84 research outputs found

    Synchronized Data Objects

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    Synchronized Data Objects (SDOs) are presented as a method of encapsulating, in the datatype definition, synchronization protocols that are used to control information exchange. SDOs are presented in the context of I/O abstraction, a programming model that seeks to separate communication from computation in order to support dynamic end-user configuration of distrivuted applications. SDOs can be used to implement a variety of synchronization paradigms, including remote invalidation, demand-driven data streams, remote procedure call, and promises. An implementation of SDOs is described in the context of The Programmers\u27 Playground, a distributed application development environment that supports the I/O abstraction programming model. Examples of SDOs for pairwise synchronization are presented, and generalization to other application development environments is discussed

    Nomen - omen? Titeländerungen in der kirchlichen Presse

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    Von alters her weiß und sagt man „Tempora mutantur et nos in illis". Nur, daß dasTempo dieser Veränderungen heute viel schneller geworden ist. Die Eile und dieVeränderungen auf allen Gebieten des menschlichen Lebens sind die auffallendsten Merkmale unserer Zeit. Sturm und Unruhe sind in die alte, geruhsame Festung Kirche eingedrungen. An allen Seiten dieser Festung finden Restaurationsarbeiten und Veränderungen statt, Türen und Fenster werden breiter gemacht, und die Lüftung wird verbessert. Altertümliche Farben werden mit neuen Farben übermalt, der Burggraben wird verschüttet und Brücken werden herabgelassen. Die Kirche wird heute zu einem offenen Schloß ohne Wassergräben und Umzäunung, sie wird zur Keuzung aller Verkehrsstraßen. (...) English At the beginning of modern time, a new period has begun with the invention of theprinting press by Gutenberg. Thus with the printed word giving a strong means of fighting the reformation, a new poJiticaJ journaJism begun. The reformation involved a strong journalism. Soon, especially Jesuits, became pioneers for journalistic actions for re-catholisation. Up to the "thirty-year War" the poJiticaJ journaJistic battles became strenger. Only at the end of this war misery superseded the political-reJigious oppositions.

    Bibliothek und Archivaliensammlung des Kroatischen Musikinstituts in Zagreb: 170 Jahre Pflege der kroatischen Musikkultur

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    Bei dem folgenden Text handelt es sich um die Zusammenfassung einer unveröffentlichten Magisterarbeit, die 1996 von der Autorin an der Abteilung für Musikwissenschaft der Musikakademie der Universität in Zagreb verteidigt wurde (Nada Bezic, Knjižnica i zbirka arhivske grade hrvatskoga glazbenog zavoda u zagrebu

    Status and conflicts in the invasion process of russian knapweed (Acroptilon repens l.) in the lower valley of Río Negro

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    Las plantas invasoras constituyen un grupo de especies que tienen la capacidad de transformar el ecosistema invadido conduciendo a una notable pérdida de diversidad y degradación del suelo como recurso productivo. En el Valle Inferior de Río Negro (Argentina) ocurre la invasión de espacios agrícolas, tanto bajo riego como de secano, por parte de la maleza Acroptilon repens L. (yuyo moro), declarada plaga nacional en 1986 y sobre la cual existe abundante evidencia respecto de su distribución y perjuicios a nivel mundial. Este trabajo presenta el estado actual de situación con relación al proceso de invasión del yuyo moro en el Valle Inferior, asociando el progreso de la misma a la falta de acciones de prevención y restauración, especialmente como consecuencia de una débil percepción social del impacto de la misma.Invasive plants are able to transform the ecosystem they affect by reducing biodiversity and also degrading the soil as a natural resource for agriculture. Many agricultural sites in both, irrigated and non-irrigated sites, are actually affected by the invasive perennial weed Acroptilon repens L. (russian knapweed, yuyo moro) in the lower valley of Río Negro Province (Argentina). The weed has the “national pest” status from 1986 and is widely recognized its worldwide distribution and agro ecological impact. This work presents the up to date of the situation for the A. repens invasion in the lower valley, which advance is associated with the absence of both, preventive and also restorative actions mainly due to a limited social perception of impact.Fil: Bezic, Carlos Ruben. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; ArgentinaFil: Sabbatini, Mario Ricardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; ArgentinaFil: Dall Armellina, Armando Anibal. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; Argentin

    Port Community Systems - Economic Feasibility Evaluation

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    Lučki komunikacijski sustavi (PCS) složeni su sustavi informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (ICT), za koje je neophodna pažljiva evaluacija kako bi se odredile potencijalne i stvarne novčane koristi ostvarive njihovom implementacijom. Te koristi mogu biti kvantitativne ili kvalitativne (subjektivne) prirode. Kvantitativne se koristi mogu procijeniti uobičajenom metodologijom za upravljanje projektima, te pomoću financijskih indikatora i metoda, dok je kvantitativne koristi ponajbolje istražiti uz pomoć strateške analize. Pri analizi je potrebna osobita pozornost kako bi se izbjegli pristrani parametri unosa koji bi mogli iskriviti konačni rezultat. U ovome će se radu istražiti investicijski prioriteti i procjene za lučki komunikacijski sustav, analizirati prioriteti kod internih podprojekata u lučkom komunikacijskom sustavu, te ispitati rizici u implementaciji lučkog komunikacijskog sustava na temelju cost-benefit analize, povrata od upravljanja (ROM) i analize dodane vrijednosti.Port Community Systems are complex Information-Communication Technology systems, and such systems should be carefully evaluated in order to determine potential and real monetary benefits which can be derived from their implementation. These benefits can be quantitative or qualitative in nature (subjective). The quantitative benefits can be evaluated in terms of classic project management methodology and financial indicators and methods, while qualitative benefits are best suited to be exploited through strategic analysis. Careful consideration is needed during the analysis, in order to avoid biased input parameters which could obscure the end result. The paper researches Port Community System investment priorities and evaluation, analyzes the prioritization of Port Community System internal subprojects, and investigates risks in Port Community System implementation, based on cost-benefit analysis, return on management and value added analysis

