9 research outputs found

    Operational volcanic ash monitoring during Etna volcanic crises

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    Operational systems able to monitor volcanic ash in real time and provide both critical eruption parameters and useful warnings to emergency responders and government agencies should be implemented in most volcanic observatories worldwide. Over the past ten years, more than fifty lava fountains occurred at Mt. Etna (Italy) that produced eruption columns more than 10 km a.s.l. and generated large tephra fallout around the volcano flanks. For civil protection purposes, there was the need to improve the already existing monitoring systems daily run at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica and Vulcanologia, mainly based on eruption scenarios (weak and strong plume scenarios). We present a new upgraded system that has multiple objectives: i) to have a fast system able to best identify the type of eruptive scenario; ii) to forecast the tephra deposit in near real time, i.e. within a few hours from the eruptive event; iii) to determine the area impacted by clasts larger than 5 cm that could severely injure hikers, guides, and volcanologists and damage infrastructures in proximity of Etna summit craters. This new system is based on the real-time estimate of column height from the analysis of images taken by SEVIRI satellite and by new calibrated cameras and using meteorological parameters obtained by local models.PublishedVienna , Austria6V. Pericolosità vulcanica e contributi alla stima del rischi

    Near-Real-Time Tephra Fallout Assessment at Mt. Etna, Italy

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    During explosive eruptions, emergency responders and government agencies need to make fast decisions that should be based on an accurate forecast of tephra dispersal and assessment of the expected impact. Here, we propose a new operational tephra fallout monitoring and forecasting system based on quantitative volcanological observations and modelling. The new system runs at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo (INGV-OE) and is able to provide a reliable hazard assessment to the National Department of Civil Protection (DPC) during explosive eruptions. The new operational system combines data from low-cost calibrated visible cameras and satellite images to estimate the variation of column height with time and model volcanic plume and fallout in near-real-time(NRT). The new system has three main objectives: (i) to determine column height in NRT using multiple sensors (calibrated cameras and satellite images); (ii) to compute isomass and isopleth maps of tephra deposits in NRT; (iii) to help the DPC to best select the eruption scenarios run daily by INGV-OE every three hours. A particular novel feature of the new system is the computation of an isopleth map, which helps to identify the region of sedimentation of large clasts (≥5 cm) that could cause injuries to tourists, hikers, guides, and scientists, as well as damage buildings in the proximity of the summit craters. The proposed system could be easily adapted to other volcano observatories worldwide.Publishedid 29876V. Pericolosità vulcanica e contributi alla stima del rischioJCR Journa

    A new way to reduce the impact from tephra fallout during Etna explosive eruptions

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    The frequent number of explosive events at Mt. Etna, in Italy, over the last ten years, has made necessary the improvement of volcanic ash monitoring and forecasting system at the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo (INGV-OE). Tephra fallout produced during Etna lava fountains largely impact the population living on the volcano flanks. In addition, during one of the most powerful paroxysms, large clasts fell in proximal areas injured tourists and hikers. To reduce risk, the Italian Department Civil Protection (DPC) asked and funded INGV-OE to do a research project finalized to three specific objectives. First, identify the plume scenario (i.e. weak plume scenario (WPS) and strong plume scenarios (SPS)) based on 1-D plume model. Second, forecast characteristics of tephra deposition using near real time observations. Third, identify the region possibly impacted by large clasts (>5 cm). Two algorithms were developed to measure the column height. One from the calibrated images of two visible cameras installed on the S and W flanks of the volcano, respectively; and the other one from satellite data using a procedure based on the computation of the volcanic plume-top brightness temperature at 10.8 mm. The analysis of lava fountains that occurred between 2011 and 2015 provided the opportunity to differentiate between weak, transitional and strong plumes. The uncertainty associated with eruption source parameters, while maintaining a fixed plume height, was also assessed. In the near future the implementation of these products into the INGV-OE - monitoring room will guarantee a better and timely information to civil protection authorities charged of risk prevention at different levels of responsibility.PublishedNapoli6V. Pericolosità vulcanica e contributi alla stima del rischi

