11 research outputs found

    Molecular Evolution of HIV-1 CRF01_AE Env in Thai Patients

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    BACKGROUND: The envelope glycoproteins (Env), gp120 and gp41, are the most variable proteins of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), and are the major targets of humoral immune responses against HIV-1. A circulating recombinant form of HIV-1, CRF01_AE, is prevalent throughout Southeast Asia; however, only limited information regarding the immunological characteristics of CRF01_AE Env is currently available. In this study, we attempted to examine the evolutionary pattern of CRF01_AE Env under the selection pressure of host immune responses. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Peripheral blood samples were collected periodically over 3 years from 15 HIV-1-infected individuals residing in northern Thailand, and amplified env genes from the samples were subjected to computational analysis. The V5 region of gp120 showed highest variability in several samples over 3 years, whereas the V1/V2 and/or V4 regions of gp120 also showed high variability in many samples. In addition, the N-terminal part of the C3 region of gp120 showed highest amino acid diversity among the conserved regions of gp120. Chronological changes in the numbers of amino acid residues in gp120 variable regions and potential N-linked glycosylation (PNLG) sites are involved in increasing the variability of Env gp120. Furthermore, the C3 region contained several amino acid residues potentially under positive selection, and APOBEC3 family protein-mediated G to A mutations were frequently detected in such residues. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Several factors, including amino acid substitutions particularly in gp120 C3 and V5 regions as well as changes in the number of PNLG sites and in the length of gp120 variable regions, were revealed to be involved in the molecular evolution of CRF01_AE Env. In addition, a similar tendency was observed between CRF01_AE and subtype C Env with regard to the amino acid variation of gp120 V3 and C3 regions. These results may provide important information for understanding the immunological characteristics of CRF01_AE Env

    Two Genetic Determinants Acquired Late in Mus Evolution Regulate the Inclusion of Exon 5, which Alters Mouse APOBEC3 Translation Efficiency

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    Mouse apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing enzyme catalytic polypeptide-like editing complex 3 (mA3), an intracellular antiviral factor, has 2 allelic variations that are linked with different susceptibilities to beta- and gammaretrovirus infections among various mouse strains. In virus-resistant C57BL/6 (B6) mice, mA3 transcripts are more abundant than those in susceptible BALB/c mice both in the spleen and bone marrow. These strains of mice also express mA3 transcripts with different splicing patterns: B6 mice preferentially express exon 5-deficient (Δ5) mA3 mRNA, while BALB/c mice produce exon 5-containing full-length mA3 mRNA as the major transcript. Although the protein product of the Δ5 mRNA exerts stronger antiretroviral activities than the full-length protein, how exon 5 affects mA3 antiviral activity, as well as the genetic mechanisms regulating exon 5 inclusion into the mA3 transcripts, remains largely uncharacterized. Here we show that mA3 exon 5 is indeed a functional element that influences protein synthesis at a post-transcriptional level. We further employed in vitro splicing assays using genomic DNA clones to identify two critical polymorphisms affecting the inclusion of exon 5 into mA3 transcripts: the number of TCCT repeats upstream of exon 5 and the single nucleotide polymorphism within exon 5 located 12 bases upstream of the exon 5/intron 5 boundary. Distribution of the above polymorphisms among different Mus species indicates that the inclusion of exon 5 into mA3 mRNA is a relatively recent event in the evolution of mice. The widespread geographic distribution of this exon 5-including genetic variant suggests that in some Mus populations the cost of maintaining an effective but mutagenic enzyme may outweigh its antiviral function

    Altered lipid peroxidation/glutathione ratio in experimental extrahepatic cholestasis.

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    1. Lipid peroxidation can occur in the presence of a cellular antioxidant-oxidant imbalance, but the role of lipid peroxides in cholestasis is not well understood. 2. This study was undertaken in order to: (i) evaluate the behaviour of a product of lipid peroxidation (thiobarbituric acid-reactive species), and of an important antioxidant tripeptide, reduced glutathione, in the course of experimental extrahepatic cholestasis; and (ii) ascertain whether there was a link between this aspect and the alterations in liver morphology. 3. Forty-five male Sprague-Dawley rats (250-300 g) were double bile duct ligated and followed from 1 to 28 days. At the end of each experimental period, blood and liver samples were collected for thiobarbituric acid-reactive species and glutathione determinations. 4. Bile duct ligated rats showed a marked increase in liver weight which was related to cholestasis duration and to some anatomical alterations such as bile duct proliferation and dilation and liver fibrosis (periportal, perivenular, perineoductular and parenchymal). 5. An increase in serum lipid peroxidation was also observed but this was not linked to hepatic thiobarbituric acid-reactive species. Erythrocyte and hepatic glutathione decreased in relation to cholestasis duration. Serum lipid peroxides and erythrocyte glutathione were correlated with liver cell necrosis. 6. In conclusion, experimental extrahepatic cholestasis determines bile duct proliferation and fibrosis, the degree of which is directly related to the duration of cholestasis itself and to liver cell necrotic phenomena. Furthermore, extrahepatic cholestasis is associated with increased lipid peroxide formation and with a depletion of reduced glutathione both in the liver and in the erythrocytes. The alteration in the oxidative balance may be a contributory factor in necrotic liver cell phenomena


