725 research outputs found

    lnferensi induktif, deduktif, dan epistemologi Popper dalam riset epidemiologi

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    EjJldenliologl merupokan ilnw eklektik Vllng inencakup rostonalisme dan cmpmsisme. Do/am beberapa dasawarsa tcraklnr terlihat ketidaksepukoton tentang peran deduksi dan induksi dalam studt epsdennotogi. Eindennolog Poppenan mengklavn bohwu penalaran deduknf klasik tidak hanya pertu tetapi cukup untuk inferensi yang soh, sedang epidemtolog non-Poppenan berpendmun bahwa metode nondeduktif juga perln Secara tradist riset epidcmiologi songat mcngondolkan data stndi dan mcnggunakan metode indukst secara [nus HI1(uk mcnank inferenst tentong teori duri pcngamatan. Mokulah ini memperkenalkan kekuctan dan kvlemahan metode indukst d{1I1 dednkss Secara khusus makalah ini membahos kelemohan indukss yang disebut problem hume. ketemahun dedul...siyang disebut incompleteness theorem, serta sejauh mana solnsi Popper yang disebut hvpothetico-deducttve method dapot duerapkan pado rISe( epidemiologi. Kalil kunci. dcdukst. induksi, hypothetlco-deductivv method. mfcrensi csndenuolog


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    Contracting out is the practice of public sector or private firms of employing and financing an outside agent to perform some specific task rather than managing it themselves. The rationale for contracting is that public providers lack the incentive to use resources efficiently, and that private (or autonomous) providers are more efficient than public providers. Contracting out clearly separates the roles of purchaser and provider, and tightly links payment to performance of the provider. According to classical economic theory, contracting stimulates competition among providers in managed markets, induces cost awareness among providers and purchasers, and enhances transparency in negotiations. Providers are forced to minimize production cost and adjust the prices to meet the demand and requirements of purchasers. All these factors contribute to efficiency. In addition, contracting would promote decentralization managerial responsibility, a shift that would translate in efficiency gains in contrast to the old highly-centralized, bureaucratic structure, considered insensitive of the cost implications of allocative decisions. As is the case with any model, contracting out approach is not a panacea to all health problems. But in light of the limited absorptive capacity of the public sector, it is an alternative strategy worth considering for increasing the coverage and the quality of services in developing countries such as Indonesia. Monitoring and evaluation is an indispensible instrument for contracting out to exhibit its relative advantages. Keywords: contracting, health services, public, private, managed marke


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    Consumers' involvement in the decision making of health insurance scheme has been minimal in Indonesia Healthcare services covered by the insurance scheme have been centrally planned, overlooking consumer perceptions and expectation. As such. anecdotal dissatisfaction has been often heard This paper introduces the potential applications or conjoint analysis as a method of eliciting consumer preferences for an improved Insurance benefit plan. Conjoint analysis is a unique multivariate survey technique whereby researcher first constructs a set of real or hypothetical products or services by combining selected levels of each attribute. These combinations are then preserved to respondents, who provide only their overall utility evaluations. Discrete choice conjoint modelling is preferred to other methods of valuation since it closely resembles real life decisions while maintaining its predictive validity. Some methodological issues must, nevertheless, be considered as 10ensure proper use of this technique. Keywords : conjoin analysis, consumer's preference, discrete choice. health insuranc


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    Background: The best way to run the economy is usually to let people produce and consume goods without restrictions or government intervention. This interaction of supply and demand in the market leads to an equilibrium at the point where marginal benefits equal marginal costs. The power of market prices arising from this perfect competition organizes production and consumption in a way that maximizes welfare, so-called as Pareto-optimality. Yet, conditions are not always "perfect". There are things that only government can do. This paper discusses the presence of public goods in the health sector as an example where market fails to perform efficiently. Subject and methods: This policy paper reviews micro-economic theories that address public goods and private goods in the health sector. Empirical evidence is presented to support (or to refute) the theories. Results: A pure public good is a good or service, such as information that warns the hazard of tobacco use, but the consumption of which by one person does not reduce its availability to others in society, It is not possible to charge for a public good because no one can be excluded from using them. and no one wants to charge for because it does not cost anything to accommodate additional users. As such the public good must be subsidized or provided by government if it is to be produced efficiently. The government production of a public good also is advantageous because government can assess taxes to pay for it. Conclusions: This paper has discussed the policy issues concerning the provision of public goods and regulation of private goods by the government. Firstly,the definitions of public good and private good were explained, by citing relevant examples in the health sector. The efficient level of provision of a public good, market failure due to public goods, the rationale for government intervention. and privatization of public goods. were then discussed along the remaining of the paper. Keywords: perfect competition, public good, private good, government intervention, health secto


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    The best way to run the economy is usually to let people produce and consume goods without restrictions or government intervention. This interaction of supply and demand in the market leads to an equilibrium at the point where marginal benefits equal marginal costs. The power of market prices arising from this perfect competition organizes production and consumption in a way that maximizes welfare, so-called as Pareto-optimality. Yet, conditions are not always "perfect". There are things that only government can do. This paper discusses the presence of public goods in the health sector as an example where market fails to perform efficiently. Subject and methods: This policy paper reviews micro-economic theories that address public goods and private goods in the health sector. Empirical evidence is presented to support (or to refute) the theories. Results: A pure public good is a good or service, such as information that warns the hazard of tobacco use, but the consumption of which by one person does not reduce its availability to others in society, It is not possible to charge for a public good because no one can be excluded from using them. and no one wants to charge for because it does not cost anything to accommodate additional users. As such the public good must be subsidized or provided by government if it is to be produced efficiently. The government production of a public good also is advantageous because government can assess taxes to pay for it. Conclusions: This paper has discussed the policy issues concerning the provision of public goods and regulation of private goods by the government. Firstly, the definitions of public good and private good were explained, by citing relevant examples in the health sector. The efficient level of provision of a public good, market failure due to public goods, the rationale for government intervention. and privatization of public goods. were then discussed along the remaining of the paper. Keywords: perfect competition, public good, private good, government intervention, health sector

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    Sample size is an issue worth-considering but not the most essential thing to fulfil for a good research. A much more crucial cause of concern to any research is the validity of inference a research is drawing, i.e. the extent to which the research is able to control systematic error that stems from bias and confounding. Sample size refers to random error; it does not address nor correct systematic error. The larger sample size, the less random error, the more precise estimates a research can yield about difference/ association/ effect of a variable(s). Most of the assignment of values in any sample size formula is arbitrary. As such, the product of estimating sample size, regardless of the formula being used,  cannot be viewed as an absolute end; the actual sample size can be larger or smaller than the estimated one. Beyond statistical aspect, several other important factors should be considered when estimating sample size, such as ethics, cost, and the amount oftime available for conducting the research