7 research outputs found

    Asymptotics of Spinfoam Amplitude on Simplicial Manifold: Lorentzian Theory

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    The present paper studies the large-j asymptotics of the Lorentzian EPRL spinfoam amplitude on a 4d simplicial complex with an arbitrary number of simplices. The asymptotics of the spinfoam amplitude is determined by the critical configurations. Here we show that, given a critical configuration in general, there exists a partition of the simplicial complex into three type of regions R_{Nondeg}, R_{Deg-A}, R_{Deg-B}, where the three regions are simplicial sub-complexes with boundaries. The critical configuration implies different types of geometries in different types of regions, i.e. (1) the critical configuration restricted into R_{Nondeg}impliesanondegeneratediscreteLorentziangeometry,(2)thecriticalconfigurationrestrictedintoRDeg−A implies a nondegenerate discrete Lorentzian geometry, (2) the critical configuration restricted into R_{Deg-A} is degenerate of type-A in our definition of degeneracy, but implies a nondegenerate discrete Euclidean geometry on R_{Deg-A}, (3) the critical configuration restricted into R_{Deg-B} is degenerate of type-B, and implies a vector geometry on R_{Deg-B}. With the critical configuration, we further make a subdivision of the regions R_{Nondeg} and R_{Deg-A} into sub-complexes (with boundary) according to their Lorentzian/Euclidean oriented 4-simplex volume V_4(v), such that sgn(V_4(v)) is a constant sign on each sub-complex. Then in the each sub-complex, the spinfoam amplitude at the critical configuration gives the Regge action in Lorentzian or Euclidean signature respectively on R_{Nondeg} or R_{Deg-A}. The Regge action reproduced here contains a sign factor sgn(V_4(v)) of the oriented 4-simplex volume. Therefore the Regge action reproduced here can be viewed a discretized Palatini action with on-shell connection. Finally the asymptotic formula of the spinfoam amplitude is given by a sum of the amplitudes evaluated at all possible critical configurations, which are the products of the amplitudes associated to different type of geometries.Comment: 54 pages, 2 figures, reference adde

    Loop quantum gravity: the first twenty five years

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    This is a review paper invited by the journal "Classical ad Quantum Gravity" for a "Cluster Issue" on approaches to quantum gravity. I give a synthetic presentation of loop gravity. I spell-out the aims of the theory and compare the results obtained with the initial hopes that motivated the early interest in this research direction. I give my own perspective on the status of the program and attempt of a critical evaluation of its successes and limits.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Poincare 2-group and quantum gravity

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    We show that General Relativity can be formulated as a constrained topological theory for flat 2-connections associated to the Poincar\'e 2-group. Matter can be consistently coupled to gravity in this formulation. We also show that the edge lengths of the spacetime manifold triangulation arise as the basic variables in the path-integral quantization, while the state-sum amplitude is an evaluation of a colored 3-complex, in agreement with the category theory results. A 3-complex amplitude for Euclidean quantum gravity is proposed.Comment: v3: published versio

    The Holst Spin Foam Model via Cubulations

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    Spin foam models are an attempt for a covariant, or path integral formulation of canonical loop quantum gravity. The construction of such models usually rely on the Plebanski formulation of general relativity as a constrained BF theory and is based on the discretization of the action on a simplicial triangulation, which may be viewed as an ultraviolet regulator. The triangulation dependence can be removed by means of group field theory techniques, which allows one to sum over all triangulations. The main tasks for these models are the correct quantum implementation of the Plebanski constraints, the existence of a semiclassical sector implementing additional "Regge-like" constraints arising from simplicial triangulations, and the definition of the physical inner product of loop quantum gravity via group field theory. Here we propose a new approach to tackle these issues stemming directly from the Holst action for general relativity, which is also a proper starting point for canonical loop quantum gravity. The discretization is performed by means of a "cubulation" of the manifold rather than a triangulation. We give a direct interpretation of the resulting spin foam model as a generating functional for the n-point functions on the physical Hilbert space at finite regulator. This paper focuses on ideas and tasks to be performed before the model can be taken seriously. However, our analysis reveals some interesting features of this model: first, the structure of its amplitudes differs from the standard spin foam models. Second, the tetrad n-point functions admit a "Wick-like" structure. Third, the restriction to simple representations does not automatically occur -- unless one makes use of the time gauge, just as in the classical theory.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure; v3: published version. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:0911.213

    Laplacians on discrete and quantum geometries

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    We extend discrete calculus for arbitrary (pp-form) fields on embedded lattices to abstract discrete geometries based on combinatorial complexes. We then provide a general definition of discrete Laplacian using both the primal cellular complex and its combinatorial dual. The precise implementation of geometric volume factors is not unique and, comparing the definition with a circumcentric and a barycentric dual, we argue that the latter is, in general, more appropriate because it induces a Laplacian with more desirable properties. We give the expression of the discrete Laplacian in several different sets of geometric variables, suitable for computations in different quantum gravity formalisms. Furthermore, we investigate the possibility of transforming from position to momentum space for scalar fields, thus setting the stage for the calculation of heat kernel and spectral dimension in discrete quantum geometries.Comment: 43 pages, 2 multiple figures. v2: discussion improved, references added, minor typos correcte