139 research outputs found

    Święty Tomasz, Wielki Gatsby i poszukiwanie szczęścia

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    Czym jest szczęście? Czy możliwe jest jego osiągnięcie? Czy istnieje jedna definicja szczęścia? Szczęście jako doznanie jest czymś indywidualnym dla każdego człowieka. Filozofia niemal od samego początku swojego istnienia starała się znaleźc odpowiedź na to, czym jest szczęście i jak można je znaleźć. Również Doktor Kościoła, Tomasz z Akwinu, zajął się tym zagadnieniem. Poprzez połączenie myśli chrześcijańskiej z poglądami Arystotelesa św. Tomasz stworzył koncepcję aktualną do dziś

    Dowody na istnienie Boga

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    The increased interest in arguments for the existence of God appeared in the XI century, with the development of the dialectic. One of the most famous ontological proof is a proof of Anselm of Canterbury – to prove the existence of God by going out only with HIS idea. In the XIII century, the ontological argument has lost its importance to the „five ways” of the Saint Thomas Aquinas, inspired by Aristotle and based on experience.The increased interest in arguments for the existence of God appeared in the XI century, with the development of the dialectic. One of the most famous ontological proof is a proof of Anselm of Canterbury – to prove the existence of God by going out only with HIS idea. In the XIII century, the ontological argument has lost its importance to the „five ways” of the Saint Thomas Aquinas, inspired by Aristotle and based on experience

    Gonadotropina kosmówkowa – czego nie mierzą komercyjne testy

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    Measurements of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) synthesized by trophoblast cells is a powerful tool of pregnancy monitoring. It was showed that similarly to pregnancy also trophoblastic and nontrophoblastic malignancies produce variety of hCG molecules. In urine and serum of both pregnant women and tumors patients a fifteen various forms of hCG, such as: regular hCG, hyperglycosylated hCG and predominant hyperglycosylated hCG free β, were identified. These forms might be useful in order to recognize between physiological and pathological pregnancies as well as cancers. Even the presence of these different hormone variants is well documented the commercially available biochemical tests detecting hCG failed to identified and distinguish among these forms. Especially hard is to identify glycan chains linked to heterodimer. Thus, a detailed analysis of hCG-related molecules produced during physiological and pathological condition, together with a new tests development are needed.Wykrywanie ludzkiej gonadotropiny kosmówkowej (hCG) produkowanej przez komórki trofoblastu jest wykorzystywane do wykrywania i monitorowania rozwijającej się ciąży. Oprócz ciąży szereg nowotworów pochodzenia zarówno trofoblastycznego jak i nietrofoblastycznego cechuje synteza i wydzielanie różnych form gonadotropiny kosmówkowej. Dotychczas w surowicy i moczu kobiet ciężarnych oraz u osób z chorobami nowotworowymi zidentyfikowano piętnaście różnych form hCG. Najczęściej występującymi cząsteczkami są: regularna hCG, hiperglikozylowana hCG i hiperglikozylowana wolna podjednostka beta. Cząsteczki te mogą być wykorzystane do rozróżnienia pomiędzy ciążą fizjologiczną a patologiczną, czy rozpoznania nowotworu rakiem Niestety dostępne na rynku testy diagnostyczne nie są wstanie wykryć i rozróżnić poszczególnych form hCG. Szczególnie trudne w identyfikacji są reszty cukrowcowe związane z hormonem. Szczegółowa analiza cząsteczek hCG produkowanych w określonych warunkach fizjologicznych jak i patologicznych powinna pozwolić na opracowanie nowych testów pozwalających na ich identyfikację

    The influence of sleep disturbances on the development of insulin resistance - a literature review

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    Introduction and purpose of the work: Sleep is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Adequate quality and quantity of sleep affects metabolic processes, including glucose metabolism, as well as the sensitivity of tissues to insulin, the reduction of which is called insulin resistance. It leads to an increased production of glucose in order to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Insulin resistance is a modifiable risk factor of, inter alia, type 2 diabetes. The aim of this study is to summarize the current knowledge on the relationship between sleep deprivation and an increased risk of developing insulin resistance. State of knowledge: Sleep undoubtedly has a strong influence on glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Numerous studies show that even partial sleep deprivation lowers insulin sensitivity. The available literature shows that shift work and a shifted bedtime, combined with an insufficient amount of it, lead to a significant reduction in insulin sensitivity. The positive effect of increasing the time of night rest on the sensitivity of tissues to insulin may be an element of the prevention of diseases such as obesity or type 2 diabetes. Moreover, disturbances in sleep continuity lead to formation of insulin resistance. An example would be obstructive sleep apnea, the treatment of which affects metabolic processes. Summary: Adequate sleep hygiene is an extremely important part of a healthy lifestyle. More research is needed on the relationship between sleep and the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, due to the fact that the appropriate sleep-wake rhythm may give hope for improvement in health in people with metabolic disorders and may be an important protective factor for many diseases.&nbsp

