53 research outputs found


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    Objective: To study the photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceutical drug zidovudine (ZDV) by synthesized undoped zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZONPs) and 5% (mole ratio) barium doped zinc oxide nanoparticles (BZONPs) during water treatment.Methods: Kinetics studies were carried out with the help of UV-Visible Spectrophotometer. High-Resolution Mass Spectrophotometry (HR-MS) was used to identify products. A photo-reactor with mercury lamp was used as an external source of light energy. Optical power meter was used for the measurement of light intensity. The particle size of the synthesized photocatalysts was identified with the help of siemens x-ray diffractometer (XRD). The surface topography of photocatalysts was done by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used for the studies of particle size and morphology.Results: Five degraded products of ZDV are identified by HR-MS. A suitable electron-hole pair mechanism is projected. XRD patterns show that the intensity of peak is slightly stronger in ZONPs. There is an increase in the rate of photocatalytic degradation of ZDV by adding different quantities of photocatalyst from 0.05 g l-1 to 0.1 g l-1. The kinetic data reveals that there is an initial increase in the values of rate constants with the increase in the concentration of ZDV. The kinetic data indicate that the values of rate constants are higher at pH = 9. There is an increase in the rate constant values with an increase in the light intensities of UV lamp.Conclusion: The rates of photocatalytic degradation of ZDV were found to be higher using 5 % (mole ratio) BZONPs as a photocatalyst.Â


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    In this paper we study certain subclasses of analytic p-valent meromorphic convex functions with positive coefficients in the puncture unit disk. The result presented coefficient estimate, growth and distortion properties for functions belonging to this subclasses. Further results of modified hadamard product, inclusion properties, radii of close-to-convexity; starlikeness and convexity for functions belonging to the subclasses are discussed. Keywords: p-Valent meromorphic functions, convex function, Modified Hadamard product, inclusion properties and radii of starlikeness. AMS Subject Classification: 30C4

    New species of genus Eimeria(Eimeria shivpuri ) in Broiler chicken(Gallus Gallus Domesticus) from Aurangabad (M.S.) India.

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    The objective of this study was first to investigate the prevalence of poultry coccidiosis and to identify the coccidial species occurring in the study area on local strain .The study involved   survey, fecal examination, and identification of coccidial species based on their morphology, predilection site in the intestine and sporulation time.Chicken is more susceptible to Eimeria tenella, Eimeria necatrix, Eimeria brunetti, Eimeria mitis, Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria praecox, Eimeria maxima. During our investigation three new species i.e. Eimeria nikamae, Eimeria tarabaie, Eimeria shivpuri, were recorded in Broiler chicken from Aurangabad district of Maharashtra.Â

    Radiological outcome of hamstring graft after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with augmentation of bone marrow aspirate concentrate

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    Background: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears are common injuries in the athletic population. Surgical intervention is required for ACL tears as it restores the knee function and it prevents early osteoarthritis. In the recent research there is increasing use of bone marrow aspirate concentrate in orthopaedics. Bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) provides mesenchymal stem cells progenitor cells and growth factors which has potential benefits in hamstring graft healing after ACL reconstruction.Methods: This was a prospective randomized case control study carried out between May 2017 and June 2020. 30 patients between age group of 18 to 40 years with complete ACL tear were divided into two groups which consisted of the control group in which only ACL reconstruction was done and second group in which ACL reconstruction was done augmenting it with bone marrow aspirate concentrate. For the BMAC group, 3 ml of BMAC was obtained in the operation theatre itself and was injected into femoral tunnel and the tibia tunnel just before portal suturing. MRI was obtained post operatively at 6 months and at 1 year. Graft healing was seen as the time taken for the graft to reach ligamentization phase when the graft became hyper intense or was visualized similar to PCL or the remnant which was preserved during reconstruction in all cases.Results: Most of the patients in which augmentation (86%) was done healed at 6 month as compared to those who were not augmented (13%).Conclusions: BMAC showed faster and better healing of the graft in ACL reconstruction

    Determination of the Optimal Reduction Ratio for Least Springback during Cold Drawing of Seamless Tubes

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    Cold drawing process is one of the most used metals forming processes in industries for forming seamless tubes. This process of plastic deformation of metals occurs below the recrystallization temperature and is generally performed at room temperature. When metal is cold worked, upon the release of forming force, the springback occurs. In this paper, the springback effect of the seamless tube that has undergone cold drawing is studied for three different reduction ratios viz.10-15 %,15-20 %, and 20-25 % having the aim to reduce it. Experiments are conducted under different reduction ratios with working conditions of die semi angles of 10 and 15 degrees, die land width of 5 mm and 10 mm as well as drawing speed of 4, 6, and 8 m/min for C-45 tube material. Optimum reduction ratio is finalized using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software of data analysis using statistical tests like Kruskal-Wallis, ANOVA, Post-hoc, etc. Metallurgical analysis through microstructural investigation, XRD and mechanical testing via cold draw load, and hardness testing for different reduction ratios are also studied for validation purposes. The results of this research show that 10-15 % reduction ratio yields the minimum springback. This can be used to help designing tools in the metal forming industry to minimize springback and improve the quality of the product

    Thermal Analysis of Vertical Heated Cylindrical Surface Employing V - Shape Fin Surfaces

