487 research outputs found

    Some Tentative Notes on the Integration of Police Power and Eminent Domain by the Courts: So-Called Inverse or Reverse Condemnation

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    Recent dramatic case law developments raise important questions about police power regulation and so-called inverse or reverse condemnation

    Appropriation Water Law Elements in Riparian Doctrine States

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    Studie zum One-Shot Prozess an Holz-Kunststoff-Verbunden

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    Environmental changes force industries to use renewable and degradable materials for lightweight solutions to solve weight and therefore CO2. One highly prioritized topic is the combination of wood materials with biodegradable plastics. Especially when processing these materials, it is essential to develop efficient processes to reduce obstacles and enable the application in serial use. To take advantage of the mechanical behaviour of the wood structure it is necessary to investigate the combination of thin solid wood with plastic. Regarding large-scale production, an injection moulding process is addressed in this study. When processing raw material cutting operations are used. To use the shear cutting process has several advantages: it is a cost effective process with short cycle times. Also no thermal influence or water immersion occur on the working material (like in laser beam or water jet methods), so material sensitive on this can be worked by shearing. But as a disadvantage a working force is applied. This work aims to show the findings this working fore on 5mm wood solids and the influence of the created surface on the bonding between plastic and wood cutting edge. The process connections and dependencies of shear cutting and injection moulding are investigated. Different wood materials were used to analyse the effects of cutting and material parameters (e.g. moisture, forces) on the cutting edge quality (e.g. structural damage). To detect the effect of different cutting edge qualities on the joint between wood and plastic component tensile specimen were tested.UmweltverĂ€nderungen zwingen die Industrie, erneuerbare und abbaubare Materialien fĂŒr Leichtbaulösungen zu verwenden, um Gewicht und damit CO2 einzusparen. Ein hochpriorisiertes Thema ist die Kombination von Holzwerkstoffen mit biologisch abbaubaren Kunststoffen. Besonders bei der Verarbeitung dieser Materialien ist es wichtig, effiziente Prozesse zu entwickeln, um Hindernisse fĂŒr den Markteintritt zu reduzieren und die Anwendung im Serieneinsatz zu ermöglichen. Um das mechanische Verhalten der Holzfaserstruktur auszunutzen, ist es notwendig, die Kombination von dĂŒnnem Holz mit Kunststoff zu untersuchen. Im Hinblick auf die Großserienproduktion wird in dieser Studie das Spritzgussverfahren adressiert. Die Anwendung des Scherschneidverfahrens hat einige Vorteile: Es ist ein kostengĂŒnstiges Verfahren mit kurzen Zykluszeiten. Auch findet keine thermische Beeinflussung oder Eintauchen in Wasser auf das zu bearbeitende Material statt (wie beim Laserstrahl- oder Wasserstrahlverfahren), sodass darauf empfindliches Material durch Schneiden bearbeitet werden kann. Als Nachteil wird jedoch eine Arbeitskraft aufgebracht. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Erkenntnisse zu zeigen, die die scherende Bearbeitung an 5mm Holzwerkstoffen und der folgende Einfluss der erzeugten OberflĂ€che auf die Verbindung zwischen Kunststoff und Holz hat. Die ProzesszusammenhĂ€nge und -abhĂ€ngigkeiten von Scherschneiden und Spritzgießen werden untersucht. Es wurden verschiedene Holzwerkstoffe verwendet, um die Auswirkungen von Schnitt- und Materialparametern (z.B. Feuchtigkeit, KrĂ€fte) auf die SchnittkantenqualitĂ€t (z.B. StrukturschĂ€den) zu analysieren. Um den Einfluss unterschiedlicher SchnittkantenqualitĂ€ten auf die Verbindung zwischen Holz- und Kunststoffbauteil zu erkennen, wurden Zugproben untersucht

    Indicator Bacterial Quality in the Illinois River at Peoria, Illinois, 1976-1986

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    This report covers the results of weekly monitoring for total coliform (TC), fecal coliform (FC), and fecal streptococcus (FS) densities in water from the Illinois River at Peoria. The study compiled long-term indicator bacteria densities for comparison with the FC standards and evaluated the FC/TC and FC/FS ratios. Data gathered were investigated for monthly, seasonal, yearly, and five-year period trends. Observations showed considerably wide ranges of bacterial counts, and bacterial densities were generally higher in the summer months and lower in winter months. This study indicates that bacterial quality (not TC) has deteriorated in the Illinois River at Peoria since 1980. On the basis of FC/FS values, major fecal contamination was derived from human sources during the summer and fall, whereas it was derived from nonhuman sources during the winter and spring.Ope

    Algae in Selected Illinois Streams, 1971-1976

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    During the 5-year period, October 1971 through September 1976, samples of water from 21 Illinois streams at 26 locations were collected monthly and examined to determine the concentration and genera of algae. Data have been evaluated for algal composition, density, diversity indices, and seasonal succession for each stream location. At most sampling locations, algal densities ranged from 500 to 2000 cts/ml. The 5-year geometric means extended from 880 to 1500 cts/ml. From 24 to 30 different algal genera were recovered from each station and, in all, 56 genera were detected. The average diversity index for each station ranged from 1.11 to 1.36 bits per individual. The highest density of 60,000 cts/ml occurred on July 11, 1975, in the Fox River at Algonquin. The diatoms Navicula and Cyclotella were the most frequently observed algae. In addition to these, the green algae Scenedesmus and Crucigenia and the diatom Melosira were often dominant. From sample to sample, season to season, and year to year, the genera found at any sampling station varied considerably. Generally, the annual maximum population occurred in the spring. However, the experience gained from this study supports the conclusion that it is impossible to predict algal density, composition, or succession in the flowing streams of Illinois.publishedpeer reviewedOpe

    Concentration and Genera of Algae in Selected Illinois Streams, 197I-1973

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    During the period October 1971 to September 1973, samples of water from 35 Illinois streams at 41 locations were collected monthly and examined to determine the type, genera, and concentration of algae. Data for the 2-year period have been evaluated for algal density, composition, diversity indices, and seasonal succession for each location. Most stations had algal densities of from 500 to 2000 cts/ml, had between 15 and 24 different algal genera (41 genera total), and had a diversity index equal to or greater than 1.10. Stations on the Fox, Des Plaines, and Kaskaskia Rivers had algal densities in excess of 5000 cts/ml. This report should be useful to persons responsible for developing, regulating, or managing water resources in Illinois.publishedpeer reviewedOpe

    Algal removal by alum coagulation

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    Includes bibliographical references.Enumeration continues through succeeding title."The removal of algae in natural waters by coagulation with liquid alum was investigated in the laboratory using the jar test technique. Various amounts of alum (up to 40 mg/l) were added to water samples collected from the Illinois River at Peoria. Algal enumerations as well as some pertinent chemical analyses were performed before and after the process of coagulation and flocculation. The efficiency of algal removal was found to be dependent upon alum dosage, initial algal concentrations, and the types, shapes, and other specific characteristics of the algae. Optimum coagulant dosage for algal reduction was found to be similar to that for turbidity removal. Results should be useful in defining problems encountered in water treatment plants where algae are troublesome.
