7,539 research outputs found

    An application of pp-adic integration to the dynamics of a birational transformation preserving a fibration

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    Let f ⁣:XXf\colon X \dashrightarrow X be a birational transformation of a projective manifold XX whose Kodaira dimension κ(X)\kappa(X) is non-negative. We show that, if there exist a meromorphic fibration π ⁣:XB\pi \colon X\dashrightarrow B and a pseudo-automorphism fB ⁣:BBf_B\colon B\dashrightarrow B which preserves a big line bundle LPic(B)L\in Pic(B) and such that fBπ=πff_B\circ \pi=\pi\circ f, then fBf_B has finite order. As a corollary we show that, for projective irreducible symplectic manifolds of type K3[n]K3^{[n]} or generalized Kummer, the first dynamical degree characterizes the birational transformations admitting a Zariski-dense orbit

    On the primitivity of birational transformations of irreducible symplectic manifolds

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    Let f ⁣:XXf\colon X\dashrightarrow X be a bimeromorphic transformation of a complex irreducible symplectic manifold XX. Some important dynamical properties of ff are encoded by the induced linear automorphism ff^* of H2(X,Z)H^2(X,\mathbb Z). Our main result is that a bimeromorphic transformation such that ff^* has at least one eigenvalue with modulus >1>1 doesn't admit any invariant fibration (in particular its generic orbit is Zariski-dense)

    Sharp estimates for the anisotropic torsional rigidity and the principal frequency

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    In this paper we generalize some classical estimates involving the torsional rigidity and the principal frequency of a convex domain to a class of functionals related to some anisotropic non linear operators

    UNESCO, Literacy and Leslie Limage

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    Rosie Wickert points out that, in literacy policy: ‘the stories of actors involved in policy struggles have been overlooked‘(2001: 90). The paper by Leslie Limage redresses this gap for the crucially important area of international multilateral agencies, specifically the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.  Her aim is to produce ‘a more clear-eyed look at how to advance the best of multilateral action in the field in which I have been involved at all levels throughout my adult life: children’s and adult’s literacy worldwide’ (Limage, 2009: p 7)

    Officialising language : a discourse study of language politics in the United States

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    This is a study of the discourse contest concerning the officialisation of English in the United States. It consists of an analysis of the language of that discourse shaped by a belief that discourse is a rather neglected but potentially illuminating area of examination of language and literacy policy. The study seeks to understand the processes and content of language policy as it is being made, or performed, and is influenced by a critique of the theory and practice of language policy which tends to adopt technicist paradigms of examination that insufficiently elucidate the politics of the field. ¶ Accordingly a systematic gathering of the texts of language disputation in the US was collected. These texts were organised in response to the methods of elicitation. Semi-elicited texts, elicited texts and unelicited texts were gathered and tested to be sure that they constituted a fair representation of the concourse (what had been said and was being said about the issue) over a 15 year period. Those statements, or texts, that had particular currency during the 104th Congress were selected for further use. An empirical examination of the subjective dispositions of those activists involved in the making of official English, or of resisting the making of official English, was conducted. ¶ ... ¶ The theoretical implications for a reinvigorated language policy theory constitute the latter part of the thesis. In the multi-epistemological context that postmodernity demands, with its skepticism about the possibility of ‘disinterest’, the thesis offers its own kinds of data triangulation, and the making central of subjective dispositions and political purposes and engagements of the principal anatagonists

    Pulpal neuropeptidergic fibers

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    A study was carried out on Met- and Leu-enkephalin, Gastrin / CCK-, SP-, CGRP-, NPY- immunoreactive fibers using paraffin sections of dental pulp taken from 8 apparently normal teeth (wisdom teeth or teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons).Within the limitations of the samples studied, dental pulp is characterized by the presence of sensory (Enkephalin-, Gastrin/CCK- immunoreactive) and pain fibers (SP-immunoreactive) and of fibers with a potent vasodilatory action (CGRP-immunoreactive) and by the absence of fibers with a vasoconstrictor action (NPY-immunoreactive).Notre étude a porté sur la mise en évidence sur des coupes après inclusion à la paraffine des fibres Met- et Leu-enképhaline, Gastrine / CCK-, SP-, CGRP- et NPY-immunoréactives, dans la pulpe de huit dents normales (dents de sagesse ou dents extraites pour des raisons orthodontiques).Dans la limite des échantillons utilisés, la pulpe dentaire est caractérisée par la présence de fibres sensitives (Enképhalin-, Gastrin/CCK-immunoréactives), des fibres de la douleur (SP-immunoréactives) et de fibre à action vasodilatatrice (CGRP-immunoréactives) et par l’absence de fibres à action vasoconstrictive (NPY-immunoréactives)

