493 research outputs found

    Resonant modulational instability and self-induced transmission effects in semiconductors:Maxwell-Bloch formalism

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    The nonlinear optical properties of semiconductors near an excitonic resonance are investigated theoretically by using the macroscopic J model [Ostreich and Knorr, Phys. Rev. B 48, 17811 (1993); 50, 5717 (1994)] based on the microscopic semiconductor Bloch equations. These nonlinear properties cause modulational instability of long light pulses with large gain and give rise to a self-induced transmission of short light pulses in a semiconductor. By an example of the latter well-studied effect, the validity of the used macroscopic model is demonstrated, and good agreement is found with both existing theoretical and experimental results

    Self-Assembly of Geometric Space from Random Graphs

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    We present a Euclidean quantum gravity model in which random graphs dynamically self-assemble into discrete manifold structures. Concretely, we consider a statistical model driven by a discretisation of the Euclidean Einstein-Hilbert action; contrary to previous approaches based on simplicial complexes and Regge calculus our discretisation is based on the Ollivier curvature, a coarse analogue of the manifold Ricci curvature defined for generic graphs. The Ollivier curvature is generally difficult to evaluate due to its definition in terms of optimal transport theory, but we present a new exact expression for the Ollivier curvature in a wide class of relevant graphs purely in terms of the numbers of short cycles at an edge. This result should be of independent intrinsic interest to network theorists. Action minimising configurations prove to be cubic complexes up to defects; there are indications that such defects are dynamically suppressed in the macroscopic limit. Closer examination of a defect free model shows that certain classical configurations have a geometric interpretation and discretely approximate vacuum solutions to the Euclidean Einstein-Hilbert action. Working in a configuration space where the geometric configurations are stable vacua of the theory, we obtain direct numerical evidence for the existence of a continuous phase transition; this makes the model a UV completion of Euclidean Einstein gravity. Notably, this phase transition implies an area-law for the entropy of emerging geometric space. Certain vacua of the theory can be interpreted as baby universes; we find that these configurations appear as stable vacua in a mean field approximation of our model, but are excluded dynamically whenever the action is exact indicating the dynamical stability of geometric space. The model is intended as a setting for subsequent studies of emergent time mechanisms.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, 2 appendice

    Giant ultrafast Kerr effect in type-II superconductors

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    We study the ultrafast Kerr effect and high-harmonic generation in type-II superconductors by formulating a new model for a time-varying electromagnetic pulse normally incident on a thin-film superconductor. It is found that type-II superconductors exhibit exceptionally large χ(3)\chi^{(3)} due to the progressive destruction of Cooper pairs, and display high-harmonic generation at low incident intensities, and the highest nonlinear susceptibility of all known materials in the THz regime. Our theory opens up new avenues for accessible analytical and numerical studies of the ultrafast dynamics of superconductors

    Optical analogue of spontaneous symmetry breaking induced by tachyon condensation in amplifying plasmonic arrays

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    We study analytically and numerically an optical analogue of tachyon condensation in amplifying plasmonic arrays. Optical propagation is modeled through coupled-mode equations, which in the continuous limit can be converted into a nonlinear one-dimensional Dirac-like equation for fermionic particles with imaginary mass, i.e. fermionic tachyons. We demonstrate that the vacuum state is unstable and acquires an expectation value with broken chiral symmetry, corresponding to the homogeneous nonlinear stationary solution of the system. The quantum field theory analogue of this process is the condensation of unstable fermionic tachyons into massive particles. This paves the way for using amplifying plasmonic arrays as a classical laboratory for spontaneous symmetry breaking effects in quantum field theory.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    A room-temperature alternating current susceptometer - Data analysis, calibration, and test

