15 research outputs found

    Health Effects of Foods Enriched with Cereal beta-Glucans from Cereals

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    Since soluble fibre in the form of the cereal beta-glucans found in oats and barley has been shown to have a positive effect on lipid and glucose metabolism, people at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases or diabetes might benefit from that a variety of palatable food products containing beta-glucans being available to them. The aim of the papers presented in the thesis was to evaluate the metabolic effects on persons with hypercholesterolemia or type 2 diabetes of various new food prototypes supplemented by beta-glucans. The immunomodulating effects of oat beta-glucan in vitro were also investigated. In paper I, the total cholesterol (T-C) concentration after a daily intake of 3.5 g of beta-glucans contained in a fermented, ropy oat-based product was found to be significantly lower than in a control group. In the same study an oat-based product containing 3.0 g of beta-glucans did not significantly lower the serum lipid level. In paper II a beverage containing 5 g of beta-glucans from oats also significantly lowered the T-C concentration and the postprandial glucose and insulin response as compared with a control beverage. No significant serum lipid or postprandial changes as compared with control were obtained after the consumption of either 5 or 10 g of barley beta-glucans or 10 g oat beta-glucans. In paper III a soup enriched with 4 g of oat beta-glucans was found to lower T-C and LDL-C in healthy hyperlipidemic subjects, although the reductions did not differ significantly from those in a group consuming a control soup. In paper IV, the same beta-glucan-enriched soup was investigated in normocholesterolemic subjects with type 2 diabetes. The tricylglycerol concentration of was significantly reduced in the beta-glucan group but produced no significant improvement in HbA1c or LDL-C. The liquid products used in the studies were all enriched with low Mw beta-glucans, increasing the amounts that could be incorporated per serving. The major difference between the various studies was in the method of administering the products: several servings per day in papers I and II but only once a day in papers III and IV. It could be of further interest to study the optimal mode of consuming beta-glucans and whether barley beta-glucans per se are less effective than oat beta-glucans

    Serum Lipids and Postprandial Glucose and Insulin Levels in Hyperlipidemic Subjects after Consumption of an Oat beta-Glucan-Containing Ready Meal.

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    Background/Aims: To investigate whether a daily intake of a nutrient-balanced ready meal containing 4 g of oat beta-glucans lowers total cholesterol (T-C) and low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in hyperlipidemic subjects and to evaluate its effect on postprandial glucose and insulin concentrations. Methods: A parallel, placebo-controlled trial was carried out in 43 healthy men and women with elevated serum cholesterol levels. During the 3-week run-in period, all subjects consumed daily a ready-meal soup, low in energy and fat and high in fiber but without oat beta-glucans. Subjects were then randomly assigned for the following 5-week intervention period to either continue consumption of the control soup or an equal soup supplemented with beta-glucan. Results: Consumption of the beta-glucan-enriched ready meal decreased T-C (0.22 +/- 0.41 mmol/l) and LDL-C (0.16 +/- 0.36 mmol/l), but the reductions were not significantly lower compared with control. After a meal with beta-glucan soup, neither postprandial glucose nor insulin concentrations were significantly different from those after a control soup. Conclusion: A daily dose of 4 g of oat beta-glucans incorporated into a healthy ready meal did not significantly lower T-C and LDL-C compared with an equal ready meal without beta-glucans. Thus, if a food product fulfils general healthy dietary recommendations it may not necessarily be a candidate for supplementation with beta-glucans. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel

    RISE klimatskalor för livsmedel

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    RISE Jordbruk och livsmedel har tagit fram tio klimatskalor för livsmedel med syftet att stötta aktörer i livsmedelskedjan genom att ge vägledning kring vad som är låg respektive hög klimatpåverkan inom en grupp av livsmedel med liknande funktion. Skalorna kan användas för att jämföra olika livsmedels klimatavtryck inom samma grupp av livsmedel och på så sätt främja mer klimatsmarta val av livsmedel. Målgruppen för klimatskalorna är användare av RISE klimatdatabas för livsmedel, såsom aktörer som producerar och säljer livsmedel och i slutänden deras kunder, konsumenterna. Även för kockar och andra måltidsaktörer är klimatskalorna tänkta som ett hjälpmedel i den dagliga menyplaneringen. Indelning av livsmedel i tio klimatskalor har gjorts utifrån livsmedlens funktion och användningsområden, se punktlista nedan. Fokus har varit på sju av de tio klimatskalorna vilka omfattar de livsmedelsgrupper som utgör den största delen av vår konsumtion. De övriga tre klimatskalorna, kursiverade i punktlistan nedan, inkluderar antingen produkter som ofta konsumeras i mindre mängder och är mer olika varandra och därmed inte direkt utbytbara, eller sammansatta rätter för vilka RISE klimatskala för måltider rekommenderas att användas i första hand

    Changes in serum lipids and postprandial glucose and insulin concentrations after consumption of beverages with beta-glucans from oats or barley: a randomised dose-controlled trial

