13 research outputs found

    Carotid Artery Atherosclerosis: A Review on Heritability and Genetics

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    Carotid atherosclerosis (CAS) is associated with increased cardiovascular risk, and therefore, assessing the genetic versus environmental background of CAS traits is of key importance. Carotid intima-media-thickness and plaque characteristics seem to be moderately heritable, with remarkable differences in both heritability and presence or severity of these traits among ethnicities. Although the considerable role of additive genetic effects is obvious, based on the results so far, there is an important emphasis on non-shared environmental factors as well. We aimed to collect and summarize the papers that investigate twin and family studies assessing the phenotypic variance attributable to genetic associations with CAS. Genes in relation to CAS markers were overviewed with a focus on genetic association studies and genome-wide association studies. Although the role of certain genes is confirmed by studies conducted on large populations and meta-analyses, many of them show conflicting results. A great focus should be on future studies elucidating the exact pathomechanism of these genes in CAS in order to imply them as novel therapeutic targets

    Laterality of deep white matter hyperintensities correlates with basilar artery bending and vertebral artery dominance

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    Aim To investigate whether vertebrobasilar geometry contributes to the presence, severity, and laterality of white matter hyperintensities (WMH). Methods We retrospectively reviewed 290 cerebral scans of patients who underwent time-of-flight and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) between 2017 and 2018. WMH were counted, localized, and grouped according to laterality on the FLAIR sequence. A 3D mesh of the posterior circulation was reconstructed (with ITK SNAP software) and the morphology of the vertebrobasilar system analyzed with an in-house software written in Python. Results Patients were assigned into a group with WMH (n=204) and a group without WMH (n=86). The severity of WMH burden was mainly affected by age and hypertension, while the localization of the WMH (or laterality) was mainly affected by the vertebrobasilar system morphology. Basilar artery morphology only affected the parietooccipital region significantly if both posterior communicating arteries were hypoplastic or absent. The dominant vertebral artery and basilar artery curve had an opposite directional relationship. Conclusions An unequal vertebral artery flow is an important hemodynamic contributor to basilar bending. Increased basilar artery curvature and increased infratentorial WMH burden may signal inadequate blood flow and predict cerebrovascular events

    Genetic influences on the onset of obstructive sleep apnoea and daytime sleepiness: a twin study

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    Background Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is one of the major sources of the excessive daily sleepiness, cognitive dysfunction, and it increases cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Previous studies suggested a possible genetic influence, based on questionnaires but no objective genetic study was conducted to understand the exact variance underpinned by genetic factors. Methods Seventy-one Hungarian twin pairs involved from the Hungarian Twin Registry (48 monozygotic, MZ and 23 dizygotic, DZ pairs, mean age 51 ± 15 years) underwent overnight polysomnography (Somnoscreen Plus Tele PSG, Somnomedics GMBH, Germany). Apnoea hypopnea index (AHI), respiratory disturbance index (RDI) and oxygen desaturation index (ODI) were registered. Daytime sleepiness was measured with the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). Bivariate heritability analysis was applied. Results The prevalence of OSA was 41% in our study population. The heritability of the AHI, ODI and RDI ranged between 69% and 83%, while the OSA, defined by an AHI ≄5/h, was itself 73% heritable. The unshared environmental component explained the rest of the variance between 17% and 31%. Daytime sleepiness was mostly determined by the environment, and the variance was influenced in 34% by the additive genetic factors. These associations were present after additional adjustment for body mass index. Conclusion OSA and the indices of OSA severity are heritable, while daytime sleepiness is mostly influenced by environmental factors. Further studies should elucidate whether close relatives of patients with OSA may benefit from early family risk based screening.This study was supported by the Hungarian Pulmonology Foundation of the Hungarian Society of Pulmonologists (2014, TDL) and Janos Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (AB)

    Are the Morphological Indices of the Vertebrobasilar System Heritable? A Twin Study Based on 3D Reconstructed Models