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    An AC susceptometer operating in the range of 10 Hz to 100 kHz and at room temperature is designed, built, calibrated and used to characterize the magnetic behaviour of coated magnetic nanoparticles. Other weakly magnetic materials (in amounts of some millilitres) can be analyzed as well. The setup makes use of a DAQ-based acquisition system in order to determine the amplitude and the phase of the sample magnetization as a function of the frequency of the driving magnetic field, which is powered by a digital waveform generator. A specific acquisition strategy makes the response directly proportional to the sample susceptibility, taking advantage of the differential nature of the coil assembly. A calibration method based on conductive samples is developed.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 19 ref

    Peer victimization in Primary School. Gender difference

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    Purpose: The peer victimization is frequent phenomenon in the school. The aim of study was to investigate the gender distinction in the peer victimization, also considering the role that physical activity inside and outside school could have in this phenomenon. Methods: The study included 277 students (142 females; 134 males), between the ages of 8 and 10, attending the primary school. A questionnaire based on "Multi-dimensional Peer-Victimization Scale (MPVS)'' (Mynard et al., 2000), Italian version (Scarpa et al, 2010) and adapted to the age of the subjects, was given, to evaluate four areas of victimization (physical victimization, verbal victimization, social manipulation and attack on property). In addition, subjects were asked which physical activities they practiced in and out of school. Results: The results showed that the phenomenon victimization is present in a content way, and that males are more involved than females. Physical victimization falls more in the male gender (average value of 2±1.4 and 1.6±0.9 for the males and females, respectively), while the social manipulation in the women gender (average value of 1.9±1.2 and 1.7±1.1 for the females and males, respectively). The correlation between two or more macro-areas is there for the 74.32% of the cases and verbal victimization is the most widespread phenomenon in our sample (9.46%). The extra-school physical activity is performed by the majority of students (83.57%). Conclusions: The results confirm existing studies in the literature. The peer victimization includes not only being the obvious target of physical attacks but also includes more subtle forms of abuse, falling more in females behavior than in males

    Microcavity polariton-like dispersion doublet in resonant Bragg gratings

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    Periodic structures resonantly coupled to excitonic media allow the existence of extra intragap modes ('Braggoritons'), due to the coupling between Bragg photon modes and 3D bulk excitons. This induces unique and unexplored dispersive features, which can be tailored by properly designing the photonic bandgap around the exciton resonance. We report that one-dimensional Braggoritons realized with semiconductor gratings have the ability to mimic the dispersion of quantum-well microcavity polaritons. This will allow the observation of new nonlinear phenomena, such as slow-light-enhanced nonlinear propagation and an efficient parametric scattering at two 'magic frequencies'

    Emergence of geometrical optical nonlinearities in photonic crystal fiber nanowires

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    We demonstrate analytically and numerically that a subwavelength-core dielectric photonic nanowire embedded in a properly designed photonic crystal fiber cladding shows evidence of a previously unknown kind of nonlinearity (the magnitude of which is strongly dependent on the waveguide parameters) which acts on solitons so as to considerably reduce their Raman self-frequency shift. An explanation of the phenomenon in terms of indirect pulse negative chirping and broadening is given by using the moment method. Our conclusions are supported by detailed numerical simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Nonlinear wavelength conversion in photonic crystal fibers with three zero dispersion points

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    In this theoretical study, we show that a simple endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fiber can be designed to yield, not just two, but three zero-dispersion wavelengths. The presence of a third dispersion zero creates a rich phase-matching topology, enabling enhanced control over the spectral locations of the four-wave-mixing and resonant-radiation bands emitted by solitons and short pulses. The greatly enhanced flexibility in the positioning of these bands has applications in wavelength conversion, supercontinuum generation and pair-photon sources for quantum optics

    Multiple hydrodynamical shocks induced by Raman effect in photonic crystal fibres

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    We theoretically predict the occurrence of multiple hydrodynamical-like shock phenomena in the propagation of ultrashort intense pulses in a suitably engineered photonic crystal fiber. The shocks are due to the Raman effect, which acts as a nonlocal term favoring their generation in the focusing regime. It is shown that the problem is mapped to shock formation in the presence of a slope and a gravity-like potential. The signature of multiple shocks in XFROG signals is unveiled
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