    Do we need more immigration? Socio-cultural diversity and export sophistication in EU 28 countries

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    One of the main concerns for policymakers is the ability of their nations to grow and to provide their citizens with a better standard of living. In a globalized world, this ability is increasingly being linked with the ability to export and structure of exported products. It is widely held that sophisticated knowledge and technology-intensive products offer higher prospects for growth than standardized price competitive goods. Ever since the work of Schumpeter migrations have been considered as an important driver of entrepreneurship, innovation, and technological progress. The social and professional networks of foreign-born individuals mobilize information, know-how, skills and capital to start new firms. They also provide valuable contacts and resources for both resident and newly arrived immigrants. Yet, the existing literature notes that the impact of immigration on innovations in the EU is smaller than that in the USA due to the greater cultural and institutional barriers in the former entity. The understanding of the immigrant role in the economic performance of the EU is particularly important since the growth of the foreign-born population in the EU has been faster than anywhere else in the world. Recent waves of EU enlargement and immigration pressures from other parts of the world have further facilitated this trend. Bearing above said in mind this paper explores the relationship between export sophistication and immigration in EU28 countries over the 2006-2015 period. A dynamic panel estimator is used to discern between short and long-run effects of immigration on the international competitiveness of EU economies. Our results suggest that greater socio-economic diversity increases the sophistication of exports in both the short and long run. The long-run effects are about twice as large than short-run ones

    Composición de la comunidad de malezas en el cultivo de cebolla en transición agroecológica

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    El cultivo de cebolla es altamente demandante de insumos externos y mal competidor por los recursos frente a las malezas. Para un manejo sustentable es necesario conocer las especies dominantes en los sistemas agroecológicos. Así, se propuso estudiar la flora espontánea en el cultivo de cebolla de trasplante con incorporación de compostaje como fertilizante y anticipación en la aplicación de herbicidas para reducir las dosis. Para ello se condujo un cultivo con tres tratamientos de fertilización: i) compost de residuo de cebolla, ii) compost + mineral y iii) mineral (fosfato monoamónico) y tres controles de malezas: manual, anticipado y recomendado en los marbetes técnicos. Se identificaron 18 especies distribuidas en 11 familias, con predominio de Poaceae y Asteraceae. El uso de compostaje y la aplicación anticipada de herbicidas no modifica la densidad, riqueza ni diversidad de la comunidad de malezas presentes en el cultivo de cebolla de trasplante respecto al manejo convencional. Es por ello que, este sería un manejo factible de ser implementado en cultivos en transición agroecológica, debido a que con menores dosis la comunidad de malezas adquiere atributos similares a los observados con las altas dosis actualmente recomendadas para cebolla en el valle inferior del rio Negro.Onion crop is highly demanding of external inputs and is a poor competitor for resources against weeds. For sustainable management it is necessary to know the dominant species in agroecological systems. Thus, it was proposed to study the spontaneous flora at the transplanted onions crop with the incorporation of compost as fertilizer and anticipation in the application of herbicides to reduce doses. For this, a crop was conducted with three fertilization treatments: i) onion residue compost, ii) compost + mineral and iii) mineral (monoammonium phosphate) and three weed controls: manual, anticipated and recommended in the technical labels. Eighteen species distributed in 11 families were identified, with a predominance of Poaceae and Asteraceae. The use of composting and the anticipated application of herbicides do not modify the density, richness or diversity of weed community present in the transplanted onion crop compared to conventional management. That is why, this would be a feasible management to be implemented at crops in agroecological transition, because with lower doses the weed community acquires attributes similar to those observed with the high doses currently recommended for onion in the lower valley of the Negro river.Fil: Juárez, Marcos. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro; Argentina.Fil: Gajardo, Omar Ariel. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica; Argentina.Fil: Avilés, Lucrecia. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica; Argentina.Fil: Bezic, Carlos. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro; Argentina

    Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma as a rare cause of ascites in a young man: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma is a rare but distinct variant of fibrosarcoma that not only presents as a deep-seated mass on the limbs and neck but can also occur adjacent to the fascia or peritoneum, as well as the trunk and spine. We report the case of an intra-abdominal sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma, which to best of the authors' knowledge has not been described previously. The patient discussed here developed lung metastases but is still alive 1-year post-diagnosis.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 29-year-old man presented with a 2-week history of progressive abdominal distension and pain and was found to have marked ascites. A full liver screen was unremarkable with abdominal and chest computed tomography scans only confirming ascites. After a diagnostic laparotomy, biopsies were taken from the greater omentum and peritoneal nodules. Histopathology revealed a malignant tumour composed of sheets and cords of small round cells set in collagenized stroma. After further molecular investigation at the Mayo Clinic, USA, the diagnosis of a high-grade sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma was confirmed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma is an extremely rare tumour, which is often difficult to diagnose and which few pathologists have encountered. This case is particularly unusual because of the intra-abdominal origin of the tumour. Owing to the rarity of sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma, there is no clear evidence regarding the prognosis of such a tumour, although sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma is able to metastasize many years post-presentation. It is important that physicians and pathologists are aware of this unusual tumour.</p