12 research outputs found

    Kinematics of male Eupalaestrus weijenberghi (Araneae, Theraphosidae) locomotion on different substrates and inclines

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    Background. The mechanics and energetics of spider locomotion have not been deeply investigated, despite their importance in the life of a spider. For example, the reproductive success of males of several species is dependent upon their ability to move from one area to another. The aim of this work was to describe gait patterns and analyze the gait parameters of Eupalaestrus weijenberghi (Araneae, Theraphosidae) in order to investigate the mechanics of their locomotion and the mechanisms by which they conserve energy while traversing different inclinations and surfaces. Methods. Tarantulas were collected and marked for kinematic analysis. Free displacements, both level and on an incline, were recorded using glass and Teflon as experimental surfaces. Body segments of the experimental animals were measured, weighed, and their center of mass was experimentally determined. Through reconstruction of the trajectories of the body segments, we were able to estimate their internal and external mechanical work and analyze their gait patterns. Results. Spiders mainly employed a walk-trot gait. Significant differences between the first two pairs and the second two pairs were detected. No significant differences were detected regarding the different planes or surfaces with respect to duty factor, time lags, stride frequency, and stride length. However, postural changes were observed on slippery surfaces. The mechanical work required for traversing a level plane was lower than expected. In all conditions, the external work, and within it the vertical work, accounted for almost all of the total mechanical work. The internal work was extremely low and did not rise as the gradient increased. Discussion. Our results support the idea of considering the eight limbs functionally divided into two quadrupeds in series. The anterior was composed of the first two pairs of limbs, which have an explorative and steering purpose and the posterior was more involved in supporting the weight of the body. The mechanical work to move one unit of mass a unit distance is almost constant among the different species tested. However, spiders showed lower values than expected. Minimizing the mechanical work could help to limit metabolic energy expenditure that, in small animals, is relatively very high. However, energy recovery due to inverted pendulum mechanics only accounts for only a small fraction of the energy saved. Adhesive setae present in the tarsal, scopulae, and claw tufts could contribute in different ways during different moments of the step cycle, compensating for part of the energetic cost on gradients which could also help to maintain constant gait parameters

    Morphometric study on tadpoles of Bombina variegata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Anura; Bombinatoridae)

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    The tadpoles of Yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) can be easily recognized from other Italian anuran species, except those of B. pachypus (though the two congeneric species are allopatric). In this paper we report morphometric data on B. variegata tadpoles from a Lombard population living near a torrent at 450 m a.s.l. On a sample of 264 tadpoles (stages 19-44, according to Gosner, 1960) we measured the following five variables: snout-vent length, tail length, maximum tail height, total length and weight. We found a slight allometric relationship between snout-vent length and tail length, while, as expectes,.the weight is nearly proportional to the cube of linear measures. According to literature data, our results point to highly constant proportions during the development phases up to prometamorphic stages. The ratio between snout-vent length and tail length was about 0.75 during the whole growing phase, while from stage 42 the proportion increases as the resorption of the tail starts

    Impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular testing in the United States versus the rest of the world

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    Objectives: This study sought to quantify and compare the decline in volumes of cardiovascular procedures between the United States and non-US institutions during the early phase of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the care of many non-COVID-19 illnesses. Reductions in diagnostic cardiovascular testing around the world have led to concerns over the implications of reduced testing for cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. Methods: Data were submitted to the INCAPS-COVID (International Atomic Energy Agency Non-Invasive Cardiology Protocols Study of COVID-19), a multinational registry comprising 909 institutions in 108 countries (including 155 facilities in 40 U.S. states), assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on volumes of diagnostic cardiovascular procedures. Data were obtained for April 2020 and compared with volumes of baseline procedures from March 2019. We compared laboratory characteristics, practices, and procedure volumes between U.S. and non-U.S. facilities and between U.S. geographic regions and identified factors associated with volume reduction in the United States. Results: Reductions in the volumes of procedures in the United States were similar to those in non-U.S. facilities (68% vs. 63%, respectively; p = 0.237), although U.S. facilities reported greater reductions in invasive coronary angiography (69% vs. 53%, respectively; p < 0.001). Significantly more U.S. facilities reported increased use of telehealth and patient screening measures than non-U.S. facilities, such as temperature checks, symptom screenings, and COVID-19 testing. Reductions in volumes of procedures differed between U.S. regions, with larger declines observed in the Northeast (76%) and Midwest (74%) than in the South (62%) and West (44%). Prevalence of COVID-19, staff redeployments, outpatient centers, and urban centers were associated with greater reductions in volume in U.S. facilities in a multivariable analysis. Conclusions: We observed marked reductions in U.S. cardiovascular testing in the early phase of the pandemic and significant variability between U.S. regions. The association between reductions of volumes and COVID-19 prevalence in the United States highlighted the need for proactive efforts to maintain access to cardiovascular testing in areas most affected by outbreaks of COVID-19 infection

