4 research outputs found

    Inns and guesthouses on the roads from Granada to Levante in the Cartography of the 19th Century. Tools for its inventory

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    Las ventas y posadas constituyen un tipo de arquitectura fundamental en la historia de las comunicaciones de España pues son el reflejo del modo de vida y de la organización del territorio hasta el siglo XIX. En la actualidad, muchas de estas construcciones han desaparecido o se encuentran en peligro de hacerlo. No obstante, el estudio de la cartografía del XIX nos ha permitido proceder a su localización con el fin de contribuir al conocimiento y puesta en valor de estas construcciones auxiliares a los caminos, que forman parte del Patrimonio Cultural y de la obra civil de este país.Guesthouses and inns are an essential type of architecture for the history of road communications in Spain since they reflect the lifestyle and organization of the territory until the 19th century. Nowadays, many of these buildings have disappeared or are endangered. However, the study of 19th century cartography has enabled us to locate them in order to contribute to the knowledge and appreciation of these auxiliary buildings to the roads, which are part of the Cultural Heritage and civil works of this country

    Murcia Cathedral as an artwork warehouse throughout spanish Civil War. 1936-1939

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    La conservación de bienes del Patrimonio histórico durante la Guerra Civil Española en la zona Republicana estuvo en gran parte a cargo de las Juntas de Incautación, constituidas nada más comenzar ésta ante los desmanes de grupos incontrolados. Su organización y actividades fueron modificándose a lo largo de la contienda, alcanzando, a pesar de las difíciles circunstancias, un importante nivel de eficacia en la salvaguardia de estos bienes. En Murcia, se convirtió la Catedral en depósito de los objetos incautados, realizando una excelente labor de inventario y permitiendo a su vez la preservación del monumento durante este convulso periodo de su historia.The conservation of the Historic Heritage through Spanish Civil War was mainly under the responsibility of the Confiscation Councils, which were formed just after the war broke out, due to the outrages perpetrated by uncontrolled groups. Despite the difficult circumstances, its organization and activities throughout the conflict reached a level of remarkable efficiency when it comes to Heritage protection. In Murcia, the cathedral was transformed into a seized-good storehouse, which did an extraordinary inventory job and let simultaneously the conservation of the monument through this convulse period of its history

    A teaching-learning didactic experience to the historical heritage conservation

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    El presente artículo recoge los objetivos, metodología y resultados de un proyecto de innovación docente implementado en las escuelas técnicas cuyo fin es acercar al estudiantado a experiencias reales de intervención sobre el Patrimonio Histórico. Dicha propuesta ha buscado el fomento del trabajo cooperativo e interdisciplinar a través de la creación de una herramienta virtual que facilitara el conocimiento integral de la experiencia restauradora.This article introduce the objectives, methodology and results of a teaching innovation project implemented in technical schools whose aim is to bring students to real experiences within the intervention on the Historical Heritage. This proposal has sought the promotion of cooperative and interdisciplinary work through the creation of a virtual tool that eases an integral to the restorative experience

    Pathologic and Risk Analysis of the Lojuela Castle (Granada-Spain): Methodology and Preventive Conservation for Medieval Earthen Fortifications

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    This study presents a methodology generated for the preventive conservation of defensive earthen architecture, applied to the case of the Lojuela Castle (Lecrin Valley, Granada, Spain). In the application of the designed protocol, a multidisciplinary analysis of its patrimonial characteristics and multidimensional evaluation was developed, applying the technique of qualitative consultation to a group of experts—the Delphi method. This methodology allowed us to relate the hazard factors and the vulnerability of the asset for each group of risks that a ect it. The support of the method in with geographic information systems (GIS) has favored the production of predictive cartography and risk analysis—including the territorial dimensions and spatial interactions of the asset with the physical environment. This has facilitated the obtention of micro-zoning maps of each of the risks examined. The risk mapping in micro-zoning and the knowledge of the structure’s vulnerability represents an important contribution to the future conservation and management of this heritage. They favor strategies that minimize the incidence of risks and allow the prioritization of the conservation actions with a minimum economic investment, creating an e cient maintenance program. This will facilitate the protection, conservation and valorization decisions by the administration and the competent bodies involved in the protection of these sites.State Research Agency (SRA) BIA2015 69938-REuropean Union (EU