12 research outputs found

    Indications of Labor Induction at Delivery Room of Maternity Teaching Hospital in Erbil City

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    Background and objectives: Induction of labour means stimulation of contractions before the birth starts spontaneously, with or without ruptured membranes. The most common indications include oligohydramnios, pre-labour rupture of the membranes, high blood pressure during pregnancy, severe fetal growth restriction, post-term pregnancy, and various maternal medical conditions such as chronic hypertension and diabetes. The aim of the study was to find out the different indications of labour and associated obstetrical factors in a local tertiary hospital. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 120 parturient women who attended a delivery room in the Maternity Teaching Hospital in Erbil City from the period of 2nd June to 2nd October 2020. After reviewing the literature, a questionnaire was prepared to obtain socio-demographic data, data related to reproductive characteristic and data related to the indications for labour induction. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical approaches. Results: The study included 120 patients with the highest percentage of the patients (49.1%) were 16 to 23 years old and more than half of the sample (51.6%) had a post-term pregnancy, gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia (15%). There were highly significant statistical differences between parity, gestational age and indication of labour induction, and significant differences between gravidity and antenatal care visits and indications for labour induction. Conclusions: The majority of the sample had a post-term pregnancy of 40 and 42 weeks as an indication for induction of labour followed by gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia, oligohydramnios and pre-labour rupture of membrane. There was a statistically significant difference between the antenatal care visit and parity with the induction of labour

    Characteristics of patients with HBeAg negative chronic hepatitis B virus infection in Duhok, Kurdistan region

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    Background: The objective of this study was to characterize patients with HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B in Duhok province.Methods: We recruited all patients with HBeAg negative chronic hepatitis B virus infections who visited viral hepatitis clinic in Azadi Teaching Hospital between September 2015-December 2017. The main evaluation parameters were: serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels, serum albumin, total serum bilirubin (TSB), viral load. Few patients were subjected to Fibro-test, Fibroscan, or liver biopsy.Results: There were 251 patients. The mean age of the patients was 35.75±14.40 years. One hundred fifty-seven cases were male and 94 cases were female. The baseline mean of ALT, AST and viral load was 42.09±2.71U/L, 30.26±19.65U/L, and 1421197.08±14436692.04IU/ml, respectively. Compared with women, men have significantly higher values of ALT and AST, serum albumin, and TSB. There were 217 chronic inactive carrier (IC) patients and 34 chronic active hepatitis (AH) patients. ALT, AST, and viral load levels were significantly higher among AH patients.Conclusions: The majority of patients showed nil to mild liver injury. The higher level of ALT in males is a supporting guide to follow the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) considering 30U/L and 19U/L levels for males and females, respectively. There was preponderance of males in AH, which indicates greater frequency of advanced fibrosis in such patients. There was a greater probability of AH in old aged people. Serum albumin and TSB were not good markers for differentiation between AH and IC state. Twenty-four patients had ALT above twice upper limit of normal level, but 34 patients showed AH based on liver biopsy, firboscan or fibrotest

    Primitive skills - Opas kehonpainoharjoitteluun

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kehittää Primitive skills -yritykselle uusi kehonpainoharjoitteluopas/ -liikepankki. Oppaassa on neljä erilaista haastavaa ydinliikettä ja niihin tähtääviä valmistavia liikkeitä. Tarkoituksena oli kuvata itse liikkeet mahdollisimman ytimekkäästi ja selventää niiden tekemiseen liittyvää tekniikkaa perusteellisesti, mutta selkeästi. Oppaan tavoitteena on auttaa lukijaansa kokonaisvaltaisempaan kehonhallintaan. Työn kohderyhmä on hieman edistyneemmät liikkujat, sillä useat liikkeet ovat haastavia ja vaativat tietyn taito- ja voimatason. Oppaasta on silti varmasti hyötyä myös niille, jotka haluavat aloittaa kehonpainoharjoittelun ja tarvitsevat siihen nousujohteisen liikepankin. Kehonpainoharjoittelu on kasvattanut suosiotaan viimeisten vuosien aikana kovasti mm. street workout -harjoittelumuodon vuoksi. Street workout -harjoittelun tarkoituksena on tehdä näyttäviä kehonpainoliikkeitä mm. telineissä. Näyttäviä liikkeitä ovat esimerkiksi palomiespunnerrus, käsilläseisonta ja ihmislippu. Toimeksiantajana toimi Primitive skills, jonka perustajat ehdottivat yritykselle uutta opasta kehonpainoharjoitteluun. Primitive skills on kahden pitkäaikaisen valmentajan perustama yritys, joka tarjoaa asiakkailleen erilaisia liikuntamuotoja. Liikkeet tehdään pääosin omalla kehonpainolla ja yrityksen slogan ”liiku ilman rajoitteita” kuvaa yrityksen pääpainoa harjoittelussa. Projekti aloitettiin vuonna 2018 ja toimeksiantajan kanssa käytiin läpi, mitä he haluavat työstä. Tämän jälkeen aloitettiin kirjallinen tutkimustyö kehonpainoharjoittelusta ja sen historiasta. Kun kirjallinen taustatyö oli tehty, aloitettiin suunnittelemaan itse opasta. Toimeksiantajalta saatiin ydinliikkeet oppaaseen ja tutkittiin valmistavia liikkeitä, jotka vievät kohti ydinliikkeitä. Oppaassa on käytetty Primitive skillsin teemavärejä ja tunnuksi