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    Background and Objectives: The asymmetrical vertebral artery (VA) flow and diameter are common findings, which can result in an asymmetrical blood flow in the basilar artery (BA), leading to bending of the artery over time. This study investigated whether the variation of the different vertebrobasilar morphological indices that influence flow characteristics might be inherited. Materials and Methods: We analyzed 200 cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of healthy Caucasian twins (100 pairs) who underwent time-of-flight MRI. From the scans, we reconstructed the 3D mesh of the posterior circulation from the start of the V4 segment to the basilar tip and subsequently analyzed the morphology of the vertebrobasilar system. The phenotypic covariances of the different morphological parameters were decomposed into heritability (A), shared (C), and unshared (E) environmental effects. Results: 39% of the twins had left dominant VA, while 32.5% had right dominant. In addition, 28.5% were classified as equal. The vertebral artery V4 segment diameter, curvature, and tortuosity were mainly influenced by shared (C) and unshared (E) environmental factors. A moderate heritability was found for the BA length (A: 63%; 95% CI: 45.7–75.2%; E: 37%; 95% CI: 24.8–54.3%) and volume (A: 60.1%; 95% CI: 42.4–73.2%; E: 39.9%; 95% CI: 26.8–57.6%), while the torsion of both arteries showed no heritability and were only influenced by the unshared environment. Conclusions: The length and volume of the BA show a moderate genetical influence. However, most of the measured morphological indices were influenced by shared and unshared factors, which highlight the role of the ever-changing hemodynamic influences shaping the geometry of the vertebrobasilar system

    Are the Morphological Indices of the Vertebrobasilar System Heritable? A Twin Study Based on 3D Reconstructed Models

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    Background and Objectives: The asymmetrical vertebral artery (VA) flow and diameter are common findings, which can result in an asymmetrical blood flow in the basilar artery (BA), leading to bending of the artery over time. This study investigated whether the variation of the different vertebrobasilar morphological indices that influence flow characteristics might be inherited. Materials and Methods: We analyzed 200 cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of healthy Caucasian twins (100 pairs) who underwent time-of-flight MRI. From the scans, we reconstructed the 3D mesh of the posterior circulation from the start of the V4 segment to the basilar tip and subsequently analyzed the morphology of the vertebrobasilar system. The phenotypic covariances of the different morphological parameters were decomposed into heritability (A), shared (C), and unshared (E) environmental effects. Results: 39% of the twins had left dominant VA, while 32.5% had right dominant. In addition, 28.5% were classified as equal. The vertebral artery V4 segment diameter, curvature, and tortuosity were mainly influenced by shared (C) and unshared (E) environmental factors. A moderate heritability was found for the BA length (A: 63%; 95% CI: 45.7–75.2%; E: 37%; 95% CI: 24.8–54.3%) and volume (A: 60.1%; 95% CI: 42.4–73.2%; E: 39.9%; 95% CI: 26.8–57.6%), while the torsion of both arteries showed no heritability and were only influenced by the unshared environment. Conclusions: The length and volume of the BA show a moderate genetical influence. However, most of the measured morphological indices were influenced by shared and unshared factors, which highlight the role of the ever-changing hemodynamic influences shaping the geometry of the vertebrobasilar system

    Heritability of Cardiothoracic Ratio and Aortic Arch Calcification in Twins

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    Background and Objectives: Aortic arch calcification (AoAC) is associated with a variety of cardiovascular complications. The measurement and grading of AoAC using posteroanterior (PA) chest X-rays are well established. The cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) can be simultaneously measured with PA chest X-rays and used as an index of cardiomegaly. The genetic and environmental contributions to the degree of the AoAC and CTR are not well understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of genetics and environmental factors on the AoAC and CTR. Materials and Methods: A total of 684 twins from the South Korean twin registry (261 monozygotic, MZ and 81 dizygotic, DZ pairs; mean age 38.6 ± 7.9 years, male/female = 264/420) underwent PA chest X-rays. Cardiovascular risk factors and anthropometric data were also collected. The AoAC and CTR were measured and graded using a standardized method. A structural equation method was used to calculate the proportion of variance explained by genetic and environmental factors behind AoAC and CTR. Results: The within-pair differences were low regarding the grade of AoAC, with only a few twin pairs showing large intra-pair differences. We found that the thoracic width showed high heritability (0.67, 95% CI: 0.59–0.73, p = 1). Moderate heritability was detected regarding cardiac width (0.54, 95% CI: 0.45–0.62, p = 0.572) and CTR (0.54, 95% CI: 0.44–0.62, p = 0.701). Conclusions: The heritable component was significant regarding thoracic width, cardiac width, and the CTR