    Lineages of the Hegemon - Constructing Dutch Hegemony, XIV-XVII

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    It is a study aiming at understanding the historical development of a world power within the capitalist world-system , which is also a would-be general perspective or framework of analysis to fathom how a world hegemon emerges out of the history of its own. In a nutshell: it is to be argued that the hegemon is a regime of accumulation wherein state, capital and society work hand in glove with a particular degree of coherence developed within the legal boundaries of its territorial sovereignty. This internal structure of power breeds hegemony, that is, the projection of power unto and onto world space, and into the international system of states and markets. Hence, this study represents an attempt to glean the connection between the internal composition of a regime of accumulation and the propensity and force of the same regime to expand its scale and scope of operation in world space – what Joshua Goldstein calls «lateral pressure» . However, what will be essayed is not the customary inquiry into the projection of power onto the system which a powerful regime engendered, and whose manifestation is what we call hegemony, but an investigation into the inner source and morphology of power whence such a projection primary feeds off. The nub of this study is the hegemon: to understand its path of development, its composition and how it works. More to the point, we will delve into Dutch history to substantiate historically such a perspective. At the end of the sixteenth century a new state called United Provinces stepped into the limelight of European and world history. It emerged out of the war for the independence from the most powerful Empire of the early modern era, the Spanish world power. This war contributed to shape Dutch history. But the United Provinces were more than a development of the sixteenth century. Their historical complexion, as it is to be argued, originated from a past made of unruly ecology and incipient ecological and human commodification. The historical foundations – not their operational organization – arose during the late middle ages, and more precisely in the span of time that went from the XIV to the XVI century. The Dutch Republic, as it was called, became thereby the first hegemon of the modern era through the organized expansion and sovereign structuring of the medieval space of wealth, accumulation and power. In particular, it was the first hegemon of the modern world-system, a capitalist world-economy, the current world historical-social system . The present study is, in general, a very long-run analysis and synthesis of Dutch history to understand the overall movement of power, wealth and capital that characterized the Northern Low Countries from the XIV century to the XVII. The analysis will focus on the power relations, structures, processes, networks, institutions, agents and agencies which developed, operated and changed during this span of tim

    Fruit and Leaf Sensing for Continuous Detection of Nectarine Water Status

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    Continuous assessment of plant water status indicators might provide the most precise information for irrigation management and automation, as plants represent an interface between soil and atmosphere. This study investigates the relationship of plant water status to continuous fruit diameter (FD) and inverse leaf turgor pressure rates (pp) in nectarine trees [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] throughout fruit development. The influence of deficit irrigation treatments on stem (Ψstem) and leaf water potential, leaf relative water content, leaf hydraulic conductance and fruit growth was studied across the stages of double-sigmoidal fruit development in 'September Bright' nectarines. Fruit relative growth rate (RGR) and leaf pressure change rate (RPCR) were derived from FD and pp to represent rates of water in- and outflows in the organs, respectively. Continuous RGR and RPCR dynamics were independently and combinedly related to plant water status and environmental variables. The independent use of RGR and RPCR yielded significant associations with midday Ψstem, the most representative index of tree water status in anisohydric species. However, the combined use of nocturnal fruit and leaf parameters unveiled an even more significant relationship with Ψstem, suggesting a different fruit-to-leaf water balance in response to pronounced water deficit. In conclusion, we highlight the suitability of a multi-organ sensing approach for improved prediction of tree water status

    3D Geometric morphometrics to investigate Cercopithecini evolution

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    3D Geometric Morphometrics has been used on a preliminary dataset of 163 crania and 148 mandibles of primates. We sampled 27 species from Cercopithecidae and Hominidae, collected in 7 different museums. Our sampling campaign was carried on with the use of a 3D-digitizer Microscribe G2X and the data were processed through the software Morphologika. The preliminary PCA analyses on crania highlight the presence of two different groups, which distinguish some Chlorocebus and Unknown Cercopithecus samples from all the others. Regarding on mandibular shape analyses, we found a light cluster of Cercopithecus samples. The “Sex” variable does not affect the reliability of the analysis, probably because interspecific differences are greater than intraspecific ones. In regard to the “Age” variable, it can be notice that “infant” samples gather separated from “adult” ones, while “juveniles” lie in the middle. The morphometric methodology is very useful for evolutionary study, especially when the taxonomy of some samples is unknown. Furthermore, this is the first morphometric study on a so-wide survey of the entire Cercopithecini tribe