136 research outputs found


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    Professional Ethics Under Islamic Perspective: A Study on Islamic Banks Operating in Bangladesh

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    The present study is about practice of professional ethics under Islamic perspective in Islamic Banks operating in Bangladesh. It is the outcome of primary data mainly. The requisite primary data were collected from a total number of 77 respondents on the basis of a structured questionnaire by direct interview methods from 7 Islamic banks operating in Bangladesh. The respondents were selected purposively for the easy and smooth collection of data. The main theme of the study is the practices of Islamic as well as professional ethics in the selected seven Islamic banks. The study depicts that awareness and attitudes towards the principles and practices of Islamic professional ethics have been higher is case of top level management of the banks. On the other hand, in case of the branch level management, those have been either medium or low. In order to improve the existing practice, the problems as mentioned in the study must be removed by adopting the suggestions opined by the respondents. Key words: Islamic professional ethics, Islamic management, Shariah compliance, Ethical behavior, Corporate social responsibility and Leadership

    Sinteza i antimikrobno djelovanje novih derivata tienopirimidina

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    Reaction of heteroaromatic o-aminonitrile with ethyl N-/bis(methylthio)methyleneamino acetate resulted in annelation of a thieno/3,2-e/imidazo/1,2-c/pyrimidine moiety in a one step process. /1,2,4/Triazolo/4,3-c/thieno/3,2-e/pyrimidine derivatives were prepared by initial treatment of o-aminonitrile with carbon disulfide, followed by methylation with methyl iodide and subsequent reaction with benzhydrazide and thiosemicarbazide, respectively. Hydrazinothieno/2,3-d/pyrimidine was prepared by cyclization of heteroaromatic o-aminoester with formamide, followed by chlorination and subsequent displacement with hydrazine. Treatment of the hydrazine derivative with acetylacetone, benzaldehyde and acetic anhydride afforded pyrazolylpyrimidine, benzylidenehydrazonopyrimidine and trizolopyrimidine derivatives, respectively. Some of these derivatives exhibited pronounced antimicrobial activity.Reakcijom heteroaromatskih o-aminonitrila s etil N-/bis(metiltio)metilenamino acetatom u jednom sintetskom koraku došlo je do anelacije u tieno/3,2-e/imidazo/1,2-c/pirimidin. Derivati /1,2,4/triazolo/4,3-c/tieno/3,2-e/pirimidina pripravljeni su reakcijom o-aminonitrila s ugljikovim disulfidom, te metilacijom s metil-jodidom i naknadnom reakcijom s benzhidrazidom, odnosno tiosemikarbazidom. Hidrazinotieno/2,3-d/pirimidin je pripravljen ciklizacijom heteroaromatskog o-aminoestera s formamidom, te kloriranjem i supstitucijom s hidrazinom. Reakcijom hidrazinskog derivata s acetilacetonom, benzaldehidom ili anhidridom octane kiseline nastali su derivati pirazolilpirimidina, benzilidenehidrazonopirimidina, odnosno trizolopirimidina. Neki od tih derivata djeluju antimikrobno

    Effect of Field Caprock Shale Exposure to CO2 on Its Mechanical Properties—A Comparison of Experimental Techniques

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    Laboratory tests were performed on the Draupne shale formation, which may serve as a seal over CO2 storage sites. Different techniques were used to assess the integrity and mechanical properties of the shale, with the main objective of investigating whether exposure to CO2 would in any manner alter these properties. The laboratory methods used encompass traditional triaxial tests; however, with fluid substitution prior to increasing axial stress to failure. These tests were conducted on smaller cylindrical plugs than standard, taking advantage of the finer grained nature of the shale. Another set of experiments used the low-frequency technique, whereby small amplitude, cyclic axial strains are applied on the specimen, allowing a direct measurement of stiffness. Long exposure, with change of fluid from brine to CO2 , allowed for quantifying small changes in stiffness, thanks to the many repeated cycles of non-destructive testing. In a final experimental technique, the punch test, shear strength of the same material was obtained by cutting a central disk from a larger intact shale disk, while measuring the shear force needed to perform the cut.publishedVersio

    Glycemic Index Values of Rice Varieties that are Commonly Available in Markets in Bangladesh

