12 research outputs found

    E-Learning Model for Equivalency Education Program in Indonesia

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    with the emergence of e-Learning, governments provide opportunities for online learning, whether formal or informal.  However, most of e-learning systems in Indonesia have been used at formal education environments, today. Therefore, this study proposes an E-Learning model to support non-formal education in Indonesia. This model is called as E-learning for the Equivalency Education Program (E-LEEP) model. The E-LEEP consists of three components: User, Education Program, and Monitoring. The user will be students and tutor. The education program includes Package A,  Package B,  and Package C  for elementary school, junior  high school, and senior  high school respectively. The monitoring will be used by institution and stakeholders. Each component will support the needs of students programs in e-Learning environment, in order to achieve the goal learning

    Using Algorithm Jean Meuus and Solrad Simulation Application in Determining Early Months Qamariyah

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    AbstractIn terms of determining the beginning of the month Qamariah required reasoning of astronomy, Science of this is one area of science that is recommended to be studied in order to determine it Muslim worship such as fasting, Eid-ul-Fitr, Hajj, and others - others. Practically Science of Falak is widely used to determine the direction of Qibla (Direction Muslim prayers) from a place far from the place where it can not directly see the Ka’bah (the reference point for determining the direction Muslims worship Shalaf). Science of Falak is also useful for determining the beginning of the month or the 1st of every month for Qamariyah (Years by or determined by the circulation of the month). A large difference in determining Qamariah beginning is often the case in Indonesia and a debate every year, for that to be expected with this research is to help Jean Meuus and Solrad algorithms in the form of simulator applications can help in the early months of Qomariah determine the support of Data Ephemeris Sun and moon obtained from several options algorithms accurately recognized by the astronomical community, early calculations using solar Ephemeris data method in accordance with the calculation in the Department of Religious Affairs in the State of Indonesia


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    ABSTRAKPosyandu lansia (Bindu) merupakan program yang dilakukan berdasarkan inisiatif dan kepedulian masyarakat terhadap para lansia dengan tujuan mengakomodasikan kebutuhan lansia untuk mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan. Sistem pendataan pada posyandu lansia (bindu) Rusunawa Pulo Gebang RT007/011 ini masih menggunakan sistem yang sederhana dan manual dengan melakukan pencatatan  menggunakan buku dan kartu lansia yang bersifat konvensional. Seringkali dalam pelaksanaan ditemukan banyak kekurangan sehingga menimbulkan kesalahan dalam pendataan informasi mengenai penulisan nama pasien lansia yang tidak lengkap, kesalahan pada umur pasien lansia, serta data riwayat kesehatan para lansia yang tidak sesuai.  Untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut maka perlu adanya sebuah sistem yang berguna untuk memudahkan pengelolaan data maupun penyimpanan informasi pada posyandu lansia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang sebuah sistem informasi pada posyandu lansia berbasis web. Sistem ini dirancang agar dapat mempermudah petugas posyandu dalam melakukan pendataan dan pengolahan data pasien lansia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tahapan observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Implementasi sistem informasi ini berjalan dengan lancer dimana dapat  menghasilkan output berupa laporan data pasien lansia, jumlah pasien lansia serta laporan hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan lansia yang dapat disimpan dalam bentuk file computer dan di print. Kata kunci: lansia; posyandu; sistem informasi. ABSTRACTPosyandu for the elderly (Bindu) is a program carried out based on community initiatives and concerns for the elderly with the aim of accommodating the needs of the elderly to obtain health services. The data collection system at the elderly posyandu (bindu) Rusunawa Pulo Gebang RT007/011 still uses a simple and manual system by recording using conventional elderly books and cards. Often in the implementation, many shortcomings are found, causing errors in data collection of information regarding writing the names of elderly patients who are incomplete, errors in the age of elderly patients, and inappropriate data on the health history of the elderly. To overcome these obstacles, it is necessary to have a system that is useful to facilitate data management and information storage at the Posyandu for the elderly. The purpose of this study was to design an information system at the web-based posyandu for the elderly. This system is designed to make it easier for posyandu officers to collect and process data on elderly patients. This research was conducted with the stages of observation, interviews, and literature study as data collection techniques. The implementation of this information system runs smoothly which can produce output in the form of data reports on elderly patients, the number of elderly patients and reports on the results of elderly health checks which can be saved in the form of computer files and printed. Keywords: ederly; posyandu; information systems