    PyTirCam-1.0: A Python Model to Manage Thermal Infrared Camera Data

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    Thermal-infrared remote sensing is used to monitor and study hazardous volcanic phenomena. Thermal cameras are often used by monitoring centers and laboratories. A physical comprehension of their behavior is needed to perform quantitative measurements, which are strongly dependent on camera features and settings. This makes it possible to control the radiance measurements related to volcanic processes and, thus, to detect thermal anomalies, validate models, and extract source parameters. We review the theoretical background related to the camera behavior beside the main features affecting thermal measurements: Atmospheric transmission, object emissivity and reflectivity, camera characteristics, and external optics. We develop a Python package, PythTirCam-1.0, containing pyTirTran, a radiative transfer model based on the HITRAN database and the camera spectral response. This model is compared with the empirical algorithm implemented into a commercial camera. These two procedures are validated using a simple experiment involving pyTirConv, an algorithm developed to recover the radiometric thermal data from compressed images collected by monitoring centers. Python scripts corresponding to the described methods are provided as open-source code. This study can be applied to a wide variety of applications and, specifically, to different volcanic processes, from earth and space

    Explosive Paroxysmal Events at Etna Volcano of Different Magnitude and Intensity Explored through a Multidisciplinary Monitoring System

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    Between 13 December 2020 and 21 February 2022, Etna volcano produced a sequence of 66 paroxysmal explosive eruptions, with Strombolian activity at the summit craters climaxing in lava fountains and eruption columns extending several kilometers above the craters, accompanied by minor and short-lasting lava flows from the crater rim. We selected three of these episodes that occurred within a short space of time, between 13 December 2020 and 12 March 2021, of different magnitude (i.e., erupted volume) and intensity (i.e., mass eruption rate or instantaneous eruption rate), and analyzed them from a multidisciplinary perspective. The aim was to gain insights into those parameters that mostly reveal the eruptive process for hazard assessment purposes. The multidisciplinary data consist of calibrated visible images, thermal images, seismic and infrasound data, ground deformation detected from the strainmeters, as well as satellite SEVIRI images. From these data, we obtained the timing of each paroxysmal event, the erupted volume in terms of tephra and lava flows, and the corresponding deflation of the source region, together with the development of the lava fountains and eruption columns with time. The results enabled determining that the smallest episode was that of 13 December 2020, which comprised three distinctive pulses but did not produce an eruptive column detectable from either monitoring cameras or satellites. The 28 February 2021 episode was remarkable for the short amount of time required to reach the climax, and was the most intense, whereas the 12 March 2021 event showed the longest duration but with an intensity between that of the previous two. Our results show that these three paroxysmal events display a typical trend, with the first event also being the smallest in terms of both erupted volume and intensity, the second being the most intense, and the third the one of greatest magnitude but less intense than the second. This is coherent with the end of the first paroxysmal phase on 1 April 2021, which was followed by 48 days of eruptive pause before starting again. In this context, the end of the paroxysmal phase was anticipated by a more effusive episode, thus heralding a temporary decline in the gas content within the feeding magma batch

    Explosive Paroxysmal Events at Etna Volcano of Different Magnitude and Intensity Explored through a Multidisciplinary Monitoring System

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    Between 13 December 2020 and 21 February 2022, Etna volcano produced a sequence of 66 paroxysmal explosive eruptions, with Strombolian activity at the summit craters climaxing in lava fountains and eruption columns extending several kilometers above the craters, accompanied by minor and short-lasting lava flows from the crater rim. We selected three of these episodes that occurred within a short space of time, between 13 December 2020 and 12 March 2021, of different magnitude (i.e., erupted volume) and intensity (i.e., mass eruption rate or instantaneous eruption rate), and analyzed them from a multidisciplinary perspective. The aim was to gain insights into those parameters that mostly reveal the eruptive process for hazard assessment purposes. The multidisciplinary data consist of calibrated visible images, thermal images, seismic and infrasound data, ground deformation detected from the strainmeters, as well as satellite SEVIRI images. From these data, we obtained the timing of each paroxysmal event, the erupted volume in terms of tephra and lava flows, and the corresponding deflation of the source region, together with the development of the lava fountains and eruption columns with time. The results enabled determining that the smallest episode was that of 13 December 2020, which comprised three distinctive pulses but did not produce an eruptive column detectable from either monitoring cameras or satellites. The 28 February 2021 episode was remarkable for the short amount of time required to reach the climax, and was the most intense, whereas the 12 March 2021 event showed the longest duration but with an intensity between that of the previous two. Our results show that these three paroxysmal events display a typical trend, with the first event also being the smallest in terms of both erupted volume and intensity, the second being the most intense, and the third the one of greatest magnitude but less intense than the second. This is coherent with the end of the first paroxysmal phase on 1 April 2021, which was followed by 48 days of eruptive pause before starting again. In this context, the end of the paroxysmal phase was anticipated by a more effusive episode, thus heralding a temporary decline in the gas content within the feeding magma batch