    Genetic and Environmental Effects on the Development of White Matter Hyperintensities in a Middle Age Twin Population

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    Introduction: White matter hyperintensities (WMH) indicate white matter brain lesions in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which can be used as a marker for brain aging and cerebrovascular and neurodegenerative disorders. Twin studies revealed substantial but not uniform WMH heritability in elderly twins. The objective of our study was to investigate the genetic and environmental components of WMH, as well as their importance in a healthy twin population, utilizing 3T MRI scanners in a middle-aged twin population. Methods: Brain MRI was performed on 120 healthy adult twins from the Hungarian Twin Registry on a 3T scanner (86 monozygotic, MZ and 34 dizygotic, DZ twins; median age 50 ± 26.5 years, 72.5% female and 27.5% male). The count of WMH on FLAIR images was calculated using an automated volumetry pipeline (volBrain) and human processing. The age- and sex-adjusted MZ and DZ intra-pair correlations were determined and the total variance was decomposed into genetic, shared and unique environmental components using structural equation modeling. Results: Age and sex-adjusted MZ intrapair correlations were higher than DZ correlations, indicating moderate genetic influence in each lesion (rMZ = 0.466, rDZ = −0.025 for total count; rMZ = 0.482, rDZ = 0.093 for deep white matter count; rMZ = 0.739, rDZ = 0.39 for infratentorial count; rMZ = 0.573, rDZ = 0.372 for cerebellar count and rMZ = 0.473, rDZ = 0.19 for periventricular count), indicating a moderate heritability (A = 40.3%, A = 45%, A = 72.7% and A = 55.5%and 47.2%, respectively). The rest of the variance was influenced by unique environmental effects (E between 27.3% and 59.7%, respectively). Conclusions: The number of WMH lesions is moderately influenced by genetic effects, particularly in the infratentorial region in middle-aged twins. These results suggest that the distribution of WMH in various brain regions is heterogeneous

    Heritability of Subcortical Grey Matter Structures

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    Background and Objectives: Subcortical grey matter structures play essential roles in cognitive, affective, social, and motoric functions in humans. Their volume changes with age, and decreased volumes have been linked with many neuropsychiatric disorders. The aim of our study was to examine the heritability of six subcortical brain volumes (the amygdala, caudate nucleus, pallidum, putamen, thalamus, and nucleus accumbens) and four general brain volumes (the total intra-cranial volume and the grey matter, white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) volume) in twins. Materials and Methods: A total of 118 healthy adult twins from the Hungarian Twin Registry (86 monozygotic and 32 dizygotic; median age 50 ± 27 years) underwent brain magnetic resonance imaging. Two automated volumetry pipelines, Computational Anatomy Toolbox 12 (CAT12) and volBrain, were used to calculate the subcortical and general brain volumes from three-dimensional T1-weighted images. Age- and sex-adjusted monozygotic and dizygotic intra-pair correlations were calculated, and the univariate ACE model was applied. Pearson’s correlation test was used to compare the results obtained by the two pipelines. Results: The age- and sex-adjusted heritability estimates, using CAT12 for the amygdala, caudate nucleus, pallidum, putamen, and nucleus accumbens, were between 0.75 and 0.95. The thalamus volume was more strongly influenced by common environmental factors (C = 0.45−0.73). The heritability estimates, using volBrain, were between 0.69 and 0.92 for the nucleus accumbens, pallidum, putamen, right amygdala, and caudate nucleus. The left amygdala and thalamus were more strongly influenced by common environmental factors (C = 0.72−0.85). A strong correlation between CAT12 and volBrain (r = 0.74−0.94) was obtained for all volumes. Conclusions: The majority of examined subcortical volumes appeared to be strongly heritable. The thalamus was more strongly influenced by common environmental factors when investigated with both segmentation methods. Our results underline the importance of identifying the relevant genes responsible for variations in the subcortical structure volume and associated diseases