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    Abstract: The aims of this study were to investigate the rate of hepatocellular proliferation in PBC and its correlation with the site of inflammation and serum TNFalpha levels. Hepatic proliferation was evaluated in liver sections from 11 patients with PBC (two histological stage II, eight stage III, one stage IV) using the indirect immunoperoxidase technique with a monoclonal antibody against proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Counter-staining with hematoxylin was performed and at least 500 nuclei were counted by two observers who blindly calculated the site of positive cells (perivenular, periportal/periseptal). The percentage of hepatocytes expressing PCNA was significantly higher in the periportal/periseptal regions than in the perivenular area (70 +/- 5.8% vs. 36 +/- 6.9%, P < 0.002). Hepatocellular PCNA expression in the periportal/periseptal (portal area) correlated with TNFalpha serum levels (r = 0.8, P < 0.03). In conclusion, hepatocellular proliferation in PBC significantly correlates with the site of inflammation and serum levels of TNFalpha. This data seems to confirm that inflammation and cytokines may stimulate hepatocyte DNA synthesi

    Impact of occult HBV infection in HIV/HCV co-infected patients: HBV-DNA detection in liver specimens and in serum samples

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    Prevalence and impact of occult HBV infection in HIV positive patients is controversial. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of occult HBV infection and its impact on histological and virological parameters. 52 HIV/HCV (but HBsAg-negative) co-infected patients, 29 HBsAg and anti-HCV negative chronic hepatitis, and 20 HBsAg positive chronic hepatitis controls were studied. DNA was extracted from frozen biopsies and amplified with primers for S, C and X regions, and for (ccc) HBV-DNA. Sera were tested for HBV-DNA with two quantitative assays (Cobas Amplicor HBV Monitor, and the real-time COBAS (r) Taqman HBV Test, Roche Diagnostics, UK). Occult HBV infection was detected in 7 (13.4%) liver biopsies of the study group, and in none case of the non viral chronic hepatitis group (p=0.04). All serum samples were HBV-DNA negative with Cobas Amplicor HBV monitor assay, while 3 cases were found positive with real time PCR. Statistical analysis didn't show any impact of occult HBV infection on liver histology, CD4+ cells count, HIV and HCV load, and ALT levels. Occult B infection is relatively frequent in HIV/HCV co-infected patients, and is underestimated by common HBV-DNA serological assays. However, it doesn't seem to exert a relevant impact

    Fibrogenesis serum markers in patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with alpha-IFN.

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    The correlation between therapeutic response and liver fibrogenesis was studied in serum and liver specimens taken from 31 patients treated with alpha-interferon (IFN) (14 sustained responders and 17 non-responders) for chronic hepatitis C. Serum samples, collected before therapy, and at further 6-month intervals over 2 years, were tested for markers of liver neofibrogenesis. Serum N-terminal procollagen III peptide (PIIINP) displayed a significant and persistent decrease (P < 0.05) in sustained responders but not in non-responders; significantly lowered (P < 0.05) mean levels of C-terminal procollagen I peptide (PICP) were transiently observed in both patient groups, apparently as a result of IFN administration. Serum laminin (Lam) levels remained unchanged. One year after the cessation of treatment, liver biopsy re-testing showed an improvement in necro-inflammatory scores only in sustained responders, with the histological fibrosis scores remaining unaltered in both groups. IFN treatment seemed to exert an influence on serum levels of markers of hepatic connective tissue turnover even in patients that did not respond to therapy, while no effect was observed on preexistent liver fibrosis

    Apoptosis and telomeres shortening related to HIV-1 induced oxidative stress in an astrocytoma cell line

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    Background: Oxidative stress plays a key role in the neuropathogenesis of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 (HIV-1) infection causing apoptosis of astroglia cells and neurons. Recent data have shown that oxidative stress is also responsible for the acceleration of human fibroblast telomere shortening in vitro. In the present study we analyzed the potential relations occurring between free radicals formation and telomere length during HIV-1 mediated astroglial death. Results: To this end, U373 human astrocytoma cells have been directly exposed to X4-using HIV- 1IIIB strain, for 1, 3 or 5 days and treated (where requested) with N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a cysteine donor involved in the synthesis of glutathione (GSH, a cellular antioxidant) and apoptosis has been evaluated by FACS analysis. Quantitative-FISH (Q-FISH) has been employed for studying the telomere length while intracellular reduced/oxidized glutathione (GSH/GSSG) ratio has been determined by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Incubation of U373 with HIV- 1IIIB led to significant induction of cellular apoptosis that was reduced in the presence of 1 mM NAC. Moreover, NAC improved the GSH/GSSG, a sensitive indicator of oxidative stress, that significantly decreased after HIV-1IIIB exposure in U373. Analysis of telomere length in HIV-1 exposed U373 showed a statistically significant telomere shortening, that was completely reverted in NAC-treated U373. Conclusion: Our results support the role of HIV-1-mediated oxidative stress in astrocytic death and the importance of antioxidant compounds in preventing these cellular damages. Moreover, these data indicate that the telomere structure, target for oxidative damage, could be the key sensor of cell apoptosis induced by oxidative stress after HIV infection