123 research outputs found

    Ascites Volumes and the Ovarian Cancer Microenvironment

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    Epithelial ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from gynecologic malignancy among women in developed countries. Epithelial ovarian cancer has a poor prognosis, due to the aggressive characteristics of the disease combined with the lack of effective therapies. Options for late-stage ovarian cancer are limited and invasive, especially once malignant ascites develops. Malignant ascites, a complication observed in terminal ovarian cancer, significantly contributes to poor quality of life and to mortality. Excess accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity occurs due to a combination of impaired fluid drainage and increased net filtration, mostly due to increasing intraperitoneal vascular permeability. Here we applied non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) of syngeneic mouse tumors in vivo, and high-resolution 1H MRS of mouse tumor extracts, to characterize the relationship between ascites volumes and the vasculature and metabolism of an experimental model of ovarian cancer. Differences were observed in the tumor vasculature and metabolism in tumors based on ascites volumes that provide new insights into the development of this condition

    Prostate fibroblasts and prostate cancer associated fibroblasts exhibit different metabolic, matrix degradation and PD-L1 expression responses to hypoxia

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    Fibroblasts are versatile cells that play a major role in wound healing by synthesizing and remodeling the extracellular matrix (ECM). In cancers, fibroblasts play an expanded role in tumor progression and dissemination, immunosuppression, and metabolic support of cancer cells. In prostate cancer (PCa), fibroblasts have been shown to induce growth and increase metastatic potential. To further understand differences in the functions of human PCa associated fibroblasts (PCAFs) compared to normal prostate fibroblasts (PFs), we investigated the metabolic profile and ECM degradation characteristics of PFs and PCAFs using a magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy compatible intact cell perfusion assay. To further understand how PFs and PCAFs respond to hypoxic tumor microenvironments that are often observed in PCa, we characterized the effects of hypoxia on PF and PCAF metabolism, invasion and PD-L1 expression. We found that under normoxia, PCAFs displayed decreased ECM degradation compared to PFs. Under hypoxia, ECM degradation by PFs increased, whereas PCAFs exhibited decreased ECM degradation. Under both normoxia and hypoxia, PCAFs and PFs showed significantly different metabolic profiles. PD-L1 expression was intrinsically higher in PCAFs compared to PFs. Under hypoxia, PD-L1 expression increased in PCAFs but not in PFs. Our data suggest that PCAFs may not directly induce ECM degradation to assist in tumor dissemination, but may instead create an immune suppressive tumor microenvironment that further increases under hypoxic conditions. Our data identify the intrinsic metabolic, ECM degradation and PD-L1 expression differences between PCAFs and PFs under normoxia and hypoxia that may provide novel targets in PCa treatment

    Unsupervised Deconvolution of Dynamic Imaging Reveals Intratumor Vascular Heterogeneity and Repopulation Dynamics

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    With the existence of biologically distinctive malignant cells originated within the same tumor, intratumor functional heterogeneity is present in many cancers and is often manifested by the intermingled vascular compartments with distinct pharmacokinetics. However, intratumor vascular heterogeneity cannot be resolved directly by most in vivo dynamic imaging. We developed multi-tissue compartment modeling (MTCM), a completely unsupervised method of deconvoluting dynamic imaging series from heterogeneous tumors that can improve vascular characterization in many biological contexts. Applying MTCM to dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of breast cancers revealed characteristic intratumor vascular heterogeneity and therapeutic responses that were otherwise undetectable. MTCM is readily applicable to other dynamic imaging modalities for studying intratumor functional and phenotypic heterogeneity, together with a variety of foreseeable applications in the clinic

    Collagen fibers mediate MRI-detected water diffusion and anisotropy in breast cancers

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    AbstractCollagen 1 (Col1) fibers play an important role in tumor interstitial macromolecular transport and cancer cell dissemination. Our goal was to understand the influence of Col1 fibers on water diffusion, and to examine the potential of using noninvasive diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to indirectly detect Col1 fibers in breast lesions. We previously observed, in human MDA-MB-231 breast cancer xenografts engineered to fluoresce under hypoxia, relatively low amounts of Col1 fibers in fluorescent hypoxic regions. These xenograft tumors together with human breast cancer samples were used here to investigate the relationship between Col1 fibers, water diffusion and anisotropy, and hypoxia. Hypoxic low Col1 fiber containing regions showed decreased apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fractional anisotropy (FA) compared to normoxic high Col1 fiber containing regions. Necrotic high Col1 fiber containing regions showed increased ADC with decreased FA values compared to normoxic viable high Col1 fiber regions that had increased ADC with increased FA values. A good agreement of ADC and FA patterns was observed between in vivo and ex vivo images. In human breast cancer specimens, ADC and FA decreased in low Col1 containing regions. Our data suggest that a decrease in ADC and FA values observed within a lesion could predict hypoxia, and a pattern of high ADC with low FA values could predict necrosis. Collectively the data identify the role of Col1 fibers in directed water movement and support expanding the evaluation of DTI parameters as surrogates for Col1 fiber patterns associated with specific tumor microenvironments as companion diagnostics and for staging

