5 research outputs found

    Enterobactérias isoladas de anfíbios e répteis

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    Estrutura interna e presença de segmentos do embolo no epígino de Latrodectus Geometricus (Araneida: Theridiidae)

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    Transferência do Hepatozoon tupinambis, parasita do lagarto Tupinambis teguixin, para a serpente cascavel (Crotalus durissus terrificus), por intermédio do mosquito Culex fatigans

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    Os autores obtiveram a transferência do Hepatozoon tupinambis (Laveran e Salibeni, 1909) parasita do lagarto Teiidae, Tupinambis teguixin, L., para a serpente cascavel, Crotalus durissus terrificus (Laur.), alimentando-a com mosquitos experimentalmente infectados. o parasita mantém os seus caracteres morfológicos no animal receptor, nos limites do tempo observado (cerca de 100 dias). O ofídio receptor apresentou cistos esquizogônicos do fígado.<br>The authors achieved a transfer of the Hepatozoon tupinambis (Laveran and Salibeni, 1909), a parasite of the Sauria: Tupinambis teguixin, L., to a rattlesnake of the species Crotalus durissus terrificus, feeding the latter with experimentally infected mosquitoes. The parasite maintained its morphological characteristics in the recepting animal throughout the whole observation period (about 100 days). Schizogonic cysts were found in the liver of the rattlesnake

    Contribution to the epidemiological study on leptospirosis in Brazilian snakes

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