4 research outputs found

    ¿Cómo reportan los niños las voces propias y ajenas en sus relatos de experiencia personal? Un enfoque del desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa-narrativa infantil

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    The own and others’ voices in personal narratives of children in public schools in Barranquilla were studied. First, the type of discourse reported and its insertion into the narrative structure were identified. The analysis was then carried out, based on the development of children’s communicative competence, the narrative structure of personal experience and the functions of the reported discourse. The results indicate that the reported discourse facilitates the credibility of the story, projects the narrator’s perspective and enlivens the narrated events. The use of this resource increases with age, as well as its insertion into the narrative framework.Se estudiaron las voces propias y ajenas en narrativas personales de niños de escuelas públicas de Barranquilla. Primero, se identificó el tipo de discurso reportado y su inserción en la estructura narrativa. Luego, se realizó el análisis, sustentado en el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa infantil, la estructura narrativa de experiencia personal y en las funciones del discurso reportado. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el discurso reportado facilita la credibilidad del relato, proyecta la perspectiva del narrador y vivifica los sucesos narrados. El uso de este recurso aumenta con la edad, así como su inserción en el marco narrativo


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    This work is mainly focused on aspects of children´s socio-pragmatic development in spontaneous interactions. Among the various linguistic devices that excel in the corpus of this research, we examine the linguistic phenomenon of repetition. This is how we perform the formal and functional characterization of the repetitions of the utterance itself (self-repetition) from the approach of the Systemic-functional Linguistics and the previous investigations that address this topic. Data are collected using the ethnographic method in a computer workshop recreation. 7 Recordings were analyzed, in which 15 children, 4 to 11 years old, of different genders take part. These findings include a correlation between linguistic forms of repetition (textual linguistic formulation and distribution) and the roles they play. We also noticed that as children grow up they develop competences in order to use this device in a strategic way: as to catch the attention of the interlocutor, change or modify behaviors, express one´s attitude and safeguard their own images and the other

    Caracterización formal y funcional de las repeticiones lingüísticas en el discurso infantil

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    This work is mainly focused on aspects of children´s socio-pragmatic development in spontaneous interactions. Among the various linguistic devices that excel in the corpus of this research, we examine the linguistic phenomenon of repetition. This is how we perform the formal and functional characterization of the repetitions of the utterance itself (self-repetition) from the approach of the Systemic-functional Linguistics and the previous investigations that address this topic. Data are collected using the ethnographic method in a computer workshop recreation. 7 Recordings were analyzed, in which 15 children, 4 to 11 years old, of different genders take part. These findings include a correlation between linguistic forms of repetition (textual linguistic formulation and distribution) and the roles they play. We also noticed that as children grow up they develop competences in order to use this device in a strategic way: as to catch the attention of the interlocutor, change or modify behaviors, express one´s attitude and safeguard their own images and the others�.Este trabajo enfoca principalmente aspectos del desarrollo socio-pragmático del niño en interacciones espontáneas y, en concreto, el fenómeno lingüístico de la repetición. Es así como se realiza la caracterización formal y funcional de las repeticiones del propio enunciado (autorepeticiones) desde los planteamientos de la Lingüística Sistémica-Funcional y las investigaciones precedentes que abordan este tópico. Los datos son recabados a través del método etnográfico en un taller de computación recreativa. Se analizan 7 vídeo-grabaciones en donde participan 15 niños de diferente género, entre 4 y 11 años. Como resultados se tiene que existe una correlación entre las formas lingüísticas de la repetición (formulación lingüística y distribución textual) y las funciones que estas desempeñan. Además se observa que a medida que avanza la edad, los niños desarrollan competencia para hacer uso de este dispositivo de forma estratégica: ganar la atención del interlocutor, cambiar o modificar comportamientos, expresar actitudes y salvaguardar la imagen propia y la del otro