    Kurdistan, the state that cannot be found? : the autonomous region of Kurdistan in Iraq, turkey and the great powers 1990-2010

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    Cette recherche doctorale présente l'intérêt d'étudier la question kurde, qui est l'une desquestions politiques les plus récurrentes dans l'histoire du Moyen-Orient depuis plus d'unsiècle. Cette question est celle d’un peuple qui oscille selon les estimations entre vingt-cinq etquarante millions d’habitants, et d’une langue qui connaît plusieurs déclinaisons régionales.La question de son devenir est un sujet majeur au Proche-Orient. Cette question estl'incarnation et le reflet du problème de la mauvaise planification et démarcation desfrontières politiques entre les pays du Moyen-Orient. Il est vrai que le traité de Sèvres, signéen 1920, prévoyait la création d’un État kurde indépendant. Mais trois ans plus tard, en 1923,le traité de Lausanne nia cette promesse d’indépendance en passant sous silence lesprétentions kurdes quant à la création de leur État.Après le traité de Lausanne, les Kurdes se retrouvent donc sans État. Le pays desKurdes, le « Kurdistan », est réparti sur quatre États principaux : la Turquie, l’Iran, l’Irak et laSyrie. Depuis lors, la question kurde est devenue plus difficile et complexe, car à ce momentlà,le processus de nettoyage ethnique, la marginalisation forcée, la violation des droitskurdes, la négation de l'identité kurde et le morcellement des terres pétrolières et agricolesavaient déjà commencé. En conséquence, les révoltes et soulèvements ont éclaté contre lesÉtats-nations où étaient dispersés les Kurdes. La présente thèse propose d’examiner les causesprincipales de l’échec du projet kurde d’« établir d'un État kurde indépendant » qui durejusqu’à aujourd’hui, malgré l'arrivée de cette question à des niveaux très élevés dans lesdiscussions régionales et internationales, en particulier en ce qui concerne les droitsnationaux.This doctoral research presents the interest in studying the Kurdish question, which isone of the most recurrent political issues in the history of the Middle East for more than acentury. This question is that of a people oscillating between an estimated twenty-five andforty million inhabitants and a language with several regional variations. The question of itsfuture is a major subject in the Middle East. This question is the incarnation and reflection ofthe problem of the bad planning and demarcation of political boundaries between thecountries of the Middle East. It is true that the Treaty of Sevres signed in 1920, provided forthe creation of an independent Kurdish state. On the contrary, three years later, in 1923, theTreaty of Lausanne denied this promise of independence by ignoring the Kurdish pretensionsto the creation of their state.After the Treaty of Lausanne, the Kurds are therefore without a state. The Kurdishcountry, called "Kurdistan", is spread over four main states: Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria.Since then, the Kurdish question has become more difficult and complex because at that timethe process of ethnic cleansing, forced marginalization, violation of Kurdish rights, denial ofKurdish identity, fragmentation of oil and agricultural lands had already begun. As a result,revolts and uprisings erupted against the nation-states where the Kurds were scattered. Thisthesis proposes to examine the main causes of the failure of the Kurdish project of"establishing an independent Kurdish state" which lasts until today, despite the arrival of thisissue at very high levels in regional and international discussions, particularly with regard tonational rights