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    Objectives: To investigate side by side the effects on serum lipoproteins and postprandial glucose and insulin concentrations of beverages enriched with 5 or 10 g of beta-glucans from oats or barley. Design and setting: An 8-week single blind, controlled study with five parallel groups carried out at two centres under identical conditions. Interventions: During a 3-week run-in period all subjects consumed a control beverage. For the following 5-week period four groups received a beverage with 5 or 10 g beta-glucans from oats or barley and one group continued with the control beverage. Blood samples in weeks 0, 2, 3, 7 and 8 were analysed for serum lipids, lipoproteins, glucose and insulin. Postprandial concentrations of glucose and insulin were compared between control and the beverage with 5 g of beta-glucans from oats or barley. Results: Compared to control, 5 g of beta-glucans from oats significantly lowered total-cholesterol by 7.4% ( P<0.01), and postprandial concentrations of glucose ( 30 min, P = 0.005) and insulin ( 30 min, P = 0.025). The beverage with 10 g of beta-glucans from oats did not affect serum lipids significantly in comparison with control. No statistically significant effects compared to control of the beverages with barley beta-glucans were found. Conclusions: A daily consumption of 5 g of oat beta-glucans in a beverage improved the lipid and glucose metabolism, while barley beta-glucans did not

    Verksamhetsberättelse Mat- och Måltidsvetenskap 2019

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    Under året som gått har mycket hänt och vi utvecklas vidare! Denna upplaga av Mat- och måltidsvetenskaps verksamhetsberättelse sammanfattar händelser och utveckling av ämnesområdet vid Högskolan Kristianstad under 2019. Ett år där alla medarbetare på avdelningen bidragit till att arbeta för visionen att vi ska ha en ledande position för framtidens mat och måltider genom attraktiva utbildningar, framgångsrik forskning och aktiv samverkan

    RISE klimatskalor för livsmedel

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    RISE Jordbruk och livsmedel har tagit fram tio klimatskalor för livsmedel med syftet att stötta aktörer i livsmedelskedjan genom att ge vägledning kring vad som är låg respektive hög klimatpåverkan inom en grupp av livsmedel med liknande funktion. Skalorna kan användas för att jämföra olika livsmedels klimatavtryck inom samma grupp av livsmedel och på så sätt främja mer klimatsmarta val av livsmedel. Målgruppen för klimatskalorna är användare av RISE klimatdatabas för livsmedel, såsom aktörer som producerar och säljer livsmedel och i slutänden deras kunder, konsumenterna. Även för kockar och andra måltidsaktörer är klimatskalorna tänkta som ett hjälpmedel i den dagliga menyplaneringen. Indelning av livsmedel i tio klimatskalor har gjorts utifrån livsmedlens funktion och användningsområden, se punktlista nedan. Fokus har varit på sju av de tio klimatskalorna vilka omfattar de livsmedelsgrupper som utgör den största delen av vår konsumtion. De övriga tre klimatskalorna, kursiverade i punktlistan nedan, inkluderar antingen produkter som ofta konsumeras i mindre mängder och är mer olika varandra och därmed inte direkt utbytbara, eller sammansatta rätter för vilka RISE klimatskala för måltider rekommenderas att användas i första hand

    Verksamhetsberättelse Mat- och Måltidsvetenskap 2018

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    Året inleddes med en ny organisation för Högskolan Kristianstad och bildandetav fyra nya fakulteter. Avdelningen för Mat- och måltidsvetenskapingår numera i Fakulteten för Naturvetenskap tillsammans med avdelningenför Datavetenskap och avdelningen för Miljö och biologi. Det varinte bara för HKR som det gångna året innebar organisatoriska förändringarutan även för vår avdelning.Bitte Müller Hansen gick i pension efter nästan tio år som programansvarigför Gastronomiprogrammet och avdelningschef. Bitte har betytt oerhörtmycket för utveckling av programmet och har lagt ner stort engagemangi såväl utbildningen, som i sina kontakter med studenter och medarbetsmarknaden

    Liking, preference and practical implications of protein and energy enriched in-between-meals designed for elderly people

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    Background: An adequate dietary intake, especially of protein and energy, is important for maintaining health among elderly people, especially those in care homes. One strategy to ensure nutritional intake is to customise attractive products through enrichment to match the needs of elderly people in care homes. Objective: To evaluate liking and practical aspects of protein and energy enriched in-between meals designed for elderly people in care homes through the use of quantitative and qualitative assessments. Design: A broad range of energy and protein enriched in-between meals, including both savoury and sweet products, were included. The products were evaluated by a consumer test and a focus group discussion with elderly respondents. The products were also evaluated by a second focus group discussion with care staff. Results: The most liked products were ice cream and cheesecake. All products achieved high scores for appearance, taste/flavour and texture. No product included in the study was extremely disliked. However, the least liked product was tomato soup, which scored above the middle of the scale except for texture. It was clear from the focus group discussions that a colourful appearance, small portion size and texture were of primary importance. The temperature had an impact on liking and swallowability. Discussion: Most products were perceived by the elderly participants as appealing and tasting good, and possibleto include in a daily diet. It was clear that the colours of the foods were of primary importance. In line with other studies, it was found that highly liked in-between meals were frozen, cold and sweet. These products were also easy to swallow. Conclusions: It is possible to produce highly liked energy and protein enriched in-between meal products designed for elderly people. The temperature had a great impact on the liking of texture, taste and flavour. In-between meals should preferably be colourful and have a small portion size

    Verksamhetsberättelse Mat- och Måltidsvetenskap 2019

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    Under året som gått har mycket hänt och vi utvecklas vidare! Denna upplaga av Mat- och måltidsvetenskaps verksamhetsberättelse sammanfattar händelser och utveckling av ämnesområdet vid Högskolan Kristianstad under 2019. Ett år där alla medarbetare på avdelningen bidragit till att arbeta för visionen att vi ska ha en ledande position för framtidens mat och måltider genom attraktiva utbildningar, framgångsrik forskning och aktiv samverkan