205 research outputs found

    Shock wave collisions in AdS5: approximate numerical solutions

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    We numerically study the evolution of a boost-invariant N=4 SYM medium using AdS/CFT. We consider a toy model for the collision of gravitational shock waves, finding that the energy density first increases, reaches a maximum and then starts to decrease, matching hydrodynamics for late times. For the initial conditions we consider, the hydrodynamic scale governing the late time behaviour is to very good approximation determined by the area of the black hole horizon at initial times. Our results provide a toy model for the early time evolution of the bulk system in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and the LHC.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    Fouling and Cleaning of Modified Stainless Steel Plate Heat Exchangers Processing Milk Products

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    Fouling of heat exchangers in dairy industries is still quite a severe problem both technically and economically. Altering the surface properties of the heating surfaces would be a way of solving this issue. Modified steel surfaces were tested in an Alfa Laval V2 plate heat exchanger throughout dairy product sterilization. The behavior was analyzed for 8 different surface treatments, such as coatings (Diamond Like Carbon [DLC], Silica, SiOX, Ni-P-PTFE, ExcaliburÂź, XylanÂź) and ion implantation (SiF+, MoS2). All fouling and cleaning experiments were carried out in standard and well-controlled operating conditions. After fouling, no significant difference could be seen between all the modified steels and the reference by statistical variance analysis. Cleaning efficiency of Ni-PPTFE appeared significantly the best. It could be suggested that the free surface energy plays a predominant role and the roughness a minor role in the level of fouling and cleaning efficiency

    The dynamics of quark-gluon plasma and AdS/CFT

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    In these pedagogical lectures, we present the techniques of the AdS/CFT correspondence which can be applied to the study of real time dynamics of a strongly coupled plasma system. These methods are based on solving gravitational Einstein's equations on the string/gravity side of the AdS/CFT correspondence. We illustrate these techniques with applications to the boost-invariant expansion of a plasma system. We emphasize the common underlying AdS/CFT description both in the large proper time regime where hydrodynamic dynamics dominates, and in the small proper time regime where the dynamics is far from equilibrium. These AdS/CFT methods provide a fascinating arena interrelating General Relativity phenomenae with strongly coupled gauge theory physics.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures. Lectures at the 5th Aegean summer school, `From gravity to thermal gauge theories: the AdS/CFT correspondence'. To appear in the proceedings in `Lecture Notes in Physics

    Holographic Evolution of Entanglement Entropy

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    We study the evolution of entanglement entropy in a 2-dimensional equilibration process that has a holographic description in terms of a Vaidya geometry. It models a unitary evolution in which the field theory starts in a pure state, its vacuum, and undergoes a perturbation that brings it far from equilibrium. The entanglement entropy in this set up provides a measurement of the quantum entanglement in the system. Using holographic techniques we recover the same result obtained before from the study of processes triggered by a sudden change in a parameter of the hamiltonian, known as quantum quenches. Namely, entanglement in 2-dimensional conformal field theories propagates with velocity v^2=1. Both in quantum quenches and in the Vaidya model equilibration is only achieved at the local level. Remarkably, the holographic derivation of this last fact requires information from behind the apparent horizon generated in the process of gravitational collapse described by the Vaidya geometry. In the early stages of the evolution the apparent horizon seems however to play no relevant role with regard to the entanglement entropy. We speculate on the possibility of deriving a thermalization time for occupation numbers from our analysis.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Long-Range Rapidity Correlations in Heavy Ion Collisions at Strong Coupling from AdS/CFT

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    We use AdS/CFT correspondence to study two-particle correlations in heavy ion collisions at strong coupling. Modeling the colliding heavy ions by shock waves on the gravity side, we observe that at early times after the collision there are long-range rapidity correlations present in the two-point functions for the glueball and the energy-momentum tensor operators. We estimate rapidity correlations at later times by assuming that the evolution of the system is governed by ideal Bjorken hydrodynamics, and find that glueball correlations in this state are suppressed at large rapidity intervals, suggesting that late-time medium dynamics can not "wash out" the long-range rapidity correlations that were formed at early times. These results may provide an insight on the nature of the "ridge" correlations observed in heavy ion collision experiments at RHIC and LHC, and in proton-proton collisions at LHC.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figures; v2: typos corrected, references adde

