities offered by SHAPE America within the area of technology and Physical Education

    Retrospective Evaluation of High School Primary Physical Activities and Adulthood Physical Activity Need Satisfaction

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    Presumably, individuals are taught skills throughout their primary education that are required to live a healthy lifestyle throughout the lifespan. The primary purpose of this study was to assess adult psycho- logical need satisfaction in relation to high school participation. Participation included university employees and students of two mid-sized universities and members of a state health organization. Participants (n = 512) completed the Psychological Need Satisfaction in Exercise (PNSE) and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The current study found modest associations between measured motivation constructs on physical activity levels. Standardized coefficients report competence and autonomy had a significant effect on physical activity in predicting adult physical activity levels. Results of this study provide insight into the determinants underlying the development of physical activity tendencies in adults and suggest high school physical education and sport participation have an equal influence on adult physical activity levels

    Differential Relationship between Physical Activity and Intake of Added Sugar and Nutrient-Dense Foods: A Cross-Sectional Analysis

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    A curvilinear relationship exists between physical activity (PA) and dietary energy intake (EI), which is reduced in moderately active when compared to inactive and highly active individuals, but the impact of PA on eating patterns remains poorly understood. Our goal was to establish the relationship between PA and intake of foods with varying energy and nutrient density. Data from the 2009–2010 United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were used to include a Dietary Screener Questionnaire for estimated intakes of added sugar, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fiber, and dairy. Participants (n = 4766; 49.7% women) were divided into sex-specific quintiles based on their habitual PA. After adjustment for age, body mass index, household income, and education, intakes were compared between PA quartiles, using the lowest activity quintile (Q1) as reference. Women in the second to fourth quintile (Q2-Q4) consumed less added sugar from sugary foods (+2 tsp/day) and from sweetened beverages (+2 tsp/day; all p \u3c 0.05 vs. Q1). In men, added sugar intake was elevated in the highest activity quintile (Q5: +3 ± 1 tsp/day, p = 0.007 vs. Q1). Fruit and vegetable intake increased (women: Q1-Q4 +0.3 ± 0.1 cup eq/day; p \u3c 0.001; men: Q1-Q3 +0.3 ± 0.1 cup eq/day, p = 0.002) and stagnated in higher quintiles. Dairy intake increased with PA only in men (Q5: +0.3 ± 0.1 cup eq/day, p \u3c 0.001 vs. Q1). Results demonstrate a differential relationship between habitual PA and dietary intakes, whereby moderate but not necessarily highest PA levels are associated with reduced added sugar and increased nutrient-dense food consumption. Future research should examine specific mechanisms of food choices at various PA levels to ensure dietary behaviors (i.e., increased sugary food intake) do not negate positive effects of PA

    A Comparison of Three Computer-based Methods Used to Determine EMG Signal Amplitude

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    Electromyography is a commonly used method to determine relative effort and neuromuscular drive to skeletal muscle. A limitation of the interpretation of EMG within the literature is the many methods used to determine the intensity of muscle activation. In the current study, ten healthy young adults performed a level walking task while EMG was recorded from the tibialis anterior, medial gastrocnemius and fibularis longus. The EMG data were rectified and smoothed using the root mean squared (RMS). Peak RMS (pRMS), mean RMS (mRMS) and integrated EMG (iEMG) were normalized to the peak value within the subject and were used to determine EMG amplitude. A 3x3 repeated measures analysis of variance was used to determine significant differences between the methods of determining EMG amplitude. The findings of the current study show that pRMS produced significantly lower EMG amplitudes than mRMS or iEMG values. Furthermore, mRMS and iEMG produced nearly identical normalized EMG amplitudes. Based on the findings of this study and the components of each measurement of EMG amplitude, it is suggested to use mRMS to determine EMG amplitude

    Motivation of Shoulder Surgery Patients for Rehabilitation

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 10(2): 234-245, 2017 Motivation can be a valuable construct during physical rehabilitation. Rehabilitation can be uncomfortable and painful, testing patients’ rehabilitation motivation and continued participation. Maintaining motivation throughout rehabilitation is important for patients to return to optimal joint motion and daily functioning. The purpose of this research project was to examine rehabilitation motivation after shoulder surgery (rotator cuff repairs, slap repairs, biceps tenodesis, acromioplasty, distal clavicle excision or combination). Persons who underwent shoulder surgery (December 2014 – April 2015) voluntarily participated in the study. The Self Regulation Questionnaire was used to assess patients’ self-regulation and motivation. Surveys were administered to participants during rehabilitation at appointments with the physician. This study revealed significant changes to participants’ self-regulation throughout the 16-week post shoulder surgical rehabilitation process. Significant increases were discovered when looking at patients’ attention to goals and employing strategies to meet those goals. Other main areas of increase included problem solving, planning rehabilitation outside of therapy and coping with challenging times in rehabilitation. Data allows researchers and health care professionals to evaluate the dynamics of motivation fluctuation during rehabilitation. In addition, data will allow researchers to identify areas of motivational concern to implement motivation techniques in order to aid patients through rehabilitation