    Morphometric study on tadpoles of <em>Bombina variegata</em> (Linnaeus, 1758) (Anura; Bombinatoridae)

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    The tadpoles of Yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) can be easily recognized from other Italian anuran species, except those of B. pachypus (though the two congeneric species are allopatric). In this paper we report morphometric data on B. variegata tadpoles from a Lombard population living near a torrent at 450 m a.s.l. On a sample of 264 tadpoles (stages 19-44, according to Gosner, 1960) we measured the following five variables: snout-vent length, tail length, maximum tail height, total length and weight. We found a slight allometric relationship between snout-vent length and tail length, while, as expectes,.the weight is nearly proportional to the cube of linear measures. According to literature data, our results point to highly constant proportions during the development phases up to prometamorphic stages. The ratio between snout-vent length and tail length was about 0.75 during the whole growing phase, while from stage 42 the proportion increases as the resorption of the tail starts

    Kinematics of male Eupalaestrus weijenberghi (Araneae, Theraphosidae) locomotion on different substrates and inclines

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    Background The mechanics and energetics of spider locomotion have not been deeply investigated, despite their importance in the life of a spider. For example, the reproductive success of males of several species is dependent upon their ability to move from one area to another. The aim of this work was to describe gait patterns and analyze the gait parameters of Eupalaestrus weijenberghi (Araneae, Theraphosidae) in order to investigate the mechanics of their locomotion and the mechanisms by which they conserve energy while traversing different inclinations and surfaces. Methods Tarantulas were collected and marked for kinematic analysis. Free displacements, both level and on an incline, were recorded using glass and Teflon as experimental surfaces. Body segments of the experimental animals were measured, weighed, and their center of mass was experimentally determined. Through reconstruction of the trajectories of the body segments, we were able to estimate their internal and external mechanical work and analyze their gait patterns. Results Spiders mainly employed a walk-trot gait. Significant differences between the first two pairs and the second two pairs were detected. No significant differences were detected regarding the different planes or surfaces with respect to duty factor, time lags, stride frequency, and stride length. However, postural changes were observed on slippery surfaces. The mechanical work required for traversing a level plane was lower than expected. In all conditions, the external work, and within it the vertical work, accounted for almost all of the total mechanical work. The internal work was extremely low and did not rise as the gradient increased. Discussion Our results support the idea of considering the eight limbs functionally divided into two quadrupeds in series. The anterior was composed of the first two pairs of limbs, which have an explorative and steering purpose and the posterior was more involved in supporting the weight of the body. The mechanical work to move one unit of mass a unit distance is almost constant among the different species tested. However, spiders showed lower values than expected. Minimizing the mechanical work could help to limit metabolic energy expenditure that, in small animals, is relatively very high. However, energy recovery due to inverted pendulum mechanics only accounts for only a small fraction of the energy saved. Adhesive setae present in the tarsal, scopulae, and claw tufts could contribute in different ways during different moments of the step cycle, compensating for part of the energetic cost on gradients which could also help to maintain constant gait parameters

    Velocidad de marcha y medidas posturales en mujeres embarazadas: resultados preliminares

