19,438 research outputs found

    QSOs in the combined SDSS/GALEX database

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    We discuss selection of QSO candidates from the combined SDSS and GALEX catalogues. We discuss properties of QSOs within the combined sample, and note uncertainties in number counts and completeness, compared with other SDSS-based samples. We discuss colour and other properties with redshift within the sample and the SEDs for subsets. We estimate the numbers of faint QSOs that are classified as extended objects in the SDSS, and consequent uncertainties that follow.Comment: To appear in PAS

    The Resolved Outer Population of NGC6822 with WFPC2

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    We present F336W (U), F439W (B), F555W (V), and F675W (R) Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) photometry of two outer regions of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy NGC6822. The NE region is ~13 arcmin from the galaxy centre, while the W region lies 10 arcmin out, and within the wispy low surface brightness outer regions of the galaxy. The fields are not crowded and contain few NGC 6822 stars. We discuss errors and uncertainties and find that the W region contains a main sequence that extends to stars of about 2 solar masses, with an age of about 200 Myr. The NE region has no main sequence or stars younger than 1 Gyr, but does contain some luminous red stars that are not matched in the W field. These stars are not clumped in the field. The results suggest that the W region may be a trace of a tidal event that triggered the current star-formation in this isolated galaxy.Comment: 12 pages including 2 tables, plus 4 figures (#1 omitted) To appear in PAS

    New linearization and reweighting for simulations of string sigma-model on the lattice

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    We study the discretized worldsheet of Type IIB strings in the Gubser-Klebanov-Polyakov background in a new setup, which eliminates a complex phase previously detected in the fermionic determinant. A sign ambiguity remains, which a study of the fermionic spectrum shows to be related to Yukawa-like terms, including those present in the original Lagrangian before the linearization standard in a lattice QFT approach. Monte Carlo simulations are performed in a large region of the parameter space, where the sign problem starts becoming severe and instabilities appear due to the zero eigenvalues of the fermionic operator. To face these problems, simulations are conducted using the absolute value of a fermionic Pfaffian obtained introducing a small twisted-mass term, acting as an infrared regulator, into the action. The sign of the Pfaffian and the low modes of the quadratic fermionic operator are then taken into account by a reweighting procedure of which we discuss the impact on the measurement of the observables. In this setup we study bosonic and fermionic correlators and observe a divergence in the latter, which we argue - also via a one-loop analysis in lattice perturbation theory - to originate from the U(1)-breaking of our Wilson-like discretization for the fermionic sector

    AdS 3 × S 3 × M 4 string S-matrices from unitarity cuts

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    Green-Schwarz superstring on the lattice

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    We consider possible discretizations for a gauge-fixed Green-Schwarz action of Type IIB superstring. We use them for measuring the action, from which we extract the cusp anomalous dimension of planar N=4 SYM as derived from AdS/CFT, as well as the mass of the two AdS excitations transverse to the relevant null cusp classical string solution. We perform lattice simulations employing a Rational Hybrid Monte Carlo (RHMC) algorithm and two Wilson-like fermion discretizations, one of which preserves the global SO(6) symmetry the model. We compare our results with the expected behavior at various values of g=λ√4π . For both the observables, we find a good agreement for large g, which is the perturbative regime of the sigma-model. For smaller values of g, the expectation value of the action exhibits a deviation compatible with the presence of quadratic divergences. After their non-perturbative subtraction the continuum limit can be taken, and suggests a qualitative agreement with the non-perturbative expectation from AdS/CFT. Furthermore, we detect a phase in the fermion determinant, whose origin we explain, that for small g leads to a sign problem not treatable via standard reweigthing. The continuum extrapolations of the observables in the two different discretizations agree within errors, which is strongly suggesting that they lead to the same continuum limit. Part of the results discussed here were presented earlier in [1]

    Scattering and Unitarity Methods in Two Dimensions

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    The standard unitarity-cut method is applied to several massive two-dimensional models, including the world-sheet AdS5×S5 superstring, to compute 2→2 scattering S-matrices at one loop from tree level amplitudes. Evidence is found for the cut-constructibility of supersymmetric models, while for models without supersymmetry (but integrable) the missing rational terms can be interpreted as a shift in the coupling

    Hot and dense water in the inner 25 AU of SVS13-A

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    In the context of the ASAI (Astrochemical Surveys At IRAM) project, we carried out an unbiased spectral survey in the millimeter window towards the well known low-mass Class I source SVS13-A. The high sensitivity reached (3-12 mK) allowed us to detect at least 6 HDO broad (FWHM ~ 4-5 km/s) emission lines with upper level energies up to Eu = 837 K. A non-LTE LVG analysis implies the presence of very hot (150-260 K) and dense (> 3 10^7 cm-3) gas inside a small radius (∼\sim 25 AU) around the star, supporting, for the first time, the occurrence of a hot corino around a Class I protostar. The temperature is higher than expected for water molecules are sublimated from the icy dust mantles (~ 100 K). Although we cannot exclude we are observig the effects of shocks and/or winds at such small scales, this could imply that the observed HDO emission is tracing the water abundance jump expected at temperatures ~ 220-250 K, when the activation barrier of the gas phase reactions leading to the formation of water can be overcome. We derive X(HDO) ~ 3 10-6, and a H2O deuteration > 1.5 10-2, suggesting that water deuteration does not decrease as the protostar evolves from the Class 0 to the Class I stage.Comment: MNRAS Letter
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