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    Natural convection is an important and economical mode of heat transfer .It is used in many of the engineering applications such as cooling of electronic components, cooling of Printed circuit boards, HVAC & R, I.C. engines fins, radiators of automobiles etc. Some of these heat sinks are cylindrical in shape. The heat that is produced in such system that conducts through the walls surfaces is need to be continuously dissipated to the surrounding atmosphere to keep the system in steady state condition. More quantities of heat have to be dissipated from small area as heat transfer by convection between a surface and the fluid surroundings. It can be improved by attaching fins or by use of some form of extended surfaces. V shape fin geometries have been selected for cooling such cylindrical surfaces or heat sinks. Initially the dimensions for the vertical cylinder with array of v shape fins have been obtained. Computational analysis of array of v shape fins over vertical heated cylinder have been studied by using Ansys software. The results reveal that the 60-degree V-shaped fins exhibit the highest natural convection heat transfer coefficient, owing to their streamlined flow-promoting characteristics. These V-shaped fins act as flow turbulators, causing minimal air obstruction and, consequently, enhancing heat dissipation. The computational findings are further validated by comparing them with analytical results, affirming the effectiveness of this approach in improving heat transfer from cylindrical surfaces. This research contributes to the understanding and optimization of natural convection heat transfer in cylindrical systems utilizing V-shaped fins, demonstrating its potential for enhancing thermal performance in various engineering application

    Percentage Prevalence of Eimerian Species Composition of Sheep and Goats from Beed District, Maharashtra

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    During the present study ten specimens of Eimeria from sheep and twelve species of Eimeria from goats were encountered. The relative prevalence of the sheep and goats are analysed


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    Sometimes immediate onset of action is required than conventional treatment in many patients. Among all dosage forms tablet is the most popular dosage form existing today because of its convenience of self-administration, compactness and easy manufacturing. to overcome these drawbacks, immediate release dosage form has emerged as alternative oral dosage forms. Immediate drug release dosage forms disintegrate quickly after administration with enhanced rate of dissolution. The basic approach used in development tablets is the use of superdisintegrants like Cross linked Polyvinylpyrrolidone or crospovidone (Polyplasdone), Sodium starch glycolate (Primogel, Explotab), carboxymethylcellulose (Croscarmellose) etc. In this field immediate release liquid dosage forms and parenteral dosage form have also been introduced for treating patients. The development of immediate release therapy also provides an opportunity for a line extension in the marketplace, a wide range of drugs e.g., anticoagulant and other drugs can be considered candidates for this dosage form. The development of immediate release therapy also provides an opportunity for a line extension in the marketplace, a wide range of drugs e.g., anticoagulant and other drugs can be considered candidates for this dosage form. Keywords: Immediate release, super disintegrates, direct compression, wet GranulationÂ

    Study of prescribing practices of injections in outpatients of a rural tertiary care teaching hospital

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    Background: Injections are probably the most common of all medical procedures. The combination of injection overuse and unsafe practices creates a major route of transmission of blood borne pathogenic infections. Unnecessary use of injections can also lead to unnecessary burden on the institution in terms of efficiency, infrastructure, staff requirement and poor utilization of resources. Monitoring and analysis of prescribing practices can help to achieve rational use of injections. The present study was carried out to study the injection prescription patterns in outpatients of a rural tertiary care teaching hospital, Ambajogai, Maharashtra, India. Methods: A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted for duration of two months and 744 prescriptions were randomly collected and analyzed.Results: The total number of injections prescribed in 744 prescriptions was 205. Most (71.70%) of the patients receiving them were above 35 years of age. The most common complaint for which the injections were prescribed was musculoskeletal pain (45.36%) followed by fever. About 155 (75.60%) prescriptions contained injection diclofenac which was the most commonly used drug followed by injection paracetamol (11.21%). There was a high tendency of using brand names in prescriptions (89.30%). Conclusion: The study revealed high proportion of use of injectable drugs. There was overuse of analgesic injections like diclofenac, most of which were unnecessary and irrational. This leads to unnecessary burden on the institution in terms of efficiency, infrastructure, staff requirement and poor utilization of resources. There is a need to develop local guidelines for injection usage along with educational sessions for prescribing doctors

    A review of objective structured practical examination (OSPE) in pharmacology at a rural medical college

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    Background: 1. To evaluate the attitudes of undergraduate medical students towards objectively structured practical examination (OSPE) component of Pharmacology practical examination. 2. To investigate any gender differences and any influence of medium of instruction in school on these attitudes.Methods: The scores of 40 undergraduate medical students were analysed at S R T R Government Medical College, Ambajogai, Maharashtra, India. A Likert scale containing 9 items was used to assess the attitudes of students towards OSPE in Pharmacology. Student perspectives regarding the OSPE were obtained by asking them to respond to a questionnaire.Results: The study revealed that the OSPE was an acceptable tool in Pharmacology practical examination. The overall mean attitude score was 3.99. The response of male students towards OSPE (4.2) was more favourable as compared to that of female students (3.9) Students strongly agreed that OPSE covers wide range of skills and it is a good form of examination and learning experience. Majority of students were in favour of continuing OSPE as a method for examination in Pharmacology.Conclusions: OSPE was found to be a valuable tool to check the depth of understanding of undergraduate students. OSPE can be used as an index of the learning attitude of students. The present study is a small step in a direction of changing the traditional patterns of practical examination to a more objective and reliable way of evaluation in Pharmacology. It will help in modifying teaching-learning strategies so that both, the teachers as well as the students can gain maximum advantage
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