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    Los cambios posturales durante el período de gestación se establecen como molestias músculo esqueléticas constantes en columna y miembros inferiores, generando ajustes de postura estática y dinámica. Estos cambios pueden ocasionar alteraciones en el patrón de la marcha. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar y comparar velocidad autoseleccionada de marcha (VAS) y óptima (Vopt), ángulos de la columna y batería de rendimiento corto físico (SPPB) en mujeres embarazadas durante la gestación. Participaron: 4 primer trimestre (Tr), -los resultados se presentan en media±desviación estándar- edad 27,5±4,2 (años), masa 61,4±9,8 (kg), altura 164±4 (cm), índice de masa corporal (IMC) 22,6±3,02 (kg/m2); 5 en el 2ºTr, 25,4±4,8 (años), 69,1±11,2 (kg), 164±4 (cm), 23,3±3,7 (kg/m2); y 3ºTr 30,4±5,8 (años), 69,6±10 (kg), 164,4±4,5 (cm), 24,9±3,1 (kg/m2); Masa antes del embarazo 59,45±0,7 (kg). Métodos: medida la VAS (piso y cinta caminadora), la Vopt, medida de los ángulos de la columna vertebral (flexicurve), evaluación SPPB (mide la función de los miembros inferiores). Para comparar fue utilizado ANOVA de un camino (velocidades entre los trimestres e intra trimestre, entre los trimestres medidas angulares de la columna, SPPB), coeficiente de correlación de Pearson (ángulos de la columna y SPPB). Todos los resultados se presentan en media±desviación estándar. Resultados para VAS (km/h) en la cinta caminadora p: 1º Tr 3,4±0,7, 2º 3,7±0,3 y 3º 3,3±0,6; VAS(km/h) en el suelo 1ºTr 3,6±0,1, 2º 3,8±0,3, y 3º Tr 3,8±0,5; Vopt (km/h) 1ºTr 5,2±0,09, 2º Tr 5,1±0,3, y 3ºTr 5,2±0,1. Para los resultados de las medidas angulares de la columna se obtuvo: Cervicales 1º Tr18,07±7,9º, 2º Tr 25,5±13,6º y 3º Tr 19,8±10,7º; Toráxica 1º Tr37,5±11,1º, 2ºTr 19,8±7,2º y 3º Tr26,2±7,1º; lumbar 1ºTr 25,8±5,7º, 2ºTr 22,1±8,7º y 3ºTr 24,5±8º; Los resultados de SPPB en puntos: 1º Tr 10±1,4, para 2º Tr 10,5±0,5, y 3º Tr 10,6±1,1 que indican para todos su función física normal. En los resultados obtenidos se encontró diferencia al comprar VAS piso y Vopt, VAS cinta y Vopt en cada trimestre. Las medidas angulares de la columna y la prueba de SPPB en algunos de sus resultados presentaron p< 0,05 y correlación de Pearson (r): media: en 1º Tr para toracica (r=0,37 p=0,014), 2º Tr para lumbar(r=0,31-p=0,007), y grande: 1º y 2º Trs para Cervical(r=0,79 p=0,098; 0,77 p=0,001), 1º Tr lumbar (r=0,55 p=0,008), 3ºTrtoracica (r=0,63 p=0,006), Lumbar (r=0,87 p=0,01). La VAS de las embarazadas no coincide con la Vopt, lo que puede resultar en mayor costo de transporte, porque la Vopt es donde presentamos mayor economía de marcha. La correlación entre los ángulos de la columna y el SPPB, puede ser explicada por los cambios del centro de masa y del volumen de las estructuras, principalmente en la zona lumbar. En el 3º trimestre, ocurren mayores cambios en la lumbar, esto puede influenciar en la función del miembro inferior y equilibrio generando fragilidad y un elevado riesgo de caídas. Ejercicios físicos enfocados a población pueden generar mayor estabilidad y VAS, resultando en beneficios para la embarazada, brindándole un mayor estado de confort durante la gestación.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació

    Velocidad de marcha y medidas posturales estáticas en mujeres embarazadas: resultados preliminares

