1,002 research outputs found

    Ecology and diversity of Bacillus thuringiensis in soil environment

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    Bacillus thuringiensis populations ranged between 4.23 x 105, 6.52 x 105 cfu/g soil and consist of 11 types of isolates with 3 polymorphic, 7 spherical and 1 bipyramidal type of crystals. Polymorphic crystal containing isolates were further characterized. B. thuringiensis isolates were circular, white, flat and undulate or entire. These were gram-positive. These tolerated 5% NaCl and failed to grow anaerobically. None of these were positive for indole production. All were sensitive to streptomycin,vancomycin, polymyxin B and norfloxacin but resistant to penicillin G and ampicillin/sulbactum. All of the isolates were crystal forming rods, width of rods was >0.9 um, catalase positive and sporangia were not swollen. All of the isolates hydrolyzed protein but only BTc 175 produced arginine dihydrolase, BTc 152 and BTc 175 produced urease

    Bacteriological examination of drinking water in Burdwan, India with reference to coliforms

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    Most probable number (MPN) test was done to detect the coliform in water samples collected from mobile vendors, sweet shops and tap water supplied from Burdwan municipality. The study revealed that the number of coliforms was very high (1600) in water samples collected from mobile vendors. The bacteria were identified as Escherichia coli. Bacteriological examination of water samples collected from different sources showed that the water of mobile vendors and sweet shops of Burdwan marketarea was not potable while the municipal tap water was found to be safe for drinking

    Hyponatremia in sepsis and its association with SOFA score: An observational cross sectional study

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    Background: Sepsis is the one of the leading causes of hospital admissions and death in India and hyponatremia in sepsis is known to be an independent risk factor for mortality. Aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of hyponatremia in sepsis and its association with SOFA (sequential organ failure assessment) score. Methodology: This is an observational cross-sectional study in a tertiary hospital of New Delhi India. A total of 95 patients with sepsis and more than 18 years of age were enrolled in the study over 18 months period. Blood samples were drawn for estimation of serum sodium and other investigations within 24 hours of admission of patients presenting with sepsis or diagnosis of sepsis if it develops during the hospital stay. Results: Prevalence of hyponatremia in sepsis patients were 69.47% (n=95). No significant association was seen in SOFA with severity of hyponatremia (p value >.05). Conclusion: No statistically significant correlation was observed between SOFA score and presence of hyponatremia or the severity of hyponatremia in the study subjects. Hyponatremia is a common in sepsis patient

    N- and C-Terminal Domains of the Calcium Binding Protein EhCaBP1 of the Parasite Entamoeba histolytica Display Distinct Functions

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    Entamoeba histolytica, a protozoan parasite, is the causative agent of amoebiasis, and calcium signaling is thought to be involved in amoebic pathogenesis. EhCaBP1, a Ca2+ binding protein of E. histolytica, is essential for parasite growth. High resolution crystal structure of EhCaBP1 suggested an unusual arrangement of the EF-hand domains in the N-terminal part of the structure, while C-terminal part of the protein was not traced. The structure revealed a trimer with amino terminal domains of the three molecules interacting in a head-to-tail manner forming an assembled domain at the interface with EF1 and EF2 motifs of different molecules coming close to each other. In order to understand the specific roles of the two domains of EhCaBP1, the molecule was divided into two halves, and each half was separately expressed. The domains were characterized with respect to their structure, as well as specific functional features, such as ability to activate kinase and bind actin. The domains were also expressed in E. histolytica cells along with green fluorescent protein. The results suggest that the N-terminal domain retains some of the properties, such as localization in phagocytic cups and activation of kinase. Crystal structure of EhCaBP1 with Phenylalanine revealed that the assembled domains, which are similar to Calmodulin N-terminal domain, bind to Phenylalanine revealing the binding mode to the target proteins. The C-terminal domain did not show any of the activities tested. However, over-expression in amebic cells led to a dominant negative phenotype. The results suggest that the two domains of EhCaBP1 are functionally and structurally different from each other. Both the domains are required for structural stability and full range of functional diversity

    MicroRNA159 Can Act as a Switch or Tuning MicroRNA Independently of Its Abundance in Arabidopsis

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    The efficacy of gene silencing by plant microRNAs (miRNAs) is generally assumed to be predominantly determined by their abundance. In Arabidopsis the highly abundant miRNA, miR159, acts as a molecular β€œswitch” in vegetative tissues completely silencing the expression of two GAMYB-like genes, MYB33 and MYB65. Here, we show that miR159 has a diminished silencing efficacy in the seed. Using reporter gene constructs, we determined that MIR159 and MYB33 are co-transcribed in the aleurone and embryo of germinating seeds. However in contrast to vegetative tissues, MYB33 is not completely silenced. Instead, miR159 appears to shape the spatio-temporal expression pattern of MYB33 during seed germination. Transcript profiling in a time course during seed germination in wild-type and a mir159 mutant in which miR159 is almost absent, revealed that transcript levels of the GAMYB-like genes were similar between these two genotypes during germination, but much higher in the mir159 mutant once germination had completed. This attenuation in the silencing of the GAMYB-like genes was not explained by a decrease in mature miR159 levels, which remained constant at all time points during seed germination. We propose that miR159 acts as a tuner of GAMYB-like levels in Arabidopsis germinating seeds and that the activity of this miRNA is attenuated in the seed compared to vegetative tissues. This implies that the efficacy of miRNA-mediated silencing is not solely determined by miRNA abundance and target transcript levels, but is being determined through additional mechanisms

    Evaluation of behavioural and antioxidant activity of Cytisus scoparius Link in rats exposed to chronic unpredictable mild stress

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Various human diseases have oxidative stress as one of their component. Many herbs have been reported to exhibit properties that combat oxidative stress through their active constituents such as flavonoids, tannins, phenolic compounds etc. <it>Cytisus scoparius </it>(CS) Link, (Family: Leguminosae), also called <it>Sarothamnus scoparius</it>, has been shown in <it>invitro </it>experiments to be endowed with anti-diabetic, hypnotic and sedative and antioxidant activity. Therefore this study was carried out to evaluate CS for its anxiolytic, antidepressant and anti-oxidant activity in stressed rats.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>60% methanolic extract of CS was quantified for phenolic content by Folin-Ciocalteau's method. Chronic unpredictable mild stress (CMS) was employed to induce stress in rats. CS (125 and 250 mg/kg, p.o) and diazepam (DZM) (2 mg/kg, p.o) was administered during the 21 day stress exposure period. Anxiolytic and antidepressant activities of CS were assessed in open field exploratory and behavioural despair paradigms, respectively. Plasma glucose and total lipids; endogenous antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT); non-enzymic-ascorbic acid and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) levels were measured in brain, kidneys and adrenals using standard protocols to assess the effect of CS.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Total phenolic content of CS was found to be 8.54 Β± 0.16% w/w. CMS produced anxiogenic and depressive behaviour in experimental rats with metabolic disturbance. Significant decrease in SOD, CAT levels and increase in lipid peroxidation level was observed in stressed rats. CS administration for 21 days during stress exposure significantly increased the ambulatory behaviour and decreased the freezing time in open field behaviour. In behavioural despair test no significant alteration in the immobility period was observed. CS also improved SOD, CAT, and ascorbic acid level and controlled the lipid peroxidation in different tissues.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>CS possesses anti-stress and moderate anxiolytic activity which may be due, in part, to its antioxidant effect that might warrant further studies.</p

    Mouse Apolipoprotein B Editing Complex 3 (APOBEC3) Is Expressed in Germ Cells and Interacts with Dead-End (DND1)

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    encoded protein, DND1, is able to bind to the 3β€²-untranslated region (UTR) of messenger RNAs (mRNAs) to displace micro-RNA (miRNA) interaction with mRNA. Thus, one function of DND1 is to prevent miRNA mediated repression of mRNA. We report that DND1 interacts specifically with APOBEC3. APOBEC3 is a multi-functional protein. It inhibits retroviral replication. In addition, recent studies show that APOBEC3 interacts with cellular RNA-binding proteins and to mRNA to inhibit miRNA-mediated repression of mRNA.Here we show that DND1 specifically interacts with another cellular protein, APOBEC3. We present our data which shows that DND1 co-immunoprecipitates APOBEC3 from mammalian cells and also endogenous APOBEC3 from mouse gonads. Whether the two proteins interact directly remains to be elucidated. We show that both DND1 and APOBEC3 are expressed in germ cells and in the early gonads of mouse embryo. Expression of fluorescently-tagged DND1 and APOBEC3 indicate they localize to the cytoplasm and when DND1 and APOBEC3 are expressed together in cells, they sequester near peri-nuclear sites.The 3β€²-UTR of mRNAs generally encode multiple miRNA binding sites as well as binding sites for a variety of RNA binding proteins. In light of our findings of DND1-APOBEC3 interaction and taking into consideration reports that DND1 and APOBEC3 bind to mRNA to inhibit miRNA mediated repression, our studies implicate a possible role of DND1-APOBEC3 interaction in modulating miRNA-mediated mRNA repression. The interaction of DND1 and APOBEC3 could be one mechanism for maintaining viability of germ cells and for preventing germ cell tumor development

    Inactivation of CBF/NF-Y in postnatal liver causes hepatocellular degeneration, lipid deposition, and endoplasmic reticulum stress

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    We previously demonstrated that CBF activity is needed for cell proliferation and early embryonic development. To examine the in vivo function of CBF in differentiated hepatocytes, we conditionally deleted CBF-B in hepatocytes after birth. Deletion of CBF-B resulted in progressive liver injury and severe hepatocellular degeneration 4 weeks after birth. Electron microscopic examination demonstrated pleiotropic changes of hepatocytes including enlarged cell and nuclear size, intracellular lipid deposition, disorganized endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondrial abnormalities. Gene expression analyses showed that deletion of CBF-B activated expression of specific endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-regulated genes. Inactivation of CBF-B also inhibited expression of C/EBP alpha, an important transcription factor controlling various metabolic processes in adult hepatocytes. Altogether, our study reveals for the first time that CBF is a key transcription factor controlling ER function and metabolic processes in mature hepatocytes
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