472 research outputs found

    Sulle orme del consumatore affinity analysis e knowledge visualization per il processo decisionale

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    L\u2019articolo analizza i reali comportamenti di acquisto dell\u2019acquirente all\u2019interno del punto vendita e individua i pattern latenti pi\uf9 significativi attraverso un\u2019analisi di affinit\ue0 di 128.364 scontrini estratti da un dataset di 715.662 transazioni effettuate in un anno. Lo studio individua le strutture associative pi\uf9 ricorrenti relativamente alla singola merceologia. Attraverso la tecnica della Market Basket Analysis \ue8 stato possibile individuare le categorie merceologiche che creano \u201cpoli d\u2019attrazione\u201d sul punto vendita stimolando acquisti di altre categorie. In particolar modo, applicando le regole associative sul punto vendita \ue8 stato possibile identificare le \u201caree calde\u201d e le \u201caree fredde\u201d. L\u2019articolo evidenzia quindi alcune riflessioni sulle strategie che possono adottare gli store manager

    Aplicação foliar de fertilizante organo mineral e soluções de ácido húmico em soja sob plantio direto.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação foliar de produto à base de ácido húmico e da fração isolada sobre a produtividade de soja (Glycine max) em sistema de plantio direto no Cerrado.bitstream/CNPS-2010/14934/1/circtec35-2006-fertilizante.pd

    On-line tracking of the human gut microbial metabolism: high-throughput screening during colonic in-vitro fermentation

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    The human gut encloses a large community of bacteria producing a wide range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) when fermenting undigestible substrates. This study aims to provide a high throughput method to study in real-time the gut microbial volatilome when the microbiota process undigestible dietary substrates. Background: Small metabolites from the human gut microbiota are recognized as the intermediates of the microbiome-host cross-talk [1]. The research on the human gut metabolome is mainly based on discrete sampling representing discontinuous ‘snapshot’ of these complex biological systems [2]. The aim of this research work is to enhance the current understanding of the dynamics of the gut microbiota by integrating non-invasive and continuous analytical methods with in-vitro gut simulators, to monitor in real-time, the progression of small molecules released into the headspace [2,3] Methodology: Automated Head space-Solid Phase Micro Extraction coupled with Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS) and Static Headspace- Proton Transfer Reaction-Time of Flight-Mass Spectrometry (SHS-PTR-ToF-MS) are used for the purpose of this investigation. The objective is to screen and monitor a specific set of masses of interest, to gain system level mechanistic insights on primary metabolism of the gut microbial consortia. Results: This methodology enabled the continuous monitoring of multiple metabolites in time, including short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) derived from 24h oat bran fermentation. A mixture of -odd and -even chain acids were co-released into the culture headspace after 4 hours of fermentation and their relative abundance increased in time over 24 hours. The production of multiple MCFAs from the substrate is most likely a community optimization strategy to maximize ATP production from oat degradation by means of reverse beta-oxidation which involves the utilization of fermentation intermediates, such as propanol and acetate. Furthermore, the untargeted screening allowed the detection of low abundant sulfur metabolites, thiophenes, which, to our knowledge, were never investigated before as gut microbial metabolites (GMMs). Conclusion: By integrating non-invasive and continuous analytical methods with an in-vitro gut simulator, it was possible to monitor in real-time the progression of two important class of small molecules released by the microbial consortia into the headspace. The collected information can be jointly integrated to shed light on the dynamics of bacterial foraging of complex undigestible substrates (e.g. bran from cereals). Overall, these results confirm the idea to consider the bacterial headspace as a highly dynamic chemical system that contains information on microbial community behavio

    Estoque de carbono e nutrientes em solos sob diferentes usos no Sudoeste Goiano.

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    Esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os estoques de carbono e a fertilidade de solos sob diferentes usos no sudoeste goiano

    Distribuição vertical de nutrientes em solos sob diferentes usos no Sudoeste Goiano.

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    Esse trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a distribuição de nutrientes em perfis de solos sob diferentes usos no sudoeste goiano, visando quantificar áreas de concentração causadas pelo uso agrícola desses solos


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