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    New Student Admission at each school is the most important because it is the entrance gate for prospective new students at the school and can obtain information about prospective new students through the student documents which of course must be archived for future needs. The system that runs on the New Student Admissions Information System At SMP IDN Boarding School are still many problems that are obtained, whether it's the student registration process, data archiving to reports to the Principal, there are many weaknesses, both from supporting data or the structure of the irregular input and selection process. , there are still many piles of data that have not been managed properly so that there can be duplication of data originating from the same process. The research method used for preparation of this community service report is a descriptive research method using the PHP programming language, while the techniques are interviews, observations, and literature studies. With this community service, it is hoped that can provide a solution in the form of a New Student Admission Application Program which can used for support and simplify the processing of the New Student Admission System.Penerimaan Siswa Baru pada setiap sekolah merupakan langkah pertama dan termasuk salah satu yang terpenting karena merupakan gerbang masuk calon siswa baru pada sekolah tersebut dan sekolah dapat mendapatkan informasi calon siswa baru tersebut melalui dokumen dokumen calon siswa tersebut yang tentu saja harus diarsip demi kebutuhan mendatang. Sistem yang berjalan pada Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Siswa Baru Pada SMP IDN Boarding School masih banyak permasalahan yang didapat baik itu proses pendaftaran siswa,  pengarsipan data sampai dengan laporan kepada Kepala Sekolah didapatkan banyak kelemahan baik dari data pendukung ataupun struktur dari proses penginputan dan penyeleksian yang tidak teratur, masih banyaknya tumpukan data yang belum dikelola dengan baik sehingga bisa terjadi penggandaan data yang berasal dari satu proses yang sama. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penyusunan laporan pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu dengan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan aplikasi bahasa pemrograman PHP, sedangkan tekniknya adalah interview/wawancara, observasi/pengamatan, dan studi pustaka. Dengan adanya pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan dapat memberikan suatu solusi yang berbentuk sebuah Program Aplikasi Penerimaan Siswa Baru SMP IDN Boarding School yang mana nantinya bisa dipergunakan untuk mendukung serta mempermudah dalam pengolahan Sistem Penerimaan Siswa Baru Pada SMP IDN Boarding School.

    Health Detection of Betal Leaves Using Self-Organizing Map and Thresholding Algorithm

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    Betel leaf is one of the plants that is widely used as a natural or traditional medicine by the community, natural treatment with the use of plants is relatively safer. But there is a problem when we choose healthy betel leaves because of our mistakes in choosing which betel leaves are healthy and which are not. With this research the authors aim to detect healthy and sick betel leaves using data collection. Feature extraction used is the value of Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) and Hue, Saturation, and Value (HSV) to get the characteristics of the color image. Then the results of the feature extraction are used to classify the health of green betel leaves using the Self-Organizing Maps method. The green betel leaf data used is 1500 images for train data and 450 images for testing data are image test data, test data that produces an evaluation value with an accuracy value of 97.20% on the Self-Organizing Maps method

    Detection of The Deaf Signal Language Using The Single Shot Detection (SSD) Method

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    Sign Language is a language that prioritizes manual communication, body language, and lip movements, instead of sound, to communicate. Deaf people are the main group who use this language, usually by combining hand shape, orientation and movement of the hands, arms, and body, and facial expressions to express their thoughts. Therefore, the researcher created an image recognition program in sign language using the Single Shot Detection (SSD) method, which is a convolution activity by combining several layers of preparation, by utilizing several components that move together and are motivated by a biological sensory system. The letters used in making sign language programs use the letters of the alphabet (az). This sign language detection programming that runs on the Google Collaboratory applicatio

    Sign Language Detection System Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Method

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    Sign language is a language that prioritizes communication with hands, body language, and lip movements to communicate. The deaf are the main group who use this language, often combining hand shape, hand, arm and body orientation and movement, and facial expressions to express their thoughts. The sign language detection system is designed using the Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). This study uses data from the kaggle.com dataset, which is a site that provides research data on artificial intelligence. This study was conducted to recognize empty hand signals. Where it will help users naturally without any additional help. The test is carried out using a data set as evidenced by 1 display. In this process, The characteristics of the hand were carried out using the Histogram Oriented Gradient (HOG) method. Meanwhile, to separate it from the background image, it is used with color segmentation. The results of the process are then taken for classification. The classification process uses the Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System method. The results of the tests carried out for accuracy are as much a