    Effect of Fe3+Fe^{3+} ions present in the structure of poly(acrylic acid) / montmorillonite composites on their thermal decomposition

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    Poly(acrylic acid)/montmorillonite (MMT) composites with various polymer contents were synthesized by in situ polymerization technique. The structure of obtained materials was characterized by powder X-ray dif- fraction and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). It was found that only a limited amount of hydrogel could be introduced between the clay layers. The remaining part of polymer was deposited on the external surface of clay particles. The introduction of the polymer modifier significantly increased the adsorption capacity of MMT in the elimination of Fe3+Fe^{3+} ions from aqueous solution. The thermal behavior of the samples before and after the Fe3+Fe^{3+} adsorption was examined by thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis. Moreover, the composition of gaseous products evolved during decomposition was determined by FTIR. The mate- rials after Fe3+Fe^{3+} adsorption exhibited different thermal sta- bility in oxidizing atmosphere than the fresh samples. Fe3+Fe^{3+} cations, forming FeOxFeO_x species during thermal treatment, appeared to be effective catalysts of polymer oxidation

    Interferon gamma release assays based on M. tuberculosis- -specific antigens in sarcoidosis patients

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    Wstęp: Prezentowana praca jest częścią projektu dotyczącego testów opartych na wydzielaniu interferonu gamma pod wpływem antygenów swoistych dla prątka gruźlicy przeprowadzonego na dużej grupie nieleczonych chorych na sarkoidozę w populacji powszechnie i wielokrotnie szczepionej przeciwko gruźlicy. Celem pracy była ocena wyników testów IGRA w tej grupie chorych. W pracy dyskutowany jest problem przydatności testów IGRA w wykrywaniu zakażenia prątkiem gruźlicy w kontekście współcześnie prezentowanych poglądów dotyczących roli antygenów prątka gruźlicy w etiopatogenezie sarkoidozy.Materiał i metody: W badaniu uczestniczyło 151 chorych na sarkoidozę, w wieku 38 ± 10,3 roku, nigdy nieleczonych. Wszyscy uczestnicy badania mieli wykonany test QFT-GIT. Z grupy badanej utworzono podgrupę 81 chorych na sarkoidozę, którym wykonano w tym samym czasie drugi test IGRA: T-SPOT.TB.Wyniki: Dodatni wynik testu QFT-GIT stwierdzono u 7/151 badanych, a wynik testu T-SPOT-TB u 3/81 badanych. Nie stwierdzono wyników nieokreślonych. Nie stwierdzono statystycznie istotnej zależności pomiędzy wynikiem testu IGRA a wybranymi parametrami klinicznymi sarkoidozy.Wnioski: U chorych na sarkoidozę szczepionych w przeszłości przeciwko gruźlicy szczepionką BCG odsetek dodatnich wyników IGRA wynosił 4,6% dla QFT-GIT oraz 3,7% dla T-SPOT.TB. Nie wykazano wpływu wybranych parametrów klinicznych sarkoidozy na wynik testów IGRA.Introduction: This study is a part of the project on interferon gamma release assays performed in the group of untreated sarcoidosis patients formerly BCG vaccinated. The aim of the study was to assess the rate of positive commercial interferon g release assays in sarcoidosis patients. We discussed the results in the context of hypothesis that M. tuberculosis antigens may play a role in the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis.Material and methods: 151 patients, mean age 38 ± 10.3, treatment naive, with newly diagnosed pulmonary sarcoidosis were enrolled into the study. All participants underwent QFT-GIT assay. A subgroup of 81 patients underwent also T-SPOT.TB assay.Results: QFT-GIT was positive in 7/151. T-SPOT.TB was positive in 3/81. There were no indeterminate results in both IGRAs. There was no statistically significant relationship between IGRAs results and sarcoidosis parameters such as the radiologic stage, disease duration and the presence of Löfgren’s syndrome.Conclusions: In sarcoidosis patients formerly BCG vaccinated, positive rate of IGRAs was 4.6% for QFT-GIT and 3.7% for T-SPOT. TB. We did not find the influence of the selected parameters of sarcoidosis on IGRAs results