    Choline Kinase Alpha Inhibition by EB-3D Triggers Cellular Senescence, Reduces Tumor Growth and Metastatic Dissemination in Breast Cancer

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    Choline kinase (ChoK) is the first enzyme of the Kennedy pathway leading to the biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho), the most abundant phospholipid in eukaryotic cell membranes. EB-3D is a novel choline kinase 1 (ChoK 1) inhibitor with potent antiproliferative activity against a panel of several cancer cell lines. ChoK 1 is particularly overexpressed and hyperactivated in aggressive breast cancer. By NMR analysis, we demonstrated that EB-3D is able to reduce the synthesis of phosphocholine, and using flow cytometry, immunoblotting, and q-RT-PCR as well as proliferation and invasion assays, we proved that EB-3D strongly impairs breast cancer cell proliferation, migration, and invasion. EB-3D induces senescence in breast cancer cell lines through the activation of the metabolic sensor AMPK and the subsequent dephosphorylation of mTORC1 downstream targets, such as p70S6K, S6 ribosomal protein, and 4E-BP1. Moreover, EB-3D strongly synergizes with drugs commonly used for breast cancer treatment. The antitumorigenic potential of EB-3D was evaluated in vivo in the syngeneic orthotopic E0771 mouse model of breast cancer, where it induces a significant reduction of the tumor mass at low doses. In addition, EB-3D showed an antimetastatic effect in experimental and spontaneous metastasis models. Altogether, our results indicate that EB-3D could be a promising new anticancer agent to improve aggressive breast cancer treatment protocols.This work was supported by funds from Istituto di Ricerca Pediatrica (IRP)-Città della Speranza and Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo—CARIPARO Foundation (project IRP13/05) and by the University of Granada, (Cei-Biotic project CEI2013-MP-1), and Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC) MFAG 18459 grant (R.R.). E.M. was supported by AIRC (21101) and V.S. by FIRC (16616) fellowships

    Exposure of Human Breast Cancer Cells to the Anti-inflammatory Agent Indomethacin Alters Choline Phospholipid Metabolites and Nm23 Expression

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    We previously observed that changes in choline phospholipids of two malignant human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) following treatment with a high dose of the cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor, indomethacin, mimicked changes following transfection with a metastasis suppressor gene, nm23. The similarity between response to indomethacin and nm23 transfection led us to 1) expand our (1)H NMR spectroscopy study of indomethacin treatment by determining the response at two doses for two nonmalignant and three malignant HMECs, 2) investigate COX-1 and COX-2 levels in HMECs and their relationship with choline phosholipid metabolites, and 3) determine changes in Nm23 expression following treatment with indomethacin. All HMECs exhibited a significant change in choline phospholipids following treatment with 300 µM indomethacin. At the lower dose of 50 µM, only nonmalignant HMECs and the estrogen-dependent malignant cell line, MCF-7, responded. COX-1 levels were significantly higher in malignant HMECs than in nonmalignant HMECs. A significant increase in Nm23 expression following 300 µM indomethacin was detected in MCF-12A and MCF-7 cells but not in MDA-MB-231 and MDAMB-435 cells. These results suggest that COX-1 expression and its inhibition play a role in the choline phospholipid metabolism of HMECs, and the effect of indomethacin on HMECs may be mediated, in part, through upregulation of nm23

    Mechanisms of Indomethacin-Induced Alterations in the Choline Phospholipid Metabolism of Breast Cancer Cells

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    Human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) exhibit an increase in phosphocholine (PC) and total choline-containing compounds, as well as a switch from high glycerophosphocholine (GPC)/low PC to low GPC/high PC, with progression to malignant phenotype. The treatment of human breast cancer cells with a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent, indomethacin, reverted the high PC/low GPC pattern to a low PC/high GPC pattern indicative of a less malignant phenotype, supported by decreased invasion. Here, we have characterized mechanisms underlying indomethacin-induced alterations in choline membrane metabolism in malignant breast cancer cells and nonmalignant HMECs labeled with [1,2-(13)C]choline using (1)H and (13)C magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Microarray gene expression analysis was performed to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying these changes. In breast cancer cells, indomethacin treatment activated phospholipases that, combined with an increased choline phospholipid biosynthesis, led to increased GPC and decreased PC levels. However, in nonmalignant HMECs, activation of the anabolic pathway alone was detected following indomethacin treatment. Following indomethacin treatment in breast cancer cells, several candidate genes, such as interleukin 8, NGFB, CSF2, RHOB, EDN1, and JUNB, were differentially expressed, which may have contributed to changes in choline metabolism through secondary effects or signaling cascades leading to changes in enzyme activity
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