504 research outputs found

    The Psychology of Aesthetics in Kalyanji's poems

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    Tamil literature has acquired many new dimensions starting from the time of Tolkappiyar till today. Everyday life is in harmony with nature. Nature is the concept of beauty and aesthetics from Sangam literature to modern literature. In poet Kalyanji's poems, love and nature find equal measure. He uses gentle words in his poems. Nature binds all living and non-living things in the world with its umbilical cord. If you see this world in the eyes of love, the psychology of beauty is the expression of the inner being of the humanbeings

    Critical Applied Linguistics: Concerns and Domains

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    Critical applied linguistics seems a new phenomenon and a point under the study. Thus much has not been written and wider debts were not made on it whether to be kept as an autonomous discipline or to be studded just under mainstream division, applied linguistics. So, the intention of the current article is to just mention some points on the issue focusing on concerns and domains in brief. So it will contribute to the amelioration of the disciplines

    Karyotype of a Bagrid catfish, Mystus vittatus, from the freshwater system of Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India

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    Karyological characters of Mystus vittatus (Bagridae) in the freshwater system of Chidambaram were studied by examining metaphase chromosome spreads from the gill tissues. The examination of 149 metaphase spreads prepared from 25 fingerling specimens indicated that the chromosome number of this species was 2n=54 and the arm number was 12 for metacentric, 36 for submetacentric, and 30 for acrocentric type. The prepared karyotypes of this species consisted, of 3 pairs of metacentric (m), 9 pairs of submetacentric (sm) and 15 pairs of acrocentric (a) chromosomes. The chromosome formula can be represented as 2n = 3m + 9sm + 15a. This karyotype is significantly different from same species reported by others. Karyological parameters showed that centrometric index, arm ratio, relative length, and length variation range of chromosome of this fish species are between 14.97-50.00, 1.00-5.68, 3.12-18.48, and 0.60-3.56, respectively. The largest chromosome in this species is a pair of submetacentric chromosomes. Considering the number of chromosomes, it seems likely that M. vittatus, is a diploid origin fish

    Egocentric Activity Recognition Using HOG, HOF and MBH Features

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    recognizing egocentric actions is a challenging task that has to be addressed in recent years. The recognition of first person activities helps in assisting elderly people, disabled patients and so on. Here, life logging activity videos are taken as input. There are 2 categories, first one is the top level and second one is second level. In this research work, the recognition is done using the features like Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), Histogram of optical Flow (HOF) and Motion Boundary Histogram (MBH). The extracted features are given as input to the classifiers like Support Vector Machine (SVM) and k Nearest Neighbor (kNN). The performance results showed that SVM gave better results than kNN classifier for both categories

    Unscarred uterine rupture: a retrospective analysis

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    Uterine rupture is an obstetrical emergency associated with significant maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity. Spontaneous rupture of an unscarred uterus, though rare, can occur in developing countries. Many risk factors for uterine rupture, as well as a wide range of clinical presentations, have been identified. The aim of the study was to analyze the incidence, predisposing factors and to determine the maternal and perinatal outcomes of unscarred uterine rupture. A retrospective analysis of cases of unscarred uterine rupture was conducted at the department of obstetrics and gynecology, Andhra Medical College/King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam from 01 October 2020 to 31 October 2021. Out of the 8657 deliveries in our hospital during the study period, there were 11 cases of ruptured unscarred uteri giving an incidence of 0.127%. All of these (100%) were unbooked cases. Most of them (90.9%) were multigravida. Uterine rupture occurred at term in 9 cases and 2 were pre term. Maternal mortality was 18.18% (2 cases) and perinatal mortality was 72.72% (8 cases). Sub-total hysterectomy was done in 4 and laparotomy with repair of the rent was performed in the remaining 7 cases. Unscarred uterine rupture though a rare complication of pregnancy, can occur commonly in developing countries. Obstructed labour, mismanaged labour, injudicious use of oxytocin and grand multiparity are the common risk factors associated with unscarred uterine rupture

    Case report on perioperative management of combined factor V and VIII deficiency in a patient with prolapse uterus