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    El embarazo produce aumento de masa corporal, cambios en la posición del centro de masa y disminución de la actividad física, que pueden afectar el comportamiento biomecánico alterando la calidad de vida de quien se encuentra en esta condición. El objetivo en este trabajo fue evaluar y comparar; velocidad autoseleccionada de marcha (VAS) y óptima (Vopt), ángulos de la columna y batería de rendimiento corto físico (SPPB) en mujeres embarazadas durante la gestación. Participaron: 4 en primer trimestre (Tr), 27,5±4,2 (años), 61,4±9,8 (kg), 164±4 (cm), 22,6±3,02 (kg/m 2 ); 5 en el 2º, 25,4±4,8 (años), 69,1±11,2 (kg), 164±4 (cm), 23,3±3,7 (kg/m 2 ); y 3º30,4±5,8 (años), 69,6±10 (kg), 164,4±4,5 (cm), 24,9±3,1 (kg/m 2 ); Masa antes del embarazo 59,45±0,7 (kg). Métodos: medida de la VAS (piso y cinta caminadora) (Figueiredo PF, 2013) , la Vopt (Alexander, R.M. 1989) , medida de los ángulos de la columna vertebral (flexicurve) (Texeira, F, et al,.2007; Valle, M. B. D., et al., 2020), evaluación SPPB (mide la función de los miembros inferiores) (Guralnik, J. M., et al., 1994). Para comparar fue utilizado ANOVA de un camino (velocidades entre los trimestres e intra trimestre, entre los trimestres medidas angulares de la columna, SPPB), coeficiente de correlación de Pearson (ángulos de la columna y SPPB). Resultados se presentan en media±desviación estándar: Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre VASpiso y Vopt (p <0,05), VAScinta y Vopt (p<0,05) en cada trimestre, siendo siempre Vopt mayor. Los resultados de SPPB indicaron para toda la muestra una función física normal de miembros inferiores. Se encontró relación entre la curvatura cervical y el puntaje de SPPB para el 1° y 2°Tr (r=0,79 p=0,098; 0,77 p=0,001). En el 1°Tr el SPPB se correlacionó con la curvatura lumbar (r=0,55 p=0,008). Mientras que en el 3°Tr se relacionó el test SPPB con la curvatura torácica (r=0,63 p=0,006) y Lumbar (r=0,87 p=0,01). Discusión: La menor VAS puede resultar en un mayor costo de transporte, ya que la Vopt es donde se presenta menor gasto metabólico en la marcha (Bonezi A, et al., 2010). Las relaciones observadas entre los ángulos de la columna y el SPPB podrían están indicando la influencia de los cambios posturales debido a los cambios morfológicos, de volumen y de la posición del centro de masa, en la función de las piernas (Bonezi A, et al., 2010; Ribas S. 2007). En el 3ºTr, los grandes cambios en la zona lumbar (Ribeiro et al., 2017; Franklin ME, et al., 1998) , alteran el equilibrio generando fragilidad y un elevado riesgo de caídas. Ejercicios físicos enfocados a población pueden generar mayor estabilidad y VAS, resultando en beneficios para la embarazada, brindándole un mayor estado de confort durante la gestación.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació

    International Impact of COVID-19 on the Diagnosis of Heart Disease

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    Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has adversely affected diagnosis and treatment of noncommunicable diseases. Its effects on delivery of diagnostic care for cardiovascular disease, which remains the leading cause of death worldwide, have not been quantified. Objectives: The study sought to assess COVID-19's impact on global cardiovascular diagnostic procedural volumes and safety practices. Methods: The International Atomic Energy Agency conducted a worldwide survey assessing alterations in cardiovascular procedure volumes and safety practices resulting from COVID-19. Noninvasive and invasive cardiac testing volumes were obtained from participating sites for March and April 2020 and compared with those from March 2019. Availability of personal protective equipment and pandemic-related testing practice changes were ascertained. Results: Surveys were submitted from 909 inpatient and outpatient centers performing cardiac diagnostic procedures, in 108 countries. Procedure volumes decreased 42% from March 2019 to March 2020, and 64% from March 2019 to April 2020. Transthoracic echocardiography decreased by 59%, transesophageal echocardiography 76%, and stress tests 78%, which varied between stress modalities. Coronary angiography (invasive or computed tomography) decreased 55% (p &lt; 0.001 for each procedure). In multivariable regression, significantly greater reduction in procedures occurred for centers in countries with lower gross domestic product. Location in a low-income and lower–middle-income country was associated with an additional 22% reduction in cardiac procedures and less availability of personal protective equipment and telehealth. Conclusions: COVID-19 was associated with a significant and abrupt reduction in cardiovascular diagnostic testing across the globe, especially affecting the world's economically challenged. Further study of cardiovascular outcomes and COVID-19–related changes in care delivery is warranted