    An Examination of Estimated BMI and Perceived Wellness among Students at a Midsized Midwest University

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    Health is complex and the perception of individual wellness can be influenced by various factors. Students at a Midwestern university estimated their BMI, completed the Perceived Wellness Survey, and had their BMI calculated. Measured BMI was significantly higher than estimated [F(2,155) = 62.03, p = 0.001]. Associations existed between the measured constructs of psychological (r = -0.231; p = 0.004), spiritual (r = 0.248; p = 0.002), and estimated BMI. Data indicates that perceived body composition is related to wellness. False perception of body composition could lead to wellness deficiencies

    Examining Differences in Achievement of Physical Activity Best Practices Between Urban and Rural Child Care Facilities by Age

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    Go Nutrition and Physical activity Self Assessment in Child Care (NAP SACC) is an evidence based intervention developed to positively impact childhood obesity in early childhood education (ECE) facilities. One focus of Go NAP SACC is the development of physical activity best practices. However, little research has examined differences in achievement of best practices based on age of child and geographic location. The purpose of this study was to examine differences in the achievement of physical activity best practices between urban and rural childcare facilities by age-specific recommendations (infants, toddlers, and preschoolers) and in the overall physical activity environment. Urban (n = 207) and rural (n = 218) ECE facilities completed the Go NAP SACC process. Data were analyzed using an ANCOVA. A majority of facilities reported exceeding best practices (79.5%), however significant differences were found on 18 best practices with urban facilities outscoring their rural counterparts on 17 of these items. A comparison by age found that urban facilities reported higher achievement of best practices among infants (60%) in comparison to toddlers (40%) or preschoolers (30%). Future studies should continue to explore the rural–urban context of physical activity practices across the early childhood age groups to ensure healthy physical development of children

    Leveling the Playing Field: Assessment of Gross Motor Skills in Low Socioeconomic Children to their Higher Socioeconomic Counterparts

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    Background: Fundamental movements (FM) of children influence the willingness to engage in physical activity (PA). Thus, proper FM skills are the foundation for a lifespan of PA. Objective: This study examined what factors may affect children’s PA in relation to FM pattern capabilities. Methods: The study examined the influence of SES when three low-income schools were provided additional PA opportunities on days PE was not taught. FM patterns in relation to object control (OC) and locomotor skill (LC) development were evaluated on K (n = 871), 1st (n = 893), and 2nd graders (n = 829) using the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 (TGMD-2) instrument (Ulrich, 2000). Schools were dichotomized and categorized as being low SES (n = 2008) and high SES (n = 578) status. Results: A significant relationship was revealed with LC (r = 0.264; p = 0.001), OC (r = 0.171; p = 0.001), and total TGMD-2 (r = 0.264; p = 0.001). Low and high SES schools significantly improved overall TGMD-2 scores. High SES schools children were significantly higher in LC [F, (2, 1272) = 29.31, p = 0.001], OC [F, (2, 1272) = 23.14, p = 0.001], and total TGMD-2 [F, (1, 1272) = 38.11, p = 0.001]. Conclusion: Low SES schools need to concentrate on PA-based activities to engage students in FM patterns, to help narrow the gap in FM capabilities. In addition, the increase in PA opportunities for lower SES schools could positively impact brain function, cardiovascular fitness, and overall well-being

    Effective connectivity measured using optogenetically evoked hemodynamic signals exhibits topography distinct from resting state functional connectivity in the mouse

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    Brain connectomics has expanded from histological assessment of axonal projection connectivity (APC) to encompass resting state functional connectivity (RS-FC). RS-FC analyses are efficient for whole-brain mapping, but attempts to explain aspects of RS-FC (e.g., interhemispheric RS-FC) based on APC have been only partially successful. Neuroimaging with hemoglobin alone lacks specificity for determining how activity in a population of cells contributes to RS-FC. Wide-field mapping of optogenetically defined connectivity could provide insights into the brain\u27s structure-function relationship. We combined optogenetics with optical intrinsic signal imaging to create an efficient, optogenetic effective connectivity (Opto-EC) mapping assay. We examined EC patterns of excitatory neurons in awake, Thy1-ChR2 transgenic mice. These Thy1-based EC (Thy1-EC) patterns were evaluated against RS-FC over the cortex. Compared to RS-FC, Thy1-EC exhibited increased spatial specificity, reduced interhemispheric connectivity in regions with strong RS-FC, and appreciable connection strength asymmetry. Comparing the topography of Thy1-EC and RS-FC patterns to maps of APC revealed that Thy1-EC more closely resembled APC than did RS-FC. The more general method of Opto-EC mapping with hemoglobin can be determined for 100 sites in single animals in under an hour, and is amenable to other neuroimaging modalities. Opto-EC mapping represents a powerful strategy for examining evolving connectivity-related circuit plasticity