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    Combined factor V and factor VIII deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive disorder with incidence of one in 10,00,000. We reported a case of seventy-one-year-old patient with third degree uterovaginal prolapse, diagnosed as combined factor V and VIII deficiency and the successful perioperative management during vaginal hysterectomy. With our experience in this, we conclude that for the patient's with factor V and VIII deficiency that the correction should be given for at least 2 weeks post operatively

    Effects of through-the-thickness stitching on impact and interlaminar fracture properties of textile graphite/epoxy laminates

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    This study investigated the effects of through-the-thickness stitching on impact damage resistance, impact damage tolerance, and mode I and mode II fracture toughness of textile graphite/epoxy laminates. Uniweave resin-transfer-molded 48 ply graphite/epoxy (AS4/3501-6) laminates were stitched with Kevlar and glass yarns of different linear densities and stitch spacings. Delaminations were implanted during processing to simulate impact damage. Sublaminate buckling tests were performed to determine the effects of stitching on the compressive strength. The results showed outstanding improvements of up to 400 percent in the compression strength over the unstitched laminates. In impact and static indentation tests the onset of damage occurred at the same level, but the extent of damage was less in stitched laminates. Mode I fracture toughness of 24 ply Uniweave unidirectional (AS4/3501-6) stitched laminates was measured by conducting double-cantilever-beam tests. The critical strain energy release rate (G(sub Ic)) was found to be up to 30 times higher than the unstitched laminates. Mode II fracture toughness of the Uniweave laminates was measured by performing end-notched-flexure tests. Two new methods to compute the apparent G(sub IIc) are presented. The apparent G(sub IIc) was found to be at least 5-15 times higher for the stitched laminates

    Comparative study of anterior chamber depth pre and post prophylactic laser iridotomy in angle closure suspects

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    Individuals aged above 40 years and females are at more risk for the angle closure disease. • Ocular risk factors for angle closure are hyperopia, short axial length and shallow anterior chamber depth. • Van Herick's method although subjective is reliable when done by experienced person. The peripheral anterior chamber depth shows an increase following laser iridotomy. • Gonioscopy is reliable and equally effective in grading the anterior chamber angle and aids in identifying those at risk of angle closure. • Ultrasound biomicroscopy can measure the exact central anterior chamber depth. There is only a minimal increase in the central anterior chamber depth following peripheral iridotomy. • With a 50 MHz UBM, a quantitative assessment of the iris curvature and degree of angle opening can be identified.It can also be used to find the trabecular iris angle, trabecular-ciliary process distance, iris-ciliary process distance and iris-lens contact distance which can help in detailed evaluation of the anterior chamber angle. • Laser peripheral iridotomy proves to be a boon for the eyes with angle closure disease in its early stages. • Since visual loss resulting from PACG is potentially preventable, careful surveillance for risk factors of angle closure, widespread use of gonioscopy to identify occludable angles and peripheral iridotomy performed at an early stage can reduce the morbidity resulting from PACG. CONCLUSION: Van Herick’s method is useful in primary screening of the peripheral anterior chamber depth. • Gonioscopy helps in identifying angle closure suspects. • UBM helps in the exact measurement of central anterior chamber depth. • Laser peripheral iridotomy prevents angle closure in angle closure suspects

    Texture and Color Feature Extraction Form Ceramic Tiles for Various Flaws Detection Classification

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    Image analysis involves investigation of the image data for a specific application. Normally, the raw data of a set of images is analyzed to gain insight into what is happening with the images and how they can be used to extract desired information. In image processing and pattern recognition, feature extraction is an important step, which is a special form of dimensionality reduction. When the input data is too large to be processed and suspected to be redundant then the data is transformed into a reduced set of feature representations. The process of transforming the input data into a set of features is called feature extraction. Features often contain information relative to color, shape, texture or context. In the proposed method various texture features extraction techniques like GLCM, HARALICK and TAMURA and color feature extraction techniques COLOR HISTOGRAM, COLOR MOMENTS AND COLOR AUTO-CORRELOGRAMare implemented for tiles images used for various defects classifications