39 research outputs found

    Visualização conceitual da mecânica quântica

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    Boletín del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional: Epoca 2ª Número 216 - 1952 Agosto 03

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    Apresenta-se uma introdução elementar à interpretação da mecânica quântica conhecida como “interpretação da onda piloto”, inicialmente proposta por Louis de Broglie e posteriormente elaborada por David Bohm. Com o objetivo de adequar o nível do tratamento a um primeiro curso de mecânica quântica, considera-se apenas o caso de uma única partícula, ignorando aspectos associados ao spin. Os assuntos tradicionalmente abordados em tal curso, quais sejam, a partícula livre, a partícula ligada, a reflexão e a transmissão por uma barreira de potencial, o átomo de hidrogênio e o experimento de duas fendas, são discutidos do ponto de vista dessa interpretação, focando em especial a visualização das trajetórias da partícula.An elementary introduction to the interpretation of quantum mechanics known as “pilot-wave interpretation”, initially proposed by Louis de Broglie and further elaborated by David Bohm, is presented. With the aim of adapting the treatment level to a first quantum-mechanics course, only the case of a single particle is considered, disregarding aspects associated with spin. The topics usually covered in such a course, namely the free particle, the bound particle, reflection by and transmission through a potential barrier, the hydrogen atom, and the double-slit experiment, are discussed from the viewpoint of the interpretation in question, focusing in particular on the graphic visualization of particle trajectories

    Nuclear densities and the statistics of nucleonic constituents

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    In the quark model of the nucleon, the Fermi statistics of the elementary constituents can in6uence significantly the properties of multinucleon bound systems. In the Skyrme model, on the other hand, the basic quanta are bosons, so that qualitatively different statistics effects can be expected a priori. In order to illustrate this point, we construct schematic one-dimensional quark and soliton models which yield fermionic nucleons with identical baryon densities. We then compare the baryon densities of a two-nucleon bound state in both models. Whereas in the quark model the Pauli principle for quarks leads to a depletion of the density in the central region of the nucleus, the soliton model predicts a slight increase of the density in that region, due to the bosonic statistics of the meson-field quanta

    Banco de Problemas Inteligente

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