1,082 research outputs found

    Statistical Models of Treatment Effects in Chronic Hepatitis B and C

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    This thesis regards treatment effects in patients with chronic hepatitis B and C, and focuses on the tools that are used to analyse these effects. In this introduction the clinical background of hepatitis B and C along with the current treatment options are described. Clinical questions arisen from the effects of treatment are stated and the current state of art of statistical models to study these effects is provided

    Implementacija industrije 4.0 u primarnoj preradi drva u SAD-u

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    Understanding barriers to implementation of Industry 4.0 strategies is a first step to enable companies to begin to use and implement new technologies; using new technologies will allow mills to improve efficiency and stay relevant in the face of increasing international competition. This study uses a mail survey to gather insights regarding awareness of technologies within the US primary wood products industry as well as the barriers to using new technologies. Awareness of technologies is generally low, especially with respect to additive manufacturing, autonomous systems, and big data. Lack of skilled workers is the primary limiting factor to implementation of new technologies with other key factors being out-of-date facilities and unclear financial benefits. Existing expertise was highest in manufacturing process monitoring and data analysis, and lowest in robotics. Only a very small group of respondents have already implemented any form of robotics. Overall, only six respondents (6.7 %) have an Industry 4.0 strategy, while 77 % did not recognize the terms “Industry 4.0” or “Smart Manufacturing.” Results suggest considerable room for additional application of I4.0 technologies in the industry.Razumijevanje prepreka za implementaciju strategija industrije 4.0 prvi je korak koji će omogućiti tvrtkama uvođenje i primjenu novih tehnologija. Uvođenjem tih novih tehnologija pilane će poboljšati svoju učinkovitost uz zadržavanje konkurentnosti. Ovo se istraživanje temelji na poštom upućenoj anketi kako bi se dobio uvid u svjesnost o tehnologijama u industriji primarne prerade drva u SAD-u, kao i o preprekama za primjenu novih tehnologija. Svjesnost o tehnologijama općenito je niska, posebice za aditivnu proizvodnju, autonomne sustave i velike baze podataka. Nedostatak kvalificiranih radnika najveći je ograničavajući faktor za primjenu novih tehnologija, a ostali su otežavajući činitelji zastarjela postrojenja i nejasnoće o financijskim koristima što ih donosi primjena novih tehnologija. Najveća je stručnost zabilježena u području praćenja proizvodnih procesa i analizi podataka, a najmanja u robotici. Samo je vrlo mala skupina ispitanika već primijenila neki od oblika robotike. Ukupno samo šest ispitanika (6,7 %) ima strategiju Industrije 4.0, dok 77 % ispitanika nije prepoznalo pojmove "industrija 4.0" ili "pametna proizvodnja". Rezultati pokazuju da postoji znatan prostor za dodatnu primjenu tehnologija Industrije 4.0 u primarnoj preradi drva

    Synchrotron Sub-μ X-ray Tomography of Kirkendall Porosity in a Diffusion Couple of Nickel-Base Superalloy and Nickel after Annealing at 1250 \ub0C

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    Kirkendall porosity that forms during interdiffusion in a diffusion couple of nickel-base superalloy CMSX-10 with pure nickel is investigated. The diffusion experiments are conducted at a temperature of 1250 \ub0C, where the strengthening γ′-phase is partially dissolved. The porosity is studied by X-ray sub-μ tomography with a spatial resolution of about 0.353 μm3 at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. It is found that depending on the distance from the interface the Kirkendall pores take different shapes: octahedral, rounded pyramidal, drop shaped, dendritic, pear shaped, and joint shapes. Such a variety of pore morphologies indicates a complex multistage process of porosity nucleation and growth under vacancy supersaturation of different degrees. The experimental findings are interpreted on the basis of the results of diffusion modeling. It is shown that the kinetics of porosity growth is essentially influenced by the dissolution of the γ′-phase

    In Situ 3D-µ-Tomography on Particle-Reinforced Light Metal Matrix Composite Materials under Creep Conditions

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    In transportation light metal matrix composites (L-MMCs) are used increasingly due to their improved creep resistance even at higher application temperatures. Therefore, the creep behavior and failure mechanisms of creep loaded particle reinforced L-MMCs have been investigated intensively. Until now, creep damage analyses are usually performed ex situ by means of interrupted creep experiments. However, ex situ methods do not provide sufficient information about the evolution of creep damage. Hence, in situ synchrotron X-ray 3D-µ-tomography investigations were carried out enabling time and space resolved studies of the damage mechanisms in particle-reinforced titanium- and aluminum-based metal matrix composites (MMCs) during creep. The 3D-data were visualized and existing models were applied, specifying the phenomenology of the damage in the early and late creep stages. During the early stages of creep, the damage is determined by surface diffusion in the matrix or reinforcement fracture, both evolving proportionally to the macroscopic creep curve. In the late creep stages the damage mechanisms are quite different: In the Al-MMC, the identified mechanisms persist proportional to creep strain. In contrast, in the titanium-MMC, a changeover to the mechanism of dislocation creep evolving super-proportionally to creep strain occurs.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel – 202

    Baseline anti-NS4a antibodies in combination with on-treatment quantitative HCV-RNA reliably identifies nonresponders to pegylated interferon-ribavirin combination therapy after 4 weeks of treatment

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    Background Early detection of nonresponders to hepatitis C therapy limits unnecessary exposure to treatment and its side-effects. A recent algorithm combining baseline anti-NS4a antibodies and on-treatment quantitative PCR identified nonresponders to a combination of interferon and ribavirin after 1 week of treatment. Aim To validate a stopping rule based on baseline anti-NS4a antibody levels and early on-treatment virological response in treatment-naive genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C patients treated with the current standard pegylated interferon and ribavirin combination therapy. Methods Eighty-nine genotype 1 patients from the Dynamically Individualized Treatment of hepatitis C Infection and Correlates of Viral/Host dynamics Study treated for 48 weeks with standard 180 mu g pegylated interferon (PEG-IFN)-alpha-2a (weekly) and ribavirin 1000-1200mg (daily) were analysed. Baseline anti-NS4a antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (NS4a AA 1687-1718) was performed on pretreatment serum. Hepatitis C virus-RNA was assessed at days 0, 1, 4, 7, 8, 15, 22, 29, weeks 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 6 weekly thereafter until end of treatment. Multiple regression logistic analysis was performed. Results Overall 54 of 89 (61%) patients achieved sustained virological response. A baseline anti-NS4a antibody titre less than 1/1250 correlated with absence of favourable initial viral decline according to variable response types (P=0.015). The optimal algorithm was developed using the combination of the absence of anti-NS4a Ab (= 100.000 IU/ml at week 4. This algorithm has a specificity of 43% and negative predictive value of 100% to detect nonresponse to standard PEG-IFN-alpha-2a and ribavirin therapy at fourth week of therapy (intention-to-treat analysis). Conclusion The decision to stop the therapy in genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C patients treated with PEG-IFN-alpha-2a and ribavirin can be confidently made after 4 weeks of treatment based on the absence of baseline anti-NS4a Ab and a week-4 hepatitis C virus-RNA above 100.000 IU/ml. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 22:1443-1448 (C) 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins