411 research outputs found


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    Antipsychotics are well known to affect prolactin secretion, resulting in hyperprolactinemia and its consequent manifestations like amenorrhoea, galactorrhoea, gynaecomastia, etc. Levosulpiride is a novel antipsychotic drug with additional antidepressant, antiemetic and antidyspeptic actions. The authors report a case of levosulpiride-induced hyperprolactinemia, presenting as galactorrhoea in a female patient with dyspepsia at Kasturba Hospital, Manipal, in South India.Keywords: Hyperprolactinemia, Prolactin, Dyspepsia, Antipsychotic, Dopamin

    Identification of Motive Forces on the Whole Body System during Walking

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    Motive forces by muscles are applied to different parts of the human body in a periodic fashion when walking at a uniform rate. In this study, the whole human body is modeled as a multidegree of freedom (MDOF) system with seven degrees of freedom. In view of the changing contact conditions with the ground due to alternating feet movements, the system under study is considered piecewise time invariant for each half-period when one foot is in contact with the ground. Forces transmitted from the body to the ground while walking at a normal pace are experimentally measured and numerically simulated. Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is employed to numerically simulate the forces acting on different masses of the body. An optimization problem is formulated with the squared difference between the measured and simulated forces transmitted to the ground as the objective function, and the motive forces on the body masses as the design variables to solve

    Study on the adoption and integration of OER materials in selfInstructional course development

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    In spite of a few studies on reusability of open educational content in different contexts, there is insufficient information and understanding about the processes involved in Open Educational Resources (OER) integration and contextualisation. This study investigates the processes involved in reusing online OER for developing an entire course in an e-Learning environment as part of OER implementation in the Wawasan Open University. Study results relate to three variables: findability, reusability and cost-time efficiency, of adoption and integration of OER materials for course development


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    Bajra, also known as pearl millet, African millet or spiked millet, originated in Northern-Central Sahel of West Africa, was introduced 2500 years ago into Indian subcontinent. However, it is mentioned in Ayurvedic texts from 14th Century AD onwards as Nali under Truna dhanya or Kudhanya vargas. It is considered as a major source of Gluten free diet and is used in the management of Coeliac disease and other gluten allergy conditions worldwide. Indians are also including millet into their day to day diet in accordance with the global trend.  However the conditions of Gluten allergy and Coeliac disease are not common in Southern India. Hence, the necessity of Gluten free diet in South Indian Population is under question. It is hypothesized that excessive millet usage could be a reason behind thyroid dysfunction and goitre. Regular millet only diet may also lead to a nutrition deprived state in people who are not gluten sensitive. Ayurveda also emphasizes on avoidance of regular use of Kudhanyas. This review comprises different aspects of dietary inclusion of Bajra. The properties and usability of Bajra as a gluten free diet, utility of Bajra in populations which are not gluten allergic and the effects of Bajra on health and disease form the core of this review.

    Polymyositis associated with Non-Secretory Myeloma – A Case Report

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    Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by proximal muscle weakness and inflammation of skeletal muscle, often associated with malignancies. The association of Idiopathic inflammatory myositis and malignancies has been reported rarely in Asian countries. We are reporting a rare case of polymyositis associated with non-secretory myeloma with hypercalcemia and renal failure. Patient presented with features of myositis and renal failure, the search for malignancy revealed non-secretory myeloma. Since the patient refused chemotherapy, he is managed symptomatically for hypercalcemia and renal failure

    Polymyositis Associated with Non-Secretory Myeloma

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    Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies, a heterogeneous group of disorders characterised by weakness and inflammation of skeletal muscle, are often associated with malignancies. This association has been infrequently reported in Asian countries. We report a case of an Indian patient who presented with polymyositis in conjunction with non-secretory myeloma, hypercalcaemia and renal failure

    Optimizing the Pole Properties in Pole Vaulting by Using Genetic Algorithm Based on Frequency Analysis