    Alcohol use and depression - literature review

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    Alcohol consumption has serious health and social consequences. A coexistence of alcohol use disorders and depressive disorders is common. Alcohol abuse is more common in men, but women are at greater risk of its harmful effects. Alcohol consumption in adolescence and early adulthood is associated with a higher risk of developing depressive disorders in the future. The order in which these disorders appear may vary, but it is important to make a diagnosis of depression during the period of abstinence. Drinking alcohol can be seen as a form of coping with stress and anxiety disorders. The aim of this article is to review the literature on the relationship between depression and alcohol. Alcohol changes your neural pathways. Long and intense exposure may cause irreversible changes. The stress response pathways responsible for emotions and the reward system are the most sensitive. They deregulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Coexistence of alcohol use disorders and depressive disorders is treated primarily with antidepressants. Cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown to have a modest positive effect in relieving symptoms of depression and reducing the amount of alcohol consumed

    The role of Vitamin D in the prevention and treatment of inflammatory skin diseases – atopic dermatitis and psoriasis - literature review

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    Vitamin D is an important substance that has a pleiotropic range of action in the human body. Its important role is to influence the cells of the immune system and regulate the body's inflammatory response. Many physiological processes at the immune level have been discovered to prove this. Vitamin D deficiency is common and results mainly from limited sun exposure at certain latitudes or from insufficient dietary supply. This likely increases the risk of many diseases, including autoimmune diseases. Numerous evidence shows that also in skin diseases such as AD or psoriasis, the level of calcitriol is of great importance, and its supplementation in the prevention and treatment of these diseases promotes frequent remissions and improves the clinical condition of patients. Therapy with high doses of vitamin D analogues can be effective and safe. The exact knowledge of the properties of this vitamin probably allows for its real and effective use in the treatment of skin diseases. However, numerous large-scale studies are still needed to more accurately determine the dosage, effects of this therapy and to use this preparation with certainty and the highest possible effectiveness in everyday medical practice

    Influence of selenium deficiency on the development of thyroid disorders - a literature review

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    Introduction and purpose: Selenium is essential for the proper course of many physiological and biochemical processes in the human body. It plays a large role in ensuring proper immunoendocrine function. The organ with the greatest amount of selenium per gram of tissue is the thyroid gland. This element builds enzymes involved in antioxidant processes - peroxidase, as well as deiodinases involved in the metabolism of thyroid hormones. There are scientific reports showing a beneficial effect of selenium supplementation in autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland. The aim of this study is to summarize the current knowledge on the relationship between selenium deficiency and the development of thyroid dysfunction. Description of the state of knowledge: There is a correlation between selenium deficiency and the functioning of the thyroid gland. It has been shown that selenium levels are often lowered in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis. Research shows that selenium supplementation may lower TPOAb and TgAb antibody levels in patients with Hashimoto's disease. In patients with Graves' orbitopathy, administration of selenium resulted in delayed progression of orbitopathy and less disease severity. There are reports that supplementation with this element may also increase the effectiveness of antithyroid drugs in patients with Graves-Basedow disease. There was also an association between selenium deficiency and the development of goiter and thyroid nodules. Conclusions: Selenium plays an important role in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Although the specific role of selenium in the pathogenesis of thyroid disease is still under investigation, there are numerous reports saying that its deficiency may affect it. More research is needed on the relationship between selenium concentration and the regulation of thyroid function, because introducing it into the treatment regimen of thyroid disorders may give hope for better therapeutic effects

    Melanomas and dysplastic nevi differ in epidermal CD1c+ dendritic cell count

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    Background. Dendritic cells could be involved in immune surveillance of highly immunogenic tumors such as melanoma. Their role in the progression melanocytic nevi to melanoma is however a matter of controversy. Methods. The number of dendritic cells within epidermis, in peritumoral zone, and within the lesion was counted on slides immunohistochemically stained for CD1a, CD1c, DC-LAMP, and DC-SIGN in 21 of dysplastic nevi, 27 in situ melanomas, and 21 invasive melanomas. Results. We found a significant difference in the density of intraepidermal CD1c+ cells between the examined lesions; the mean CD1c cell count was 7.00/mm2 for invasive melanomas, 2.94 for in situ melanomas, and 13.35 for dysplastic nevi. The differences between dysplastic nevi and melanoma in situ as well as between dysplastic nevi and invasive melanoma were significant. There was no correlation in number of positively stained cells between epidermis and dermis. We did not observe any intraepidermal DC-LAMP+ cells neither in melanoma in situ nor in invasive melanoma as well as any intraepidermal DC-SIGN+ cells in dysplastic nevi. Conclusion. It was shown that the number of dendritic cells differs between dysplastic nevi, in situ melanomas, and invasive melanomas. This could eventually suggest their participation in the development of melanoma