    Deep Inelastic Scattering in Conformal QCD

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    We consider the Regge limit of a CFT correlation function of two vector and two scalar operators, as appropriate to study small-x deep inelastic scattering in N=4 SYM or in QCD assuming approximate conformal symmetry. After clarifying the nature of the Regge limit for a CFT correlator, we use its conformal partial wave expansion to obtain an impact parameter representation encoding the exchange of a spin j Reggeon for any value of the coupling constant. The CFT impact parameter space is the three-dimensional hyperbolic space H3, which is the impact parameter space for high energy scattering in the dual AdS space. We determine the small-x structure functions associated to the exchange of a Reggeon. We discuss unitarization from the point of view of scattering in AdS and comment on the validity of the eikonal approximation. We then focus on the weak coupling limit of the theory where the amplitude is dominated by the exchange of the BFKL pomeron. Conformal invariance fixes the form of the vector impact factor and its decomposition in transverse spin 0 and spin 2 components. Our formalism reproduces exactly the general results predict by the Regge theory, both for a scalar target and for gamma*-gamma* scattering. We compute current impact factors for the specific examples of N=4 SYM and QCD, obtaining very simple results. In the case of the R-current of N=4 SYM, we show that the transverse spin 2 component vanishes. We conjecture that the impact factors of all chiral primary operators of N=4 SYM only have components with 0 transverse spin.Comment: 44+16 pages, 7 figures. Some correction

    Colliding AdS gravitational shock waves in various dimensions and holography

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    The formation of marginally trapped surfaces in the off-center collision of two shock waves on AdS_D (with D=4,5,6,7 and 8) is studied numerically. We focus on the case when the two waves collide with nonvanishing impact parameter while the sources are located at the same value of the holographic coordinate. In all cases a critical value of the impact parameter is found above which no trapped surface is formed. The numerical results show the existence of a simple scaling relation between the critical impact parameter and the energy of the colliding waves. Using the isometries of AdS_D we relate the solutions obtained to the ones describing the collision of two waves with a purely holographic impact parameter. This provides a gravitational dual for the head-on collision of two lumps of energy of unequal size.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures. v2: minor changes, typos corrected. To appear in JHE

    Quantum Fluctuations and the Unruh Effect in Strongly-Coupled Conformal Field Theories

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    Through the AdS/CFT correspondence, we study a uniformly accelerated quark in the vacuum of strongly-coupled conformal field theories in various dimensions, and determine the resulting stochastic fluctuations of the quark trajectory. From the perspective of an inertial observer, these are quantum fluctuations induced by the gluonic radiation emitted by the accelerated quark. From the point of view of the quark itself, they originate from the thermal medium predicted by the Unruh effect. We scrutinize the relation between these two descriptions in the gravity side of the correspondence, and show in particular that upon transforming the conformal field theory from Rindler space to the open Einstein universe, the acceleration horizon disappears from the boundary theory but is preserved in the bulk. This transformation allows us to directly connect our calculation of radiation-induced fluctuations in vacuum with the analysis by de Boer et al. of the Brownian motion of a quark that is on average static within a thermal medium. Combining this same bulk transformation with previous results of Emparan, we are also able to compute the stress-energy tensor of the Unruh thermal medium.Comment: 1+31 pages; v2: reference adde

    Early-Time Energy Loss in a Strongly-Coupled SYM Plasma

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    We carry out an analytic study of the early-time motion of a quark in a strongly-coupled maximally-supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma, using the AdS/CFT correspondence. Our approach extracts the first thermal effects as a small perturbation of the known quark dynamics in vacuum, using a double expansion that is valid for early times and for (moderately) ultrarelativistic quark velocities. The quark is found to lose energy at a rate that differs significantly from the previously derived stationary/late-time result: it scales like T^4 instead of T^2, and is associated with a friction coefficient that is not independent of the quark momentum. Under conditions representative of the quark-gluon plasma as obtained at RHIC, the early energy loss rate is a few times smaller than its late-time counterpart. Our analysis additionally leads to thermally-corrected expressions for the intrinsic energy and momentum of the quark, in which the previously discovered limiting velocity of the quark is found to appear naturally.Comment: 39 pages, no figures. v2: Minor corrections and clarifications. References added. Version to be published in JHE