    Segmentasi Citra Grayscale Dengan Metode K-Means Clustering gerak tangan bahasa isyarat indonesia

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    Teknik pengolahan citra digital merupakan salah satu produk pengembangan dari teknologi komputasi. Pengolahan data citra Bahasa isyarat berbasis komputer mempermudah mencermati suatu isyrat dengan cepat dan tepat, namun potensi ini belum banyak terlihat baik untuk riset ataupun untuk keperluan di Indonesia. pengolahan yang lebih teliti diperlukan dari setiap perubahan pada Bahasa yang ada di suatu negara, terutama Alfabet.Citra yang diamati secara manual kurang episien dalam menentukan suatu menterjemahkan, sehingga menyebabkan analisis secara visual untuk objek yang menjadi perhatian sulit dilakukan. Salah satu pengolahan citra digital adalah segmentasi. Prosesnya dimulai dengan menginput citra digital bahasa isyarat, selanjutnya dikonversi citra. Kemudian dilakukan proses segmentasi terhadap citra. Selanjutnya, dipilih hasil segmentasi dan ditandai dengan metode K-means Clustering yang dipertajam dengan proses dilasi. Proses terakhir adalah membuat Kluster terhadap hasil proses dilasi dan citra Bahasa isyarat.data kluster/centroid dengan menggunakan Grayscale sebagai pemudah proses seleksi program. Keseluruhan proses ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan MATLAB, Pada percobaan kali ini saya mengngerjakan pengenalan objek dari sebuah gambar Bahasa Isyarat. menggunakan metode K-means.Kami lakukan dengan tujuan dapat membedakan yang  objek. Metode ini mengubah Citra yang semula berwarna menjadi gambar abu-abu dan nilai komponen luminance di atur ke nilai tertentu supaya mengurangi intentsitas cahaya. Kemudian menetapkan angka batas yang di gunakan untuk mengelompokan hubungan antara nilai K dan nilai tengah gambar. Setelah proses tersebut akan dilakukan pencocokan antara gambar segmentasi dengan ganbar asli dan akan di berikan tanda jika object sudah terdeteksi. Algoritma clusteringdisusun dengan  menggunakan  program  Matlab  2013a,  dengan menguji  coba  nilai k=  3, 4,  5,...,10. Dari  penelitian  diperoleh  bahwa k=  8  dapat  memvisualisasikan pembentukan warna yang lebih nyata dibanding dengan jumlah clusteryang lain


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    Academic value and student presence play an important role for every process of teaching and learning activities, especially to find out the level of learning success during school. However, these activities have not been carried out optimally because parents still experience difficulties in monitoring their child's learning activities in school and storing their data is still using paper stored in school documents so that data loss is easy. In analyzing, researchers use the SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) method to analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Researchers can conclude that with the application of monitoring academic values and attendance students are expected to be able to overcome these problems, this system is not just a data input media student presence and academic value but can also be used as a medium of attendance information and student academic value for parents so that he can monitor his son's daughter while in school. With the application of academic values and attendance students can reduce data loss and foster a sense of parental trust in school.Nilai akademik dan presensi siswa memegang peranan penting untuk setiap proses kegiatan belajar mengajar terutama untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan belajar selama di sekolah. Namun, kegiatan tersebut belum dapat dilaksanakan secara optimal dikarenakan orang tua siswa masih mengalami kesulitan dalam memantau kegiatan belajar anak mereka di sekolah dan penyimpanan datanya masih menggunakan kertas yang disimpan didalam dokumen sekolah sehingga mudah dalam kehilangan data. Dalam menganalisa, peneliti  menggunakan metode SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) untuk menganalisa kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman. Peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa dengan adanya aplikasi monitoring nilai akademik dan presensi siswa diharapkan agar bisa mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut, sistem ini tidak hanya sekedar media penginput data presensi siswa dan nilai akademik saja tetapi juga bisa dijadikan media informasi kehadiran dan nilai akademik siswa bagi orang tua agar bisa memantau putra putrinya selama di sekolah. Dengan adanya aplikasi nilai akademik dan presensi siswa dapat memperkecil kehilangan data dan menumbuhkan rasa kepercayaan orang tua terhadap sekolah