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    Abstract. The pole vaulting is a sport with a long history involving complex dynamic motion. The aim of pole vaulting for the athlete is to achieve maximum height. The dynamic behavior of the pole-athlete system is identical to an inverted pendulum system with the buckling pole acting as a spring. The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of factors on the pole vaulting performance such as the initial velocity of the athlete, pole stiffness and length. The best results are obtained when all the stored potential energy in the pole is released with the pole reaching the 90 degrees condition for success. The natural frequency of the poleathlete system is obtained by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The storing and releasing time of potential energy should be equal to half the natural period. Based on this condition the pole length and stiffness are determined by using Genetic Algorithm (GA) so as to achieve maximum height. This paper presents an optimization procedure to design a flexible pole based on the frequency analysis. The result of this research can be utilized in sport industries to design optimum poles

    Profile of Peripheral Arterial Disease in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - A Hospital-based observational study in Coastal Karnataka

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    Introduction: Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) is one of the common non-invasive diagnostic tools available for diagnosing Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD). However, it has been observed that for an individual diagnosed with both PAD and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), ABI tends to give false diagnostic value because of the calcification of the major lower limb arteries. Therefore, the health care professionals are at times misled for the diagnosis of PAD. To overcome this another diagnostic tool Toe Brachial Index (TBI) was suggested to perform. However, there is limited literature on performing both ABI and TBI in the given population in a single study.Aim: The main focus of this study is to report the profile of ABI and TBI along with classical symptoms like claudication pain, palpation of pulse and history of T2DM for the screening and diagnosis of PAD in T2DM.Materials And Methods: In this cross-sectional observational study, a total of 121 participants diagnosed with T2DM were recruited for the study as per the inclusion criteria. Detailed demographic details of the participants were noted. Diagnostic tool including both ABI and TBI were performed for all the participants and the data was analysed.Results: Among 121 participants, only 3 participants had both ABI and TBI positive indicating positive diagnostic test for PAD and 106 participants had both ABI and TBI negative. However, in the remaining 12 participants, 10 showed TBI positive but ABI negative and 2 had ABI positive but TBI negative.Conclusions: Based on our study we have reported the profile of PAD in T2DM individuals, which is found to be 10.75.%. Therefore, it can be concluded that ABI and TBI both should be performed to rule out any complication. This will be beneficial in early screening and detection of neuro ischemic changes in foot and subsequently to prevent amputation

    Universal behaviour of entrainment due to coherent structures in turbulent shear flow

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    I suggest a solution to a persistent mystery in the physics of turbulent shear flows: cumulus clouds rise to towering heights, practically without entraining the ambient medium, while apparently similar turbulent jets in general lose their identity within a small distance through entrainment and mixing. From dynamical systems computations on a model chaotic vortical flow, I show that entrainment and mixing due to coherent structures depend sensitively on the relative speeds of different portions of the flow. A small change in these speeds, effected for example by heating, drastically alters the sizes of the KAM tori and the chaotic mixing region. The entrainment rate and, hence, the lifetime of a turbulent shear flow, shows a universal, non-monotone dependence on the heating.Comment: Preprint replaced in order to add the following comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Adamtsl3 mediates DCC signaling to selectively promote GABAergic synapse function

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    The molecular code that controls synapse formation and maintenance in vivo has remained quite sparse. Here, we identify that the secreted protein Adamtsl3 functions as critical hippocampal synapse organizer acting through the transmembrane receptor DCC (deleted in colorectal cancer). Traditionally, DCC function has been associated with glutamatergic synaptogenesis and plasticity in response to Netrin-1 signaling. We demonstrate that early post-natal deletion of Adamtsl3 in neurons impairs DCC protein expression, causing reduced density of both glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses. Adult deletion of Adamtsl3 in either GABAergic or glutamatergic neurons does not interfere with DCC-Netrin-1 function at glutamatergic synapses but controls DCC signaling at GABAergic synapses. The Adamtsl3-DCC signaling unit is further essential for activity-dependent adaptations at GABAergic synapses, involving DCC phosphorylation and Src kinase activation. These findings might be particularly relevant for schizophrenia because genetic variants in Adamtsl3 and DCC have been independently linked with schizophrenia in patients
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