14 research outputs found

    Quantification of systematic errors in the electron density and temperature measured with Thomson scattering at W7-X

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    The electron density and temperature profiles measured with Thomson scattering at the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X show features which seem to be unphysical, but so far could not be associated with any source of error considered in the data processing. A detailed Bayesian analysis reveals that errors in the spectral calibration cannot explain the features observed in the profiles. Rather, it seems that small fluctuations in the laser position are sufficient to affect the profile substantially. The impact of these fluctuations depends on the laser position itself, which, in turn, provides a method to find the optimum laser alignment in the future

    Confinement in electron heated plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX Upgrade; the necessity to control turbulent transport

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    In electron (cyclotron) heated plasmas, in both ASDEX Upgrade (L-mode) and Wendelstein 7-X, clamping of the ion temperature occurs at Ti ∼ 1.5 keV independent of magnetic configuration. The ions in such plasmas are heated through the energy exchange power as ne2(Te−Ti)/Te3/2{n}_{\mathrm{e}}^{2}({T}_{\mathrm{e}}-{T}_{\mathrm{i}})/{T}_{\mathrm{e}}^{3/2}, which offers a broad ion heating profile, similar to that offered by alpha heating in future thermonuclear fusion reactors. However, the predominant electron heating may put an additional constraint on the ion heat transport, as the ratio Te/Ti > 1 can exacerbates ITG/TEM core turbulence. Therefore, in practical terms the strongly 'stiff' core transport translates into Ti-clamping in electron heated plasmas. Due to this clamping, electron heated L-mode scenarios, with standard gas fueling, in either tokamaks or stellarators may struggle to reach high normalized ion temperature gradients required in a compact fusion reactor. The comparison shows that core heat transport in neoclassically optimized stellarators is driven by the same mechanisms as in tokamaks. The absence of a strong H-mode temperature edge pedestal in stellarators, sofar (which, like in tokamaks, could lift the clamped temperature-gradients in the core), puts a strong requirement on reliable and sustainable core turbulence suppression techniques in stellarators.EC/H2020/633053/EU/Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon 2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium/Eurato

    Magnetic configuration effects on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator

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    \u3cp\u3e The two leading concepts for confining high-temperature fusion plasmas are the tokamak and the stellarator. Tokamaks are rotationally symmetric and use a large plasma current to achieve confinement, whereas stellarators are non-axisymmetric and employ three-dimensionally shaped magnetic field coils to twist the field and confine the plasma. As a result, the magnetic field of a stellarator needs to be carefully designed to minimize the collisional transport arising from poorly confined particle orbits, which would otherwise cause excessive power losses at high plasma temperatures. In addition, this type of transport leads to the appearance of a net toroidal plasma current, the so-called bootstrap current. Here, we analyse results from the first experimental campaign of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator, showing that its magnetic-field design allows good control of bootstrap currents and collisional transport. The energy confinement time is among the best ever achieved in stellarators, both in absolute figures (Ï„ \u3csub\u3eE\u3c/sub\u3e > 100 ms) and relative to the stellarator confinement scaling. The bootstrap current responds as predicted to changes in the magnetic mirror ratio. These initial experiments confirm several theoretically predicted properties of Wendelstein 7-X plasmas, and already indicate consistency with optimization measures. \u3c/p\u3

    Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium-tritium operation with the ITER like-wall

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    \u3cp\u3eFor the past several years, the JET scientific programme (Pamela et al 2007 Fusion Eng. Des. 82 590) has been engaged in a multi-campaign effort, including experiments in D, H and T, leading up to 2020 and the first experiments with 50%/50% D-T mixtures since 1997 and the first ever D-T plasmas with the ITER mix of plasma-facing component materials. For this purpose, a concerted physics and technology programme was launched with a view to prepare the D-T campaign (DTE2). This paper addresses the key elements developed by the JET programme directly contributing to the D-T preparation. This intense preparation includes the review of the physics basis for the D-T operational scenarios, including the fusion power predictions through first principle and integrated modelling, and the impact of isotopes in the operation and physics of D-T plasmas (thermal and particle transport, high confinement mode (H-mode) access, Be and W erosion, fuel recovery, etc). This effort also requires improving several aspects of plasma operation for DTE2, such as real time control schemes, heat load control, disruption avoidance and a mitigation system (including the installation of a new shattered pellet injector), novel ion cyclotron resonance heating schemes (such as the three-ions scheme), new diagnostics (neutron camera and spectrometer, active Alfven eigenmode antennas, neutral gauges, radiation hard imaging systems...) and the calibration of the JET neutron diagnostics at 14 MeV for accurate fusion power measurement. The active preparation of JET for the 2020 D-T campaign provides an incomparable source of information and a basis for the future D-T operation of ITER, and it is also foreseen that a large number of key physics issues will be addressed in support of burning plasmas.\u3c/p\u3