    Lelycentre: Living in the marginalised city

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    Lelycentre – an area that was initially planned as a living, working and shopping district, which also would form the city centre of Lelystad – was meant for the first inhabitants who came to Lelystad in September 1967. Using clear zoning plans as a base, much was promised to the new inhabitants. These promises consisted of low rise houses for big families with children, surrounded by abundance of greenery, plenty of (public) space and – as one of the first in the Netherlands – separated traffic. Unfortunately, with altering the layout of Lelystad and moving the city centre away from Lelycentre, as a result of the refusal of realising the fourth polder Markermeer, this composition of different functions has radically changed and this changing is still ongoing. With the changing of composition, also the state of the area and the inhabitants changed. Of the 120.000 expected inhabitants, only 77.000 came at its peak. This resulted in lots of real estate as well as social problems, such as vacancy, neglection of public spaces, isolated groups with no interaction and a constantly aging population, accompanied by the migrating youth, which the municipality of Lelystad is, still to this day, trying to deal with. Amidst all the solutions the municipality is envisioning – which are strongly focused on helping the inhabitants with low-income with social-housing and the elderly with nursing homes – they are forgetting two important groups in the society. Those two groups are the migrating youngster – who find it difficult to find decent housing and jobs – and the wandering migrant workers, who likewise find it difficult to find proper housing and often end up with twenty-plus people living in private rented houses all over Lelystad. This graduation project focuses on those two forgotten groups. Transforming the partly vacant Smedinghuis – former Rijkswaterstaat office building – which stands in the area as a monumental icon and functions as a gateway to Lelycentre, into housing for the youngsters and the migrant workers, will not just give those two forgotten groups fitting housing, but it will also solve the vacancy problem of one of the first office buildings in Lelycentre. By giving the migrating youngsters proper housing and give them reason to stay, will help repulse the aging problem in the area as well. The same applies for housing the strayed migrant workers. Adjoining to that – which is not less important – this transformation will preserve a monumental icon in the area; Smedinghuis. For the design part of this graduation project, the use of Virtual Reality as a design tool was important. With the help of Virtual Reality crucial design decisions have been made.Heritage and ArchitectureExplore La

    Bruk av helautomatiserte avgjørelser i ansettelsesprosesser -Den registrertes effektive rettigheter etter personvernforordningen i helautomatiserte ansettelsesprosesser

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    Virksomheter ser økende behov for kompetente arbeidstakere, og det stilles stadig høyere krav til menneskers prestasjoner på arbeidsplassen. Som følge av den hyppige teknologiske utviklingen, samt den økende konkurransen blant ulike markedsaktører, ser virksomheter seg nærmest nødt til å benytte nye og mer moderne måter å rekruttere nye medarbeidere på. Utfordringen blir imidlertid å være i stand til å finne den rette kandidaten, blant mange andre dyktige kandidater, samtidig som det ikke påvirker effektiviteten til virksomheten på en negativ måte. Ut ifra de ulike mulighetene, har Kunstig intelligente systemer i ansettelsesprosesser blitt et mer kjent fenomen sammenliknet med tidligere. Kunstig intelligens-baserte systemer har potensialet til å blant annet effektivisere og forbedre ansettelsesprosesser, så vel som å velge ut kandidater basert på foretrukne preferanser, med utgangspunkt i maskinlæringsalgoritmer. I og med at kunstig intelligens går ut ifra algoritmer og historisk data, kan dette også by på personvernrettslige utfordringer. Tatt til betraktning at slike systemer er frie for menneskelig påvirkning i mange tilfeller, vil det også utfordre jobbsøkerens aktive rettigheter. Til tross for de mulighetene og utfordringene som slike systemer oppstiller, reguleres slik teknologi av personvernforordningens artikkel 22. Det er imidlertid forskjellige tolkninger av denne bestemmelsen, og det debatteres hyppig om hvorvidt denne artikkelen angir en rettighet til å protestere mot avgjørelser av slik karakter, eller om slike avgjørelser er forbudt. Forståelsen av denne bestemmelsen danner grunnlaget for oppgaven, og individers aktive rettigheter er avhengig av hvilken tolkning man går ut ifra

    A residual power series technique for solving Boussinesq–Burgers equations

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    In this paper, a residual power series method (RPSM) is combining Taylor’s formula series with residual error function, and is investigated to find a novel analytical solution of the coupled strong system nonlinear Boussinesq-Burgers equations according to the time. Analytical solution was purposed to find approximate solutions by RPSM and compared with the exact solutions and approximate solutions obtained by the homotopy perturbation method and optimal homotopy asymptotic method at different time and concluded that the present results are more accurate and efficient than analytical methods studied. Then, analytical simulations of the results are studied graphically through representations for action of time and accuracy of method

    Approximate solutions for solving the Klein–Gordon and sine-Gordon equations

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    In this paper, we practiced relatively new, analytical method known as the variational homotopy perturbation method for solving Klein–Gordon and sine-Gordon equations. To present the present method’s effectiveness many examples are given. In this study, we compare numerical results with the exact solutions, the Adomian decomposition method (ADM), the variational iteration method (VIM), homotopy perturbation method (HPM), modified Adomian decomposition method (MADM), and differential transform method (DTM). The results reveal that the VHPM is very effective