50 research outputs found

    Nature Rezerves as Core Areas of eco-net in the context of sustainable Development of Regions

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    National networks of the reserves institutions are developing now in most of European countries. This is the “gold fund” which facilitates restoration of the ecological balance, refinement of air and water, increasing of number of animals and plants. National nature parks, nature and biosphere reserves are the main nature protection, cultural, educational, scientific research institutions, which make bright preciousness of natural acquirement, natural, historical and cultural inheritance of people. One of modern direction in creation of nature reserve objects is their multifunctionality, particularly of national parks, that allowed to combine nature conservation and prerequisites of sustainable use: bioresources, tourism, recreation/resort, aesthetic and eco-education. Establishment of new protected areas in Europe has been developed in line with recommendations of the Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy (PEBLDS) in respect of the issue of the development of Pan-European Eco-Net (PEEN) as a single spatial system of areas of European countries with the natural or partly altered condition of a landscape

    Origins of native vascular plants of Antarctica: comments from a historical phytogeography viewpoint

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    The article provides an overview of the problem of origin of the only native vascular plants of Antarctica, Deschampsia antartica (Poaceae) and Colobanthus quitensis (Caryophyllaceae), from the viewpoint of modern historical phytogeography and related fields of science.Дан обзор проблемы происхождения аборигенных сосудистых растений Антарктики Deschampsia antartica (Poaceae) и Colobanthus quitensis (Caryophyllaceae) с точки зрения исторической фитогеографии и родственных направлений науки.Подається огляд проблеми походження єдиних аборигенних судинних рослин Антарктики Deschampsia antarctica (Poaceae) та Colobanthus quitensis (Caryophyllaceae) з точки зору історичної фітогеографії та споріднених напрямків науки


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    Results of palynological studies of Holocene deposits of the steppe zone of Ukraine are analyzed and summarized on the levels of relative and absolute chronology. The obtained data are presented in the context of their usage for substantiating the subdivision of the Holocene. Examples of applying species identifications of fossil pollen grains for reconstruction of natural and anthropogenic changes in the studied territory in the Holocene are presented. Проанализированы и обобщены результаты палинологических исследований отложений голоцена степной зоны Украины на уровне относительной и абсолютной хронологии. Полученные данные рассмотрены в контексте их использования для обоснования периодизации голоцена. Приведены также примеры привлечения видовых определений ископаемой пыльцы при реконструкции картины природных и антропогенных изменений на исследуемой территории в голоцене.Проаналізовано та узагальнено результати палінологічних досліджень відкладів голоцену степової зони України на рівні відносної та абсолютної хронології. Одержані дані розглянуті у контексті їх використання для обгрунтування періодизації голоцену. Наведено приклади залучення видових визначень викопного пилку при реконструкції природних і антропогенних змін на досліджуваній території в голоцені

    PHYS 117-04 Our Universe- The Earth Laboratory

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    Paleochorological studies of Selaginella selaginoides (L.) P. Beauv. ex Mart. et Schrank and Diphasiastrum alpinum (L.) Holub in the younger dryas within plain part of Ukraine

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    The data on the presence of spores of Selaginella selaginoides and Diphasiastrum аlpinum in the spore-pollen spectra of Younger Dryas sediment within plains part of Ukraine are presented. Currently, these two species are listed in the third edition of the Red Data Book of Ukraine (2009) and are involved in the formation of highlands vegetation of the Ukrainian Carpathians. We found that Selaginella selaginoides and Diphasiastrum аlpinum were part of the periglacial community of the forest, forest-steppe and steppe zones during the Younger Dryas in Ukraine. Paleopalynological materials are shown that Selaginella selaginoides was distributed both on the right bank and left-bank parts of these zones. The occurrence of Diphasiastrum аlpinum was limited to the right-bank part of the forest and steppe zones of Ukraine. As a result of our investigation, the sketch maps of distribution of Selaginella selaginoides and Diphasiastrum аlpinum within the plain part of Ukraine were developed