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    Glycemic Index (GI) of six common rice varieties in the local markets of Bangladesh was assessed and categorized in this study to investigate manipulative varietal performance for the time being. After overnight fasting, each of ten selected healthy non-diabetic volunteers (males and females in ratio of 1:1) was fed with reference food (50 g glucose) and test foods (50 g carbohydrate-containing different rice varieties) in every two days intervals. After feeding, glucose levels (mmol/l) were measured at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. Incremental Area Under Curve (IAUC) of reference food and test food (avoiding the area beneath the baseline of reference food) was calculated to measure GI values. Amylose content (%) of different test foods was measured from the standard curve obtained from the spectrophotometric analysis after alcoholic-alkaline gelatinization that was followed by acidification and iodine mixing. The result showed that the GI values were 59.7±3.4; 50.5±2.6; 57.8±2.8; 51.3±2.3; 56.9±3.9 and 44.6±2.1, while the amylose content (%) were 23.6±0.6; 26.7±0.9; 21.3±0.7; 28.3±1.1; 22.2±2.3 and 29.8±1.5 for Nizershail, BRRI Dhan 29, Chinigura, Kalijira, Hybrid Hera Dhan 12 and Sworna, respectively. Moreover, the existing inverse relationship between the GI values and amylose content in this study was similar to other researchers’ findings. Categorization of the test foods based on the observed GI values ranked Sworna, BRRI Dhan 29 and Kalijira as low GI rice varieties that could be beneficial for consumption by diabetics as well as healthy individuals

    Acid treatment as a way to reduce shale rock mechanical strength and to create a material prone to the formation of permanent well barrier

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    Utilization of natural shale formations for the creation of annular barriers in oil and gas wells is currently discussed as a mean of simplifying cumbersome plugging and abandonment procedures. Shales that are likely to form annular barriers are shales with high content of swelling clays and relatively low content of cementation material (e.g., quartz, carbonates). Shales with large content of quartz and low content of swelling clays will be rather brittle and not easily deformable. In this paper we ask the question whether and to what extent it is possible to modify the mechanical properties of relatively brittle shales by chemically removing some cementation material. To answer this question, we have leached out carbonates from Pierre I shale matrix using hydrochloric acid and we have compared mechanical properties of shale before and after leaching. We have also followed leaching dynamics using X-ray tomography. The results show that removal of around 4–5 wt% of cementation material results in 43% reduction in Pierre I shale shear strength compared to the non-etched shale exposed to sodium chloride solution for the same time. The etching rate was shown to be strongly affected by the volume of fluid staying in direct contact with the shale sample.publishedVersio

    Mini craniotomy for chronic subdural haematoma: surgical outcome from a single institution experience and predictors of success

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    Background: Chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is an increasingly common neurological disease in daily neurosurgical practice. Despite the wide prevalence of CSDH, there remains a lack of consensus regarding numerous aspects of its surgical management. The diagnosis and treatment are well established but there are different surgical procedures and outcome related to these procedures are not completely understood.Methods: The study conducted was conducted in department of neurosurgery at Ibrahim cardiac hospital and research institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh between January 2019 to July 2020, 105 patients were treated for chronic subdural haematoma This study evaluated the clinical features, radiological findings and surgical outcome by mini craniotomy assessed by modified Rankin scale (mRS) score and Glasgow outcome scale (GOS) score in a large series of patients treated at single institution.Results: At 6 months follow up, only one patient died (0.95%) because of co-morbidities and not directly related to the chronic subdural haematoma, 15 patients (14.3%) improved to mRS 0, 33.33% showed only mild symptoms without any significant disability-mRS 1, slight disability was observed in 28.5% patients, moderate disability was observed in 17.14% patients-mRS 3, moderately severe disability was observed in 5.7%-mRS 4.Conclusions: GOS score at 6 months follow up which shows majority of the patient improved to GOS score 4 (45.71%) and 5 (38.09%). Based on these results, among various method of surgical management, mini craniotomy provides better outcome

    Mud crab (Scylla serrata Forsskal 1775) value chain analysis in the Khulna region of Bangladesh

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Shanghai Ocean UniversityA value chain analysis is a detailed description of all the activities and services needed to turn a raw product into a marketable good for delivery to final consumers. The mud crab business is considered by most marketing operators to be a profitable and viable business due to the high demand in the international market. Despite the importance of mud crab fishery, there is no structured marketing facilities in Bangladesh. This research aim to analyze the socioeconomic condition of actors, the profitability of farming, mapping the institutional and non-institutional barriers, and provide a better understanding of the possibility of technological interventions in the value chain. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected through participatory rural appraisal tools that include 200 individual interviews, 16 focus group discussions, and 24 key informant interviews conducted in south-west Bangladesh from July to December of 2019. The mud crab value chain analysis revealed that the chain started with crab collection (cultivated and wild harvest), before sale to local vendors, and ended with exporters through several intermediaries. Results noted that most (±95%) exportable crab came from natural sources, with rest (±5%) from aquaculture sector. The average price (USD/kg) ranged from 10.5914.12and10.59−14.12 and 12.94−19.42 for male crabs (grade: XXL), followed by 10.0011.77and10.00−11.77 and 11.77−17.06 for female (grade: FF1) in domestic and international markets, respectively. Despite the high profitability of these sectors, the livelihood of these stakeholders has remained relatively hard. Multi-pronged approaches, like a nursery or increasing farming and backyard seed production, and possible value addition at the farm level may help farmers.Peer reviewe